Serie object
The Series property gives access to the control's series of data. The Item property seturns a specific Serie of the Series collection, giving its identifier. 

The Serie object supports the following properties and method:

AxisSpecifies the name of the value axis to use
ColorDefines the color for an individual serie
CursorFormatSpecifies an expression to customize the tooltips to display, when the crosshair cursor hovers the charts of the series
DataSpecifies the values of the serie
IndexReturns the index of the serie (0-based)
KeySpecifies the identifier/key of the serie
LegendFormatSpecifies an expression to customize the serie's label to show on the legend
MiscDefines the serie's miscellaneous options
NameSpecifies the name of the chart serie which is visible in the legend
PositionRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the position of the serie
ShowValueShows or hides the serie's value-points, value-lines and values
StackSpecifies whether the serie is stacked (same value for multiple series of the same type indicates same stacking-group)
StyleIndicates the way the values of the serie get connected
TypeSpecifies the type of the serie (the way the data is represented)
ValueFormatSpecifies the expression to customize the values to display on the chart (showValue property includes the exValue)
VerticalSpecifies whether the serie is showing the data vertically or horizontally
VisibleShows or hides the serie within the chart-view (it is still visible within the legend)