Exontrol ExFileView Component - Release Notes (https://exontrol.com/exfileview.jsp) Mar 24, 2025
*NEW: Show the column's drop down filter bar button differently, while the column has a filter applied
*Added: The Background(exHeaderFilterBarActive) property specifies the visual appearance of the drop down filter bar button, while filter is applied to the column
*Fixed: Expand/collapse glyphs are DPI aware Dec 02, 2024
*NEW: Z-Events support (Standard .NET event patterns)
*Added: Every event of the control (/NET assembly) provides a Z-Event alternative, of "void OnEventRaised(object sender, EventArgs args)" type. The .NET convention is for an event (Z-event) signature to have a void return and 2 parameters. The first parameter is of type System.Object and is the sender of the event. The second parameter must be of type System.EventArgs or derived from System.EventArgs and contains data passed between sender and receiver. For instance, the "DblClick(object sender, short Shift, int X, int Y)" event is equivalent to "ZDblClick(object sender, ZDblClickArgs e)", where "ZDblClickArgs" type is derived from System.EventArgs and includes definitions for Shift, X and Y properties
*Fixed: "Warning: The <event-name> event is a .NET event that does not follow the .NET convention for event signatures (OpenEdge, ABL code)". To prevent this warning, under OpenEdge environment you must use the Z-event alternatives Sep 18, 2024
*Added: PowerBuilder 21.0 sample
*Fixed: The control hangs is it displays large ZIP files (that includes sub-folders)
*Fixed: Sometimes, the control displays the ZIP files as a folder, rather than a file Jun 12, 2024
*Added: The expression properties supports `bias` constant that defines the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time. For example, Middle European Time (MET, GMT+01:00) has a time zone bias of "-60" because it is one hour ahead of UTC. Pacific Standard Time (PST, GMT-08:00) has a time zone bias of "+480" because it is eight hours behind UTC. For instance, date(value - bias/24/60) converts the UTC time to local time, or date(date('now') + bias/24/60) converts the current local time to UTC time
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Modified column displays the file/folder date-time with one hour difference (ignore daylight saving time)
*Fixed: On some machines, the size of the file shows more than 2 decimals for French(Canada) regional settings Mar 04, 2024
*Added: Sets or gets the control's Font property in design mode, for the /NET version
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not serialized once the user changes in design mode (the control's background/foreground is set to the default value once the form is started)
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not copied in design mode, when the user copies the control in design-mode using CTRL + C (copy) and CTRL + V (paste) combination Dec 06, 2023
*Added: The Images method supports the Microsoft ImageList ( mscomctl.ocx, MSComctlLib.ImageList type) object directly. Shortly, you can define the control's images by calling Images(ImageList1.Object). The ImageList1.Object returns the object of MSComctlLib.ImageList type. The Microsoft ImageList object is available for /COM on x86 and x64 machines (starting from Access 2016)
*Added: FilterBarVisibleEnum.exFilterBarTop (0x2000) flag aligns the control's filter-bar to the top of the control. The filter-bar is displayed right-below the control's header-bar. By default, the control's filter-bar is aligned to the bottom (FilterBarPromptVisible property)
*Fixed: Improves the conversion of the string to date, while using Regional settings (Windows System) for date like ddd.dd.mm.yyyy (Su.15.02.2021) Sep 20, 2023
*Added: ExFileView.pdf (include the control's documentation in PDF format)
*Fixed: Scolls the control's header on the fly, when user scrolls the control's content by drag and drop (AutoDrag property on exAutoDragScroll)
*Fixed: The "Do you want to save changes to the design of form ''? Yes, No, Cancel" message occurs in MS Access, every time the form is closed in design mode Jun 21, 2023
*NEW: Overlay-Icons support
*Fixed: Changing the BrowseFolderPath property fails, if the ExploreFromHere property is set on "" or "::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}" (My Computer)
*Fixed: The vertical-scroll bar is not shown/hidden once the column gets resized (Def(exCellSingleLine) property) Feb 13, 2023
*Added: Improves the speed to scroll/display the control on 4K applications.
*Added: The Description(exFilterBarExclude) allows ex-html format (ability to replace the "Exclude" field with your custom ex-html string)
*Fixed: Display shortcut folders as folders, instead of files (ability to expand shortcut folders) Dec 12, 2022
*Added: The option "Roll the mouse wheel to scroll" of Window's mouse & touchpad settings specifies the number of items to vertically scroll. Previously, scrolling vertical with the mouse wheel takes 3 items at a time
*Fixed: Any expression that includes the "in" operator fails.
*Fixed: The scroll bar's thumb minimum-size is equivalent with the size of the size of scroll's buttons. In other words, the size of the scroll's buttons specify the thumb minimum-size. Previously, the thumb's minimum-size was 6-pixels. Aug 31, 2022
*Added: The BrowseFolderPath can use \ or / characters to separate the relative folders
*Fixed: The BrowseFolderPath property is slower when using on network folders (the more relative folders contain the slower it is).
*Fixed: Changing the BrowseFolderPath property fails if it ends on \ character
*Fixed: The BrowseFolderPath property fails if using absolute-path for network folders May 16, 2022
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's content using two-fingers on a touchpad (swipe up or down with two fingers, scrolls the control's up or down)
*Fixed: Prevents showing the "This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be initialized using your current workspace settings." warning message while the control is running into MS Office forms or user-forms.
*Fixed: The BrowseFolderPath fires "The BrowseFolderPath property isn't a valid path or the path is not derived from ExploreFromHere" exception when using a correct relative-path to ExploreFromHere, while ExploreFromHere property points to a network folder such as "\\tsclient" Apr 11, 2022
*Fixed: Can't move the column to be the last-visible column, while all columns are visible (ColumnAutoResize property on False)
*Fixed: Move slightly the last partially visible column, changes its position.
*Fixed: Dropping the column after the last visible column, ends up one-column to the right after the dropped position.
*Fixed: The control shows the dragging column in black, no matter of the color specified by the control's ForeColorHeader property. Mar 02, 2022
*Added: lpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions) , as a lpad b, pads the value of a to the left with b padding pattern.
*Added: rpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a rpad b, pads the value of a to the right with b padding pattern. For instance, 12 lpad "____" generates the string "12__".
*Added: concat keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a concat b concatenates the a (as string) for b times. For instance, "x" concat 5, generates the string "xxxxx"
*Fixed: Sometimes, the user can't scroll to the last item, if the last scrollable item is partially visible. Jan 24, 2022
*NEW: Ability to executes x-script code ( including events ), from a string, file or a safe array of bytes. This feature allows you to load the control's visual appearance and behavior, without having to write any line of code. The x-script code can save EBNs, icons, pictures into BASE64 encoded strings, and so everything can be put into a single file, that should be invoked by AttachTemplate method. This feature allows you to run any x-script code for any configuration of the component (/COM, /NET or /WPF).
*Added: AttachTemplate method executes the giving x-script code, and attach events if found. The x-script code can contain handle keyword that defines a handler for the specified event. For instance, the AttachTemplate("handle Click() { print(Version) }") sends the control's Version property to the debugger for display. All you need is to open the DebugView tool, and click the control.
*Added: The control's Template page supports AttachTemplate so you can assign x-script code ( including events ) in design mode, and so the control's visual appearance and behavior is changed once the control is created at runtime (/COM version only).
*Added: Expands or collapses the entire selection if the user clicks any +/- glitch, presses Left/Right/+ or- key inside the selection, while the CTRL is pressed. This option is valid, while the control's SingleSel property is False. Dec 15, 2021
*Added: Shows the drop down filter and tooltip panels to the nearest monitor relative to the cursor position.
*Added: The Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) property on -1 hides permanently the close button of the control's filter bar.
*Fixed: Disables the default beep being played when the user presses the Enter, Escape or CTRL + F key on control's filter bar
*Fixed: Can't select the focus-item with the arrow keys, if it selectable while the view displays a single item and the SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: Sometimes, can't select by drag items if the ColumnAutoResize property is False Nov 17, 2021
*Added: The Background(exColumnsPositionSign) specifies the visual appearance for the position sign between columns, when the user changes the position of the column by drag and drop. By default, the Background(exColumnsPositionSign) property is 0, which indicates that the default position sign is shown when the user change the column's position by drag and drop.
*Added: Shows the hand cursor when the cursor hovers the open-filter button of the column's header or close button of the control's filter bar
*Fixed: The drop down filter panel is closed as soon as it shows up, if it is displayed over the current cursor location
*Fixed: Corrects the shadow effect for drop down panels like filters, editors, tooltips,... on systems with DPI setting not-100%
*Fixed: The user can't use the column's filter button being shown in the control's columns floating bar ( ColumnsFloatBarVisible property ) Oct 27, 2021
*NEW: FilterBarCaption property supports expressions, and UI Column's Filter
*Added: The FilterBarCaption property supports expressions, so its evaluated value defines the HTML caption to be displayed on the control's filter bar. By default, the FilterBarCaption property is empty, so the control's automatically computes the filter bar's label based on the filter of each column. If no filter is selected, no filter label is generated. The FilterBarCaption property supports the following predefined keywords: value or current ( defines the control's current filter label, as it is displayed ), itemcount keyword returns the number of all items within the control, visibleitemcount keyword indicates the number of visible items within the control ( negative value indicates that the control has a filter applied, equivalent with the Items.VisibleItemCount property ), matchitemcount keyword indicates the number of items that currently matches the control's filter ( negative value indicates that the control has a filter applied, equivalent with the Items.MatchItemCount property ), promptpattern keyword specifies the currently pattern for the filter's prompt ( this is eligible, if the FilterBarPromptVisible property includes the exFilterBarPromptVisible flag ), available keyword returns a list of columns that are currently not filtered, but available to be filtered for ( Column.DisplayFilterButton property on True ) as a HTML string, allui keyword returns a HTML caption that includes all columns with Column.DisplayFilterButton property on True, including the value for each column's filter if it is filtered, all keyword returns a HTML caption that includes all columns including the value for each column's filter if it is filtered. For instance, FilterBarCaption = "`<r>` + value" aligns the filter bar's label to the right, the "value replace `[` with `<fgcolor=808080>[` replace `]` with `]</fgcolor>`" shows the column's name with a different color, "`<b><r>` + value + `</b><fgcolor=808080>` + ( matchitemcount < 0 ? ( ( len(value) ? `<br>` : `` ) + `<r>` + abs(matchitemcount + 1) + ` result(s)` ) : ``)" displays the number of results in the control's filter bar and so on.
*Added: Ability to clear / select new filter value from the column's filter panel, if the user clicks the column's caption of the control's filter bar. The value, current, available, allui or all keyword of the FilterBarCaption property returns a HTML caption that includes the column's caption between [<b> and </b>] if the column is currently filtered ( shows as bold between brackets ), between <fgcolor=C0C0C0>[<s> and </s>]<fgcolor> if the column is not currently filtered ( shows in strikeout as gray between brackets ). The all, allui and available keywords uses the <fgcolor> </fgcolor> sequence (uncolored space) to separate the parts on the control's filter description. You can use predefined functions like replace to change the appearance of the column in the control's filter bar. For instance, "all replace `<s>` with `` replace `</s>` with ``" removes the strikeout effect for available and not-filtered columns, "allui replace `[<b>` with `<bgcolor=000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF><b> ` replace `</b>]` with ` </b></fgcolor></bgcolor>`" shows the filtered columns on white on a black background, "value + `<r>` + available replace `<fgcolor=C0C0C0>` with `<fgcolor=FF0000>`" shows the currently filter on the left, while the available filter on the right in red,
*Added: The Items.MatchItemCount property retrieves the number of items that match the filter. If negative it indicates that a filter is applied, and its absolute value minus 1 specifies the count of items that match the filter criteria. If zero, no items are loaded into the control, and so no filter is applied. If positive, it indicates the total number of items within the control equivalent with the Items.ItemCount property.
*Added: Items.VisibleItemCount property returns negative value, if the control has a filter applied. The negative value represents a formula of -( count + 1 ), where count indicates the number of matching items. For instance, if the Items.VisibleItemCount property returns -1, the count of matching items is 0, if -2, 1 matching item, if -3, 2 matching items, and so on. Aug 30, 2021
*NEW: Filter-Prompt-Bar Support
*Added: The FilterBarPromptVisible property of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies how the control's filter bar is displayed and behave. Previously, the FilterBarPromptVisible property was of Boolean type. By default, FilterBarPromptVisible property is exFilterBarHidden, so no filter bar is shown. Even so, the control's filter bar is shown as before, as soon as the user selects a value from the control's filter list, so a filter is applied. The FilterBarVisibleEnum type includes several flags that can be combined together, as described bellow.
*Added: The exFilterBarPromptVisible, exFilterBarVisible, exFilterBarCaptionVisible flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, forces the control's filter-prompt, filter bar or filter bar description ( even empty ) to be shown.
*Added: The exFilterBarSingleLine flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies that the filter bar's caption is shown on a single line, so <br> HTML tag or \r\n are not handled. By default, the control's filter description applies word wrapping. Can be combined to exFilterBarCompact to display a single-line filter bar.
*Added: The exFilterBarToggle flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies that the user can close the control's filter bar ( removes the control's filter ) by clicking the close button of the filter bar or by pressing the CTRL + F, while the control's filter bar is visible. If no filter bar is displayed, the user can display the control's filter bar by pressing the CTRL + F key. While the control's filter bar is visible the user can navigate though the list or control's filter bar using the ALT + Up/Down keys.
*Added: The exFilterBarShowCloseIfRequired flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, indicates that the close button of the control's filter bar is displayed only if the control has any currently filter applied. The Background(exFooterFilterBarButton) property on -1 hides permanently the close button of the control's filter bar.
*Added: The exFilterBarShowCloseOnRight flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, specifies that the close button of the control's filter bar should be displayed on the right side. If the control's RightToLeft property is True, the close button of the control's filter bar would be automatically displayed on the left side.
*Added: The exFilterBarCompact flag of FilterBarVisibleEnum type, compacts the control's filter bar, so the filter-prompt will be displayed to the left, while the control's filter bar caption will be displayed to the right. This flag has effect only if combined with the exFilterBarPromptVisible. This flag can be combined with the exFilterBarSingleLine flag, so all filter bar will be displayed compact and on a single line. Jun 07, 2021
*Added: VisualAppearance.RenderType property specifies the way colored EBN objects are displayed on the component.
*Fixed: Can't select an item if the SingleSel property is False, SelectOnRelease property is True, and AutoDrag property is not exAutoDragNone
*Fixed: Corrects the shadow effect for drop down panels like filters, editors, tooltips,... on systems with DPI setting not-100% Mar 29, 2021
*Added: The control's context menu includes extended verbs such as ( Copy as Path ), if the user presses the SHIFT key when right-clicks the file/folder
*Fixed: The SPACE toggles the current's file check-box, and jumps to the next file that includes a SPACE charcater within its name. SPACE toggles the current file's check box, while SHIFT + SPACE selects the next macthing file ( incremental search )
*Fixed: The drop down filter panel is closed as soon as it shows up, if it is displayed over the current cursor location Feb 10, 2021
*Added: Select method selects a folder, giving its displaying name, relative or absolute path. For instance, Select("*") selects all items within the control, while the Select("") unselects all items. The SingleSel property should be on False, to allow multiple items to be selected
*Added: The BrowseFolderPath property is changed after ExploreFromHere call, only if the path does not derive from it
*Fixed: The application may hang up once the Layout property is called several times.
*Fixed: The IncludeParentLabel property is applied only after a change occurs. Dec 16, 2020
*NEW: Customization of the control's context menu using expressions
*NEW: Ability to display the shell context menu for control's selection
*Added: The ShowContextMenu property supports expressions, so it can be called anytime, to provide the control's context menu. Previously, the ShowContextMenu property can be called only during the StateChange(ShowContextMenu) event. In other words, if the ShowContextMenu's content is recognized as a valid expression, it is evaluated and its result indicates the tostring representation of the context menu to be displayed, else the property's content defines the tostring representation of the context menu to be displayed. By default, the ShowContextMenu property is empty, which indicates that the default shell menu is being displayed. You can use the ShowContextMenu property to provide a different context menu, for files/folders part of the control, as well for empty/background ( non files/folders ) part of the control. The ShowContextMenu property supports the following keywords: the menu keyword returns a string expression that defines the shell context menu's tostring representation, the filecount keywords returns a numeric expression that specifies the number of items/files/folders selected in the control, the fileattr keyword returns a numeric expression that specifies the attributes of the single-selected item in the control ( the keyword's value is valid while the filecount property is 1), the filename keyword returns a string expression that specifies the name of the single-selected item in the control ( the keyword's value is valid while the filecount property is 1), the fileparsename keyword returns a string expression that specifies the parsed name of the single-selected item in the control ( the keyword's value is valid while the filecount property is 1), the filefullname keyword returns a string expression that specifies the full name of the single-selected item in the control ( the keyword's value is valid while the filecount property is 1). The control fire the StateChange(ExecuteContextMenu) event as soon as user selects a new item from the control's context menu. The ExecuteContextMenu property can be used to retrieve / set the identifier of the command to be executed. In other words, you can respond to your own commands, or you can cancel or forwards the current command. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "``" generates an empty context menu, so actually no context menu will be displayed anytime. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "Popup(Item 1[id=100],Item 2[id=101],Item 3[id=103]),[sep],Exit[def][id=1000]" defines a popup, a separator and a default item. This context menu will be shown any time, no mater if none, one or more files are selected. For instance, ShowContextMenu = "filecount = 0 ? `Popup(Item 1[id=100],Item 2[id=101],Item 3[id=103]),[sep],Exit[def][id=1000]` : menu" defines a separated context menu when no file/folder is selected ( control's background context menu ). The default context menu is shown if the user right-clicks a file, folder or the selection. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "`Popup(Item 1[id=100],Item 2[id=101],Item 3[id=103]),` + menu + `,Exit[id=1000]`" combines the default selection context menu, so Popup is displayed at the top of the context menu, and the Exit item at the bottom. The Popup and Exit are always displayed, while the control's selection default context menu are shown only if available. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "menu replace `&Delete` with ``" removes the Delete command from any context menu. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "menu replace `Delete` with `Delete[dis]`" disables the Delete command from any context menu. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "filecount > 1 ? `multiple selection[dis]` : menu" displays "multiple selection" when the user invokes the context menu for multiple-items selection, else it displays the default context menu. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "filecount = 0 ? `Exit[id=1000]` : ( ( ( filecount = 1 ) ? filename : `multiple selection` ) + `[dis],[sep],` + menu)", displays the Exit when user right-clicks the control's background, else it displays the default menu, including the name of the file being selected if single or "multiple selection" if multiple files are being selected. For instance, the ShowContextMenu = "`[debug]` + menu", displays all item's identifiers in the control's default menu
*Added: The ExecuteContextCommand("<selection>",False, Command) executes the specified command for the control's selected items. If no selected file or folder, the ExecuteContextCommand has no effect. For instance, "ExecuteContextCommand("<selection>",False, "Copy")" copies the selected files/folder into the clipboard. For instance, "ExecuteContextCommand("<selection>",False, "Delete")" removes/deletes the selected files/folder.
*Added: The ShowContextMenu property allows adding items up or down to the default items. Before, adding new items were allowed only. If the ShowContextMenu property starts with [debug] prefix, the ID for each item in the file's context menu will be shown between () characters. For instance Open (135), indicates that the Open's ID is 135. In the same manner, you can yse the ExecuteContextCommand( "file", , "135" ) or ExecuteContextCommand( "file", , "Open" ) to open the selected file. Nov 12, 2020
*Added: Generates the KeyDown / KeyUp events when the Alt key is pressed.
*Fixed: Hides the hot-tracking item as soon as control's content is scrolled ( rotating the mouse wheel for instance ), selection is changed ( any of arrow key is pressed for instance ).
*Fixed: Can't select the focus-item with the arrow keys, if it selectable while the view displays a single item and the SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The system's Downloaded Program Files folder is listed as a file instead of a folder Sep 21, 2020
*NEW: HOT tracking/hover of the rows/items/files
*Added: HotBackColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking background color.
*Added: HotForeColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking foreground color.
*Fixed: The system's Fonts folder is listed as a file instead of a folder Jul 20, 2020
*Added: Improves the Expand method so it locates the first occurrence of the giving path, in case multiple items displays the same common path, locates the path, if the ExploreFromHere property is "", so all drives are shown.
*Added: Allow selecting the file/folder once the user clicks the item part rather the file's caption, when the SingleSel property is False. This is not applied if the user clicks and drags the cursor, to select multiple items.
*Added: Erases the current selection only if clicking outside the items section, or dragging an empty rectangle, when the SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: Sometimes, can't select items, if FullRowSelect is False, SingleSel is False, ExpandFolders is True. May 22, 2020
*Added: SelectByDrag property specifies whether the user can select multiple files/folders by dragging. This option has effect only if the control's SingleSel property is False.
*Added: SelectOnRelease property indicates whether the selection occurs when the user releases the mouse button. By default, the selection occurs, as soon as the user clicks an object. The SelectOnRelease property has no effect if the SingleSel property is False, and SelectByDrag property is True.
*Added: Background(exShowFocusRect) property specifies the border color/visual appearance of the cell with the focus ( ShowFocusRect property is True )
*Added: Miscellaneous changes for control's scrollbar-extension such as: contiguously scrolls the control's content line by line, or page by page ( if CTRL is pressed ) while the user keeps clicking the up/left top/right side of the thumb-extension, closes the scrollbar-extension as soon as the user presses ALT + F4, ALT + TAB, shows the scrollbar-extension only if effective mouse movement occurs, hides the scrollbar-extension as soon as the owner control loses the focus Apr 27, 2020
*Added: DisplayFoldersInfo property specifies whether the control displays the Size, Type, Modified for folders objects.
*Added: AllowEnterFolder property specifies whether a new folder is opened, once the user presses the Enter key or double-clicks a folder. Also it disable navigating to the parent folder, if the user presses the Backspace key or double-click the parent-label item.
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorHide) / Background(exSelBackColorHide) property specifies the selection's foreground and background colors when the control has no focus. This has effect while the control's HideSelection property is False
*Added: AllowSelectNothing property specifies whether the current selection is erased, once the user clicks outside of the items section. For instance, if the control's SingeSel property is True, and AllowSelectNothing property is True, you can un-select the single-selected item if pressing the CTRL + Space, or by CTRL + click. Mar 16, 2020
*Added: Update the column's sort icon, so it won't be shown as distorted on DPI systems.
*Added: Prevents re-scanning the folders for modified files, if was already marked by a FileType.From/To object. The control's Refresh method forces all folders to be enumerated again.
*Fixed: If Search is performed multiple times, it searches on previously folders ( HasCheckBox property )
*Fixed: The control starts editing/renaming the selected folder, as soon as the folder's context menu is displayed when user right-clicks it. Jan 22, 2020
*Added: The IncludeSubFolderIconKey property, retrieves or sets a value that indicates the key of the icon to highlights folders that includes sub-folders.
*Added: Restores the selection, expanded / selected folders once the Search property is set on empty.
*Added: The "In Folder" column is automatically shown as soon as the Search property is changed, and hidden as soon as the Search mode is off ( Search property is Empty )
*Added: Replaces the wait cursor while the control is searching for modified folders ( FileType.From or/and FileType.To properties ) Nov 06, 2019
*NEW: Ability to display multiple root-elements, like favorites folders
*Added: The ExploreFromHere property specifies multiple root-folders if they are separated by | or \r\n characters. If the ExploreFromHere entity includes a > character, the characters after indicates the HTML caption to be displayed instead of its default name. For instance: "C:\>" includes the C system driver as a root folder, rather than listing its content, "C:\>System <b>C</b>", includes the system C drive as a root folder with the name System C, c in bold, "C:\|E:\" specifies that the control includes C and E system drives, as root folders, "E:\Exontrol|::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}" specifies to include the E:\Exontrol folder and the My Computer system folder.
*Added: ColumnsVisible property indicates the columns being visible. You can use the ColumnsVisible property to show or hide multiple columns at once, rather than ColumnVisible property that can show or hide a column at the time.
*Added: Ability to browse the Printers folder (::{2227a280-3aea-1069-a2de-08002b30309d}) Oct 17, 2019
*NEW: Ability to lock the parent item ( the item that displays the parent folder)
*Added: The IncludeParent property of IncludeParentEnum type specifies whether the parent item is displayed in the current view. For instance, IncludeParent property on exIncludeLockedParent specifies that the parent item should be displayed as locked, so it is always visible no matter how many files/folders are vertically scrolled.
*Added: By default, the IncludeParentLabel property is set to "<%0%>", so it displays the full-path of the parent folder. The IncludeParent property is set to exIncludeLockedParent by default.
*Fixed: Prevent showing the +/- button for all folders objects ( ExpandFolders property is True ) Jun 03, 2019
*Added: HideSelection property returns a value that determines whether selected item appears highlighted when a control loses the focus.
*Added: TemplatePut function equivalent with TemplateDef property, excepts that TemplatePut is a method.
*Added: The FormatABC method Formats the A,B,C values based on the giving expression and returns the result.
*Added: By default, the parent item shows the parent folder's system icon ( while the IncludeParentIconKey property is -1 ) Mar 25, 2019
*NEW: Optimizing the component's UI, for usage on 4K (Ultra HD) applications.
*Added: Improves the performance when the control is scrolling up or down, using the up or down scroll-buttons or/and when rotating the mouse wheel ( vertical scrolling faster )
*Added: Prevents refreshing the entire control, when the user is resizing the column, is moving the vertical and/or horizontal scroll bar
*Fixed: Prevents repainting the entire control when the control gains or loses the focus, and so on Jan 23, 2019
*NEW: Reduce the base-memory usage
*Added: Improves the performance to load data into the control.
*Added: FreezeEvents(Freeze) method prevents firing any event. For instance, FreezeEvents(True) freezes the control's events, no no event is fired, until the FreezeEvents(False) is called.
*Added: Statistics property, gives statistics information about objects being hold by the control.
*Fixed: Hides the focus frame when the control loses the focus. Nov 22, 2018
*Added: The Version property includes the SpecialBuild number of the assembly so it provides information like Major.Minor.Build.Revison.SpecialBuild.Type...
*Fixed: Prevents "Do you want to save ..." / "Save changes...' input box, when the user opens the form in design mode, and close it.
*Added: The Background(exForeColorFilter) and Background(exBackColorFilter) applies the foreground / background colors to the drop down filter edit field ( pattern, date, filter on type, and so on ) Sep 26, 2018
*Fixed: The elements of ExDataObject.Files collection does not return correctly the list of dragging files (/COM/UNICODE only)
*Fixed: Prevents a memory leak when loading icons, pictures, from BASE64 encoded strings (Images method, HTMLPicture picture).
*Fixed: A GPF occurs if the application is started from design mode ( demo / evaluation / trial version only ) Jul 30, 2018
*NEW: Support for EBN 1003 version.
*Added: EBN 1003 implements Colorable Region Support which defines a portion/region of the EBN object where the color of the EBN is applied. For instance, at runtime the identifier 0x1FF0000 applies blue color to all colorable parts that compose the EBN object. The EBN color is not applied to not-colorable portions of the EBNs.
*Added: /WPF version
*Fixed: Click and drag or double click the empty area of the control, while SingleSel property is false, select the last item Apr 05, 2018
*Added: DPI-Aware Support
*NEW: Support for EBN 1004 version ( DPI-Aware support ).
*Added: The coordinates of the CP clause of the Skin parameter of VisualAppearance.Add method can be followed by a D character, which indicates the value according to the current DPI settings. For instance, "CP:1 -2 -2 2 2", copies the EBN with the identifier 1, and displays it on a 2-pixels wider rectangle no matter of the DPI settings, while "CP:1 -2D -2D 2D 2D" displays it on a 2-pixels wider rectangle if DPI settings is 100%, and on on a 3-pixels wider rectangle if DPI settings is 150%.
*Added: The expression properties support `dpi`, `dpix` and `dpiy` constants that returns the current DPI setting on x/y scale. For instance, the "value * dpi" returns the value if the DPI setting is 100%, or value * 1.5 in case, the DPI setting is 150% Mar 07, 2018
*NEW: Support for images while performing OLE Drag and Drop operations, similar with eXGrid, eXG2antt, and so on
*Fixed: Expanding a network path is very slow. All sub-folders of expanded folder displays a +/- button, which is updated once the user expands it, instead scanning for sub-folders ( ExpandFolders, IncludeFilesInFolder property )
*Fixed: Prevents showing the control's view in design mode, while running on FORTH system ( /COM version )
*Fixed: The cursor is flickering while control performs OLE Drag and Drop operation ( OLEDrag method ) Dec 19, 2017
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the Expand method is performed.
*Fixed: The vertical scroll position is lost, once the user expands a folder using the +/- buttons.
*Fixed: Can't use Enter key while renaming a file/folder, on ExHelper. Oct 11, 2017
*Added: Allows using the Expand method for network shared folders ( \\ ), while the ExploreFromHere browses the desktop ( ::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ). For instance, the Expand("\\NETMACHINE\Temp"), expands the Temp shared folder of NETMACHINE device. The Network / My Network Places folder is expanded as well.
*Added: The Version property for /NET or /WPF version returns more information about the component/assembly/file.
*Fixed: A Click event occurs right after DblClick event. Sep 13, 2017
*Added: Allows using the BrowseFolderPath property for network shared folders ( \\ ), while the ExploreFromHere browses the desktop ( ::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ). For instance, the BrowseFolderPath property on "\\NETMACHINE\Temp", opens the Temp shared folder of NETMACHINE device, while the parents of browse folders will include Desktop\Network\Temp
*Added: Window-Class name "EditA" renamed to "Exontrol.FileView.WindowList.Edit"
*Fixed: Exploring the Homegroup system folder fails Apr 19, 2017
*Added: Allows renaming the current file/folder when the user clicks outside of the renaming field, or pressing the Enter/TAB key ( AllowRename property is True )
*Added: A beep occurs when user presses ENTER or ESC key while renaming the file/folder
*Added: Re-selects the renaming item. Mar 13, 2017
*Added: Allows using the BrowseFolderPath property for local folder, while the ExploreFromHere browses the desktop ( ::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} ). For instance, the BrowseFolderPath property on "C:\Temp", opens the Temp folder of C: drive, while the parents of browse folders will include Desktop\MyComputer\C\Temp
*Fixed: The control selects items to the cursor, if a short click occurs ( AutoDrag property is not empty, and the SingleSel property is False )
*Fixed: The Description(exFilterBarExclude) returns empty, can not be changed at runtime. Feb 06, 2017
*NEW: Windows 8 Touch/Pointer Support ( ability to scroll the control's content by touching and dragging )
*Added: AutoDrag property can specify distinct actions for left/right mouse buttons and short/long touch actions. For instance, AutoDrag property on exAutoDragScroll + exAutoDragScrollOnShortTouch indicates that the user can scroll the control's content by clicking the left mouse button, or by short touching the screen.
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE ) Dec 19, 2016
*Added: The Event(EventID) event occurs once the control fires an event (available for /COM version only)
*Added: The CopyTo property copies the control's content to BMP, PNG, JPG, TIF or GIF format. Previously, the CopyTo property can save the control's content to EMF format only. The extension of the File argument indicates the graphical format to be saved. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snapshot.png") property saves the control's content in PNG format to snapshot.png. If File parameter provides an unknown extension, the control's content is saved in EMF format ( Enhanced Metafile Format ). The control's content is serialized as it would have no scroll bars.
*Fixed: "Error executing code: FormActiveXControl (data source), method ... called with invalid parameters" on Dynamics AX environment is fired, if the application handles events with parameters passed by reference. On X++ you should use the Event event and EventParams method to handle this exception. The X++ is not able to handle the events with parameters passed by reference. Oct 26, 2016
*NEW: Ability to save/load automatically the control's layout.
*NEW: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF Support ( Ability to save the control's content to BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF formats )
*Added: Layout property, saves or loads the control's layout, an that means, the position, width, visibility, sort order of the control's columns and the scroll position, filtering, selection, and so on. The Layout property saves/loads almost all properties of the columns, that user can change at runtime, using the control's user interface. Sep 07, 2016
*NEW: PDF (Portable Document Format) Support, or ability to export directly the control's content to a PDF file
*Added: The CopyTo property copies the control's content to PDF format, if the extension of the File argument indicates a pdf extension. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snapshot.pdf") property saves the control's content in PDF format to snapshot.pdf. The control's content is serialized as it would have no scroll bars. The File argument could indicates more parameters separated by | character, in the following order: filename.pdf | paper size | margins | options where the filename indicates the name of the pdf to be saved, the paper size indicates the size of the paper to be used ( by default A4 paper, 8.27 in x 11.69 in ), margins defines the paper's margins ( by default, 0.5 in 0.5 in 0.5 in 0.5 in ) and options currently can be single which indicates that whole control is saved to a single paged PDF document. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snapshot.pdf|||single") exports the control's content to single page.
*Fixed: "Visual C++ Runtime Error!" occurs if using the <fgcolor> or <bgcolor> with no indicating the color. Correct is <fgcolor RRGGBB>, instead <fgcolor> Jun 27, 2016
*NEW: MSAA, UI Automation, IAccessible support.
*Added: Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) is designed to help Assistive Technology (AT) products interact with standard and custom user interface (UI) elements of an application (or the operating system), as well as to access, identify, and manipulate an application's UI elements. AT products work with MSAA enabled applications in order to provide better access for individuals who have physical or cognitive difficulties, impairments, or disabilities.
*Fixed: The last italic character of a HTML caption may be shown as clipped Apr 11, 2016
*NEW: Exontrol Print Scale Support, Adjust To and Fit to Page Wide by Tall Support
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 75%", adjusts and prints the control's content to 75% of normal size.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by 3 tall.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by how many pages tall are required.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 3 pages tall to how many pages wide are required. Mar 02, 2016
*NEW: Native Print and Print-Preview support in Microsoft Office Applications, such as Access, Excel or Word (/COM version)
*Added: Ability to print the control's content on Access's forms directly, using the DoCmd.PrintOut command.
*Added: Ability to print the control's content on Word applications, using the Word's print and print preview mainframe.
*Added: Ability to print the control's content on Excel applications, using the Excel's print and print preview mainframe. Jan 04, 2016
*Added: </solidline>, </upline>, </dotline> HTML tags ends the solid, up or dotted line
*Added: Prevents showing the ,.;!?'")}] characters at the beginning of a new line, when html text is word-wrapping.
*Fixed: Can't scroll the control if touching with fingers the buttons of the scroll bar.
*Fixed: No item is shown in the print and print-preview ( using the Exontrol.Print component ). Nov 02, 2015
*Added: Improves the way of scrolling the control's content while moving the objects outside of the control's client area, by drag and drop, and the control's margins are close to margins of the screen/monitor.
*Added: The Click event occurs ONLY if the user presses and releases the left mouse button on the same location, inside the control. If any mouse movement is detected between press/release no Click event is fired. Previously, the Click event is fired once the user releases the left mouse button over the control. You can use the MouseUp(1) event to notify your application once the user releases the left mouse button within the control.
*Fixed: The control's scroll bar is not updated while clicking contiguously any button on the control's scroll bars.
*Fixed: The VS 2008 fails, if the user selects the exfileview/net in design mode. Jun 29, 2015
*NEW: Windows 8.1 64-bit compatibility
*Added: The /COM 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft Office Applications: Excel 2013, Access 2013,...
*Added: The /NET(/WPF) 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft NET Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, ...
*Fixed: The controls hangs up for a while if the user clicks contiguously any button on the control's scroll bars. May 20, 2015
*NEW: Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the EBNs.
*Added: Selects the file from the cursor when user right clicks the control ( SingleSel property is False, AllowContextMenu property is True )
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus. Mar 25, 2015
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form. Jan 23, 2015
*Added: StateChange(ShowContextMenu) event notifies your application that the control is about to show the object's context menu. During this event, the ShowContextMenu property specifies the context menu to be shown.
*Added: ShowContextMenu property specifies the object's content menu. Use this property to disable or remove items in the default context menu. The ShowContextMenu property is available during the StateChange(ShowContextMenu) event only.
*Fixed: The In Folder, Type, Modified and Size columns are empty, once the Search method is called with a valid pattern Dec 03, 2014
*NEW: Ability to add new items to the object's context menu.
*Added: StateChange(ExecuteContextMenu) event notifies your application that the control is about to execute the command from the object's context menu. During this event, the ExecuteContextMenu property specifies the identifier of the command to be executed from the object's context menu.
*Added: ExecuteContextMenu property specifies the identifier of the command to be executed from the object's content menu. Use this property to perform custom actions when a specific command is selected from the object's context menu. The ExecuteContextMenu property is available during the StateChange(ExecuteContextMenu) event only. Sep 15, 2014
*NEW: Ability to search for items in checked folders only ( Search method, HasCheckBox property on True )
*Added: Expand("*") expands all visible folders ( ExpandFolders property is True )
*Fixed: When using the Search method, the last file listed is not displayed (there is a blank line in the list and the content of the line is only displayed by clicking on Jun 10, 2014
*NEW: Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6 hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied Mar 10, 2014
*Added: File.Children property as Files returns a collection with child objects of the current object. You can use the File.Children property to enumerate recursively the files and folders.
*Added: ShowFocusRect property retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the control draws a thin rectangle around the focused item.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the selection is lost, once the mouse is released during scrolling, while the user selects several cells by dragging. Feb 04, 2014
*Added: HTML support for IncludeParentLabel property.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Added: StateChange(CheckStateChange) event notifies once the object's check box is changed.
*Fixed: Apparently, The Column.FilterType property returns uninitialized value, and so, a column of DateType can not be filtered using the UI. Nov 18, 2013
*NEW: New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing. Sep 18, 2013
*Added: The Background(exTreeGlyphOpen)/Background(exTreeGlyphClose) specifies the visual appearance for the +/- buttons when it is collapsed/expanded.
