new LinkOptions()
The Surface.LinkOptions class holds all options a link can display or own
Every option of the Surface.LinkOptions type has associated a property of the control. For instance, the option:
caption {string}, defines the link's captionis associated with the property:
Caption {string}, defines the link's captionwhich means that the following statements are equivalent:
oLink.Options = {caption: "name"}where oLink is an object of Link type
oLink.SetOptions({caption: "name"})
oLink.Caption = "name"
(static) allowControlPoint :Surface.LinkControlPointEnum
The allowControlPoint field defines the control points for an individual link, the user can use to customize the link.
A combination of one or more Surface.LinkControlPointEnum flags that determines the control points for an individual link, the user can use to customize the link.
The Surface.LinkControlPointEnum type defines the following flags:
- exNoControlPoint(0), the link displays no control points
- exStartControlPoint(1), the link shows control point that changes the link's StartPos property (the exStartControlPoint point is marked with black squares)
- exEndControlPoint(2), the link shows control point that changes the link's EndPos property (the exEndControlPoint point is marked with black squares)
- exControlPoint(4), defines the corners of the link's path. You can remove a exControlPoint points by dragging to another, so intermediate exControlPoint points are removed. You can move all control points of the link at once, if SHIFT key is pressed (the exControlPoint points are marked black circles)
- exMiddleControlPoint(8), defines the link's middle control points that are displayed between two exControlPoint points, to let the use add new exControlPoint points, to redefine the link's path (The exMiddleControlPoint points are marked with gray circles)
- exOrthoArrange(0x10), specifies that the lines of the link are orthogonal arranged when the user drags and drops the middle or control-points of the path (excludes the start/end control-points)
- exAllowChangeFrom(0x20), allows the user to adjust the link's from element by dragging and dropping the start control point (requires the exStartControlPoint flag)
- exAllowChangeTo(0x40), indicates that the user can adjust the link's to element by dragging and dropping the end control point (requires the exEndControlPoint flag)
0 or exontrol.Surface.LinkControlPointEnum.exNoControlPoint {number}, displays no link's control points
3 or exontrol.Surface.LinkControlPointEnum.exStartControlPoint | exontrol.Surface.LinkControlPointEnum.exEndControlPoint {number}, displays link's start and end control points only
(static) caption :string
The caption field defines the link's caption.
- string
null {null}, indicates no caption
"caption" {string}, declares a plain-caption
"<b>text</b>" {string}, displays the text in bold
"<img>logo</img>" {string}, displays the "logo" image. The image can be added using the exontrol.HTMLPicture.Add() method
(static) captionAlign :exontrol.AlignEnum
The captionAlign field specifies the alignment of the link's caption.
- exontrol.AlignEnum
- Since:
- 3.4
null {null}, (default) the link's caption is displayed in the center
"left" {string}, exontrol.AlignEnum.exAlignLeft {exontrol.AlignEnum} or exontrol.AlignEnum.exAlignTop {exontrol.AlignEnum}, indicates that the link's caption is displayed at the starting element
"alignr" {string}, exontrol.AlignEnum.exAlignRight {exontrol.AlignEnum} or exontrol.AlignEnum.exAlignBottom {exontrol.AlignEnum}, indicates that the link's caption is displayed at the ending element
(static) captionFormat :exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum
The captionFormat field specifies the format/flags to display the caption of the link.
- exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum
- Since:
- 3.4
null {null}, (default) the link's caption is displayed in the center of the alignment point
"left,vcenter" {string}, exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum.exTextAlignLeft | exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum.exTextAlignVCenter {exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum} , the link's caption is centered and aligned to the left of the alignment point
(static) collapsedLink :DisplayLinkType
The collapsedLink field specifies the appearance of the link between collapsed elements.
(static) customPath :string
The customPath field defines the link's custom path, as a string of x,y proportions separated by comma. Specifies the proportions of link's control-points, as a "x,y,x,y,x,y,...". The x, y are proportions of link's control-points relative to the start/end points of the link. The 0,0 indicates the link's start point, while 1,1 indicates the link's end point.
- string
"0.5,0,0.5,1" defines the link to go from start (0,0) to (0.5,0), then (0.5,1), and finally to the end (1,1)
(static) from :any
The from field indicates the index, identifier/key or reference of the element the link starts from (in-element)
The from field could be any of the following:
- from {number}, indicates a numeric value that defines the index of the element
- from {string}, specifies a string expression that defines the identifier/key/plain-caption of the element
- from {Element}, specifies the object reference to the element
- any
(static) key :string
The key field specifies the key associated with the link.
If no key is provided, the link's plain-caption can be used to request an item. The plain-caption includes no ex-HTML tags, such as <b>, <fgcolor> and so on.
- string
"logo" {string}, defines the link with the giving key (logo). You can use the Root.Item("logo") method to request the link giving its key.
(static) link :DisplayLinkType
The link field specifies the appearance of the link between elements.
(static) to :any
The to field indicates the index, identifier/key or reference of the element the link ends to (out-element)
The to field could be any of the following:
- to {number}, indicates a numeric value that defines the index of the element
- to {string}, specifies a string expression that defines the identifier/key/plain-caption of the element
- to {Element}, specifies the object reference to the element
- any
(static) visible :boolean
The visible field indicates whether the link is visible or hidden.
- boolean
false {boolean}, hides the link
true {boolean}, shows the link