new Pivot(client, oOptionsopt)
The ExPivot/JS is our approach to provide data summarization, as a pivot table. A pivot-table can automatically sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet. The user sets up and changes the summary's structure by dragging and dropping fields graphically. The ExPivot/JS is a HTML standalone-component, written in JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries.
The ExPivot/JS component supports/inherits all objects, properties, members, methods and events of the ExTree/JS component.
Every option of the exontrol.Tree.Options or Pivot.Options type has associated a property of the control. For instance, the option:
allowActions {string}, customizes the actions the user can perform once the user clicks or touches the controlis associated with the property:
AllowActions {string}, customizes the actions the user can perform once the user clicks or touches the controlwhich means that the following statements are equivalent:
oPivot.Options = {allowActions: "scroll"}where oPivot is an object of Pivot type
oPivot.SetOptions({allowActions: "scroll"})
oPivot.AllowActions = "scroll"
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
client |
any | The client parameter indicates the control's client area as:
oOptions |
object |
<optional> |
An object of exontrol.Tree.Options type that defines different options to display the control. Additionally, it supports all fields of Pivot.Options class. |
- module:exontrol.commmon.min.js
- module:exontrol.tree.min.js
- module:exontrol.commmon.min.js
- module:exontrol.tree.min.js
The Refresh() method refreshes the control.
- Since:
- 4.2
(static, readonly) PivotBarVisibleEnum :number
The Pivot.PivotBarVisibleEnum type specifies options/flags/properties of the control's pivot bar.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exPivotBarHidden |
0 |
number | The control's pivot bar is hidden. |
exPivotBarVisible |
1 |
number | The control's pivot bar is visible. Include or exclude this flag to show or hide the control's pivot bar. |
exPivotBarSizable |
2 |
number | The pivot bar is sizable. Include or exclude this flag to allow or prevent resizing the pivot bar at runtime. If this flag is present, the user can resize the pivot bar by dragging the bottom side of the control. The resize cursor is shown when the pivot bar is resizable and cursor hovers the bottom side of the pivot bar. |
exPivotBarFloat |
4 |
number | The pivot bar is shown into a floating window. Include this flag, to display the control's pivot bar to a separate window (a floating panel) |
exPivotBarAutoFit |
8 |
number | The pivot bar's height is updated automatically so all elements fits the client area (When this flag is present, the height of the pivot's bar is automatically adjusted so the entire content fits the header). |
exPivotBarShowTotals |
16 |
number | The pivot bar shows the total/sub-total fields. Include or exclude this flag to show or hide the Total field in the pivot bar. |
exPivotBarAutoHide |
32 |
number | Shows the pivotbar as soon as the cursor hovers it, and hides it as soon as the cursor leaves it |
exPivotBarAllowValues |
64 |
number | Specifies if the user can drop values of the columns to the pivot bar. |
exPivotBarAllowFormatAppearance |
128 |
number | Specifies if the user can select a different appearance for columns or total/subtotal fields. |
exPivotBarAllowFormatConditionalAppearance |
16777216 |
number | Specifies if the user can select conditional appearance for columns. |
exPivotBarAllowFormatContent |
256 |
number | Specifies if the user can select the way the column's data is displayed. |
exPivotBarAutoUpdate |
512 |
number | Indicates whether the control' list is automatically updated once the user drops objects in the pivot bar. |
exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo |
1024 |
number | Indicates if the pivot bar allows Undo/Redo operations, if the user presses the CTRL+Z/Y. The control restores the previously layout once the user presses the CTRL + Z keys combination. The control restores the next layout once the user presses the CTRL + Y keys combination. Exclude this flag, and the Undo/Redo feature is disabled. |
exPivotBarAllowResizeColumns |
2048 |
number | Indicates if the user can resize the columns in the pivot bar. This flag affects the columns to be displayed of the pivot bar, not the columns to be displayed in the control's list. |
exPivotBarHideAddNew |
4096 |
number | Prevents showing the add new buttons in the pivot bar. Clicking the Add New button displays a list of columns or aggregate functions that can be added in the current context. |
exPivotBarContextSortAscending |
65536 |
number | Shows the columns alphabetically in ascending order. This flag can be combined with exPivotBarContextSortReverse and so, the columns will be alphabetically displayed in descending order. |
exPivotBarContextSortReverse |
1048576 |
number | Shows the columns in reverse order. This flag can be combined with exPivotBarContextSortAscending and so, the columns will be alphabetically displayed in descending order. |
exPivotBarReadOnly |
268435456 |
number | Makes the pivot bar read only, so no changes are allowed. |
exPivotBarSingleAggregate |
536870912 |
number | Restructures the pivot-bar into three sections: a pivot-rows section docked to the left, a pivot-columns section docked to the top-right, and a top-left corner section for defining the column and aggregate function for the pivot table
In single-aggregate mode, the control is divided into four sections:
(static, readonly) ShowBranchRowsEnum :number
The Pivot.ShowBranchRowsEnum type indicates how the branch rows displays the information.
- number
Name | value | Type | Description |
exBranchTree |
1 |
number | The exBranchTree mode presents data in a tree structure, with +/- buttons for expanding and collapsing nodes. |
exBranchColumns |
3 |
number | In exBranchColumns mode, a new column is added for each pivot row column without displaying +/- buttons. In exBranchColumns mode, a new column is added for each pivot row column without displaying +/- buttons. The Pivot.Options.pivotRows property is represented into multiple-columns. This flag cam be combined with the exBranchRowDivider or exBranchIncludeAggregate flag. When combined with exBranchIncludeAggregate, the rows are organized into a tree structure without displaying the +/- buttons. As a result, when a pivot row is sorted, the parent and its sibling rows are also sorted, along with all child items under the same parent. The ShowIdem property defines the symbol used to indicate repeated captions, providing a clear visual cue for identical entries. |
exBranchRowDivider |
16 |
number | The branch rows display information across the entire line. The exBranchRowDivider flag can only be combined with the exBranchTree or exBranchColumns flags. |
exBranchIncludeAggregate |
32 |
number | The branch rows displays result of aggregate function. The exBranchIncludeAggregate flag can only be combined with the exBranchTree or exBranchColumns flags. |
- Since:
- 4.1
(static) type :string
The type field defines the full-name of the object (the does not give the same name for minimized forms).
The Pivot.type member always returns "Pivot"
- string
- Since:
- 1.8
(static) version :string
The version field defines the version of the control.
The current version is 4.2
- string
The BeginUpdate() method suspends the control's render until the EndUpdate() method is called. It maintains performance, while multiple changes occurs within the control. You can use the Update() method to perform multiple changes at once.
The EndUpdate() method resumes the control's render, after it is suspended by the BeginUpdate() method.
GetCanvas() → {HTMLCanvasElement}
The GetCanvas() method returns the HTMLCanvasElement object where the control is currently running on. For instance, the control can change the cursor shape during the control's onmousemove, and so on.
- Since:
- 1.8
Returns the HTMLCanvasElement object where the control is currently running on. For instance, the control can change the cursor shape during the control's onmousemove, and so on.
- Type
- HTMLCanvasElement
GetFormatAppearances() → {FormatAppearances}
The GetFormatAppearances() method returns the control's format-appearances that defines the visual-appearance to apply on pivot-columns
Returns an object of Pivot.FormatAppearances type, that holds the control's format-appearances
- Type
- FormatAppearances
GetFormatConditionalAppearances() → {FormatConditionalAppearances}
The GetFormatConditionalAppearances() method returns the control's format-appearances that defines the visual-appearance to apply on pivot-columns, based on conditions
Returns an object of Pivot.FormatConditionalAppearances type, that holds the control's format-appearances
GetFormatContents() → {FormatContents}
The GetFormatContents() method returns the control's format-contents that specifies how a column or row can be displayed, formatted or converted.
Returns an object of Pivot.FormatContents type, that holds information about how a column or row can be displayed, formatted or converted.
- Type
- FormatContents
GetRun() → {Pivot}
The GetRun() method returns the runtime-pivot
Returns an object of Pivot type, that displays the generated pivot rows and columns
- Type
- Pivot
Update(callback, thisArgopt)
The Update() method locks the control's paint during the callback, and invalidates the control once the method ends.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
callback |
callback | Indicates a callback to perform changes within the control | |
thisArg |
any |
<optional> |
Specifies the value of "this" keyword during the callback. If missing/empty/undefined the thisArg points to the control itself, as an object of Pivot type |
The onmIO/onMouseInOut() method is called when the cursor hovers over or leaves the pivot's window
Name | Type | Description |
out |
boolean | indicates that the pointer leaves or enters the pivot's window |
The ondolayout() method occurs once the pivot's layout is ready (the control's content has been re-generated/formatted, after pivotRows, pivotColumns or pivotTotals property has been changed)
The following samples display a message once the pivot's layout (columns, rows or totals) has been changed:
oPivot.ondolayout = function )
console.log("the layout has been changed");
oPivot.Listeners.Add("ondolayout", function ()
console.log("the layout has been changed");
where oPivot is an object of Pivot type