Gauge object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {91628F12-393C-44EF-A558-83ED1790AAD3}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.Gauge". The /COM object module is: "ExGauge.dll"
The eXGauge / eXLayers library provides graphics capabilities to visually display and edit the amount, level, or contents of something. The view can show one or more layers, where each layer can display one or more transparent pictures, HTML captions which can be clipped, moved, rotated or combination of them, by dragging the mouse, rolling the mouse wheel, or using the keyboard. Using the eXGauge / eXLayers library you can can easily simulate any gauges, thermometers, meters, clocks, buttons, sliders, scales, knobs, dials, switches, progress, status, indicators, LEDs, and so on. As usual, there are no dependencies to MFC, VB, VCL, or anything else.

The following screen shot shows the idea of having multiple layers that are transparent and you can adjust the offset of the images, the transparency levels and rotate each image to create different types of gauges simple by changing the layer graphics:

The following table shows how you can create / access different type of objects ( red items indicates the name of the property/method ):

	"Layers" -> EXGAUGELib.Layers
	"VisualAppearance" -> EXGAUGELib.Appearance
	"Add(Variant)" -> EXGAUGELib.Layer
	"Item(Variant)" -> EXGAUGELib.Layer
	"VisibleItem(Long)" -> EXGAUGELib.Layer
	"Background" -> EXGAUGELib.Background
	"Clip" -> EXGAUGELib.Clip
	"Foreground" -> EXGAUGELib.Foreground
	"Color" -> EXGAUGELib.Color
	"ExtraPicture(Variant)" -> EXGAUGELib.Picture
	"Picture" -> EXGAUGELib.Picture
	"Ellipse" -> EXGAUGELib.ClipEllipse
	"Picture" -> EXGAUGELib.ClipPicture
	"Pie" -> EXGAUGELib.ClipPie
	"Polygon" -> EXGAUGELib.ClipPolygon
	"Rectangle" -> EXGAUGELib.ClipRectangle
	"RoundRectangle" -> EXGAUGELib.ClipRoundRectangle

The following table shows how you can create / access different type of objects ( red items indicates the name of the property/method ):

EXGAUGELib.Appearance <- "VisualAppearance" of EXGAUGELib.Gauge
EXGAUGELib.Background <- "Background" of EXGAUGELib.Layer
EXGAUGELib.Clip <- "Clip" of EXGAUGELib.Layer
EXGAUGELib.ClipEllipse <- "Ellipse" of EXGAUGELib.Clip
EXGAUGELib.ClipPicture <- "Picture" of EXGAUGELib.Clip
EXGAUGELib.ClipPie <- "Pie" of EXGAUGELib.Clip
EXGAUGELib.ClipPolygon <- "Polygon" of EXGAUGELib.Clip
EXGAUGELib.ClipRectangle <- "Rectangle" of EXGAUGELib.Clip
EXGAUGELib.ClipRoundRectangle <- "RoundRectangle" of EXGAUGELib.Clip
EXGAUGELib.Color <- "Color" of EXGAUGELib.Background
EXGAUGELib.Foreground <- "Foreground" of EXGAUGELib.Layer
EXGAUGELib.Layer <- "Add(Variant)" of EXGAUGELib.Layers
EXGAUGELib.Layer <- "Item(Variant)" of EXGAUGELib.Layers
EXGAUGELib.Layer <- "VisibleItem(Long)" of EXGAUGELib.Layers
EXGAUGELib.Layers <- "Layers" of EXGAUGELib.Gauge
EXGAUGELib.Picture <- "ExtraPicture(Variant)" of EXGAUGELib.Background
EXGAUGELib.Picture <- "Picture" of EXGAUGELib.Background

The Gauge object supports the following properties and methods:

AllowCopyTemplateSpecifies whether the Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Insert sequence copies the control's content to the clipboard, in template form.
AllowMoveOnClickAllows moving the window that contains the control to a new position, as you would do by clicking the form's title/caption.
AllowSmoothChangeSpecifies the properties of the layers that support smooth change.
AnchorFromPointRetrieves the identifier of the anchor from point.
AppearanceRetrieves or sets the control's appearance.
AttachTemplateAttaches a script to the current object, including the events, from a string, file, a safe array of bytes.
BackColorSpecifies the control's background color.
BackgroundReturns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control.
BeginUpdateMaintains performance when items are added to the control one at a time. This method prevents the control from painting until the EndUpdate method is called.
CaptionSpecifies the caption on the control.
CopyToExports the control's view to an EMF file.
DebugDisplays the control in debug mode.
DefaultLayerDefines the default value for properties of the layers to be created.
EnabledEnables or disables the control.
EndUpdateResumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
EventParamRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter.
ExecuteTemplateExecutes a template and returns the result.
ExtraCaptionSpecifies any extra caption on the control.
FontRetrieves or sets the control's font.
ForeColorSpecifies the control's foreground color.
FormatABCFormats the A,B,C values based on the giving expression and returns the result.
FormatAnchorSpecifies the visual effect for anchor elements in HTML captions.
FreezeEventsPrevents the control to fire any event.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
hWndRetrieves the control's window handle.
ImagesSets at runtime the control's image list. The Handle should be a handle to an Images List Control.
ImageSizeRetrieves or sets the size of icons the control displays..
LayerAutoSizeSpecifies the index of the layer that determines the size to display all layers.
LayerClipToSpecifies the index of the layer that clips the entire control to.
LayerClipToParentIndicates if the LayerClipTo method clips the control itself, parent or the owner of the control.
LayerDragAnySpecifies the index of the layer to drag (rotate or move) once the user clicks anywhere on the control.
LayerFromPointRetrieves the index of the layer from the point ( only visible and selectable objects are included ).
LayerOfValueSpecifies the index of the layer whose value represents the control's Value property.
LayersReturns the Layers collection.
LayerUpdateSpecifies where the control updates its content.
PicturesNameSpecifies the expression that indicates the name of the picture to be loaded on each layer.
PicturesPathSpecifies the path to load the pictures from.
RefreshRefreses the control.
ReplaceIconAdds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the control's image list.
ShowImageListSpecifies whether the control's image list window is visible or hidden.
ShowLayersIndicates the only layers to be shown on the control.
ShowToolTipShows the specified tooltip at given position.
TemplateSpecifies the control's template.
TemplateDefDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TemplatePutDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TimerIntervalReturns or sets the number of milliseconds between calls of control's Timer event.
ToolTipDelaySpecifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
ToolTipFontRetrieves or sets the tooltip's font.
ToolTipPopDelaySpecifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control.
ToolTipWidthSpecifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels.
ToTemplateGenerates the control's template.
TransparentColorFromSpecifies the transparent color for all pictures in all layers, to define transparency part (from).
TransparentColorToSpecifies the transparent color for all pictures in all layers, to define transparency part (to).
ValueSpecifies the control's value.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.
VisualAppearanceRetrieves the control's appearance.