property Panel.OffsetPercent as String
Specifies the offset to apply when the percent bar is displayed on the panel.

String A string expression that indicates the padding of the progress-bar inside the panel. The list should be as "l t b r" where the l indicates the padding to left, t indicates the padding to top, and so on. For instance, "2 2 -2 -2" indicates that the progress-bar is padded 2 pixels from all sides of the panel.
Use the OffsetPercent property to specify the padding to display the progress-bar inside the panel. Use the Percent property to display a progress bar inside the panel. Use the Offset property to add extra padding to the text being displayed in panel. Use the Text property to assign a caption to a panel. Use the BackColorPercent property to change the visual appearance of the progress bar in the panel.

The following VB sample shows "How can I control the padding of the percent/progressbar control":

With StatusBar1
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 4,"c:\exontrol\images\border.ebn"
		.Add 5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1"
	End With
	.BackColorPanels = 83886080
	.BackColor = -2147483633
	.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)"
	With .Panel(5)
		.Text = "15%"
		.Percent = 15
		.OffsetPercent = "6 6 -6 -6"
	End With
End With
The following VB.NET sample shows "How can I control the padding of the percent/progressbar control":
With AxStatusBar1
	With .VisualAppearance
		.Add 4,"c:\exontrol\images\border.ebn"
		.Add 5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1"
	End With
	.GetOcx().BackColorPanels = &H5000000
	.GetOcx().BackColor = &H8000000f
	.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)"
	With .get_Panel(5)
		.Text = "15%"
		.Percent = 15
		.OffsetPercent = "6 6 -6 -6"
	End With
End With
The following C++ sample shows "How can I control the padding of the percent/progressbar control":
	Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as
	it defines the namespace 'EXSTATUSBARLib' for the library: 'ExStatusBar 1.0 Control Library'

	#import "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\ExStatusBar.dll"
	using namespace EXSTATUSBARLib;
EXSTATUSBARLib::IStatusBarPtr spStatusBar1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUSBAR1)->GetControlUnknown();
EXSTATUSBARLib::IAppearancePtr var_Appearance = spStatusBar1->GetVisualAppearance();
	var_Appearance->Add(5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1");
EXSTATUSBARLib::IPanelPtr var_Panel = spStatusBar1->GetPanel(long(5));
	var_Panel->PutOffsetPercent(L"6 6 -6 -6");
The following C# sample shows "How can I control the padding of the percent/progressbar control":
EXSTATUSBARLib.Appearance var_Appearance = axStatusBar1.VisualAppearance;
	var_Appearance.Add(5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1");
(axStatusBar1.GetOcx() as EXSTATUSBARLib.StatusBar).BackColorPanels = 0x5000000;
(axStatusBar1.GetOcx() as EXSTATUSBARLib.StatusBar).BackColor = 0x8000000f;
axStatusBar1.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)";
EXSTATUSBARLib.Panel var_Panel = axStatusBar1.get_Panel(5);
	var_Panel.Text = "15%";
	var_Panel.Percent = 15;
	var_Panel.OffsetPercent = "6 6 -6 -6";
The following VFP sample shows "How can I control the padding of the percent/progressbar control":
with thisform.StatusBar1
	with .VisualAppearance
		.Add(5,"CP:4 1 1 -1 -1")
	.BackColorPanels = 83886080
	.BackColor = -2147483633
	.Format = "1/2,(24;5/6)"
	with .Panel(5)
		.Text = "15%"
		.Percent = 15
		.OffsetPercent = "6 6 -6 -6"