PropertiesList object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {A703DF80-DFF3-48D7-A4C7-47CF6A48425C}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.PropertiesList". The /COM object module is: "ExPropertiesList.dll"
The ExPropertiesList control (similar to the control used to manipulate properties in Visual Studio) provides an efficient, intuitive and visually compact way to handle data input with minimal coding and user interface design. A built from the ground up using 100% ATL-based code, the ExPropertiesList represents some of the most advanced properties list technology available in the ActiveX marketplace. The ExPropertiesList ActiveX control is easy to use and too easy to integrate into your application. The doesn't require any additional libraries, like MFC library.

The control includes the ability to browse any COM object that exposes an implementation of IDispatch interface. For instance, any VB class provides an implementation for IDispatch interface, so the ExPropertiesList is able to browse your VB objects.  Another nice feature that control provides is browsing collections and their items. If you have a collection, the ExPropertiesList can browse their items! More than that the ExPropertiesList control expands your objects. For instance, If your object provides a property that exports another object, the ExPropertiesList control is able to browse the exported object Here's the list of supported properties and methods:

AddAdds a custom entry to the list.
AllowDropGets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept data that the user drags into it.
AllowDuplicateEntriesSpecifies whether the Add method allows adding new properties with the same caption on the Name column.
AllowMultipleValuesOnEnumSpecifies whether the enum types display bit combination of predefined values.
AllowSpinRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the component uses a spin control to edit numeric values.
AllowSpySpecifies whether the control can spy other UI components or parts of them.
AllowSpyOnSpecifies handle of the window where the spy can find UI objects.
AllowTooltipSpecifies whether the control displays a tooltip when the string value is too long.
AnchorFromPointRetrieves the identifier of the anchor from point.
AttachTemplateAttaches a script to the current object, including the events, from a string, file, a safe array of bytes.
AutoDragGets or sets a value that indicates the way the component supports the AutoDrag feature.
AutoIndentSpecifies a value that indicates whether child items are automatically indented.
BackColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the control's background color.
BackColorAlternateSpecifies the background color used to display alternate items in the control.
BackColorCategoriesSpecifies the category items background color.
BackColorDescriptionSpecifies the description's background color.
BackColorHeaderSpecifies the header's background color.
BackgroundReturns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control.
BeginUpdateMaintains performance when items are added to the control one at a time. This method prevents the control from painting until the EndUpdate method is called.
BorderStyleRetrieves or sets the border style of the control.
CaptionMessageBoxSpecifies the caption to be displayed on the message box, in case the user inputs an invalid value.
ClearClears the control's content.
ColumnAutoResizeReturns or sets a value indicating whether the control will automatically size its visible columns to fit on the control's client width.
ColumnCaptionRetrieves or sets the column's caption.
ColumnsAllowSizingRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether a user can resize columns at run-time.
ColumnWidthRetrieves or sets the column's width.
CopyCopies the control's content to the clipboard, in the EMF format.
CopyToExports the control's view to an EMF, PDF, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIF file.
CountCounts the properties in the control.
DefaultCategoryRetrieves or sets the default category.
DefaultItemHeightRetrieves or sets the default item height.
DescriptionHeightRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the height of the description area.
DescriptionVisibleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the description is visible or hidden.
DisplayBoolAsSpecifies how the properties of boolean type are displayed.
DisplayColorAsSpecifies how the properties of color type are displayed.
EditOnKeyCustomizes the F4 key to let user edits a property using the keys.
EditOnSelectRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the properties browser is ready to edit a value when the selection is changed.
EnabledEnables or disables the control.
EndUpdateResumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
EventParamRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter.
ExecuteTemplateExecutes a template and returns the result.
ExpandAllExpands all items.
ExpandItemExpands or collapses an item.
ExpandOnSearchExpands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific property.
FilterBarFontRetrieves or sets the font for control's filter bar.
FilterBarPromptSpecifies the caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
FilterBarPromptPatternSpecifies the pattern for the filter prompt.
FilterBarPromptVisibleShows or hides the filter prompt.
FireIncludePropertyRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the IncludeProperty event is fired.
FontRetrieves or sets the control's font.
ForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the control's foreground color.
ForeColorCategoriesSpecifies the category items foreground color.
ForeColorDescriptionSpecifies the description's foreground color.
ForeColorHeaderSpecifies the header's foreground color.
FormatAnchorSpecifies the visual effect for anchor elements in HTML captions.
GridLineColorRetrieves or sets the grid line color.
HasButtonsAdds a button to the left side of each parent item. The user can click the button to expand or collapse the child items as an alternative to double-clicking the parent item.
HasButtonsCustomSpecifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom.
HasGridLinesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the grid lines are visible or hidden.
HasLinesEnhances the graphic representation of a tree control's hierarchy by drawing lines that link child items to their corresponding parent item.
HeaderAppearanceRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the header's appearance.
HeaderEnabledEnables or disables the control's header.
HeaderHeightRetrieves or sets a value indicating the control's header height.
HeaderVisibleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control's header is visible or hidden.
HideSelectionSpecifies whether selected property appears selected when the control loses focus.
HotBackColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking background color.
HotForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking foreground color.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
hWndRetrieves the control's window handle.
ImagesSets the control's image list at runtime.
ImageSizeRetrieves or sets the size of icons the control displays.
IncrementalSearchSpecifies whether the incremental search feature looks for starting of the property or if it contains the typed characters.
IndentRetrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items.
IndexItemsCollectionRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the base index when control enumerates the items in the collection.
InterfacesRetrieves the interfaces implemented by the object.
InvalidValueMessageRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the error message displayed by browser when changing property's value fails. No error message occurs if is empty.
ItemReturns a Property object based on its index.
LayoutSaves or loads the control's layout, such as positions of the columns, scroll position, filtering values.
LinkCategoriesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the categories are linked.
MarkCategoriesSpecifies whether the object's categories are splited by separator lines
MarkLineColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color of line that splits the categories.
NameItemsCollectionRetrieves or sets a list of property's names separated by semicolon (;), that are used by properties browser when it requires a name for an item into a collection.
OptionSpecifies an option for the editor.
PropertyGets a Property object given property's name or property's identifier.
ReadOnlyGets or sets whether the properties browser is read-only.
RefreshRefreshes the properties values.
RemoveRemoves a property from the list.
ReplaceIconAdds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the control's image list.
ScrollButtonHeightSpecifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
ScrollButtonWidthSpecifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
ScrollFontRetrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
ScrollHeightSpecifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
ScrollOrderPartsSpecifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
ScrollPartCaptionSpecifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
ScrollPartCaptionAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
ScrollPartEnableIndicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
ScrollPartVisibleIndicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
ScrollThumbSizeSpecifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
ScrollToolTipSpecifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
ScrollWidthSpecifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
SelBackColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection background color.
SelectBrowses a new object to control.
SelectedObjectBrowses a new object ( com or .net ) in the control.
SelectedPropertySpecifies the selected property.
SelForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection foreground color.
ShowCategoriesRetrieves or sets a value whether the browser includes the object categories.
ShowHiddenRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the properties browser displays the hidden members.
ShowItemsCollectionRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the properties browser includes the elements of a property that contains a collection.
ShowMultipleParamsSpecifies whether the control loads properties with multiple parameters.
ShowNonBrowsableRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control displays the non browseable members.
ShowObjectsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the properties browser includes the properties of object type.
ShowPropertyPagesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the properties browser displays the object property pages.
ShowReadOnlyRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the properties browser displays the read only properties.
ShowRestrictedRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the properties browse displays the restricted members.
ShowToolTipShows the specified tooltip at given position.
ShowVariablesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control displays the object variables. An object of IFontDisp type has variables like: Name, Size, ...
SortSorts the control.
SortObjectsSpecifies how the object properties are positioned once a Sort occurs.
SortOnClickRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control sorts automatically the data when the user click on column's caption.
TemplateSpecifies the control's template.
TemplateDefDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TemplatePutDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
ToolTipDelaySpecifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
ToolTipFontRetrieves or sets the tooltip's font.
ToolTipMarginDefines the size of the control's tooltip margins.
ToolTipPopDelaySpecifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control.
ToolTipWidthSpecifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels.
ToStringSaves the control's content to a string, as it is displayed.
UseVisualThemeSpecifies whether the control uses the current visual theme to display certain UI parts.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.
VisibleItemCountRetrieves the number of visible items.
VisualAppearanceRetrieves the control's appearance.
VisualDesignInvokes the control's VisualAppearance designer.