SwimLane object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {AFA73FCE-6609-4062-AE6A-4BAD6D96A025}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.SwimLane". The /COM object module is: "ExSwimLane.dll"
The eXSwimlane lets you draw swim lane diagrams. A swim lane (or swimlane diagram) is a visual element used in process flow diagrams, or flowcharts, that visually distinguishes job sharing and responsibilities for sub-processes of a business process. Swim lanes may be arranged either horizontally or vertically. The ExSwimlane library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure. 

The following screen shot shows the eXSwimLane control:

The Swimlane object supports the following properties and methods:

AlignObjectsToGridLinesSpecifies whether the objects are aligned to grid lines.
AllowContextMenuSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to open the object's context menu.
AllowCreateElementSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to create objects on the surface.
AllowCreatePoolSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to create pools on the surface.
AllowDesignHeaderIndicates that lanes and their parents shows on separate headers while cursor hovers the pool's header.
AllowHeaderExtSpecifies how the corners of the pool are combined with the headers of the pool.
AllowLinkControlPointIndicates the control points of the link, the user can use to customize the link.
AllowLinkObjectsSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to link the objects.
AllowMoveDescendentsSpecifies whether all descendents of the focusing element are moved once the focusing element is moved.
AllowMoveElementSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the objects.
AllowMoveLaneSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the lanes within the pool.
AllowMoveNeighborsIndicates whether the neighbor elements are shifted once the selection is moved or resized, so they won't intersect the dragging objects.
AllowMovePoolSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the pools on the surface.
AllowMovePoolElementIndicates that the visible elements of the moving pool are moved together with the pool.
AllowMoveSelectionSpecifies whether the entire selection is moved once the focusing element is moved.
AllowMoveSelectionPoolIndicates that the pool of the selected element, is moved together with the element
AllowMoveSurfaceSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to move the surface.
AllowResizeElementSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the objects.
AllowResizeLaneSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the lanes of the pool.
AllowResizePoolSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the pools on the surface.
AllowResizePoolHeaderSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to resize the header's pool on the surface.
AllowResizeSelectionSpecifies whether the entire selection is resized once the focusing element is resize.
AllowScrollWheelSurfaceEnables or disables scrolling the control while rotating the mouse wheel.
AllowSelectNothingEmpties the selection when the user clicks outside of the elements.
AllowSelectObjectSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to select objects on the surface.
AllowSelectObjectRectSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to select objects on the surface, by dragging a rectangle.
AllowToggleSelectKeySpecifies the combination of keys to select multiple not-contiguously objects.
AllowUndoRedoEnables or disables the Undo/Redo feature.
AllowZoomSurfaceSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to magnify or shrink the surface.
AllowZoomWheelSurfaceEnables or disables zooming the control using the mouse wheel.
AnchorFromPointRetrieves the identifier of the anchor from point.
AppearanceRetrieves or sets the control's appearance.
ArrangeArranges the elements, starting from giving element, based on the links.
AttachTemplateAttaches a script to the current object, including the events, from a string, file, a safe array of bytes.
AxisColorIndicates the color to show the axis on the surface.
AxisStyleSpecifies the style to display the axis lines.
BackColorSpecifies the control's background color.
BackgroundReturns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control.
BeginUpdateMaintains performance when items are added to the control one at a time. This method prevents the control from painting until the EndUpdate method is called.
BorderHeightSets or retrieves a value that indicates the border height of the control.
BorderWidthSets or retrieves a value that indicates the border width of the control.
CancelLayoutChangingCancels the current layout changing operation.
CanRedoRetrieves a value that indicates whether the surface can perform a Redo operation.
CanUndoRetrieves a value that indicates whether the surface can perform an Undo operation.
ContextMenuIndicates the object's context menu.
ContextMenuFontRetrieves or sets the context-menu's font.
ContextMenuObjectFromIDGives the context menu object based on the type and identifier.
CoordSpecifies the type of coordinates the elements of the surface display in.
CopyToExports the control's view to an EMF file.
DefArrangeRetrieves or sets an option for Arrange method.
