The eXButton component defines a command button. A command button on a form can start an action or a set of actions. For example, you could create a command button that opens another form.
The control provides predefined button skins for Windows XP, Windows 95/98, and Mac 8.x buttons.
Create your own skins for your buttons in minutes, using a WYSYWG skin builder. The ability to specify everything that control needs like graphical objects,
transparent skins, HTML captions as simple text makes the exButton one of the best. The exButton control easily replaces the Standard Windows button by supporting most of
the same properties, methods and events. In addition, you have complete control over how the button is displayed. The skin method, in it's simplest form, uses a single graphic
file assigned to the client area of the button. By using a collection of objects laid over the graphic, it is possible to define which sections of the graphic will be used
as borders, corners and other possible elements, fixing them to their proper position regardless of the size of the button.
Features of eXButton include:
- WYSWYG Skin Builder (ability to define your button faces in minutes)
- Predefined skins for Windows XP, Windows 95/98, and Mac 8.x buttons
- Rectangular or Round/Circular/Non-Rectangular shape support.
- Horizontal, Vertical, Rotate, Mirror support.
Unlimited options to show any HTML text, images, colors, EBNs, patterns, frames anywhere on the label's background.
- WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor support.
- EBN files can be displayed in thumbnail view, by your Windows Explorer.
- Multiple-Lines HTML Tooltip support.
- Transparent color support.
- Focusable support
- Ability to build toolbars with your own style.
- Ability to assign different skins for different button's states.
- Ability to specify ANY background color without affecting the shape.
- Ability to assign icons, images, transparent images to the control using BASE64 encoded strings.
- Ability to specify HTML multiple lines caption.
- Ability to align the caption or the image anywhere on the button's client area.
- Ability to specify a picture on the button's background.
- BMP, EMF, EXIF, GIF, ICON, JPEG, PNG, TIFF or WMF format support.
- Normal, Push-Like, Check Box, Custom modes support.
- Hot, Focus state support.
- and more.
General information about eXButton product:
Exontrol.Button, exontrol.EXBUTTONLib.exbutton
exbutton.dll, exbutton.ocx, exontrol.exbutton.dll,
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
Access, AutoIt, C#, C++, Clarion, Delphi, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, FORTH, HTML, LabVIEW, Lotus Notes, Power++, PowerBuilder, Progress, Smalltalk, twinBASIC, VB, VB.NET, VB6, VBA, Visual Objects, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), xBasic, X++, Xbase++, uniPaas (eDeveloper)
Lines of code:
55,423 (48,133 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 2, Functions 112, Events 10, Definitions 10
See Also:
Shortcut links: