property Slider.SmallChangeF as Double
Gets or sets the value added to or subtracted from the Value property when the slider is moved a small distance( as float ).

Double A floating expression that indicates the value added to or subtracted from the Value property when the thumb is moved a small distance.
By default, the SmallChangeF property is 1.00 The SmallChange property gets or sets the value added to or subtracted from the ValueF property when the thumb is moved a small distance and the AllowFloat property is True. If the SmallChange property is 0, the Value property is not changed when clicking the left/up or down/right buttons of the control. The LargeChangeF property gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the Value property when the slider is moved a large distance. Use the MinimumF and MaximumF properties to specify the range's value. Use the Caption property to put a HTML text on any part of the control. The LabelTick property indicates the HTML expression to be displayed as labels for each tick.

The ValueF property goes from: