When you have several people entering data in your database, you can define how users must enter data in specific fields to help maintain consistency
and to make your database easier to manage. For example, you can set an input mask for a form so that users can only enter telephone numbers in the
Swedish format or addresses in the French format. You can set a specific format for the input mask, and select another format so that the same data
is displayed differently.
Features of eXMaskEdit include:
Features of eXMaskEdit include:
- Ability to define and use one or more masks at runtime
- Insert or Overtype mode support
- Restrict Input Data until the user enters the appropriate value
- HTML ToolTip, Warning, Beep support, so a tooltip is shown once the user enters any invalid data
- Ability to highlight entities with a different color, while the entire mask is not completed
- Ability to define valid characters using the [] directive, or specify the margins of the number to be entered using the {} directives
- Left/Right alignment support
Here's a list of data types you might want to mask:
- license keys
- IP addresses
- urls
- e-mails
- floating/decimal point numbers support, including grouping of digits
- phone numbers
- extension, zip code
- social security numbers
- decimal numbers
- hexa numbers
- binary numbers
- alpha and digit characters
- RGB, A-RGB colors
- date, time
- passwords
- and more
General information about eXMaskEdit product:
Exontrol.MaskEdit, exontrol.EXMASKEDITLib.exmaskedit
maskedit.dll, maskedit.ocx, exontrol.exmaskedit.dll, exmaskedit.net
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
Access, AutoIt, C#, C++, Clarion, Delphi, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, FORTH, HTML, LabVIEW, Lotus Notes, Power++, PowerBuilder, Progress, Smalltalk, twinBASIC, VB, VB.NET, VB6, VBA, Visual Objects, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), xBasic, X++, Xbase++, uniPaas (eDeveloper)
Lines of code:
42,373 (36,895 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 2, Functions 101, Events 13, Definitions 9
See Also:
Shortcut links: