property SwimLane.ToolBarCaption(ID as Long) as String
Specifies the HTML caption of the giving ToolBar in the control's toolbar.

ID as Long A Long expression that indicates the identifier of the caption/field being changed. The predefined identifiers are:
  • 100, Home (restores the view to the origin)
  • 101, Zoom (changes the zooming factor of the surface)
  • 102, Design (specifies the surface's design mode)
  • 103, Undo (undoes the last control operation, enabled only if the Undo operation is possible)
  • 104, Redo (redoes the next action in the control's redo queue, enabled only if the Undo operation is possible)
String A string expression that indicates the  caption or field's value.
Use the ToolBarCaption property to change captions in the control's toolbar. The ToolBarToolTip property specifies the button's tooltip. The ToolBarImages method loads icons to be displayed on the control's toolbar. The ToolBarHTMLPicture property loads custom-sized pictures to be displayed on the control's toolbar using the <img> HTML tag. Use the ToolBarFormat property to customize the control's toolbar such as adding new buttons, icons, pictures or HTML captions to control's toolbar. The control fires the ToolBarClick event when the user clicks a button in the control's toolbar. For exToolBar... values ( any value greater that 100 ), # character splits the button's label and it's identifier ( SelectedID parameter ). For instance, if the ToolBarCaption(200) = "Letter#1", the button with the identifier 200 displays the "Letter" label, while the 1 is carried to SelectedID parameter of the ToolBarClick event when it is fired. If the ToolBarCaption property includes vbCrLF ( "\r\n" sequence ), the associated buttons displays a drop down field. Use the ToolBarRefresh method to refresh the control's toolbar.

The ToolBarCaption property supports the following HTML elements: