Chart object
The Chart object contains all properties and methods related to the G2antt chart area. The chart area displays the visible bars only. Use the Bars property to access the control's Bars collection. Use the PaneWidth property to specify the width of the chart area. Use the AddBar property to add new bars to an item. Use the LevelCount property to specify the number of levels in the control's header. 

The following screen shots show only the chart part of the control:

The Chart object supports the following properties and methods: 

AddNonworkingDateAdds a nonworking date.
AdjustLevelsToBaseSpecifies whether the levels are adjusted on the base level.
AllowCreateBarAllows creating new bars using the mouse.
AllowInsideZoomSpecifies whether the chart can magnify only parts of the chart.
AllowLinkBarsSpecifies whether the user can link the bars using the mouse.
AllowNonworkingBarsSpecifies whether the chart treats bars with exBarTreatAsNonworking as non-working parts of the item.
AllowOverviewZoomGets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can zoom the chart at runtime.
AllowResizeChartSpecifies whether the user can enlarge (zoom-in,zoom-out) or resize the chart using the control's header, middle mouse button.
AllowResizeInsideZoomSpecifies whether the user can resize the inside zoom unit.
AllowSelectDateSpecifies whether the user selects dates at runtime.
AllowSelectObjectsSets or gets a value that indicates whether the user can select objects in the chart.
AllowSplitPaneSpecifies whether the chart panel supports splitting.
AllowUndoRedoEnables or disables the Undo/Redo feature.
AllowZoomOnFlyMagnifies the bar from the cursor, when the user presses the CTRL / SHIFT key combination.
AMPMSpecifies the AM and PM indicators.
BackColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the chart's background color.
BackColorLevelHeaderSpecifies the background color for the chart's levels.
BackColorZoomOnFlySpecifies the background color for the zoom-on-fly panel.
BarFromPointRetrieves the bar from point.
BarsRetrieves the Bars collection.
BarsAllowSizingSpecifies whether bars can be resized at run-time.
CanRedoRetrieves a value that indicates whether the chart can perform a Redo operation.
CanUndoRetrieves a value that indicates whether the chart can perform an Undo operation.
ClearItemBackColorClears the item's background color in the chart area.
ClearNonworkingDatesClears nonworking dates.
ColumnsFontRetrieves or sets the font to display the columns in the chart section.
ColumnsFormatLevelSpecifies the CRD format layout to display the columns in the chart section.
ColumnsTransparentSpecifies the percent of the transparency to display the columns in the chart.
CondInsideZoomSpecifies the formula that indicates the dates that can be zoomed at runtime.
CountVisibleUnitsCounts the number of units within the specified range.
DateFromPointRetrieves the date from the cursor.
DateTickerLabelRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the format to display the bar's start and end date while creating, moving or resizing it.
DefaultInsideZoomFormatRetrieves the format of the inside zoom units.
DrawDateTickerRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control draws a ticker around the current date while cursor hovers the chart's client area.
DrawGridLinesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the grid lines are visible or hidden.
DrawLevelSeparatorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether lines between levels are shown or hidden.
EndBlockUndoRedoEnds recording the UI operations and adds the undo/redo operations as a block, so they all can be restored at once, if Undo method is performed.
EndPrintDateRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the printing end date.
FirstVisibleDateRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the first visible date.
FirstWeekDaySpecifies the first day of the week.
ForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the chart's foreground color.
ForeColorLevelHeaderSpecifies the foreground color for the chart's levels.
FormatDateFormats the date.
GridLineStyleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates style for the gridlines being shown in the chart area.
GroupUndoRedoActionsGroups the next to current Undo/Redo Actions in a single block.
HistogramBackColorSpecifies the background color of the chart's histogram.
HistogramHeaderVisibleSpecifies whether a copy of chart's header is displayed in the bottom side of the histogram.
HistogramHeightSpecifies whether the height of the chart's histogram.
