constants EditTypeEnum
Here's the list of supported built- in editors. Use the Add method to insert a new property to the browser. Use the Value property to assign a value to a property. Use the PropertyChange event to notify your application that the property changes its value. Use the Select method to browse for a COM object. Use the Property.Option property to specify different settings for the current editor. Use the Option property to customize the strings or behavior for different editors. Use the ModalPropertyChange event to notify your application that the user clicks the cell's button. The control supports the following type of editors:

Button-3 Adds a button to the property, that's always visible no matter if the property is focused or selected. The EditButton or EditPage shows the button ONLY if the property is selected. The ModalPropertyChange(Property, Value, Cancel) event is fired once the user clicks the property's button (EditTypeEnum.Button type). The PropertyChange(Property) event occurs if the ModalPropertyChange event is not canceled (Cancel property is false) and the Value is changed.
Divider-2 Adds a divider property, that merges the Name and Value columns, and displays the Name, HTMLName property on the center. The Selectable property specifies whether the user can select the property at runtime. The Sortable property specifies whether the property changes its position once the user sorts a column.
Label-1 The property is read only (  has no editor assigned ) and it looks not grayed.
ReadOnly0 The property is read only (  has no editor assigned ) and it looks grayed. Use the Locked property to lock a property from being changed by the user.
Edit1 Uses a standard text box control to edit the property's value. Use the Numeric property to filter numbers of integer type. Use The NumericFloat property to filter for numbers of double type. Use the Option(exEditSingleLine) property on False to specify a multiple-lines editor.
EditColor2 Provides a drop down portion that includes standard, system, or EBN colors. Use the EditColorPage type to provide your own color editor. The EBN colors are shown only if the browsed COM object exposes a VisualAppearance property like shown in the following movie.
EditFont3 Changing the property of font types.  Use the ModalPropertyChange event to notify your application that the user clicks the cell's button. The default implementation calls the common font select dialog. Use the Option property to specify different settings for the current editor.
EditFontName4 Displays a list of fonts into your system. Provides a drop down list that includes the name of the fonts installed on your computer. 
EditPicture5 Displays the picture contained by the property. Provides a small rectangle where the picture is rendered.  Use the ModalPropertyChange event to notify your application that the user clicks the cell's button. Use the Option property to specify different settings for the current editor.
EditPage6 User can open a custom page. Use the ModalPropertyChange event to notify your application that the user clicks the cell's button. 
EditBoolean7 Displays a list with boolean values: True and False. 
EditEnum8 Presents a list of predefined values.  The property accepts only one of the predefined values. The AllowMultipleValuesOnEnum property specifies whether the drop down element displays a checkbox for flags in the enumeration lists that may be a bit combination. 
EditDate9 Changing the properties of DATE type. Provides a drop down calendar control. Use the Option property to specify different settings for the current editor.
EditPassword10 Password editor. Use the EditPassword type to mask input characters with '*' character, and to disable copy and paste inside the edit control.
EditDropDown11 Presents a list of values. The property accepts also values that are not in the list.
EditObject12 Specifies that the property is an object property, and the properties of the object are inserted. Use the EditObject to insert multiple COM objects to the same browser.
EditColorPage13 Displays cells of color type and add a button to let user changes the color using custom color dialog. Use the ModalPropertyChange event to notify your application that the user clicks the cell's button.
EditCheck14 Adds a check box entry for properties of boolean type. 
EditButton15 Adds a button and a text box to a cell. Use the ModalPropertyChange event to notify your application that the user clicks the cell's button.
EditSlider16 Adds a slider control to the property. The SliderWidth property specify the width of the slider in the property. The SliderMin and SliderMax properties indicate the range of the values used by the slider. The SliderStep property determines the proposed change when user moves the slider.  The SliderTickFrequency property specifies the frequency to display ticks on a slider control.
EditFile17 Adds a button to select a file using the common open file dialog. Use the Option property to specify different settings for the current editor.
EditFolder18 Adds a button to select a folder.
EditProperty19 Edits a property of an object. The property can have multiple parameters of any type. The ShowMultipleParams property should be on True, if the property contains multiple parameters. The property may include several child items, if one or more parameters of the property are of a predefine type such as Boolean or enumeration, that lists all possible combinations. For instance, the ItemBar property (Items.ItemBar(Item as HITEM, Key as Variant, Property as ItemBarPropertyEnum) as Variant) of the eXG2antt contains 3 parameters, the first two of Variant type, and the last parameter of it, of Enumeration type. The PropertiesList.Add "ItemBar", Array(G2antt1.Items, i, k), EditProperty adds a new property ItemBar to the browser and list all available options as follows:

As you can see the exBarCanMove option is a value of ItemBarPropertyEnum as well as all child items of the ItemBar property. In other words, the EditProperty may add a single row for a property if the property has no parameters, or have no predefined parameters, or several rows, if the property returns another object, or have several parameters of a predefined type such as Boolean or Enumeration. 

The following VB sample lists the ItemBar property (Items.ItemBar(Item as HITEM, Key as Variant, Property as ItemBarPropertyEnum) as Variant) property, for the bar from the focused item: 

With PropertiesList1
    .Add "ItemBar", Array(G2antt1.Items, G2antt1.Items.FocusItem, G2antt1.Items.FirstItemBar(G2antt1.Items.FocusItem)), EditProperty
End With
EditPropertyWildcard20 Reserved.
EditPropertyWildcardParent21 Reserved.