PoolOptions class (Swimlane)


new PoolOptions()

The exontrol.Surface.PoolOptions class holds all options a pool can display or own.

Every option of the exontrol.Surface.PoolOptions type has associated a property of the Pool object. For instance, the option:

cursor {string}, defines the mouse-cursor for individual pool
is associated with the property:
Cursor {string}, defines the mouse-cursor for individual pool
which means that the following statements are equivalent:
oPool.Options = {cursor: "pointer"}
oPool.SetOptions({cursor: "pointer"})
oPool.Cursor = "pointer"
where oPool is an object of Pool type


(static) client :any

The client field defines the pool's client area as an array of [x,y,width,height] type. The client field can be any of the following:
  • {number[]}, specifies the pool's client area as an array of [x,y,width,height] type
  • {null}, specifies the union all visible-elements (collapsed child-elements or hidden elements are ignored) (@since 2.0)
  • {Elements[]}, specifies the union of the giving visible-elements (collapsed child-elements or hidden elements are ignored).
  • {String[]}, specifies the union of the giving keys of the visible-elements (collapsed child-elements or hidden elements are ignored). For instance, ["A","B"] changes the pool's client-rectangle to cover the elements with the key "A" and "B" (@since 2.0)
  • {Element}, indicates the element's client-rectangle (@since 2.0)
The client field sets the pool's outside client-area (includes the size for all headers) for all types except {number[]}.
  • any
null {null}, specifies the union all visible-elements (collapsed child-elements or hidden elements are ignored) (@since 2.0)
 [0,0,128,128] {array}, defines the pool at the center of the control of 128 x 128 pixels size
 oControl.Elements {Elements[]}, sets the pool's client-rectangle to cover all visible-elements (@since 2.0)
 oControl.Selection {Elements[]}, sets the pool's client-rectangle to cover all selected-elements (@since 2.0)
 ["A","B"] {String[]}, sets the pool's client-rectangle to cover the elements with the key "A" and "B" (@since 2.0)

(static) cursor :string

The cursor field defines the mouse-cursor for individual pool.
  • string

(static) enabled :boolean

The enabled field indicates whether the pool is enabled or disabled(unselectable).
  • boolean
false {boolean}, disables the pool
 true {boolean}, enables the pool

(static) excludeHeaders :boolean

The excludeHeaders field indicates whether the lanes and phases are not displayed over the pool's headers.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, the pool's lanes and phases are displayed over the pool's headers
 true {boolean}, the pool's lanes and phases are not displayed over the pool's headers

(static) headers :string

The headers field defines the pool's headers from a string-representation. The format of headers property is:
  • "type", defines the type of the header, which can be any of the following
    • "left", defines the pool's header anchored to the left-side
    • "top", defines the pool's header anchored to the top-side
    • "right", defines the pool's header anchored to the right-side
    • "bottom", defines the pool's header anchored to the right-side
  • "flag", defines a property of the header such as:
    • [size=value], defines the size of the header, where value is a numeric value
    • [shape=value], defines the shape of the header.
  • string
null {null}, defines no visible headers, but the user can resize and show them, equivalent with "left[size=0],right[size=0],top[size=0],bottom[size=0]".
 "" {string}, defines no visible headers.
 "left[size=24][shape=Button],top[size=24]", shows the left and top-headers of the pool with specified size and shape.

(static) key :string

The key field specifies the key associated with the pool. Specifies the key associated with the pool. If no key is provided, the pool's plain-caption can be used to request an item. The plain-caption includes no ex-HTML tags, such as <b>, <fgcolor> and so on.
  • string
"logo" {string}, defines the pool with the giving key (logo). You can use the Root.Item("logo") method to request the pool giving its key.

(static) lanes :string

The lanes property defines the lanes of the pool using a string-representation (the lanes goes vertically from top to bottom side of the pool) The format of lanes property is:
  • "caption", defines the lane's ex-HTML caption (shown into the pool's header)
  • "flag", defines a property of the lane such as:
    • [size=value], defines the size of the lane (in percent), where value is a numeric value. 0 or negative value hides the lane
    • [shape=value], defines the shape of the lane.
  • string
null {null}, displays no lanes for the pool
 "Lane 1,Lane 2", displays two-lanes for the pool named Lane 1 and Lane 2
 "Lane 1[size=20],Lane 2,Lane 3,Lane 4[shape=FrameSel]", displays four-lanes where Lane 1 takes 20% from the pool, while the rest of lanes shares equaly the available space on the pool. The Lane 4 displays the FrameSel shape.

(static) phases :string

The phases property defines the phases of the pool using a string-representation (the phases goes horizontally from left to right side of the pool) The format of phases property is:
  • "caption", defines the phase's ex-HTML caption (shown into the pool's header)
  • "flag", defines a property of the phase such as:
    • [size=value], defines the size of the phase (in percent), where value is a numeric value. 0 or negative value hides the phase
    • [shape=value], defines the shape of the phase.
  • string
null {null}, displays no phases for the pool
 "Phase 1,Phase 2", displays two-phases for the pool named Phase 1 and Phase 2
 "Phase 1[size=20],Phase 2,Phase 3,Phase 4[shape=FrameSel]", displays four-phases where Phase 1 takes 20% from the pool, while the rest of phases shares equaly the available space on the pool. The Phase 4 displays the FrameSel shape.

(static) shape :any

The shape field defines the shape for individual pool (a string expression that defines the shape for the pool itself or an object of {normal,hover,click,disabled} type. The normal,hover,click and disabled are objects of exontrol.Def.Shape type).
  • any

(static) visible :boolean

The visible field indicates whether the pool is visible or hidden.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, hides the pool
 true {boolean}, shows the pool