property Page.Controls as String
Specifies the list of controls in the page.

String A String expression that indicates the list of controls hosted in a page. The list is separated by comma. 
Use the Controls property to  specify the list of controls ( the name of the controls ), that belongs to a page, when the environment doesn't support the ISimpleFrameSite interface. 

For instance, the MS Access. .NET environment do not support the ISimpleFrameSite interface, so in these cases the controls must be specified by code using the Controls property. The following sample uses the Template property to specify the controls at design time, like follows:

	Add("Tab 1", "Tab1", 1).Controls = "Calendar1"
	Add("Tab 2", "Tab2", 2)
		Controls = "Chart1,List1"

The template adds two pages, the first one hosts the Calendar1 control, and the second page contains the Chart1 and the List1 controls. When user clicks or activate a page, the control hides the components of the pages that are hidden, and shows the components of the page that's activated. The Activate event notifies your application when a new page is activated. The Active property specifies the page that's activated.

In .NET environment, the CContainer property should refer the .NET form that holds the controls to be displayed in the page. Use the Controls property to assign a list of controls being assigned to a page, so they get visible when the page is activated, and they are hidden as soon as the page is deactivated.

For instance, the following VB.NET sample shows how to distribute controls to different pages of the control:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    With AxTab1
        .CContainer = Me
        .Pages(0).Controls = "Button1,CheckBox1"
        .Pages(1).Controls = "Button2,CheckBox2"
    End With
End Sub 

For instance, the following C# sample shows how to distribute controls to different pages of the control:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    axTab1.CContainer = this;
    axTab1.Pages[0].Controls = "Button1,CheckBox1";
    axTab1.Pages[1].Controls = "Button2,CheckBox2";