Type | Description | |||
Name as OptionEnum | An OptionEnum expression that indicates the option being changed. | |||
Variant | A Variant value that indicates the option's newly value. |
In conclusion, you can specify options for the editors as follows:
The following VB sample customizes the EditDate editor to display strings in Romanian language:
With PropertiesList1 .Option(exDateTodayCaption) = "Azi" .Option(exDateMonths) = "Ianuarie Februarie Martie Aprilie Mai Iunie Iulie August Septembrie Octombrie Decembrie" .Option(exDateWeekDays) = "D L M M J V S" .Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) = 1 .Add "Date", Date, EditDate End With
The following VB sample changes the default filter for EditFile editors :
With PropertiesList1 .Option(exEditFileFilter) = "INI Files|*.ini;*.init|All (*.*)|*.*" .Option(exEditFileTitle) = "Select an INI file" .Add "INI", "c:\temp\test.ini", EditFile, "Selects a file", "Custom" End With