Lane object
The Lane object indicates the lane to be shown on the pool. It includes a header and the lane itself. The Header property returns the header of the lane.

The following screen shot marks the lane itself: 

The Lane object supports the following properties and methods:


BorderSpecifies the style to display the lane's border.
BorderColorGets or sets a value that indicates the lane's border color.
ChildrenRetrieves a collection of child-lanes.
ColorGets or sets a value that indicates the lane's background color.
FitToClientResizes or/and moves the entire chart to fit the lane.
HeaderGets the header of the lane.
IDSpecifies the lane's unique identifier.
InvokeContextMenuInvokes programmatically the lane's default or customized context menu, and returns the identifier of the selected item.
ParentRetrieves the parent of the current lane.
PatternSpecifies the pattern to be shown on the lane's background.
PoolGets the owner pool of the current lane.
PositionSpecifies the lane's position.
TypeIndicates the type of the lane.
UserDataIndicates any extra data associated with the lane.