The Exontrol's eXPivot tool is our approach to provide data summarization, as a pivot table. A pivot-table can automatically sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet. The user sets up and changes the summary's structure by dragging and dropping fields graphically.
Yes, the Exontrol ExPrint component ( exprint.dll ) provides Print
and Print Preview capabilities for the exPivot component. Once that
you can have the exPrint component in your Components list, insert a new
instance of "ExPrint 1.0 Control Library" to your form and add
the following code:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With Print1
Set .PrintExt = Pivot1.Object
End With
End Sub
The Exontrol Print Preview mainframe looks like follows:
The exPrint component is free of charge, if you are
registered user of the exPivot component.
The following VB sample opens the Print Preview frame:
With Print1
Set .PrintExt = Pivot1.Object
End With
The following C++ sample opens the Print Preview frame:
The Exontrol ExPrint component ( exprint.dll ) provides Print and Print
Preview capabilities for the Exontrol ExPivot component.
The requirements for the FitToPage option:
Exontrol.ExPrint version 5.2 ( or greater )
Exontrol.ExPivot version 7.0 ( or greater )
If these are not meet, the Options("FitToPage") property has NO
The FitToPage option could be one of the following:
On, (Fit-To-Page) the control's content is printed to a single page
( version 7.0 )
p%, (Adjust-To) where p is a positive number that indicates the
percent from normal size to adjust to. For instance, the "FitToPage =
50%" adjusts the control's content to 50% from normal size. ( version 10.0 )
w x, (Fit-To Wide) where w is a positive number that indicates that the control's content fits w pages wide by
how many pages tall are required. For instance,
"FitToPage = 3 x" fits the control's content to 3 pages wide by
how many pages tall is are required. ( version 10.0 )
x t, (Fit-To Tall) where t is a positive number that specifies
that the control's content fits t pages tall by how many pages wide are
required. For instance,
"FitToPage = x 2" fits the control's content to 2 pages tall by
how many pages wide are required. ( version 10.0 )
w x t, (Fit-To) where w and t are positive numbers that specifies
that the control's content fits w pages wide by t pages tall. For instance,
"FitToPage = 3 x 2" fits the control's content to 3 pages wide by
2 pages tall. ( version 10.0 )
The following VB6 sample shows how to show the eXPivot/COM's content to one page
when print or print preview the component:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With Print1
.Options = "FitToPage = On"
Set .PrintExt = Pivot1.Object
End With
End Sub
The following VB/NET sample shows how to show the eXPivot/NET or /WPF's content to one page
when print or print preview the component:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
With Exprint1
.Options = "FitToPage = On"
.PrintExt = Expivot1
End With
End Sub
The control's Layout property indicates a value to restore the control's layout
as previously saved. The Layout includes the column positions, sorting, size,
filtering and so on.
For instance, the Layout term is defined as:
as an event, in the /NET framework, (Control.Layout Event)
as a property in MS Access, of the extended control.
In order to use the control's Layout property and not confused with the
system's Layout event or property you need to cast the object such as:
VB, VBA, MS Access, Pivot1.Object.Layout
instead Pivot1.Layout
C# for /COM, (axPivot1.GetOcx() as EXPIVOTLib.IPivot).Layout, instead
axPivot1.Layout. The /COM version on
/NET provides the CtlLayout, which is the control's Layout property, so it
is correct to be used too as axPivot1.CtlLayout.
VB/NET for /COM, AxPivot1.GetOcx().Layout instead AxPivot1.Layout. The
/COM version on /NET provides the CtlLayout, which is the control's Layout
property, so it is correct to be used too as AxPivot1.CtlLayout.
The control's Import method imports data to the control. It may be confused with
other methods, properties or events named the same.
In order to use the control's Import method and not be confused other method
of the same name you can do:
C# for /COM, The /COM version on
/NET provides the CtlImport, which is the control's Import method, so it
is correct to be used too as axPivot1.CtlImport.
The same way, you can get the Import call if using such as (axPivot1.GetOcx() as
EXPIVOTLib.IPivot).Import, instead axPivot1.Import.
VB/NET for /COM, The
/COM version on /NET provides the CtlImport, which is the control's Import
method, so it is correct to be used too as AxPivot1.CtlImport.The
same way, you can get the Import call if using such as AxPivot1.GetOcx().Import instead AxPivot1.Import.
Yes. The control's Import method imports data to the control. The Source
parameter of the Import method can be:
A String expression that indicates the path to a file to be loaded or the
content itself. If the expression points to a file, the file's content is
loaded.The Import method loads CSV files or CSV content. A comma-separated
values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form.
Plain text means that the file is a sequence of characters, with no data
that has to be interpreted instead, as binary numbers. A CSV file consists
of any number of records, separated by line breaks of some kind; each record
consists of fields, separated by some other character or string, most
commonly a literal comma or tab. Usually, all records have an identical
sequence of fields. The Source parameter indicates the path to the CSV file
to be loaded, or the content itself. For instance, the Import
"C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExPivot\Sample\data.txt"
imports the data.txt file.
A Safe array of one-dimensional or two-dimension type, which indicates the
data to be loaded. The safe array must be with 1 or 2 dimensions, else an error occurs. If the Source parameter refers a one-dimensional array, the content of the array indicates the values of the rows. If the Source parameter refers a two-dimensional array, the first dimension indicates the columns, while the second indicates the rows. For instance, in VB6 you can load data
from a safe array using the syntax Import Array(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4).
Where Array is a method of VB6 that creates a safe array of different
values. The same way you can have the declaration Dim
data(1,99) as String, and call the Import
data, will load a two-dimensional array. The sample loads 2
columns, and 100 rows from the data array.
Here's a few samples of using Import method with arrays, using the /COM
By default, the control is keeping the layout (size, position, sorting order,
... ) of the generated columns when the user makes changes in the control's
pivot bar. In other words, if you include a new value in the column's filter,
the new generated columns will be appended at the end of the header list. In
order to prevent this, you need to handle the LayoutEndChanging event when exPivotDataColumnSort
and exPivotDataColumnFilterChange notifications occur, and call the control's
Reset method as in the following sample:
Private Sub Pivot1_LayoutEndChanging(ByVal Operation As EXPIVOTLibCtl.LayoutChangingEnum)
If (Operation = exPivotDataColumnSort) Or (Operation = exPivotDataColumnFilterChange) Then
Pivot1.Reset "c*.position*"
End If
End Sub
The sample resets the position of the generated columns when exPivotDataColumnSort
and exPivotDataColumnFilterChange notifications occur.
This issue may occur when the control displays a hierarchy ( the control is
grouping multiple columns, or PivotRows
property contains multiple columns ) By default, the control's FilterInclude
property is set on exItemsWithChilds + exMatchIncludeParent. Because the
FilterInclude property includes the exMatchIncludeParent flag, it makes the
control to include the parent with childs, so more items appear to be included
not only the matching items.
You can do one of the following:
Change the FilterInclude property to exItemsWithoutChilds, and so
just the items that match the filtering will be included in the control's
list ( including the parent items ).
Set the FilterInclude property to exMatchingItemsOnly flag, and so
no parent/child items are displayed, and so the control displays just the
items that match the criteria. This option hides the parent or child items that does not match the criteria.
If using a different Font, make sure that you are updating the DefaultItemHeight
property as well, which indicates the default height for the items to be shown
in the control's list. The DefaultItemHeight property is not depending on the
Font property.
The number of records the control can handle depends on the architecture of the application (32-bit or x64) and installed memory (RAM). In order to calculate a sum, a max, or a count, the control requires to load the entire data into the memory. There is no virtual way. Why? Let's say you need to get the sum of the entire column? You bet you need to know the value for each field within the column. Otherwise, the sum is impossible to compute.
A 32-bit system can address a maximum of 4 GB (4,294,967,296 bytes) of RAM. A 64-bit register can theoretically reference 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 bytes, or 17,179,869,184 GB (16 exabytes) of memory. This is several million times more than an average workstation would need to access. What's important is that a 64-bit computer (which means it has a 64-bit processor) can access more than 4 GB of RAM. If a computer has 8 GB of RAM, it better has a 64-bit processor. Otherwise, at least 4 GB of the memory will be inaccessible by the CPU.
Back to the control. As a table comes with records, you need to know that also the number of column is important, as there is a difference in occupied memory between one column to more columns. For instance, the memory required to load 1,000 records with 1 column is not the same as 4 or more columns.
We have created a basic x-script sample to load different number of records from 250,000 to more than 4,000,000 records, with 14 columns, using 32 and 64 bit versions of the control, on a x64 Windows machine with 8 GB of RAM. In order to run following sample you need to have installed: MS Access, eXPivot and eXHelper.
If you have a different ADO connection (SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Internet Publishing,
...) you need to change the first ("Orders") and second ("Provider=...")
parameters of the
Open command. Click here to see how you can do on your machine.
The x-script code is (copy and paste the following code to eXHelper for eXPivot
The sample loads the Orders table, group by CustomerID and displays the sum
and count of Freight column. You can download the sample(250K).accdb, sample(500K).accdb,
sample(1M).accdb, sample(2M).accdb and sample(4M).accdb here.
All accdb samples runs fine on eXHelper(32-bit) and eXHelper(64-bit) on
Windows OS 8GB. During executing you will notice that the control requires a lot of
memory to load the data, but once the data is loaded the memory get stabilized
at a reasonable amount. The time to load/run the sample varies from 4 seconds (14 x 250,000)
to 1 minute (14 x 4,000,000) and it depends on the performance of the
computer you are running (Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 3401 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical
Processor(s), 8.00 GB). Please be aware that the size on disk of your database
is not equivalent with the memory require to load the entire data-source.
Here's the result:
The memory usage varies from to 115 MB (14 x 250,000) to 1.2 GB (14 x
4,000,000). The size on disk varies from 43 MB (14 x 250,000) to 640 MB (14 x
While trying to run the sample you can get any of the following exceptions:
0x80004005: Path not is not valid
change the path from E:/Working/ to your valid path
0x800A0E7A: Provider cannot be found
install MS Access 32 or 64 based on what type of eXHelper you
0x80020006: Unknown name
no ADO is installed on your machine, so you need to install it
The x-script code can be converted
to VB, C++, VFP, Delphi, ... using the eXHelper tool. If you convert the code to
other programming languages, please consider that each environment requires its
own memory to run, so you mat encounter any of this:
Run-time error: '-2145417848 (80010108) Method 'DataSource'' of object
IPivot failed
OLE exception error: Exception code e06d7363. OLE object matt be corrupt
due insufficient memory, and we would recommend the following tips:
compile the build the application to EXE to run, rather than running the
sample within its environment
do not run the application in debug mode
use x64 version
reduce the number of columns
do not change DisplayPivotRows, DisplayPivotFields, DisplayPivotData
properties (these properties do not affect the number of items / rows to be
loaded from the DATA you provide, it just adjusts the number of rows/field
to be displayed on the control's (generated) list)
and use the Task manager (or any other tool) to monitor the memory usage for
the application.
Finally, please pay attention that the evaluation version of the control limits (from
time to time) the number of records the control loads.
(not required for evaluation version) set the License property
(used to specify the runtime license key for a control, typically required for licensed versions of software
as in the following VB sample (the code also demonstrates how you can use IntelliSense for the internally created control):
Private g As EXGRAPHLib.Graph
Private Sub Form_Load()
With Pivot1.CustomView
.ControlID = "exontrol.graph"
.License = "your runtime license-key"
Set g = .Object
With g
.SerieType = "area"
.AutoFit = True
End With
End With
End Sub
To define the EXGRAPHLib.Graph type, you need to include a reference to the eXGraph control. This can be done by going to Project > References, then selecting "ExGraph 1.0 Control Library".
The OleEvent event occurs whenever the custom view fires an event. The ViewChange event is triggered whenever there is a change in the control's view.
The following code changes the direction and style of the displayed series (once the ViewChange event occurs):
Private Sub Pivot1_ViewChange()
With g
.MultiColorSerie = .SerieType = "Pie"
With .Series
For i = 0 To .Count - 1
.Item(i).Vertical = True
.Item(i).Style = exSpline
End With
End With
End Sub
The concept is the same for any other programming language.
Place the ExGraph/NET control into the same form as the ExPivot/NET control
set the Object property to an ExGraph/NET instance from the same form
as in the following VB/NET sample:
Expivot1.CustomView.Object = Exgraph1
where Exgraph1 is an instance of exontrol.EXGRAPHLib.exgraph type. To define the exontrol.EXGRAPHLib.exgraph type, you need to include a reference to the eXGraph/NET control. This can be done by going to Project > Add Reference > Browse, then selecting "exontrol.exgraph.dll" file.
The following code changes the direction and style of the displayed series (once the ViewChange event occurs):
Private Sub Expivot1_ViewChange(ByVal sender As System.Object) Handles Expivot1.ViewChange
With Exgraph1
.MultiColorSerie = .SerieType = "Pie"
Dim i As Integer
With .Series
For i = 0 To .Count - 1
.Item(i).Vertical = True
.Item(i).Style = exontrol.EXGRAPHLib.SerieStyleEnum.exSpline
End With
End With
End Sub
The concept is the same for any other programming language.
If you don't need graph functionality, you don't have to purchase eXGraph. However, if you do, you'll need to buy the corresponding version of eXGraph, similar to your eXPivot purchase. For example, if you purchased eXPivot/COM/64, you would also need eXGraph/COM/64. Based on your eXGraph purchase, please contact us to receive your runtime license key for eXGraph, which can be used with the License property.