*Added: Indent property retrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items.
*Change: ImageList parameter of LoadIcons is of VARIANT type, instead Object, so the LoadIcons may load an image list using BASE64 encoded string, or using a handle to an HIMAGELIST type. /COM only
*Fixed: Prevents selecting the parent folder, if the SingleSel property is False, and CTRL + A is pressed to selecte all files/folders. Aug 21, 2013
*Added: FullRowSelect property enables full-row selection in the control.
*Added: Prevents updating the UI parts of the control while moving or resizing UI objects ( detect small mouse movement or large mouse movement )
*Fixed: Sometimes, the dragging operation is not stopped if the user releases the mouse outside of the control
*Fixed: Prevents firing the mouse events while the control is scrolled or inside UI objects are moved or resized. June 26, 2013
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's list when selecting by dragging ( SingleSel property is False )
*Fixed: Can not select multiple files/folders if the control is place to a secondary monitor
*Fixed: Prevents showing the default appearance of the exVSUpper/exHSUpper/exVSLower/exHSLower, if the exVSBack/exHSBack is set
*Fixed: The control fails if you click and hold the left mouse button on the thumb of the scrollbar itself and drag up and down and then click the right mouse button whilst the left button is still pressed May 15, 2013
*NEW: Scroll Extension which allows you to shrink the space used by control's scroll bars, and still using the scroll bars using the extension which shows up outside of the control's client area.
*Added: The ScrollPartEnum.exExtentThumbPart indicates the thumb-extension of the scroll bar. The ScrollPartVisible(Bar,exExtentThumbPart) on True enables the scroll bar extension.
*Added: Background(exVSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the vertical scroll bar. The similar values are exVSThumbExtP, exVSThumbExtD, exVSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it.
*Added: Background(exHSThumbExt) specifies the visual appearance of the thumb-extension, for the horizontal scroll bar. The similar values are exHSThumbExtP, exHSThumbExtD, exHSThumbExtH, when the thumb-extension is pressed, disabled or the cursor hovers it. Apr 01, 2013
*Added: Background(exCheckBoxState0) Specifies the visual appearance for the check box in 0 state (unchecked). Similar for exCheckBoxState1, exCheckBoxState2
*Fixed: The TAB key does not jump to another field in the dialog.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the F2 key Feb 27, 2013
*Added: Translucent effect when performing drag and drop of columns within the control's header
*Fixed: Use the current cusor position while dragging a column to determine the new position, instead the center of the dragged columm.
*Fixed: The user can scroll the control's header ( if possible ) while dragging the columns outside of the control's area to left or to right
*Fixed: Moving the column by dragging is slow on Windows Vista/7 Jan 16, 2013
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Fixed: The hot tracking item is reset once a new item receives the focus ( aka using the arrow keys ) Oct 08, 2012
*Added: StateChange(StartFromToState) event occurs when the control starts applying the From/To format.
*Added: StateChange(EndFromToState) event occurs when the control ends applying the From/To format.
*Fixed: Closes the application if the user closes the form while a From/To operation is in progress.
*Fixed: The Copy method fails if creating EMF larger than 31720 pixels, or aprox 11.18 m. Sep 24, 2012
*Fixed: The control may take long time to show if the browsed folder contains larger ZIP files.
*Fixed: Sometime, the control is not properly released if using the FileType.From and To properties.
*Fixed: The content of the zip file is extracted only if clicking the +/- expand button.
*Fixed: The zip files are not included when ExpandFolders property is True, and the IncludeFilesInFolder property is True May 23, 2012
*Added: Asynchronous property specifies whether the files and folders information is loading in the background.
*Added: File.ParseName retrieves the name of the file or folder including its extension.
*Added: The Expand method requires relative name, so it is good to use the full path too.
*Fixed: The File.Name gets the filename without the known extension, if the Explorer has the "Hide extensions for known file types" option set. Apr 04, 2012
*Added: Option(exSizeFormat) property specifies the format of the Size column ( by default, KBytes, but you can specify to display files in GB, MB, KB or Bytes )
*Added: IsBusy property indicates whether the control still collects information about current files and folders.
*Fixed: The Size column is not properly sorted if contains large files ( GB files )
*Fixed: Hides the file's comment or tooltip when user presses a key. Feb 09, 2012
*Added: IncludeParentLabel property specifies the label to be shown in the parent items ( ability to specify the full, parsed, relative or name of the parent folder ).
*Fixed: Prevents showing the 1/1/1601 02:00 AM in the Modified column ( system objects that do not support file time )
*Fixed: The ApplyFilter method is ignored if the objects are not loaded ( DoEvents is no longer requires to be called before ApplyFilter programmatically )
*Fixed: Sometimes, on Windows XP, the .. folder ( IncludeParent property ) shows ??? characters.
*Fixed: The control displays NO check-boxes if the UseVisualTheme property is 0 ( exNoVisualTheme ) Dec 30, 2011
*Added: Background(exBackColorFilter) property specifies the background color for the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the drop down filter window.
*Added: Focuses the first folder or file instead the .. object, when the IncludeParent property is True.
*Fixed: The control is still in updating mode, if the EndUpdate method is called several times. Oct 24, 2011
*Added: File.Created property retrieves the date when the file or directory was created.
*Added: File.Accessed property retrieves the date when the file was last read from, written to, or for executable files, run.
*Fixed: The parent folder is not selected when pressing the backs
*Fixed: The first file/folder may be selected if the user presses Enter key on the .. parent folder while SingleSel property is False Oct 10, 2011
*NEW: Ability to exclude the items when filtering by using a UI checkbox Exclude in the drop down filter window ("Exclude" field)
*Added: File.Size property gets the size of the file in bytes.
*Added: File.Modified property retrieves the date when the file was last written to, truncated, or overwritten.
*Added: The Size column of the control shows sizes using digit grouping as current settings for the user. Sep 28, 2011
*NEW: Ability to select multiple items in the drop down filter list, using check-boxes.
*Added. Prevents filling the column's filter list if the column shows custom filters being added using the AddColumnCustomFilter method
*Fixed: The selection is lost once the control is re-enabled using the Enabled property
*Fixed: Eliminates the first \ character from the File.RelativeName property when the control's ExploreFromHere property is set. Aug 25, 2011
*NEW: Ability to filter files/folders by dates using an UI interactive calendar control in the drop down filter window ( is, is before, is after, range of dates ).
*Added: The Modified column shows a date filter ( if ColumnFilterButton("Modified") = True ) , so user can filter for files/folder being modified within a specified range of dates, and so on...
*Added: Shadow effect for the drop down filter window, including the drop down calendar window, ( Column.DisplayFilterButton )
*Fixed: Keeps the checked, expanded, selected items while calling the Refresh method of the control. Apr 18, 2011
*NEW: Improves drastically the performance while loading ten of thousand of files/folders.
*Added: StateChangeEnum.BusyState indicates that the control is busy updating data to view.
*Added: StateChangeEnum.ReadyState indicates that the control done loading the data.
*Fixed: The Size column displays 0 for files with size less than 1024 bytes. Mar 23, 2011
*Fixed: The mouse or key events could be fired while user scrolls the control's content.
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" )
*Fixed: The Get(SelItems).Item(0).FullName fails, instead the Get(SelItems).Item(CLng(0)).FullName works. Feb 09, 2011
*NEW: Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW: The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Similar with < r > HTML tag. Oct 25, 2010
*NEW: Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Fixed: Printing the control with thousand of EBN objects may increase the GDI handles indefinitely. Aug 30, 2010
*Fixed: Prevents firing the Click event when the user clicks the control's header bar, so the Click event is fired only if clicked the files/folders area.
*Fixed: The Button parameter of mouse events retrieves the state of the SHIFT key only.
*Fixed: The scroll bar's thumb position is not updated while scrolling using the mouse. June 10, 2010
*NEW: VisualAppearance.Add reads EBN files from byte[] or safe arrays of VT_I1 or VT_UI1. In other words, you can add EBN files directly to resources and use them as .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.My.Resources.EBN) for vb/net or .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.Properties.Resources.EBN) for c#, where the ID is the new identifier to be added, and the EBN is the identifier in the resource for the EBN file.
*Added: Changing the way the colors are being applied to EBN objects.
*Added: File.RelativeName property retrieves the relative name of the object based on the control's ExploreFromHere property. May 03, 2010
*Fixed: The zip files are interpreted as folders instead files.
*Fixed: If the ExpandFolders property is True, the zip files displays the expand button.
*Fixed: The user is not able to resize the columns if "Switch primary and secondary buttons" is checked. Apr 26, 2010
*Added: Loading property specifies the HTML caption being displayed in list at initialization time if loading of files and folders could be longer.
*Added: Shows the busy cursor while the control is busy loading objects
*Fixed: Avoids loading objects several times while operations require refreshing such as: BrowseFolderPath, ExpandFolders, and so on ( improves loading the files and folders at init time )
*Fixed: The /NET assembly shows empty content, if the HasCheckBox property is True. Apr 06, 2010
*Added: StateChange(BeforeExpandFolderState) and StateChange(AfterExpandFolderState) events notify once a folder is expanding or expanded.
*Added: StateChange(BeforeCollapseFolderState) and StateChange(AfterCollapseFolderState) events notify once a folder is collapsing or collapsed.
*Added: If the Enabled property is False, the control does not load the objects. Once the Enabled property is set on True, loading objects is performed. Valid for /COM version only.
*Fixed: StateChange(BeforeLoadState) and StateChange(AfterLoadState) events are fired when expading a folder. Jan 12, 2010
*Added: StateChange(BeforeLoadState) event notifies the application once the control starts loading the files and folders.
*Added: StateChange(AfterLoadState) event notifies the application once the control ends loading the files and folders.
*Fixed: Rarely, right clicking while dragging the thumb ( left button is still pressed ) of the scroll bar fires an access violation.
*Fixed: Removes the Scroll event definition from the /NET assembly. Oct 15, 2009
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly does not update at runtime the properties saved in design-mode.
*Fixed: The associated ContextMenuStrip component is not shown when right clicking the /NET Assembly component.
*Fixed: The MDI form requires an extra click to activate it, once a modeless dialog is closed. The dialog contains a VB6 UserControl that hosts the control. ATL3.0 BUG Aug 14, 2009
*Added: The Template feature supports hexa values being specified using format 0x prefix.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the 64-bit version of the control fires "System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt" when user tries to resizes a column by clicking the control's header.
*Fixed: The /NET assembly shows a black frame when the parent form changes its parent using the MDIParent property. June 03, 2009
*NEW: ToolTip support
*Added: 64-bit support
*Added: ToolTipDelay property specifies the time in ms that passes before the tooltip appears.
*Added: ToolTipPopDelay property specifies the period in ms of time the tooltip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control..
*Added: ToolTipWidth property specifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels
*Added: ToolTipFont property retrieves or sets the tooltip's font. Apr 27, 2009
*NEW: Ability to change the parameters passed by reference of the control's events for environments that does not support events with parameters by reference, such as uniPaas 1.5 (formerly known as eDeveloper), DBase, and so on
*Added: EventParam() property accesses a specified parameter of the current event. This property has effect only during an event, and can be used to change or retrieve a specified parameter of the current event
*Added: EventParam(-1) retrieves the number of parameters that can be accessed.
*Added: Signing the /NET Assembly with a strong name (AssemblyName.FullName: exontrol.exfileview, PublicKeyToken=ee8b92b3f83d1724)
*Fixed: On Windows XP skinned objects ( EBN objects ) are not shown on virtual printers such as PDF, and so on. Jan 19, 2009
*Added: The FileFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the file from the current cursor position.
*Added: Increased the spead of loading files that match a specified pattern.
*Fixed: Sometime, the control fails when destroying, when using threads in VS C++ for filling or removing items in the control
4.4 eXFileView/NET Oct 14, 2008
*Added: The Parent folder named .. stays always on top, even if a column gets sorted.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters.
*Fixed: On Vista, browsing the Assembly folder closes the application. Sep 01, 2008
*NEW: Ability to highlight the found result while typing characters ( incremental search )
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:4500)
*Added: IncrementalSearch property specifies how the control searches for the objects while user types characters. May 07, 2008
*NEW: Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme. February 04, 2008
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: & ( & ), < ( < ), > ( > ), &qout ( " ), number. For instance, the € displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: Sometimes the tooltip doesn't show if previously specified ToolTipPopDelay time elapsed. June 14, 2007
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed. April 27, 2007
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content February 23, 2007
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Fixed: The FileType.IconIndex property hides the file's icon if a custom icon is used. November 22, 2006
*NEW: Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar. October 31, 2006
*NEW: Customizable Windows XP Theme support
*NEW: The Template supports CreateObject method to create new objects. This feature can be used by programming environments ( such as eDeveloper ) that do not accept working with particular objects.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Added: Background(exCursorHoverColumn) property. Specifies the visual appearance of the column when the cursor hovers the header. Octomber 09, 2006
*NEW: Ability to save the control's content to EMF format, and so to BMP, JPG, PNG formats.
*Added: Copy method. Copies the control's content to the clipboard, in Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format. April 03, 2006
*NEW: The Template supports calling multiple properties in the same line using the . (dot) separator. For instance, the 'FileTypes.Add("*WIN*")' statement adds a new object to the FileTypes collection. January 31, 2006
*Added: Improvements to Template editor December 02, 2005
*NEW: Ability to specify whether the child files or folders should be included, when the explorer is filtered.
*Added: FilterInclude property. Specifies the files or folders being included after the user applies the filter.
*Added: ColumnsAllowSizing property. Ability to resize the columns at run-time, even if the control's headerbar is not visible.
*Added: Ability to resize at run-time the drop down filter window using the mouse. October, 07, 2005
*Added: Scrolls the files as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands a folder. August 29, 2005
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: DefaultItemHeight property. Specifies the default height for files and folders ( items ). June 28, 2005
*NEW: WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor
*Added: Template property. Specifies the control's template content. It holds a collection of properties and their values, methods and objects, into a TEXT file. The template file combines XML style with something close to VBScript.
*Added: StopSearch method invokes the Search( EndSearching ) event.
*Added: Get(VisibleItems) property gets the list of items as they are displayed.
*Added: Appearance property. Specifies the control's appearance.
*Added: IncludeFolderFilter property. Retrieves or sets a wild character expression that indicates the folders being included.
*Added: ExcludeFolderFilter property. Retrieves or sets a wild character expression that indicates the folders being excluded.
*Fixed: Files.Get method specifies multiple patterns separated by ' ' ( space ) character. June 07, 2005
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: NET\VB\ExpandFolders sample
*Added: VFP\ExPropertiesList sample
*Added: VB\ExPropertiesList sample
*Added: VC\ExPropertiesList sample April 15, 2005
*Added: Option(exHideFileExtensionsForKnownFileTypes) property. Hides the three-letter file-name extensions for certain files, reducing clutter in folder windows.
*Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference. February 09, 2005
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Fixed: Leak memory. December 09, 2004
*Added: Sorts by letter drive the "My Computer" folder.
*Added: Expand method expands a folder giving relative path and absolute path as well.
*Added: Option property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates an option for the control. For instance, you can change the date format in the 'Modified' column, and so on. November 23, 2004
*NEW: CheckBox Support ( two or three states check box, partial check box )
*Added: HasCheckBox property. Specifies whether the control displays a check box for each item.
*Added: Get( CheckItems ) property. Retrieves a collection of checked files and folders.
*Added: File.Checked property. Specifies whether a file is checked or unchecked.
*Fixed: Right click fires OLEStartDrag event if the OLEDropMode property is OLEDropManual. November 07, 2004
*Added: ColumnCaption property. Specifies the column's caption.
*Added: Ignoring the & characters when calling the ExecuteContextMenu method.
*Added: VB\UNICODE sample October 19, 2004
*Added: Ability to expand a folder by its name or its path as well.
*Added: Update automatically the control's content when changes occurs recursively on the browsed directory.
*Fixed: On Windows ME, the folders does't display + sign if they contain sub folders. October 14, 2004
*NEW: Ability to browse the desktop virtual folder.
*Added: hWnd property. Returns the handle of the control.
*Added: FileFromPoint property. Gets the file from the cursor.
*Added: IncludeFilesInFolder property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control includes files when expanding a folder.
*Added: If the ExplorerFromHere property is "::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" the control explores the desktop folder. October 11, 2004
*Fixed: When multiple selection is on, the selection is cleared if the dragging rectangle is empty. October 01, 2004
*Added: Expand method. Expands or selects a folder giving its path.
*Fixed: Adjusts the item's height in the drop down filter window, proportionally with the control's font. June 29, 2004
*Added: Handling the ALT (hot) keys.
*Fixed: GUI resources leaks when Refresh method is called multiple times. June 21, 2004
*NEW: Background picture support.
*Added: Picture property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control.
*Added: PictureDisplay property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's background
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview. March 04, 2004
*Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: In VBA, the Visible property destroys the control. January 15, 2004
*Added: Sort(Column,Ascending) method. Sorts a column.
*Added: HeaderAppearance property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the header's appearance.
*Added: BackColorHeader property. Specifies the header's background color.
*Added: ForeColorHeader property. Specifies the header's foreground color. December 20, 2003
*NEW: Ability to filter files and folders on the fly, using the control's filterbar.
*NEW: Ability to define custom filter patterns.
*Added: FilterChange event. Occurs when the filter is changed.
*Added: FilterBarCaption caption. Specifies the filter bar's caption.
*Added: ApplyFilter method. Applies the filter.
*Added: ClearFilter method. Clears the filter.
*Added: FilterBarHeight property. Specifies the height of the control's filter bar. If the value is less than 0, the filterbar is automatically resized to fit its description.
*Added: FilterBarForeColor property. Specifies the foreground color of the control's filter bar.
*Added: FilterBarBackColor property. Specifies the background color of the control's filter bar.
*Added: FilterBarFont property. Specifies the font for the control's filter bar.
*Added: FilterBarDropDownHeight property. Specifies the height of the drop down filter window proportionally with the height of the control's list.
*Added: FilterBarDropDownWidth(ColumnName) property. Specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the control's column.
*Added: ColumnFilterButton(ColumnName) property. Specifies a value that indicates whether the column displays the filter button.
*Added: ColumnFilter(ColumnName) property. Specifies the column's filter when filter type is exFilter, exPattern.
*Added: ColumnFilterType(ColumnName) property. Specifies the column's filter type.
*Added: ColumnFilterType(ColumnName) property. Specifies the column's filter type.
*Added: AddColumnCustomFilter(ColumnName,Caption,Filter) method. Adds a custom filter pattern to the column.
*Added: ClearColumnCustomFilters(ColumnName) method. Clears the list of column's custom filters.
*Added: Description(Type) property. Changes descriptions for control objects.
*Added: FilterBar sample November 12, 2003
*Fixed: Sorting is case sensitive November 05, 2003
*Added: LoadIconsKey property. Specifies the starting key when LoadIcons method is used.
*Fixed: On Windows 95/98/Me systems the icons are not shown properly.
*Fixed: IDL OLDDropMode's ID changed to 1000 September 26, 2003
*Help: Updated
*Added: ModifiedDaysAgo property. Specifies a value that indicates whether the Modified column shows the number of days ago when the file was last updated. March 31, 2003
*Added: DblClk in the column's resize bar resizes the column to fit within visible column's content.
*Added: The CTRL + A selects all files, if multiple selection is enabled. February 07, 2003
*NEW: Print and Print preview support.
*Added: Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems.
*Added: Print sample December 27, 2002
*Fixed: On Win XP, sometime the vertical scroll bar doesn't show up. November 30, 2002
*Fixed: ExecuteContextCommand method fails, if the command is not found. November 21, 2002
*NEW: Search Files and Folders Support
*NEW: Ability to display the results from a recursive search
*Added: Search property. Specifies the list of files and folders including wild card characters to search for.
If the Search property is not empty, the control begins searching the files and folders that match the mask, starting from BrowseFolderPath folder. The control
creates a new thread that add each file or folder found one by one. The control fires Search( StartSearching ) event, when it starts the
searching operation, and fires the Search( EndSearching ) event when the control ends searching operation.
For instance, the ExFileView1.Search = "*.bat *.log" includes all files that have bat or log extension.
*Added: StopSearch method. Stops the searching operation.
*Added: Search event. Occurs when control starts or ends searching the files or folders,
*Added: Search sample. October 30, 2002
*Added: UNICODE support
*Fixed: .NET. If the control is hosted by a System.Windows.Forms.Form window the menu 'Send To' is not measured properly September 30, 2002
*Fixed: The control is destroyed if it contained by a TAB control. September 18, 2002
*NEW: .NET Ready / Tested with .NET RCW
*Added: NET\Sample sample September 08, 2002
*NEW: Support for Windows XP scrollbars. July 12, 2002
*Added: ExpandOnDblClk property. If the ExpandFolders property is True, the ExpandOnDblClk property expands the folder if the user dblclick on the item.
*Added: IncludeParentIconKey property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the key of the icon used for 'Parent' button. Use LoadIcon property to load icons to control.
*Fixed: Drag and Drop fails on Windows XP
*Fixed: Right Click on Parent Folder looks for non existent shell menu. February 06, 2002
*Added: SelForeColor property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection foreground color.
*Added: SelBackColor property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the selection background color.
*Fixed: Access 97, can't resize the control after initial drag/drop to the form.
Fixed: Scrollbar doesn't recalculate correctly and you can't scroll back to top
*Changed: Copyright information December 18, 2001
*Fixed: The Files of Change event includes the ".." folder. December 17, 2001
*Fixed: Files.Item indexer accepts display file name.
*Fixed: On 98, some icons are not properly displayed.
*Added: Enabled property. Enables or disables the control.
*Added: FileType.From. Specifies whether the FileType object is applied for files that have been changed after date
*Added: FileType.To. Specifies whether the FileType object is applied for files that have been changed before date December 04, 2001
*Fixed: license
*Fixed: The BrowseFolderPath fails, if the ExploreFromHere is empty.
*Changed: ExFileView.dll -> ExFileVw.dll November 18, 2001
*Added: IncludeParent property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control includes the parent folder.
*Added: ExpandFolders property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control expands the folder objects.
*Added: HasLines property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control links the child items to their parents.
*Added: HasLinesAtRoot property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control draws the lines that link the root items.
*Added: HasButtons property. Adds a button to the left side of each parent item.
*Added: IncludeFiles property. Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the control includes the files to the list.
*Fixed: If the control explores the My Computer folder (::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}), the floppy disks are scanned. August 18, 2001
*Added: HeaderVisible property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control's header bar is visible or hidden.
*Added: ColumnVisible property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the column is visible or hidden.
*Added: ColumnWidth property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the column's width.
*Added: AllowEdit property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control allows renaming items. February 04, 2001
* Initial Release