property ScrollBar.OrderParts as String
Specifies the order of the parts in the scroll-bar.

String A String expression that indicates the order of the parts. The list includes expressions like l, l1, ..., l5, t, r, r1, ..., r6 separated by comma, each expression indicating a part of the control, and its position indicating the displaying order. 
Use the OrderParts to customize the order of the buttons in the scroll bar. By default, the OrderParts property is empty. If the OrderParts property is empty the default order of the parts in the control are displayed like follows:

so, the order of the parts is: l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l, t, r, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5 and r6. Use the VisiblePart or VisibleParts property to specify whether a part in the scrollbar is visible or hidden. Use the EnablePart property to enable or disable a part in the scroll bar. Use the Caption property to assign a caption to a button in the scroll bar.

Use the OrderParts property to change the order of the parts in the control. For instance, "l,r,t,l1,r1" puts the left and right buttons to the left of the thumb area, and the l1 and r1 buttons right after the thumb area. If the parts are not specified in the OrderParts property, automatically they are added to the end. 

The list of supported literals in the OrderParts property is:

Any other literal between commas is ignored. If duplicate literals are found, the second is ignored, and so on. For instance, "t,l,r" indicates that the left/top and right/bottom buttons are displayed right/bottom after the thumb area.