explorerbar - what's new
Exontrol ExplorerBar Component - Release Notes (https://exontrol.com/explorerbar.jsp) Feb 03, 2025
*Added: The Icon parameter of the ReplaceIcon method supports loading an icon in various ways. If the ICON is not provided via its handle, it will attempt to load it from a picture using its reference, the full path to the picture file, or the picture's content encoded as BASE64 strings using the eXImages tool.
*Fixed: The ReplaceIcon method fails to load icons using handles in x64 applications.
*Fixed: Prevent returning the event parameter by reference when accessing the EventParam(index) property. For example, PowerBuilder generates a 'Bad runtime function reference' error if an event parameter passed by reference is accessed through the EventParam(index) property May 27, 2024
*NEW:   The ex-HTML tags, including fgcolor, bgcolor, gra, out, sha, solidline, and dotline, now support 150 named colors, such as <fgcolor red>, as well as RGB format specifications like <fgcolor rgb(255,0,0)>. This enhancement offers more flexibility in defining colors within ex-HTML tags
*Added: The ExecuteTemplate() method can return the value of a variable. For instance, the eXSurface's PointToPosition method uses variables by reference which is not supported in PowerBuilder. For that you can use a code like ExecuteTemplate("dim x,y;x=-1;y=-1;PointToPosition(x,y);x") that returns the x-position (surface's coordinates) of the current mouse pointer. In the same manner you can use ExecuteTemplate("dim x,y;x=-1;y=-1;PointToPosition(x,y);y") to return the y-position. Dec 4, 2023
*Added: The ShowToolTip method can be used to update the object's tooltip, title or position. For instance, ShowToolTip(`<null>`,`<null>`,,`+8`,`+8`) during MouseMove event, shows the tooltip of the object moved relative to its default position.
*Added: The <solidline> and <dotline> HTML tags support color in RGB format using the <solidline RRGGBB> or <dotline RRGGBB> syntax, which indicates the color to show the solid or dotted line
*Fixed: The ShowToolTip() method works improperly as it may show the tooltip to a different position Sep 25, 2023
*Added: The Background(exScrollHoverAll/500) property specifies whether the hover-all feature is by default (0), always on (-1) or disabled(1). By default (Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 0), the left/top, right/bottom and thumb parts of the control' scrollbars are displayed in hover state while the cursor hovers any part of the scroll bar (hover-all feature). The hover-all feature is available on Windows 11 or greater, if only left/top, right/bottom, thumb, lower and upper-background parts of the scrollbar are visible, no custom visual-appearance is applied to any visible part. The hover-all feature is always on If Background(exScrollHoverAll) = -1. The Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 1 disables the hover-all feature.
*Added: Show the Left/Top or Right/Bottom buttons of the control's scrollbar on Windows 11 or greater, while the cursor hovers the scrollbar's background.
*Fixed: The scroll button's appearance is restored to normal instead of hover state when the mouse button is released Jun 28, 2023
*Added: The exFull flag (16 or 0x10) of HighLightItemEnum type specifies whether the item can be selected while cursor hovers its full-part, not only its icon or caption. The exFull flag can be combined with exIcon, exCaption or exUnion
*Added: The Handle parameter of the Images() method supports a string expression that specifies the ICO file to add. The ICO file format is an image file format for computer icons in Microsoft Windows. ICO files contain one or more small images at multiple sizes and color depths, such that they may be scaled appropriately. For instance, Images("c:\temp\copy.ico") method adds the sync.ico file to the control's Images collection (string, loads the icon using its path) 
*Fixed: The AttachTemplate method fails if using "handle" keyword on x64 version Mar 22, 2023
*Added: Update the samples to support x64 configuration (/COM version)
*Fixed: No control frame is shown in design-mode under MS Excel's spreadsheet
*Fixed: The expropertieslist/com fails if the user is trying to spy the control (x64 version only, AllowSpy property, browses the object by drag and drop) Jan 16, 2023
*Added: DPI-Aware Support
*Added: New visual appearance for all internal icons to support high DPI resolution (100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200% and 300%)
*Fixed: The internal icons are stretched and look distorted when DPI scaling is not 100% Sep 19, 2022
*Added: PowerBuilder 21.0 sample
*Added: Sets or gets the control's Font property in design mode, for the /NET version
*Fixed: Clicking (Custom) property generates "Class Not Registered" error (Windows x64, 'Looking for object with CLSID:{7EBDAAE1-8120-11CF-899F-00AA00688B10}') May 20, 2022
*Added: TemplateDef/TemplatePut property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Fixed: The Background (exToolTipForeColor) property does not apply to the tooltip's title
*Fixed: A GPF may occur on closing the form/window/dialog if one or more events are handled by AttachTemplate method Apr 04, 2022
*NEW: Z-Events support (Standard .NET event patterns)
*Added: Every event of the control (/NET assembly) provides a Z-Event alternative, of "void OnEventRaised(object sender, EventArgs args)" type. The .NET convention is for an event (Z-event) signature to have a void return and 2 parameters. The first parameter is of type System.Object and is the sender of the event. The second parameter must be of type System.EventArgs or derived from System.EventArgs and contains data passed between sender and receiver. For instance, the "DblClick(object sender, short Shift, int X, int Y)" event is equivalent to "ZDblClick(object sender, ZDblClickArgs e)", where "ZDblClickArgs" type is derived from System.EventArgs and includes definitions for Shift, X and Y properties
*Fixed: "Warning: The <event-name> event is a .NET event that does not follow the .NET convention for event signatures (OpenEdge, ABL code)". To prevent this warning, under OpenEdge environment you must use the Z-event alternatives Apr 01, 2021
*Added: ExplorerBar.pdf (include the control's documentation in PDF format)
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not serialized once the user changes in design mode (the control's background/foreground is set to the default value once the form is started)
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not copied in design mode, when the user copies the control in design-mode using CTRL + C (copy) and CTRL + V (paste) combination Nov 02, 2020
*Fixed: The "Do you want to save changes to the design of form ''? Yes, No, Cancel" message occurs in MS Access, every time the form is closed in design mode
*Fixed: FormatAnchor(False) = vbNullString fails (vbNullString is a special VB constant that denotes a null string. The "" literal is an empty string) Jul 22, 2019
*Fixed: Prevents showing the "This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be initialized using your current workspace settings." warning message while the control is running into MS Office forms or user-forms. May 16, 2018
*NEW:   Ability to executes x-script code ( including events ), from a string, file or a safe array of bytes. This feature allows you to load the control's visual appearance and behavior, without having to write any line of code. The x-script code can save EBNs, icons, pictures into BASE64 encoded strings, and so everything can be put into a single file, that should be invoked by AttachTemplate method. This feature allows you to run any x-script code for any configuration of the component (/COM, /NET or /WPF). 
*Added: AttachTemplate method executes the giving x-script code, and attach events if found. The x-script code can contain handle keyword that defines a handler for the specified event. For instance, the AttachTemplate("handle Click() { print(Version) }") sends the control's Version property to the debugger for display. All you need is to open the DebugView tool, and click the control.
*Added: The control's Template page supports AttachTemplate so you can assign x-script code ( including events )  in design mode, and so the control's visual appearance and behavior is changed once the control is created at runtime (/COM version only). Nov 01, 2017
*NEW:   Display a placeholder for missing icons, images in HTML captions.
*Added: The Key parameter of the HTMLPicture property is case insensitive, so you can display the picture using the insensitive key. For instance, <img>picA</img> is equivalent with <img>pica</img>, or <img>PICA</img> and so on.
*Added: The HTML caption shows a missing image placeholder for images whose source is missing. The missing placeholder displays the index of the icon being missing, or the key of the HTML picture being missing. Aug 14, 2017
*Added: The Version property includes the SpecialBuild number of the assembly so it provides information like Major.Minor.Build.Revison.SpecialBuild.Type...
*Fixed: Prevents a memory leak when loading icons, pictures, from BASE64 encoded strings (Images method, HTMLPicture picture).
*Fixed: A GPF occurs if the application is started from design mode ( demo / evaluation / trial version only )
*Fixed: Prevents "Do you want to save ..." / "Save changes...' input box, when the user opens the form in design mode, and close it. Feb 10, 2016
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1003 version.
*Added: EBN 1003 implements Colorable Region Support which defines a portion/region of the EBN object where the color of the EBN is applied. For instance, at runtime the identifier 0x1FF0000 applies blue color to all colorable parts that compose the EBN object. The EBN color is not applied to not-colorable portions of the EBNs.
*Fixed: Prevents showing the control's view in design mode, while running on FORTH system ( /COM version ) Aug 03, 2015
*Added: The Version property for /NET or /WPF version returns more information about the component/assembly/file.
