property ScrollBar.Caption(Part as PartEnum) as String
Specifies the caption of the part of the control.

Part as PartEnum A PartEnum expression that specifies the part where the text is displayed.
String A String expression that indicates the text being displayed. The Caption property support built-in HTML format as explained bellow.
Use the Caption property to specify a caption on any part of the control. Use the Font property to specify the control's font. Use the ForeColor property to specify the caption's color, if the <fgcolor> tag is not used. Use the Value property to specify the control's value. The CaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part area. Use the CaptionIndentX property to indent the caption on the part, on the X axis. Use the CaptionIndentY property to indent the caption of the part on the Y axis. Use the Background property to change the visual appearance for any part of the control, in any state.

The Caption property supports the following built-in HTML tags:

For instance, the following VB sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:

Private Sub ScrollBar1_Change()
    With ScrollBar1
        .Caption(exThumbPart) = .Value
    End With
End Sub

The following C++ sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:

void OnChangeScrollbar1() 
	CString strFormat;
	strFormat.Format( _T("%i"), m_scrollbar.GetValue() );
	m_scrollbar.SetCaption( 256, strFormat );

The following VB.NET sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:

With AxScrollBar1
    .set_Caption(EXSCROLLBARLib.PartEnum.exThumbPart, .Value.ToString())
End With

The following C# sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:

private void axScrollBar1_Change(object sender, EventArgs e)
    axScrollBar1.set_Caption(EXSCROLLBARLib.PartEnum.exThumbPart, axScrollBar1.Value.ToString());

The following VFP sample prints the control's Value on the control's thumb:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

with thisform.ScrollBar1
	.Caption(256) = .Value