method CategoryAxes.Add (Categories as Variant, [Key as Variant])
Adds a CategoryAxis object to the collection and returns a reference to the newly created object.

Categories as Variant A variant expression that defines the category names as one of the following:
  • a string expression, that defines any of the following:
    • the list of values separated by comma/space, such as "Germany,France,Norway"
    • the column-name or column-index within the control's data, such as "x" or "0", so the values of the column defines the category names (the Data, Import or DataSource property defines the control's data)
  • a numeric expression, that defines any of the following:
    • the single category name, such as 1
    • the index of the column within the control's data, such as 1, so the values of the column defines the category names
  • a safe-array of values that indicates a single dimensional array, such as Array("Germany","France","Norway")
The Categories property is equivalent with Categories parameter of the Add method.
Key as Variant A string expression that defines the key of the category-axis (if the view displays multiple category axes you can use the Item property to access a category-axis by key) 
CategoryAxisReturns the newly created category-axis as an object of CategoryAxis 
By default, the view displays no category-axes. The Add method adds different category-axes to the same view. The format "categories(values)" separated by comma of serie's Data property can define categories as well, such as "Facebook(10 20 30),Google(15 15 40),Microsoft(20 20 50)". The Count property counts the number of category-axes the view displays. The Remove method removes a specific member from the CategoryAxes collection, giving its identifier. The Clear method Removes all objects in the collection. The Item property accesses a category-axis giving its index or key