EXShellView(shell view control)
Exontrol's new ExShellView component provides a file list view which is identical with
the right pane of your Windows Explorer. The look and behavior of eXShellView control
is the same as you would run your Windows Explorer in a form. eXShellView can be used in
conjunction with Exontrol's eXFolderView to create applications
which have complete - or limited - explorer capabilities. There is a FilePattern property
you can use to select which files will be displayed. And, for more demanding filtering
requirements an event is fired for each item before it is displayed, enabling you to determine on the fly
which items to display. Supported View Modes: Extra Large Icons, Large Icon, Medium Icons (Thumbnail), Small Icons, List, Details, Tiles.
General information about eXShellView product:
Exontrol.ShellView, exontrol.EXSHELLVIEWLib.exshellview
exshellview.dll, exshellview.ocx, exontrol.exshellview.dll, exshellview.net
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
VB, VB.NET, VBA, C++, X++, C#, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), Access, HTML, Delphi, Smalltalk, eDeveloper, xBasic, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, Visual Objects, PowerBuilder, LabVIEW, Power++, FORTH, Progress
Lines of code:
13,596 (11,335 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 4, Functions 44, Events 12, Definitions 9
See Also:
Shortcut links: