property SplitBar.HideOnLimit as Boolean
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the splitting objects are hidden when the split bar is closed to its limit.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the splitting objects are hidden when the split bar is closed to its limit.
By default, the HideOnLimit property is True, which indicates that the splitting objects are hidden when split bar's position is Min or Max. The Min property indicates leftmost/topmost position the split bar can be moved. The Max property indicates rightmost/bottommost position the split bar can be moved. The LimitLT property specifies the expression that determines the limit to drag the splitter to left/top side of its container. The LimitRB property specifies the expression that determines the limit to drag the splitter to right/bottom side of its container. The control fires the Show event when an object requires to be shown or hidden.

The /COM version may use one of the following to show / hide the object:

The /NET version shows or hides the objects: