property Pool.HeaderColor(HeaderType as HeaderTypeEnum) as Color
Gets or sets a value that indicates the header's background color.

HeaderType as HeaderTypeEnum A HeaderTypeEnum expression that indicates the horizontal ( top/bottom ) or vertical ( left/right) header.
Color A Color expression that specifies the color to show header's background. The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color indicates the identifier of the skin being used to paint the part. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control. The -1 indicates that the pool's background is transparent.
By default, the HeaderColor property is -1 (transparent). The HeaderColor property gets or sets a value that indicates the header's background color. The Background(exPoolHorizontalHeaderBackColor) property specifies the visual appearance ( EBN ) or background color for the horizontal header for all pools on the surface, while HeaderColor property is -1. The Background(exPoolVerticalHeaderBackColor) property specifies the visual appearance ( EBN ) or background color for the vertical header for all pools on the surface, while HeaderColor property is -1. The HeaderPattern property specifies the pattern/frame to be shown on the header's background. The AllowHeaderExt property specifies how the corners of the pool are combined with the headers of the pool. The Color property specifies the visual appearance / background color of the pool.

The following screen shot shows the pool's header with a different visual appearance ( EBN object ):