*Fixed: An ICO file shows as 18x18 instead of 16x16 pixels if it is loaded using the HTMLPicture method. Mar 11, 2015
*Added: </solidline>, </upline>, </dotline> HTML tags ends the solid, up or dotted line
*Added: Prevents showing the ,.;!?'")}] characters at the beginning of a new line, when html text is word-wrapping.
*Fixed: The last italic character of a HTML caption may be shown as clipped
*Fixed: A Click event occurs right after DblClick event. Jul 02, 2014
*NEW:   Windows 8.1 64-bit compatibility
*Added: The /COM 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft Office Applications: Excel 2013, Access 2013,...
*Added: The /NET(/WPF) 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft NET Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, ...
*Fixed: "Visual C++ Runtime Error!" occurs if using the <fgcolor> or <bgcolor> with no indicating the color. Correct is <fgcolor RRGGBB>, instead <fgcolor> Mar 24, 2014
*NEW:   Unlimited options to show any HTML text, images, colors, EBNs, patterns, frames anywhere on the group/item's background. Ability to draw additional EBN/Color/Text/Patterns/Images on the group/item, using the EBN String Format (create and run at runtime EBN objects)
*Added: Group/Item.BackgroundExt property indicates additional colors, text, patterns, images that can be displayed on the group/item's background using the EBN string format. For instance, Group/Item.BackColorExt = "bottom[4,back=RGB(0,0,0)],top[4,back=RGB(0,0,0)]" draws a 4-pixels wide line aligned to the top and bottom sides of the group/item. The Group/Item.BackColorExt = "bottom[10%+12,back=RGB(255,0,0),text=`<img>alert</img><b>Alert!`,align=0x11]" displays the alert picture and the Alert! caption as bold, on the RED background, on the bottom portion of the group/item (10%+12 pixels-wide from the object's client area). 
*Added: Group/Item.BackgroundExtValue(Index,Property) property gets or sets a value that indicates the value of giving property for the object with indicated index. This property has effect only if the BackgroundExt property is set. The BackgroundExtValue property allows you to change programmatically, the properties of the parts that composes the EBN object. For instance, BackgroundExtValue(0,exFrameColorExt) = RGB(255,0,0) draws a red frame around the root part of the object. For instance, you can use this property to change properties ( like colors ) of the EBN without having to assign a new EBN string format 
*Tip:   The EBN is a set of UI elements that are built as a tree where each element is anchored to its parent element. The BackgroundExtValue property can change properties like: exBackColorExt (element's background color, including other EBN objects), exClientExt (position/size of the element), exAnchorExt (element's alignment relative to its parent), exTextExt (associates a HTML text on the element), exTextExtWordWrap (word wrapping of the elements text), exTextExtAlignment (alignment of the element's text), exPatternExt (pattern to be shown on the element), exPatternColorExt ( color of the pattern on the element ), exFrameColorExt (color to show the border-frame on the element), exFrameThickExt (shows a thick-frame around the element), exUserDataExt (associates an extra-data with the element)
*Tip:   The eXButtons's builder WYSWYG tool provides the To String field, that indicates the EBN string format that can be used by BackColorExt/BackColorExtValue properties. Dec 02, 2013
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the EBNs. Jul 01, 2013
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form. Nov 14, 2012
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions.
*Added: The Template or ExecuteTemplate properties may contain several commands separated by ; not only cariage returns. For instance the Template = "dim p;p=CreateObject(`Exontrol.Print`);p.PrintExt=Me;p.Preview()" calls the exontrol's eXPrint to open the contrl's print and print preview.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the control loses its data once the Visible property is set on False or when the control is hosted to a tab control, and user changes the pages.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't handle the F2 key. Aug 14, 2012
*NEW:   New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing. Dec 19, 2011
*Added: The /COM version can be dropped to the eXPropertiesList control as an object.
*Fixed: Removes the tooltip's shadow if time to show the tooltip is less than 250 ms, as on Windows 7, the tooltip may be displayed slower.
*Added: "Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object" runtime-error '451' occurs in VB if calling to assign a picture using its reference when using the Set .HTMLPicture statement.
*Fixed: Changing the ShowImageList property in design mode fails, if the component is hosted in a VC++ 2005, 2008 and 2010 application ( available for /COM only ). Sep 12, 2011
*Added: Appearance.RenderType property specifies the way colored EBN objects are displayed on the component. For instance use the RenderType on -3, no color is applied, -2, for OR-color scheme, -1 for AND-color scheme, ( older EBN color schemes ). The RenderType property is 0 by default, which indicates an A-color scheme.
