method Graph.ShowToolTip (ToolTip as String, [Title as Variant], [Alignment as Variant], [X as Variant], [Y as Variant])
Shows the specified tooltip at given position.

ToolTip as String The ToolTip parameter can be any of the following:
  • NULL(BSTR) or "<null>"(string) to indicate that the tooltip for the object being hovered is not changed
  • A String expression that indicates the description of the tooltip, that supports built-in HTML format (adds, replaces or changes the object's tooltip) 
Title as Variant The Title parameter can be any of the following:
  • missing (VT_EMPTY, VT_ERROR type) or "<null>"(string) the title for the object being hovered is not changed.
  • A String expression that indicates the title of the tooltip (no built-in HTML format) (adds, replaces or changes the object's title)
Alignment as Variant A long expression that indicates the alignment of the tooltip relative to the position of the cursor. If missing (VT_EMPTY, VT_ERROR) the alignment of the tooltip for the object being hovered is not changed.  

The Alignment parameter can be one of the following:

  • 0 - exTopLeft
  • 1 - exTopRight
  • 2 - exBottomLeft
  • 3 - exBottomRight
  • 0x10 - exCenter
  • 0x11 - exCenterLeft
  • 0x12 - exCenterRight
  • 0x13 - exCenterTop
  • 0x14 - exCenterBottom

By default, the tooltip is aligned relative to the top-left corner (0 - exTopLeft).

X as Variant Specifies the horizontal position to display the tooltip as one of the following:
  • missing (VT_EMPTY, VT_ERROR type), indicates that the tooltip is shown on its default position / current cursor position (ignored)
  • -1, indicates the current horizontal position of the cursor (current x-position)
  • a numeric expression that indicates the horizontal screen position to show the tooltip (fixed screen x-position)
  • a string expression that indicates the horizontal displacement relative to default position to show the tooltip (moved)
Y as Variant Specifies the vertical position to display the tooltip as one of the following:
  • missing (VT_EMPTY, VT_ERROR type), indicates that the tooltip is shown on its default position / current cursor position (ignored)
  • -1, indicates the current vertical position of the cursor (current y-position)
  • a numeric expression that indicates the vertical screen position to show the tooltip (fixed screen y-position)
  • a string expression that indicates the vertical displacement relative to default position to show the tooltip (displacement)
Use the ShowToolTip method to display a custom tooltip at specified position or to update the object's tooltip, title or position. You can call the ShowToolTip method during the MouseMove event. Use the ToolTipPopDelay property specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control. The ToolTipDelay property specifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears. Use the ToolTipWidth property to specify the width of the tooltip window.  Use the ToolTipFont property to change the tooltip's font. Use the Background(exToolTipAppearance) property indicates the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips. Use the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color. Use the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property indicates the tooltip's foreground color. The ToolTipMargin property specifies the size of the control's tooltip margins.

For instance:

The ToolTip parameter supports the built-in HTML format like follows: