new Graph(client, oOptionsopt)
The ExGraph/JS component provides xxx. Features include:
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- and much more
Every option of the Graph.Options type has associated a property of the control. For instance, the option:
allowActions {string}, customizes the actions the user can perform once the user clicks or touches the controlis associated with the property:
AllowActions {string}, customizes the actions the user can perform once the user clicks or touches the controlwhich means that the following statements are equivalent:
oGraph.Options = {allowActions: "scroll"}where oGraph is an object of Graph type
oGraph.SetOptions({allowActions: "scroll"})
oGraph.AllowActions = "scroll"
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
client |
any | The client parameter indicates the control's client area as:
oOptions |
object |
<optional> |
An object of Graph.Options type that defines different options to display the control. |
- module:exontrol.commmon.min.js
- module:exontrol.commmon.min.js
Listeners :exontrol.Lts
The Listeners field defines the series of the control, as an object of exontrol.Lts type. The exontrol.Lts type supports forEach(callback, thisArg) method that helps you to enumerate the series the control supports. The Series section lists the series the component supports.
- exontrol.Lts
The following sample shows how you can get all series the component currently supports:
The following sample displays information about the serie being clicked:
oGraph.Listeners.Add("onclick", function (oEvent)
where oGraph is an object of Graph type
Shortcuts :exontrol.Sts
The Shortcuts field defines the shortcuts of the control, as an object of exontrol.Sts type. In order to provide keyboard support for the component, the owner <canvas> element must include the tabIndex attribute, as <canvas ... tabIndex="0">. You can associated a function or a callback to any shortcut.
- exontrol.Sts
The oGV field defines the base graph-view of control. Use the AddGraphView() method to add a new view to the control. Use the RemoveGraphView() method removes a graph-view already created by AddGraphView() method.
(static, readonly) LegendAlignEnum :number
The Graph.LegendAlignEnum type specifies the alignment of the legend's content.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exStart |
0 |
number | The legend's content is aligned to the left or top side of the view |
exCenter |
1 |
number | The legend's content is centered |
exEnd |
2 |
number | The legend's content is aligned to the right or bottom side of the view |
(static, readonly) LegendFlowEnum :number
The Graph.LegendFlowEnum type determines whether the legend objects are arranged from left to right or top to bottom.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exAuto |
-1 |
number | The legend items are arranged horizontally from left to right when the legend panel is anchored to the top/bottom side of the view. Alternatively, they are arranged vertically from top to bottom when the legend panel is anchored to the left/right side of the view. |
exLeftToRight |
0 |
number | The exLeftToRight mode indicates that the next legend object gets arranged to the right of the current legend object |
exTopToBottom |
1 |
number | The exTopToBottom mode indicates that the next legend object gets arranged to the bottom of the current legend object |
(static, readonly) LegendSymbolAlignmentEnum :number
The Graph.LegendSymbolAlignmentEnum type defines the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exHide |
0 |
number | Hides the symbols of the series |
exTop |
1 |
number | The symbol of the serie is shown on the top of the label. The exTop flag can be combined with exStart, exCenter or exEnd values. |
exBottom |
2 |
number | The symbol of the serie is shown below the label. The exBottom flag can be combined with exStart, exCenter or exEnd values. |
exLeft |
3 |
number | The symbol of the serie is shown to the left of the label. The exLeft flag can be combined with exStart, exCenter or exEnd values. |
exRight |
4 |
number | The symbol of the serie is shown to the right of the label. The exRight flag can be combined with exStart, exCenter or exEnd values. |
exFill |
5 |
number | The symbol of the serie is shown on the label's background (no extra space is allocated) |
exStart |
0 |
number | The symbol of the serie is left/top-aligned relative to the label. The exStart flag can be combined with exTop, exBottom, exLeft or exRight values. |
exCenter |
16 |
number | The symbol of the serie is centered relative to the label. The exCenter flag can be combined with exTop, exBottom, exLeft or exRight values. |
exEnd |
32 |
number | The symbol of the serie is right/bottom-aligned relative to the label. The exEnd flag can be combined with exTop, exBottom, exLeft or exRight values. |
(static, readonly) PanelDockEnum :number
The Graph.PanelDockEnum type defines the edge the legend or overview panel is anchored to.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exTop |
1 |
number | The legend(overview) is anchored to the top side of the view |
exBottom |
2 |
number | The legend(overview) is anchored to the bottom side of the view |
exLeft |
3 |
number | The legend(overview) is anchored to the left side of the view |
exRight |
4 |
number | The legend(overview) is anchored to the right side of the view |
(static, readonly) SerieStyleEnum :number
The Graph.SerieStyleEnum type indicates the way the values of the serie get connected.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exNormal |
0 |
number | The values get connected with straight line |
exSpline |
1 |
number | The values get connected with a spline curve |
(static, readonly) ShowCursorCategoryLineEnum :number
The Graph.ShowCursorCategoryLineEnum type defines the flags to show the vertical/horizontal category/x-line, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exHide |
0 |
number | The vertical/horizontal category/x-line is hidden |
exShowNear |
1 |
number | The vertical/horizontal category/x-line is shown when the pointer is near the category |
exShowAsIs |
2 |
number | The vertical/horizontal category/x-line is shown at pointer position (default) |
(static, readonly) ShowCursorSerieTooltipEnum :number
The Graph.ShowCursorSerieTooltipEnum type defines the flags to show the tooltips, when the crosshair cursor hovers the charts of the series.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exHide |
0 |
number | No tooltip is displayed when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart |
exShowNear |
1 |
number | The vertical/horizontal category/x-line indicates the series whose tooltip is displayed, when the crosshair cursor hovers the chart |
exShowExact |
2 |
number | The pointer indicates the series whose tooltip is displayed, when the crosshair cursor hovers its chart |
exShowAll |
3 |
number | Displays all tooltips for all series of the category unit being indicated by the vertical/horizontal category/x-line |
(static, readonly) ShowValueEnum :number
The Graph.ShowValueEnum type indicates the flags to show value on the chart.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exHide |
0 |
number | No point, line or value is shown |
exPoint |
1 |
number | Specifies that the value-point is displayed. The valuePoint shape defines the visual appearance of the value-point. |
exLine |
2 |
number | Specifies that the guided line to value is displayed. The valueLine shape defines the visual appearance of the guided line to value |
exValue |
4 |
number | Indicates that the value itself is shown |
exHideIfEmpty |
128 |
number | Hides the value-point, value-line and value itself if the value is empty |
(static) type :string
The type field defines the full-name of the object (the does not give the same name for minimized forms).
The Graph.type member always returns "Graph"
- string
(static) version :string
The version field defines the version of the control.
The current version is 4.2
- string
AddGraphView(name, attributesopt) → {GV}
The AddGraphView() method creates a new view to display the series. Use the RemoveGraphView() method removes a graph-view already created by AddGraphView() method.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name |
string | defines the name of the graph-view to be created. It must be an unique name. The "graph" defines the control's default-graph view, and it is reserved. If missing, the "graph.split" is used instead | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
attributes |
exontrol.W.Options |
<optional> |
A exontrol.W.Options that defines the attributes of the window
Returns the newly created view as an object of GV type. Returns null, in case there is already a window with specified name.
- Type
- GV
oGraph.AddGraphView("2nd",{Background: "black", Foreground: "white", Dock: 3}), adds a new graph-view panel, docked to the left-size, with a black-background and a white-foreground
The BeginUpdate() method suspends the control's render until the EndUpdate() method is called. It maintains performance, while multiple changes occurs within the control. You can use the Update() method to perform multiple changes at once.
The EndUpdate() method resumes the control's render, after it is suspended by the BeginUpdate() method.
GetCanvas() → {HTMLCanvasElement}
The GetCanvas() method returns the HTMLCanvasElement object where the control is currently running on.
- Since:
- 3.0
Returns the HTMLCanvasElement object where the control is currently running on.
- Type
- HTMLCanvasElement
GetLayout(oOptsopt) → {string}
The GetLayout() method saves the UI layout of the object to an encoded string. The layout can be restored using the SetLayout() method. Currently, the control's Layout property serializes the following:
- layout of windows (size, dock, parent)
- selected series
- control's zoom
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
oOpts |
object |
<optional> |
An object of {iMask,eMask,base64,equal,eol} type that defines options to serialize the properties of the container as explained bellow:
Returns a string that encodes the current UI layout for the entire object
- Type
- string
The following statements are equivalents:
oGraph.GetLayout(), gets the control's layout
oGraph.Layout, gets the control's layout
where oGraph is an object of Graph type
GetSeries() → {Series}
The GetSeries() method returns the control's series.
Returns an object of Series type.
- Type
- Series
The following statements are equivalents:
oGraph.GetSeries() {Series}, returns the control's series
oGraph.Series {Series}, returns the control's series
where oGraph is an object of Graph type
GetStatistics() → {string}
The GetStatistics() method gives statistics data of objects being hold by the control
Returns statistics data of objects being hold by the control such as:
Size: 1,680x908
Zoom: 100%
Serie: 4/4
Compatibility: area-compat
Vertical: false
Length: 4x10
- Type
- string
The following statements are equivalents:
oGraph.GetStatistics(), gives statistics data of objects being hold by the control
oGraph.Statistics, gives statistics data of objects being hold by the control
where oGraph is an object of Graph type
GraphView(name) → {GV}
The GraphView() method gets the graph-view by name (which was previously created by the AddGraphView() method)
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string | defines the name of the graph-view to request ("graph" defines the control's default-graph view) |
Returns null or the an object of GV type associated with the name
- Type
- GV
Import(source, importOptsopt)
The Import() method imports data from CSV format. The SetData(value) method is equivalent with Import(value) method.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||
source |
any | The source parameter may be one of the following:
importOpts |
object |
<optional> |
The importOpts parameter specifies options to import data into the control as object of ImportOptions type.
The Refresh() method refreshes the control
The RemoveGraphView() method removes the view already created by the AddGraphView() method
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string | defines the name of the graph-view to be removed. The "graph" defines the control's default-graph view, and it can not be removed. |
Serie(id) → {Serie}
The Item() method returns the serie based on its index or identifier/key. The Serie(id) method is equivalent with Serie(id) method of the Series object
Name | Type | Description |
id |
any | The serie parameter could be any of the following:
Returns null or an object of Serie type
- Type
- Serie
Imports data from CSV files. The SetData(value) method is equivalent with Import(value) method. The ImportOptions type defines default options to import data.
Name | Type | Description |
value |
any | Indicates the source of the data, as one of the following:
"data.txt" {string}, imports data from data.txt file
SetLayout(layout, oOptsopt)
The SetLayout() method restores the UI layout of the object from an encoded string, previously returned by the GetLayout() method. Currently, the control's Layout property serializes the following:
- layout of windows (size, dock, parent)
- selected series
- control's zoom
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
layout |
string | A string expression that defines the UI layout to apply | |
oOpts |
object |
<optional> |
An object of {iMask,eMask,base64,equal,eol} type that defines options to serialize the UI layout as explained bellow:
The SetSeries() method assigns the control's series
Name | Type | Description |
Specifies |
object | SerieOptions | Array.<object> | Array.<SerieOptions> | the series as an object (or an array of) of {category: value} or SerieOptions type |
{data: {"meta": 200, "whatsup": 300}} {object}, sets a single serie to represent, inluding the category names
{data: [1,2,3,4]} {SerieOptions}, sets a single serie to represent
[{data: [1,3,5,7]}, {data: "2,4,6,8"}] {SerieOptions[]}, sets multiple-series to represent
Update(callback, thisArgopt)
The Update() method locks the control's paint during the callback, and invalidates the control once the method ends.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
callback |
callback | Indicates a callback to perform changes within the control | |
thisArg |
any |
<optional> |
Specifies the value of "this" keyword during the callback. If missing/empty/undefined the thisArg points to the control itself, as an object of Graph type |
feI(callback, thisArgopt)
The feI/forEachSerie() method invokes the callback for each serie of the control (unscrolled(top,bottom series) and scrolled series as well)
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
callback |
callback | A function of callback(oSerie) type that's called for every serie, where oSerie is:
thisArg |
any |
<optional> |
Indicates the value of "this" keyword during the callback. If missing/empty/undefined the thisArg points to the control itself, as an object of Graph type. |
feIU(callback, thisArgopt) → {any}
The feIU/forEachSerieUnit() method invokes the callback for each serie of the control (unscrolled(top,bottom series) and scrolled series as well), until the callback returns a not-empty value
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
callback |
callback | A function of callback(oSerie) {any} type that's called for every serie, where oSerie is
thisArg |
any |
<optional> |
Indicates the value of "this" keyword during the callback. If missing/empty/undefined the thisArg points to the control itself, as an object of Graph type. |
Returns the last-value of the callback
- Type
- any
The onerror() method occurs once the control encountered an error.
Name | Type | Description |
oEvent |
object | Specifies an object of DOMException (or any other) type that holds information about the error |
The following samples display the error once it occurs:
oGraph.onerror = function (oEvent)
oGraph.Listeners.Add("onerror", function (oEvent)
where oGraph is an object of Graph type
The onload() method occurs once the control loads or imports data
The following samples display a message once the control loads or imports new data (for instance, the user drags and drops a file into the control):
oGraph.onload = function ()
oGraph.Listeners.Add("onload", function ()
where oGraph is an object of Graph type