property SplitBar.ExtendedVisible as String
Specifies a list of property names separated by comma character, that indicates the Visible property of the extended control. The Visible property of an extended control shows or hides object.

String A String expression that specifies a list of property names separated by comma character, that indicates the Visible property of the extended control.
By default, the ExtendedVisible property is "Visible", which specifies that the split bar is using the "Visible" property of the extended control to show or hide a component on the container. The Visible property of an extended control shows or hides object. Extended controls may be implemented by OLE control containers to provide a wrapper for contained controls. The HideOnLimit property gets or sets a value that indicates whether the splitting objects are hidden when the split bar is closed to its limit. The LimitLT property specifies the expression that determines the limit to drag the splitter to left/top side of its container. The LimitRB property specifies the expression that determines the limit to drag the splitter to right/bottom side of its container. 

The /COM version may use one of the following to show / hide the object:

The /NET version shows or hides the objects:

The ExtendedVisible property is not available for /NET version.