property CategoryAxis.CursorFormat as String
Specifies an expression to customize the tooltips to show on category-axis, when the crosshair intersects the category-axis

String A string expression that defines the expression (including ex-HTML)  to customize the labels to show on category axis, when the crosshair intersects the category-axis.

The expression supports the following keywords:

  • index, {number} defines the index of the category
  • value, {number} defines the name of the category

This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.

By default, the CursorFormat property is "", which indicates that no format is applied to category's name. The Visible property shows or hides the cursor (crosshair over the hover/touch area, tooltips for some or all nearby series data items, as well as tooltips on axes). The Format property defines the labels of the category-axis. The Split property redefines the categories (groups consecutive values generated by the Format property into a distinct category) based on the Format property. The Tfi property specifies the font attributes to apply on the title and labels of the category-axis. The Title property specifies the title of the category-axis. 

For instance:

Currently, the Exontrol's built-in HTML format supports the following HTML tags: