property Tab.CContainer as Variant
Specifies the control's container.

Variant A NET object that indicates the container of the controls to be displayed in the Tab's pages.
The CContainer property specifies the .NET container that holds the controls to be displayed in the Tab pages. Usually the CContainer property should hold a reference to the .NET form that holds the controls to be displayed in the page. Use the Controls property to assign a list of controls being assigned to a page, so they get visible when the page is activated, and they are hidden as soon as the page is deactivated.

For instance, the following VB.NET sample shows how to distribute controls to different pages of the control:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    With AxTab1
        .CContainer = Me
        .Pages(0).Controls = "Button1,CheckBox1"
        .Pages(1).Controls = "Button2,CheckBox2"
    End With
End Sub 

For instance, the following C# sample shows how to distribute controls to different pages of the control:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    axTab1.CContainer = this;
    axTab1.Pages[0].Controls = "Button1,CheckBox1";
    axTab1.Pages[1].Controls = "Button2,CheckBox2";