property Property.SliderWidth as Long
Specifies the width the property's slider.

Long A long expression that indicates the width of the slider in the property like explained bellow.
Use the EditSlider type to assign a slider to a property. By default, the SliderWidth property is 64 pixels. 

Use the SliderMin and SliderMax properties to hold the property's Value within a range. The SliderStep property determines the slider step, when user moves the slider. The SliderTickFrequency property specifies the frequency to display ticks on a slider control.

The following sample adds different types of sliders:

With PropertiesList1
    .AllowSpin = True
    With .Add("Spin", 0.2, Edit)
        .NumericFloat = True
    End With
    With .Add("Slider with a non fixed width", 0.2, EditSlider)
        .SliderWidth = -60
        .SliderStep = 0.05
        .SpinStep = 0.05
        .SliderMin = 0
        .SliderMax = 50
    End With
    With .Add("Slider with a fixed width", 0, EditSlider)
        .SliderMin = -50
        .SliderMax = 50
    End With
    With .Add("Slider with unknown step", 0, EditSlider)
        .SliderWidth = -70
        .SpinStep = 0
        .SliderStep = 0
        .SliderMin = -50
        .SliderMax = 50
    End With
End With