Add an enhanced exTree component to your application. exTree provides
the entire range of capabilities you would expect to see in a state-of-the-art
tree component. The exTree control simulates a simple tree, a multi-column tree,
a list or a listview control. The exTree component lets the user changes its
visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience
that enhances viewing pleasure.
First Look of eXTree:
Features of eXTree include:
- Fast ( load 1,000,000 items in less than 4 seconds )
- Print and Print Preview support.
- Ability to generate the control's template at runtime.
- ADO, DAO, DataSource/DataMember/DataContext support
- PDF (Portable Document Format), BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF support (Ability to save/export the control's content to PDF, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF formats)
- MSAA, UI Automation, IAccessible support
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- Customizable Windows XP Theme support
- Ability to show the elements of the control from right-to-left for Hebrew, Arabic and other RTL languages
- Multiple Columns
- Single or Multiple Lines/Levels Header support.
- Sorting by Single or Multiple Column support.
- ActiveX hosting (you can place any ActiveX component in any item of the tree)
- Events from contained components are fired through to your program using the exact same model used in VB
- 'starts with' and 'contains' incremental searching support
- Filter support.
- Filter-Prompt support, allows you to filter the items as you type while the filter bar is always visible on the bottom part of the list area.
- Filter-On-Type support. Ability to filter items by a column, as you type.
- Ability to filter items using patterns that include wild card characters like *, ? or #, items between two dates, numbers, with an easy-to-use interface.
- Ability to filter items using AND, OR, or NOT operators between columns.
- Conditional Format support.
- Ability to format the cells based on several predefined functions and expressions such as currency, shortdate, longdate ...
- Computed Fields supports numbers, strings and dates expressions.
- OLE drag and drop support for items, drag and drop support for columns
- "Split Cells" support.
- "Merge Cells" support.
- Locked/Fixed rows/items support.
- Divider items support.
- Not selectable items support.
- Locked/Fixed columns support
- Multi-lines items support
- Partial Check Support. Built-in checkbox reflection to reflect that state
of children, parents.
- Any cell supports Built-in HTML format.
- Ability to insert hyperlinks anywhere in the cell's caption.
- Unlimited color options for cells, items, columns
- Different font for any cell or item
- Cells can be formatted individually, or via columns or rows
- Radio buttons, images, check boxes
- Ability to assign multiple icons to a cell
- Ability to load icons or pictures from BASE64 encoded strings
- Multi-lines tooltip support, XP shadow effect
- Mouse wheel support
- and more
General information about eXTree product:
Exontrol.Tree, exontrol.EXTREELib.extree, wpf.exontrol.EXTREELib.extree
extree.dll, extree.ocx, exontrol.extree.dll,, wpf.exontrol.extree.dll, extree.wpf
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
Access, AutoIt, C#, C++, Clarion, Delphi, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, FORTH, HTML, LabVIEW, Lotus Notes, Power++, PowerBuilder, Progress, Smalltalk, twinBASIC, VB, VB.NET, VB6, VBA, Visual Objects, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), xBasic, X++, Xbase++, uniPaas (eDeveloper)
Lines of code:
171,068 (149,994 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 11, Functions 635, Events 44, Definitions 38
See Also:
Shortcut links: