The Exontrol's exG2antt component is an editable grid component that includes Gantt
chart features (a Gantt chart is a bar chart that illustrates a project schedule). The ex(G)rid-ex(G)antt, shortly exG2antt or ex2Gantt, combines the exGrid
and exGantt components in a standalone component. In other words, it combines
a multiple columns editable Tree/Grid control with Gantt features, in a single component.
The exG2antt library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an
additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.
First Look of eXG2antt:
Features of eXG2antt include:
- Fast ( load 1,000,000 bars in less than 3 seconds )
- Print and Print Preview support
- WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor support
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- ADO, DAO, DataSource/DataMember/DataContext support
- MSAA, UI Automation, IAccessible support
- Ability to save/load the control's data to/from XML documents
- PDF (Portable Document Format), BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF support (Ability to save/export the control's content to PDF, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF formats)
The Chart area supports:
- Ability to specify multiple levels, using custom built-in HTML format for each level
- Alternative HTML labels support for best fit in the level's time unit.
- Regional and Language Options support to display dates, times.
- Overview/Layout/Map support.
- Ability to enlarge or magnify (zoom-in,zoom-out) the entire chart, by dragging the header or resizing it using the middle mouse button, with or without re-scaling the chart.
- Ability to magnify only a portion of the chart, so the rest of the chart stay unchanged, ie shows hours of selected day(s).
- Ability to split the time scale in different sections, using different time scale units.
- Zoom and Scale support ( including at run-time too )
- Zoom-On-Fly support
- Histogram support
- over-loads or over-allocations.
- several type of diagrams with antialiasing rendering
- cumulative bars using different colors, patterns, and so on.
- may display its legend or similar information using custom controls.
- Viewing Resources support
- NonworkingDays/Hours support
- Ability to display one or more columns in CRD format on the chart part.
- Automatically update the bar captions or tooltips, using its properties combined with HTML format and computed fields.
- Ability to resize or move the bars in the chart, at run-time.
- Ability to move the bars in the chart, from an item to another, by drag and drop or by code as well.
- Semi-Transparent Bars support
- Ability to define your own type of bars using gradients, custom patterns, shapes or EBN objects.
- Ability to define the starting and ending corners from icons.
- Ability to show the current date-time using EBN files.
- Ability to highlight or mark different date-time zones, using different colors, EBNs, patterns, multiple HTML captions.
- Ability to link bars using the mouse.
- Ability to group bars, preserve the length of the bars, fixing ( or within a specified range ) the distance between bars.
- Ability to group the linked bars.
- Ability to show the links with different attributes for those that start or end on selected bar(s) , or are not related to any of selected bar(s)
- Ability to select bars and links using the mouse, as well as moving or deleting them.
- Ability to customize the overlaid bars using different offset, transparency, colors, patterns, shapes, and so on.
- Ability to specify the range to move or resize individual bars.
- Ability to summarize the bars, so once a child bar is moved or resized the parent or the summary bar is updated accordingly.
- Ability to define your custom labels for levels, including subdivisions.
- Undo/Redo mechanism for operations in the chart, as moving, resizing, creating bars or links and so on.
- Ability to associate the cells with the bars, so you can easily update the bar's properties using the cell's editor, and reverse.
- Support for retrieving the
or parts of the cells as icons, text, checkboxes, and so on
- Precedence Diagramming Method ( PDM or scheduling activities in a project plan )
- Critical Path Method ( CPM or longest path )
- Ability to associate a bar/date with fully customizable, movable boxes or notes, including HTML text, images, links and so on
- and more
The Items area provides:
- Tree-Grid-Gantt with multiple columns support, Hierarchical view
- Custom Row Designer (Have your rows display however you want with the control row layout capabilities).
Group-By support
- Multi-Lines items support
- Ability to show the control's elements from right-to-left for Hebrew, Arabic and other RTL languages.
- Built-in Editors support, in other words editable at runtime.
- Filter support.
- Filter-Prompt support,
allows you to filter the items as you type while the filter bar
is always visible on the bottom part of the list area.
- Filter-On-Type
support. Ability to filter items by a column, as you type.
- Ability to filter items filter items using patterns, is, is after, is before, between a range of dates, numeric with an interactive user iterface.
- Ability to filter items using AND, OR, or NOT operators between columns.
- Ability to include or exclude items from the list by filtering
- SortBar Support
- Locked/Fixed/Dividers items support
- ActiveX hosting (you can place any ActiveX component in any item of the chart)
- 'starts with' and 'contains' incremental searching support
- Merge or Split cells support
- Built-In HTML Tooltip support
- Conditional Format support.
- Ability to format the cells based on several predefined functions and expressions such as currency, shortdate, longdate ...
- Computed Fields supports numbers, strings and dates expressions.
- Ability to insert hyperlinks anywhere in the cells, bars or links
- and more ...
The eXG2antt is editable at run-time. The eXGantt is read-only at run-time.
Click to enlarge!
General information about eXG2antt product:
Exontrol.G2antt, exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.exg2antt, wpf.exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.exg2antt
exg2antt.dll, exg2antt.ocx, exontrol.exg2antt.dll,, wpf.exontrol.exg2antt.dll, exg2antt.wpf
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
Access, AutoIt, C#, C++, Clarion, Delphi, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, FORTH, HTML, LabVIEW, Lotus Notes, Power++, PowerBuilder, Progress, Smalltalk, twinBASIC, VB, VB.NET, VB6, VBA, Visual Objects, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), xBasic, X++, Xbase++, uniPaas (eDeveloper)
Lines of code:
315,528 (275,334 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 21, Functions 1,272, Events 68, Definitions 86
See Also:
Shortcut links: