The Exontrol's ExToolTip provides featured tooltips for your application.
The tooltip is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor,
usually a mouse pointer. The user hovers the cursor over an item, without clicking it, and a small
box appears with supplementary information regarding the item being hovered over. Adding the component
to your projects is very easy, and requires only a few lines of code.
Features of eXToolTip include:
- DPI-Aware support
- Multiple lines support
- Built-in HTML format
Text Decorations support, like gradient, outlined characters, shadow, and so on
- Skinning support, including round corners
- Transparency support
- Customizable Fonts and Colors
- Text, Icons, or Custom Size Pictures
- PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support
- Ability to insert hyperlinks with inside tooltip support
- Configurable Timing
- and more
General information about eXToolTip product:
Exontrol.ToolTip, exontrol.EXTOOLTIPLib.extooltip
extooltip.dll, extooltip.ocx, exontrol.extooltip.dll,
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
Access, AutoIt, C#, C++, Clarion, Delphi, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, FORTH, HTML, LabVIEW, Lotus Notes, Power++, PowerBuilder, Progress, Smalltalk, twinBASIC, VB, VB.NET, VB6, VBA, Visual Objects, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), xBasic, X++, Xbase++, uniPaas (eDeveloper)
Lines of code:
17,098 (14,894 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 2, Functions 35, Events 1, Definitions 2
See Also:
Shortcut links: