constants BackgroundPartEnum
The BackgroundPartEnum type indicates parts in the control. Use the Background property to specify a background color or a visual appearance for specific parts in the control. A Color expression that indicates the background color for a specified part. The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color to indicates the identifier of the skin being used. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control. If you need to remove the skin appearance from a part of the control you need to reset the last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color being applied to the background's part.

exToolTipAppearance64 Indicates the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips. Use the ToolTipPopDelay property specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control. The ToolTipDelay property specifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears. Use the ShowToolTip method to display a custom tooltip.

exToolTipBackColor65 Specifies the tooltip's background color.

exToolTipForeColor66 Specifies the tooltip's foreground color.

exOverviewSelResize199 Specifies the visual appearance to show and use the left/ resize-margins of the overview's selection. The Visible property specifies whether the overview window is visible or hidden. The Size property specifies the size of the control's overview. 

exOverviewSelOut200 Specifies the visual-appearance to display the left/right parts outside of the overview-selection. The Visible property specifies whether the overview window is visible or hidden. The Size property specifies the size of the control's overview. 

exOverviewSel202 Specifies the background color / visual appearance to display the overview-selection. The Visible property specifies whether the overview window is visible or hidden. The Size property specifies the size of the control's overview. 

exOverviewSelTransparent203 Specifies the percent of transparency to show the overview-selection (0 indicates opaque, 50% indicates semi-transparent, and 100% indicates fully transparent). The Visible property specifies whether the overview window is visible or hidden. The Size property specifies the size of the control's overview. 

exLegendUnit204 Defines the visual-appearance of the legend-unit (the client-rectangle that covers the symbol and label of the legend-object) of the visible-series within the map legend. The Visible property shows or hides the legend. The LabelFixedWidth property Indicates the fixed-width to display the labels. The LabelFixedHeight property Indicates the height-width to display the labels. The SymbolAlign property specifies the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie. The SymbolWidth property indicates the fixed-width to display the symbol. The SymbolHeight property indicates the height-width to display the symbol. The Pad property defines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol and label). 

exLegendUnitHidden205 Defines the visual-appearance of the legend-unit (the client-rectangle that covers the symbol and label of the legend-object) of the hidden-series within the map legend. The Visible property shows or hides the legend. The LabelFixedWidth property Indicates the fixed-width to display the labels. The LabelFixedHeight property Indicates the height-width to display the labels. The SymbolAlign property specifies the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie. The SymbolWidth property indicates the fixed-width to display the symbol. The SymbolHeight property indicates the height-width to display the symbol. The Pad property defines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol and label). 

exLegendSymbol206 Defines the visual-appearance of the symbols of the visible-series within the map legend. The Visible property shows or hides the legend. The LabelFixedWidth property Indicates the fixed-width to display the labels. The LabelFixedHeight property Indicates the height-width to display the labels. The SymbolAlign property specifies the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie. The SymbolWidth property indicates the fixed-width to display the symbol. The SymbolHeight property indicates the height-width to display the symbol. The Pad property defines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol and label). 

exLegendSymbolHidden207 Defines the visual-appearance of the symbols of the hidden-series within the map legend. The Visible property shows or hides the legend. The LabelFixedWidth property Indicates the fixed-width to display the labels. The LabelFixedHeight property Indicates the height-width to display the labels. The SymbolAlign property specifies the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie. The SymbolWidth property indicates the fixed-width to display the symbol. The SymbolHeight property indicates the height-width to display the symbol. The Pad property defines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol and label). 

exLegendLabel208 Defines the visual-appearance of the labels of the visible-series within the map legend. The Visible property shows or hides the legend. The LabelFixedWidth property Indicates the fixed-width to display the labels. The LabelFixedHeight property Indicates the height-width to display the labels. The SymbolAlign property specifies the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie. The SymbolWidth property indicates the fixed-width to display the symbol. The SymbolHeight property indicates the height-width to display the symbol. The Pad property defines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol and label). 

exLegendLabelHidden209 Defines the visual-appearance of the labels of the hidden-series within the map legend. The Visible property shows or hides the legend. The LabelFixedWidth property Indicates the fixed-width to display the labels. The LabelFixedHeight property Indicates the height-width to display the labels. The SymbolAlign property specifies the alignment of the symbol of the serie relative to the label of the serie. The SymbolWidth property indicates the fixed-width to display the symbol. The SymbolHeight property indicates the height-width to display the symbol. The Pad property defines the legend's padding (space between legend's symbol and label). 

exAxisCursorTooltipTransparent210 Defines the percentage of transparency for displaying tooltips on axes.

exSerieCursorTooltipTransparent211 Defines the percentage of transparency for displaying tooltips on series.