Provide rich display of file and folder information from within your
applications. ExFileView is a component for creating Windows
Explorer-style functionality. The ExFileView library lets the user changes its visual appearance
using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances
viewing pleasure.
The eXShellView and eXFolderVew
controls adds Windows-Explorer functionality ( with the same look and behavior
as your Explorer ) to your forms. The main difference between eXFileView and
eXShellView or eXFolderView, is that eXFileView can customize groups of files or
folders with specified colors, fonts or icons, and the eXShellView and
eXFolderVew uses the Windows system to create the views, and so the
look and behavior is exactly like you would run your Windows Explorer in your form.
First Look of eXFileView:
Features of eXFileView include:
- Touch/Pointer Support ( ability to scroll the control's content by touching and dragging )
- Print and Print Preview support.
- Files or folders with different attributes can be displayed with different color, background color, font, etc.
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- 'starts with' and 'contains' incremental searching support
- CheckBox support.
- Search files and folders support.
- Ability to display the results from a recursive search.
- Filter the files based on files extensions using Include or Exclude clauses.
- Ability to highlight the folders that contains files changed into a given interval
- Ability to change the displayed icon, or type file, for files or folders
- Ability to filter files and folders on the fly, using the control's filterbar.
- Ability to define custom filter patterns for any column.
- OLE Drag and Drop support.
- Column sorting
- Mouse wheel support
- and more.
General information about eXFileView product:
Exontrol.ExFileView, exontrol.EXFILEVIEWLib.exfileview, wpf.exontrol.EXFILEVIEWLib.exfileview
exfilevw.dll, exfilevw.ocx, exontrol.exfileview.dll,, wpf.exontrol.exfileview.dll, exfileview.wpf
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
Access, AutoIt, C#, C++, Clarion, Delphi, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, FORTH, HTML, LabVIEW, Lotus Notes, Power++, PowerBuilder, Progress, Smalltalk, twinBASIC, VB, VB.NET, VB6, VBA, Visual Objects, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), xBasic, X++, Xbase++, uniPaas (eDeveloper)
Lines of code:
85,529 (74,217 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 8, Functions 282, Events 19, Definitions 21
See Also:
Shortcut links: