
Type Definitions


Defines the {arrow, arrowColor, arrowSize, image, caption, content, imageAlign, imageSize, radial} type for displayItems and displaySubItems fields of Options object.
  • object
Name Type Description
arrow null | number Specifies the ratio to determine where the arrow of items with children is displayed. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined specifies that no arrow is displayed
  • {number} a number that specifies ratio to determine where the arrow of items with children is displayed
null {null}, specifies that no arrow is displayed
0 {number}, specifies that the arrow is displayed on the outside limit of the host portion
0.5 {number}, specifies that the arrow is displayed in the center of the host portion
1 {number}, specifies that the arrow is displayed on the inside limit of the host portion
arrowColor null | string Indicates the CSS color to display the arrow. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined indicates black arrow
  • {string} defines the CSS color to display the arrow
null {null}, indicates a black arrow
"transparent" {string}, specifies a transparent arrow
"white" {string}, specifies a white arrow
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, indicates 50% red arrow
arrowSize null | number Defines the size to display the arrow. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined indicates default arrow's size
  • {number} a number greater than 1 to specify the size of the arrow
null {null}, indicates the default arrow size
4 {number}, specifies a bigger arrow
8 {number}, specifies a much-bigger arrow
image null | number Specifies the ratio to determine where the item's image is displayed within the host portion of the control. The imageSize field specifies the aspect-ratio to display the item's image. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined specifies that no image is displayed
  • {number} a number that specifies ratio to determine where the item's image is displayed within the host portion of the control.
null {null}, specifies that no image is displayed
0 {number}, specifies that the item's image is displayed on the outside limit of the host portion
0.5 {number}, specifies that the item's image is displayed in the center of the host portion
1 {number}, specifies that the item's image is displayed on the inside limit of the host portion
caption null | number Specifies the ratio to determine where the item's caption is displayed within the host portion of the control. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined specifies that no caption is displayed
  • {number} a number that specifies ratio to determine where the item's caption is displayed within the host portion of the control
null {null}, specifies that no caption is displayed
0 {number}, specifies that the item's caption is displayed on the outside limit of the host portion
0.5 {number}, specifies that the item's caption is displayed in the center of the host portion
1 {number}, specifies that the item's caption is displayed on the inside limit of the host portion
content null | number Specifies the ratio to determine where the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed within the host portion of the control. The imageSize field specifies the aspect-ratio to display the item's image. The imageAlign field specifies the alignment of the image relative to the item's caption (valid for the content only). Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined specifies that no item's content (caption and image together) is displayed
  • {number} a number that specifies ratio to determine where the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed within the host portion of the control
null {null}, specifies that no item's content (caption and image together) is displayed
0 {number}, specifies that the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed on the outside limit of the host portion
0.5 {number}, specifies that the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed in the center of the host portion
1 {number}, specifies that the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed on the inside limit of the host portion
imageAlign number Aligns the item's image relative to the item's caption. The imageAlign field is valid only if "content" is specified. In other words, imageAlign field aligns the item's caption and image when they are both displayed by "content" field. Indicates one of the following:
  • 0 {number}, the image is left-aligned
  • 1 {number}, the image is right-aligned
  • 2 {number}, the image is top-aligned
  • 3 {number}, the image is bottom-aligned
relative to the item's caption. The imageAlign property has no effect if the item shows no caption. If the imageAlign property is not specified it uses 2 (the image is top-aligned by default).
0 {number}, the image is left-aligned
3 {number}, the image is bottom-aligned
imageSize null | number | array Defines the size of the item's image. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null}, Indicates that the item's image is displayed as it is (full-sized).
  • {number}, Specifies that the item's image is displayed into a square of giving size (same width and height). If 0 the item displays no image, if negative the item's image is stretched to giving square, else the item's picture is scaled to fit the giving rectangle.
  • {array}, Specifies an array of [aspect-width,aspect-height] type that defines the limits for width or/and height. The aspect-width and aspect-height define the width/height of the item's picture to scale or stretch to.
null {null}, Indicates that the item's image is displayed as it is (full-sized)
0 {number}, no image is displayed
64 {number}, the image is scaled to fit a 64 x 64 rectangle
-64 {number}, the image is strected to a 64 x 64 rectangle
[32,64] {array}, scales the image to the largest ratio-rectangle (32 x 64) that fits the client
[-32,-64] {array}, stretches the image to a 32 x 64 rectangle
radial RadialMenu.DisplayRadialEnum Rotates the item's content while not zero. The RadialMenu.DisplayRadialEnum type defines the following values:
  • exDisplayRadialFlat (0), no rotation is performed over the item's content
  • exDisplayRadialRotated (1), the item's content is fully rotated
  • exDisplayRadialRotated180 (2), the item's content is rotated up to 180 degree
  • exDisplayRadialRotated270 (3), the item's content is rotated up to 270 degree
  • exDisplayRadialRotated90 (4), similar with exDisplayRadialRotated, excepts it rotates 90 degree back
0 or RadialMenu.DisplayRadialEnum.exDisplayRadialFlat {number}, no rotation is performed over the item's content
4 or RadialMenu.DisplayRadialEnum.exDisplayRadialRotated90 {number}, rotates the items' displaying-angle
live example


Defines the {imageAlign, imageSize, visible} type for displayParent field of Options object.
  • object
Name Type Description
imageAlign number Aligns the item's image relative to the item's caption. The imageAlign field is valid only if "content" is specified. In other words, imageAlign field aligns the item's caption and image when they are both displayed by "content" field. Indicates one of the following:
  • 0 {number}, the image is left-aligned
  • 1 {number}, the image is right-aligned
  • 2 {number}, the image is top-aligned
  • 3 {number}, the image is bottom-aligned
relative to the item's caption. The imageAlign property has no effect if the item shows no caption. If the imageAlign property is not specified it uses 2 (the image is top-aligned by default).
0 {number}, the image is left-aligned
3 {number}, the image is bottom-aligned
imageSize null | number | array Defines the size of the item's image. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null}, Indicates that the item's image is displayed as it is (full-sized).
  • {number}, Specifies that the item's image is displayed into a square of giving size (same width and height). If 0 the item displays no image, if negative the item's image is stretched to giving square, else the item's picture is scaled to fit the giving rectangle.
  • {array}, Specifies an array of [aspect-width,aspect-height] type that defines the limits for width or/and height. The aspect-width and aspect-height define the width/height of the item's picture to scale or stretch to.
null {null}, Indicates that the item's image is displayed as it is (full-sized)
0 {number}, no image is displayed
64 {number}, the image is scaled to fit a 64 x 64 rectangle
-64 {number}, the image is strected to a 64 x 64 rectangle
[32,64] {array}, scales the image to the largest ratio-rectangle (32 x 64) that fits the client
[-32,-64] {array}, stretches the image to a 32 x 64 rectangle
visible number Defines whether the caption or/and image of the item are being shown. Indicates one of the following:
  • 0 {number}, no caption or image is shown
  • 1 {number}, the item's caption is included
  • 2 {number}, the item's image is included
  • 3=1|2 {number}, indicates that caption and image of the item are both shown
  • 16 {number}, indicates that the only item's image or item's caption is displayed (by default) (@since 2.2)
0 {number}, displays no caption or image
3 {number}, displays the item's caption and image
image null | number Specifies the ratio to determine where the item's image is displayed within the host portion of the control. The imageSize field specifies the aspect-ratio to display the item's image. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined specifies that no image is displayed
  • {number} a number that specifies ratio to determine where the item's image is displayed within the host portion of the control.
null {null}, specifies that no image is displayed
0 {number}, specifies that the item's image is displayed on the outside limit of the host portion
0.5 {number}, specifies that the item's image is displayed in the center of the host portion
1 {number}, specifies that the item's image is displayed on the inside limit of the host portion
caption null | number Specifies the ratio to determine where the item's caption is displayed within the host portion of the control. Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined specifies that no caption is displayed
  • {number} a number that specifies ratio to determine where the item's caption is displayed within the host portion of the control
null {null}, specifies that no caption is displayed
0 {number}, specifies that the item's caption is displayed on the outside limit of the host portion
0.5 {number}, specifies that the item's caption is displayed in the center of the host portion
1 {number}, specifies that the item's caption is displayed on the inside limit of the host portion
content null | number Specifies the ratio to determine where the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed within the host portion of the control. The imageSize field specifies the aspect-ratio to display the item's image. The imageAlign field specifies the alignment of the image relative to the item's caption (valid for the content only). Indicates one of the following:
  • {null} missing/null/undefined specifies that no item's content (caption and image together) is displayed
  • {number} a number that specifies ratio to determine where the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed within the host portion of the control
null {null}, specifies that no item's content (caption and image together) is displayed
0 {number}, specifies that the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed on the outside limit of the host portion
0.5 {number}, specifies that the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed in the center of the host portion
1 {number}, specifies that the item's content (caption and image together) is displayed on the inside limit of the host portion
  • 2.2
live example