EXSplitBar(splitbar control)
The Exontrol's eXSplitBar component, helps you to automatically resizes the left/right or top/bottom components, while user drags the split bar to a new position.
The eXSplitBar control provides automatic resizing /positioning of controls/windows on your form/dialog/window. When the Mode property is set to exSplitBarHorz,
the control resizes any controls that lie above or below it, and when the Mode is set to exSplitBarVert, it resizes controls that lie to its left or right.
The difference between the eXSplitBar control and other components of the same type, is that the eXSplitBar control works for any programming environments such as
Microsoft Office ( Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word ), Visual Basic, Visual Fox Pro, /NET Framework, Delphi, C++, C++ Builder, dBASE Plus, and more.
First Look of eXSplitBar:
Features of eXSplitBar include:
- Easy to use, highly customizable
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- Horizontal, Vertical Mode support
- Requires absolutely no code
- Ability to specify the split bar's limits
- Ability to move controls as you move the split bar, not just when drop event occurs
- Ability to hide/shows controls when the split bar is close to the limit
- DragStart, Drag and DragEnd events support
- Ability to specify the split bar's limits
- Ability to specify the name of properties like: Left/Top, Width/Height, Visible, to use on non-standard containers
- and more.
General information about eXSplitBar product:
Exontrol.SplitBar, exontrol.EXSPLITBARLib.exsplitbar
exsplitbar.dll, exsplitbar.ocx, exontrol.exsplitbar.dll, exsplitbar.net
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
VB, VB.NET, VBA, C++, C++ Builder, C#, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), Access, Delphi, dBASE Plus
Lines of code:
46,645 (40,846 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 2, Functions 96, Events 14, Definitions 4
See Also:
Shortcut links: