method Series.Add ([Data as Variant], [Name as Variant])
Adds a Serie object to the collection and returns a reference to the newly created object.

Data as Variant A variant expression that defines the values of the serie as one of the following:
  • a string expression, that defines any of the following:
    • the list of values separated by comma/space, such as "1,2,3" (single-dimensional array) or "10 20,10 15" (bi-dimensional array)
    • the list of column-names or column-indexes separated by comma within the control's data, such as "AAPL (open),AAPL (high),AAPL (low),AAPL (close)" or "1,2,3,4". The Data, Import or DataSource property defines the control's data.
    • the list of categories(values) separated by comma, such as "Facebook(10 20 30),Google(15 15 40),Microsoft(20 20 50)"
  • a numeric expression, that defines any of the following:
    • the single value of the serie, such as 1000
    • the index of the column within the control's data, such as 1
  • a safe-array of values that indicates a single or bi-dimensional array, such as Array(100,200,300)

The Data parameter is equivalent with Data property.

Name as Variant indicates the name of the chart serie which is visible in the legend. The Name parameter is equivalent with Name property.
SerieA Serie object being created
The Add method adds a Serie object to the collection and returns a reference to the newly created object. The Type property specifies the type of the serie (the way the data is represented). The Key property of the serie defines the identifier of the serie. The Remove method removes a specific member from the Series collection, giving its identifier. The Clear method clears all series of the control. The Item property returns a specific Serie of the Series collection, giving its identifier.

The control can load data using one of the following methods:

The DataSample property gives a sample of the data being loaded.