HistogramUnitCountSpecifies the time-scale count to determine the effort of bars with variable-effort (effort of expression/string type)
HistogramUnitScaleSpecifies the time-scale unit to determine the effort of bars with variable-effort (effort of expression/string type)
HistogramValueGets the value in the histogram at specified date-time, for giving type of bars or/and groups.
HistogramValueFromPointRetrieves the value from the histogram at the cursor position.
HistogramViewSpecifies the list of items being included in the histogram.
HistogramVisibleSpecifies whether the chart's histogram layout is visible or hidden.
HistogramZOrderSpecifies the z-order of the bars to be shown within the chart's histogram.
InsideZoomOnDblClickGets or sets a value that indicates whether a portion of the chart is magnified or zoomed when the user double click a date.
InsideZoomsRetrieves the collection of inside zoom dates.
IsDateVisibleSpecifies whether the date fits the control's chart area.
IsNonworkingDateSpecifies whether giving date-time is a nonworking unit.
ItemBackColorRetrieves or sets a background color for a specific item, in the chart area.
LabelRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the predefined format of the level's label for a specified unit.
LabelToolTipRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the predefined format of the level's tooltip for a specified unit.
LevelRetrieves the level based on its index.
LevelCountSpecifies the number of levels in the control's header.
LevelFromPointRetrieves the index of the level from the point.
LinkFromPointRetrieves the link from the point.
LinksColorSpecifies the color to draw the links between the bars.
LinksStyleSpecifies the style to draw the links between the bars.
LinksWidthSpecifies the width in pixels of the pen to draw the links between the bars.
LocAMPMRetrieves the time marker such as AM or PM using the current user regional and language settings.
LocFirstWeekDayIndicates the first day of the week, as specified in the regional settings.
LocMonthNamesRetrieves the list of month names, as indicated in the regional settings, separated by space.
LocWeekDaysRetrieves the list of names for each week day, as indicated in the regional settings, separated by space.
MarkNowSpecifies the the current time to show in the chart.
MarkNowColorSpecifies the background color or the visual appearance of the object that indicates the current time in the chart.
MarkNowCountSpecifies the number of time units to count while highlighting the current time.
MarkNowDelaySpecifies the delay to show the current time in the chart.
MarkNowTransparentSpecifies the percent of the transparency to display the object that marks the current time.
MarkNowUnitRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the base time unit while highlighting the current time.
MarkNowWidthSpecifies the width in pixels of the object that shows the current time.
MarkSelectDateColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to mark the selected date in the chart.
MarkTimeZoneHighlights a specified time zone from start to end with a different background color, pattern, transparency, HTML captions and so on.
MarkTodayColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to mark today in the chart.
MaxUnitWidthSpecifies the maximum value for Chart.UnitWidth property while enlarge or zoom-in/zoom-out operation is performed.
MinUnitWidthSpecifies the minimum value for Chart.UnitWidth property while enlarge or zoom-in/zoom-out operation is performed.
MonthNamesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the list of month names, separated by space.
NextDateGets the next date based on the unit.
NonworkingDaysRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working days, for each week day a bit.
NonworkingDaysColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to fill the non-working days.
NonworkingDaysPatternRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the pattern being used to fill non-working days.
NonworkingHoursRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working hours, for each hour in a day a bit.
NonworkingHoursColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to fill the non-working hours.
NonworkingHoursPatternRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the pattern being used to fill non-working hours.
NoteFromPointRetrieves the note from the point.
NotesRetrieves the Notes collection.
OverlaidOnMovingSpecifies whether the overlaid bars are re-arranged while the user moves or resizes at runtime a bar.
OverviewBackColorSpecifies the background color of the chart's overview.
OverviewHeightIndicates the height of the chart's overview.
OverviewLevelLinesIndicates the index of the level that displays the grid line in the chart's overview.
OverviewSelBackColorSpecifies the selection color of the chart's overview.
OverviewSelTransparentSpecifies the percent of the transparency to display the selection in the overview parts of the control.
OverviewShowMarkTimeZonesSpecifies whether the chart's overview shows the marked time-zones.
OverviewShowSelectDatesSpecifies whether the chart's overview shows the selected dates.
OverviewToolTipRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the format of the tooltip being shown while the cursor hovers the chart's overview area.
OverviewVisibleSpecifies whether the chart's overview layout is visible or hidden.
OverviewZoomCaptionSpecifies the captions for each zooming unit.
OverviewZoomUnitIndicates the width in pixels of the zooming unit in the overview.
PaneWidthSpecifies the width for the left or side pane.
PictureRetrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the chart.
PictureDisplayRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the chart's background
RedoRedoes the next action in the chart's Redo queue.
RedoListActionLists the Redo actions that can be performed in the chart.
RedoRemoveActionRemoves the first redo actions that can be performed in the chart.
RemoveNonworkingDateRemoves a nonworking date.
RemoveSelectionRemoves the selected objects within the chart.
RemoveTimeZoneRemoves a time-zone being highlighted using the MarkTimeZone method.
ResizeUnitCountSpecifies the number of time units while resizing, moving or creating bars by dragging.
ResizeUnitScaleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the base time unit while resizing, moving or creating the bars by dragging.
ScrollBarShows or hides the chart's horizontal scroll bar.
ScrollRangeSpecifies the range of dates to scroll within.
ScrollToScrolls the chart so the specified date is visible.
SelBackColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection background color.
SelBarColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color or EBN object to display the selected bars.
SelectDateSelects or unselects a specific date in the chart.
SelectDatesIndicates a collection of date-time units being selected.
SelectLevelIndicates the index of the level that highlights the selected dates.
SelectOnClickSpecifies whether an item gets selected once the user clicks the chart area.
SelForeColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection foreground color.
SelLinkColorSpecifies the color to show the selected link ( or for rectangular links an EBN object to highlights the link, without changing the link's color ).
ShowCollapsedBarsGets or sets a value that indicates whether the collapsed items displays their child bars.
ShowEmptyBarsSpecifies whether empty bars are shown or hidden. An empty bar has the start and end dates identical.
ShowEmptyBarsUnitSpecifies the unit to be added to the end date, so empty bars are shown.
ShowLinksRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the links between bars are visible or hidden.
ShowLinksColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to display the links based on the user selection.
ShowLinksStyleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the style to display the links based on the user selection.
ShowLinksWidthRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the width to display the links based on the user selection.
ShowNonworkingDatesShows or hides nonworking dates.
ShowNonworkingHoursShows or hides nonworking hours.
ShowNonworkingUnitsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the non-working units are visible or hidden.
ShowNotesSpecifies whether all notes or boxes are shown or hidden.
ShowTransparentBarsGets or sets a value that indicates percent of the transparency to display the bars.
SplitPaneWidthSpecifies the width of split panels, separated by comma.
StartBlockUndoRedoStarts recording the UI operations as a block of undo/redo operations.
StartPrintDateRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the printing start date.
TimeZoneFromPointRetrieves the time-zone from the cursor.
TimeZoneInfoRetrieves information about the time-zone giving its key.
ToolTipRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the format of the tooltip being shown while the user scrolls the chart.
UndoPerforms the last Undo operation.
UndoListActionLists the Undo actions that can be performed in the chart.
UndoRedoQueueLengthGets or sets the maximum number of Undo/Redo actions that may be stored to the chart's queue.
UndoRemoveActionRemoves the last the undo actions that can be performed in the chart.
UnitScaleRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the base unit being displayed.
UnitWidthSpecifies the width in pixels for the minimal unit.
UnitWidthNonworkingSpecifies the width in pixels for the minimal unit.
UnselectDatesUnselects all dates in the chart.
UpdateOnMovingSpecifies whether the control moves or resizes all related bars or just the bar being moved or resized.
WeekDaysRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the list of names for each week day, separated by space.
WeekNumberAsSpecifies the way the control displays the week number.
ZoomSets or retrieves the magnification scale of the chart.
ZoomOnFlyCaptionSpecifies the caption to be shown in the zoom-on-fly panel, when the cursor hovers a bar.