property CategoryAxis.Format as String
Specifies an expression to customize the labels to show on category axis

String A string expression that defines the expression (including ex-HTML)  to customize the labels to show on category axis. 

The expression supports the following keywords:

  • index, {number} defines the index of the category
  • value, {number} defines the name of the category

This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.

By default, the Format property is "", which indicates that no format is applied to category's name. The Format property defines the labels of the category-axis. The Split property redefines the categories (groups consecutive values generated by the Format property into a distinct category) based on the Format property. The Tfi property specifies the font attributes to apply on the title and labels of the category-axis. The Title property specifies the title of the category-axis. The OffsetLabel property defines the offset to move labels horizontally or vertically in relation to their original positions

For instance:

Currently, the Exontrol's built-in HTML format supports the following HTML tags: