method SwimLane.ToolBarImages (Handle as Variant)
Sets at runtime the toolbar's image list. The Handle should be a handle to an Images List Control.

Handle as Variant A long expression that identifies a handle to an Image list ( the Handle should be of HIMAGELIST type ) or a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds the icons list. Use the eximages tool to save your icons as base64 encoded format.
The ToolBarImages method assigns a list of icons to be displayed on the control's toolbar. The icons can be displayed on the control's toolbar using the <img>number</img> HTML tags.The ToolBarHTMLPicture property handles a collection of custom size picture being displayed in the HTML captions, using the <img>key</img> tags. The ToolBarReplaceIcon method replaces icons in the control's toolbar. The ToolBarCaption property specifies the caption of the button ( including icons, picture and so on ).