DefPoolHeaderCaptionFormatSpecifies the default format/text of the caption to be shown on the lane's header.
DesignModeSpecifies the surface's design mode.
DesignModesSpecifies the list of design modes to be displayed on the control's toolbar.
DrawPartsOrderDefines the order of the parts the elements display
EditContextMenuItemsSpecifies the control's context menu, while editing the element.
ElementFormatSpecifies the way the control shows the parts of the elements.
ElementFromPointGets the Element object from the cursor.
ElementFromPositionGets the Element object from the position.
ElementsRetrieves the control's elements.
EnabledEnables or disables the control.
EndBlockUndoRedoEnds recording the UI operations and adds the undo/redo operations as a block, so they all can be restored at once, if Undo method is performed.
EndUpdateResumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method.
EventParamRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter.
ExecuteTemplateExecutes a template and returns the result.
ExpandLinkedElementsSpecifies whether the linked elements are expanded or collapsed.
FitToClientResizes or/and moves the entire chart to fit the control's client area.
FocusLinkGets or sets the focused link
FontRetrieves or sets the control's font.
ForeColorSpecifies the control's foreground color.
FormatABCFormats the A,B,C values based on the giving expression and returns the result.
FormatAnchorSpecifies the visual effect for anchor elements in HTML captions.
FreezeEventsPrevents the control to fire any event.
GroupUndoRedoActionsGroups the next to current Undo/Redo Actions in a single block.
HeaderLaneFromPointGets the HeaderLane object from the cursor.
HideSelReturns a value that determines whether selected item appears highlighted when a control loses the focus.
HitTestFromPointGets the Element object and the Hit-Test code from the cursor.
HomeRestores the view to the origin.
HTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in HTML captions.
hWndRetrieves the control's window handle.
ImagesSets at runtime the control's image list. The Handle should be a handle to an Images List Control.
ImageSizeRetrieves or sets the size of icons the control displays..
IndentXSpecifies the child elements indentation on x-axis.
IndentYSpecifies the child elements indentation on y-axis.
InvokeContextMenuInvokes programmatically the surface's default or customized context menu, and returns the identifier of the selected item.
LaneByIDGets the Lane object giving its identifier.
LaneFromPointGets the Lane object from the cursor.
LaneResizeTypeSpecifies the way the lanes get resized, when its parent/pool gets resized.
LayoutSaves or loads the control's layout, such as position, zooming factor, selection, and so on.
LinkFromPointGets the Link object from the cursor.
LinksRetrieves the control's links.
LinksArrowColorSpecifies the color/visual appearance to draw the arrows of the links between the elements.
LinksArrowFrameColorSpecifies the color to show the default frame of the arrow
LinksArrowSizeSpecifies the size to show the arrow for links
LinksColorSpecifies the color to draw the links between the elements.
LinksShowDirSpecifies whether the links show or hide the direction/arrow.
LinksStyleSpecifies the style to draw the links between the elements.
LinksWidthSpecifies the width in pixels of the pen to draw the links between the elements.
LoadXMLLoads an XML document from the specified location, using MSXML parser.
MajorGridColorIndicates the color to show the major grid lines on the surface.
MajorGridHeightIndicates the height between two consecutive major grid lines.
MajorGridStyleSpecifies the style to display the major grid lines.
MajorGridWidthIndicates the width between two consecutive major grid lines.
MinorGridColorIndicates the color to show the minor grid lines on the surface.
MinorGridHeightIndicates the height between two consecutive minor grid lines.
MinorGridStyleSpecifies the style to display the minor grid lines.
MinorGridWidthIndicates the width between two consecutive minor grid lines.
MoveCornerMoves or scrolls the surface.
MovePointMoves or scrolls the surface, so the cursor aligns to specified corner.
OLEDragCauses a component to initiate an OLE drag/drop operation.
OLEDropModeReturns or sets how a target component handles drop operations
OverlapLinksColorsDefines the list of colors, separated by commas, used to display overlapping links.
OverviewColorSpecifies the color to show objects outside of the surface's client area.
PictureRetrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control.
PictureDisplayRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's background
PointToPositionConverts the screen coordinates to surface position.
PoolFromPointGets the Pool object from the cursor.
PoolsRetrieves the control's pools.
PositionToPointConverts the surface position to screen coordinates.
RedoRedoes the next action in the surface's Redo queue.
RedoListActionLists the Redo actions that can be performed on the surface.
RedoRemoveActionRemoves the first redo actions that can be performed on the surface.
RefreshRefreses the control.
RemoveSelectionRemoves the elements in the selection.
ReplaceIconAdds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the control's image list.
SaveXMLSaves the control's content as XML document to the specified location, using the MSXML parser.
ScrollPosSpecifies the vertical/horizontal scroll position.
ScrollToScrolls the surface to giving position.
ScrollXIndicates the x-scrolling position of the surface.
ScrollYIndicates the y-scrolling position of the surface.
SelCountIndicates the number of elements being selected on the surface.
SelectAllSelects all selectable elements in the control.
SelectionReturns or sets a safe array of selected elements on the surface.
SelectObjectColorIndicates the color to show the selected objects.
SelectObjectColorInactiveIndicates the color to show the selected objects, when the surface is not active/focused.
SelectObjectStyleSpecifies the style to display the selected object.
SelectObjectTextColorIndicates the color to show the text for selected objects.
SelectObjectTextColorInactiveIndicates the color to show the text for selected objects, when the surface is not active/focused.
SelElementGets the element being selected giving its index in the selection.
ShowElementsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the elements are visible or hidden.
ShowGridLinesShows or hides the grid lines in the control.
ShowImageListSpecifies whether the control's image list window is visible or hidden.
ShowLinksRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the links between elements are visible or hidden.
ShowLinksColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to display the links based on the user selection.
ShowLinksOnCollapseSpecifies whether the links for collapsed elements are shown or hidden.
ShowLinksStyleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the style to display the links based on the user selection.
ShowLinksTypeSpecifies how the links are displayed between the elements.
ShowLinksWidthRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the width to display the links based on the user selection.
ShowPoolsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the pools are visible or hidden.
ShowToolTipShows the specified tooltip at given position.
SingleSelReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the user can select one or more objects.
StartBlockUndoRedoStarts recording the UI operations as a block of undo/redo operations.
TemplateSpecifies the control's template.
TemplateDefDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TemplatePutDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
ToolBarCaptionSpecifies the HTML caption of the giving item in the control's toolbar.
ToolBarFormatSpecifies the CRD format to arrange the buttons inside the control's toolbar.
ToolBarHTMLPictureAdds or replaces a picture in toolbar's HTML captions.
ToolBarImagesSets at runtime the toolbar's image list. The Handle should be a handle to an Images List Control.
ToolBarRefreshRefreshes the control's toolbar.
ToolBarReplaceIconAdds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the toolbar's image list.
ToolBarToolTipSpecifies the HTML tooltip of the giving item in the control's toolbar.
ToolBarVisibleShows or hides control's toolbar.
ToolTipDelaySpecifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
ToolTipFontRetrieves or sets the tooltip's font.
ToolTipPopDelaySpecifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control.
ToolTipWidthSpecifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels.
UndoPerforms the last Undo operation.
UndoListActionLists the Undo actions that can be performed on the surface.
UndoRedoQueueLengthGets or sets the maximum number of Undo/Redo actions that may be stored to the surface's queue.
UndoRemoveActionRemoves the last undo actions that can be performed on the surface.
UnselectAllUnselects all elements in the control.
VersionRetrieves the control's version.
VisualAppearanceRetrieves the control's appearance.
VisualDesignInvokes the control's VisualAppearance designer.
ZoomSpecifies the current zooming factor of the surface.
ZoomLevelsSpecifies the list of zooming factors to be displayed on the control's toolbar.
ZoomMaxSpecifies the maximum zooming factor of the surface.
ZoomMinSpecifies the minimum zooming factor of the surface.
ZoomStepSpecifies the step to increase or decrease the zooming factor of the surface, while the user rotates the mouse wheel.