CategoryAxis object
The Item property gives access to the view's category-axis giving its index of key. The CategoryAxis object holds information about the view's category-axis. 

The CategoryAxis object supports the following properties and methods:

AlignAligns the category-axis to bottom/right or top/left side of the view
AngleSpecifies the rotation angle (in degrees) for the title and labels of the axis, in 'labels,title' format
AxisLineDefines the configuration options to show the line of the category-axis
CategoriesSpecifies the category names
ChartGridLinesDefines the configuration options to show the grid lines and labels between for the chart panel
ColorSpecifies the category-axis's background color
CursorFormatSpecifies an expression to customize the tooltips to show on category-axis, when the crosshair intersects the category-axis
FormatSpecifies an expression to customize the labels to show on category axis
IndexReturns the index of the category-axis (0-based)
KeySpecifies the identifier/key of the category-axis
MajorGridLinesDefines the configuration options to show the major grid lines of the category-axis
MajorTicksDefines the configuration options to show the major ticks of the category-axis
OffsetLabelDefines the offset to move labels horizontally or vertically in relation to their original positions
OverviewGridLinesDefines the configuration options to show the grid lines and labels between for the overview panel
PositionRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the position of the category-axis
ReverseDefines the direction of the category axis
SplitSpecifies whether the categories are redefined based on the Format property
TfiSpecifies the font attributes to apply on the title and labels of the category-axis
TitleSpecifies the title of the category-axis. The title supports ex-HTML format
VisibleShows or hides the category-axis (including the labels)