*Added: The Button parameter of MouseMove event can be 4 which indicates that the middle mouse button ( wheel button ) is pressed.
*Added: The eXPropertiesList control may browse the EBN objects, on color properties ( valid for /COM version ).
*Fixed: The get_HTMLPicture property gets empty object on the /NET version. Feb 07, 2011
*NEW:   Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW:   The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Simiar with < r > HTML tag.
*Added: /WPF version
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" ) Oct 27, 2010
*NEW:   Ability to specify any COLOR for the control's frame/border/appearance if using EBN objects.
*Added: The Appearance property may specify any color to apply the EBN object to define the control's border. In other words, you can define the color and the visual aspect of the control's border/appearance.
*Added: The Background(exToolTipAppearance) property may specify any color to apply to tooltip's EBN so the control's tooltip can be shown using different colors.
*Added: Displays the group's shortcut when it contains no img tags, and the shortcutbar is collapsed.
*Fixed: The <br> HTML tag does not break group's caption. Sep 27, 2010
*NEW:   Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Fixed: The user is not able to scroll the items if "Switch primary and secondary buttons" is checked. Feb 17, 2010
*NEW:   VisualAppearance.Add reads EBN files from byte[] or safe arrays of VT_I1 or VT_UI1. In other words, you can add EBN files directly to resources and use them as .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.My.Resources.EBN) for vb/net or .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.Properties.Resources.EBN) for c#, where the ID is the new identifier to be added, and the EBN is the identifier in the resource for the EBN file.
*Added: Changing the way the colors are being applied to EBN objects. Feb 04, 2010
*Fixed: Displays the first line of the HTML text, if it does not fit entirely the field
*Fixed: Ignores the <br> or carriage return sequences in HTML text, if the SingleLine property is True
*Fixed: Rarely, right clicking while dragging the thumb ( left button is still pressed ) of the scroll bar fires an access violation. Nov 13, 2009
*Added: Improvements on parsing HTML captions.
*Fixed: The MDI form requires an extra click to activate it, once a modeless dialog is closed. The dialog contains a VB6 UserControl that hosts the control. ATL3.0 BUG
*Fixed: Removes the Scroll event definition from the /NET assembly. Sep 30, 2009
*Added: EnsureVisible(Group,Item) ensures that specified group and/or item fits the control's client area.
*Added: Changing the way the colors are being applied to EBN objects.
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly does not update at runtime the properties saved in design-mode. Aug 14, 2009
*Added: The Template feature supports hexa values being specified using format 0x prefix.
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly shows no information in design mode, such as version of the control.
*Fixed: Accessing the /NET Assembly in design mode fails ( Object reference not set to an instance of an object ). May 27, 2009
*Added: Updates the visual aspect of the control's tooltip based on the current theme, if active, and not using EBN object for its appearance.
*Fixed: The /NET assembly shows a black frame when the parent form changes its parent using the MDIParent property.
*Fixed: The associated ContextMenuStrip component is not shown when right clicking the /NET Assembly component. April 08, 2009
*NEW:   PNG support for picture properties.
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: 64-bit support March 30, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to display the group's caption, icon or picture at your position.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderLeft property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the left part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderRight property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the right part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderTop property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the top part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderBottom property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the bottom part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance.
*Fixed: The IDE flickers when the component is placed on a form, due ShowImageList property that creates a hidden top-most window, to store the icons. Feb 06, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to change the parameters passed by reference of the control's events for environments such as uniPaas 1.5 (formerly known as eDeveloper), DBase, and so on ( these do not support updating the parameters during the event )
*Added: Signing the /NET Assembly with a strong name (AssemblyName.FullName: exontrol.explorerbar, PublicKeyToken=bd929b7173bb4e58)
*Added: The EventParam(Parameter) property accesses a specified parameter of the current event. This property has effect only during an event, and can be used to change or retrieve a specified parameter of the current event
*Added: The EventParam(-1) retrieves the number of parameters that can be accessed. Sep 17, 2008
*NEW:   Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more red color.
*Fixed: The path to load pictures from, is limited to 127 characters. 
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the accelerator key on the dialog/form may be called without pressing the ALT key. June 17, 2008
*NEW:	Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:3000)
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of explorerbar/net component.

4.2	eXPlorerBar/NET February 20, 2008
*NEW:   Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar. January 14, 2008
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar. November 01, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's vertical scroll bar
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: & ( & ), < ( < ), > ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the € displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: The vertical scroll bar is functional but not visible, if the Appearance property points to an EBN file. September 13, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0. July 20, 2007
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ItemFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the item from the cursor.
*Added: GroupFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the group from the cursor. May 28, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color for parts of the control. April 12, 1007
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters February 08, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1") September 28, 2006
*NEW:   Customizable Windows XP Theme support
*Added: Appearance.Add method adds a predefined XP skin defined by class, part and state, from the current XP theme, if the Skin parameter starts with "XP:". For instance, the Add( 1, "XP:Header 1 1" ), adds an XP predefined skin from the current theme, to draw the component's part as the header of the system's listview control in Windows XP
*Added: Appearance.Add("CP:") methods adds a copy of an existing skin with different coordinates. August 10, 2006
*NEW:   Ability to specify custom size pictures for shortcuts.
*Added: ShortcutPicture property. Assigns a custom size picture to a shortcut
*Added: ShortcutPictureWidth property. Specifies the width of the shortcut's picture, when using the ShortcutPicture property.
*Added: ShortcutPictureHeight property. Specifies the height of the shortcut's picture, when using the ShortcutPicture property. May 31, 2006
*NEW:   Shortcut bar support. Ability to group the groups of items in the shortcut bar
*Added: SelectShortcut event. Notifies when the user selects a new shortcut.
*Added: ShowShortcutBar property. Shows or hides the control's shortcut bar.
*Added: Group.Shortcut property. Defines the group's shortcut.
*Added: SelectShortcut property. Selects a shortcut.
*Added: ShortcutBarBackColor property. Specifies the background color for the control's shortcut bar. March 31, 2006
*NEW:   The Template supports calling multiple properties in the same line using the . (dot) separator. For instance, the 'Groups.Add("NewGroup").AddItem("NewItem").Image = 1' statement adds a new group with an item.
*NEW:   The Template supports CreateObject method to create new objects. December 15, 2005
*Added: Improvements to Template editor. December 01, 2005
*Added: <img>number[:width]</img> inserts an icon inside the cell's caption. The number indicates the index of the icon being inserted. The width is optional and indicates the width of the icon being inserted. Using the width option you can overwrite multiple icons getting a nice effect. By default, if the width field is missing, the width is 18 pixels. 
*Fixed: The group's tooltip displays _ if the group's caption includes a & character. September 01, 2005
*NEW:   Ability to insert icons anywhere in the cell's caption.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the item's caption. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the item's caption. June 17, 2005
*NEW:   Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance. May 03, 2005
*Help:  Updated
*Help:  Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Item.Visible property. Specifies whether an item is visible within a group. March 31, 2005
*Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
*Added: VC|VB|NET|VFP\Template samples September 02, 2004
*NEW:   Ability to use custom size pictures to groups or items.
*Added: Group.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object.
*Added: Item.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object. August 02, 2004
*Added: Ability to load images collection from a BASE64 encoded string, using the Images method.
*Fixed: The Click event is never fired. April 02, 2004
*Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: In VFP environment the control gains the focus, if it is hosted by a PageFrame control. January 11, 2004
*Added: Expands the group when user double clicks the group's caption.
*Fixed: Small fix when painting groups with exRound appearance. December 11, 2003
*Added: By default, the ShowImageList property is False, in the registered version.
*Added: Item.ImageAlignment property. Aligns the icon inside the item.
*Added: Group.ImageAlignment property. Aligns the icon inside the group's caption.
*Added: Ability to use the CaptionFormat property on exHTML and SingleLine property on False.
*Fixed: The caption of the item cann't be aligned to right, if the SingleLine property is False. October 24, 2003
*Added: VC\HostWindows sample September 10, 2003
*Help:  Updated
*Fixed: The control erases the focused item when control loses the focus. September 02, 2003
*Added: BeforeExpandGroup( Group, Cancel ) event. Occurs just before expanding or collapsing a group. Using the Cancel parameter user can cancel the expanding or collapsing the group.
*Added: ToolTipWidth property. Specifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels. August 12, 2003
*Added: Refresh method. Refreshes the control.
*Added: Group.AllowExpand property. Specifies whether the group can be expanded or collapsed.
*Fixed: The control's images panel loads only 16 colors icons by dragging. July 10, 2003
*NEW:   Keyboard support. 
*Added: ShowFocusRect property. Specifies a value that indicates whether the control draws the focused item. July 04, 2003
*Added: GroupApperance = exRound specifies round corners for groups.
*Added: New HTML tags for tooptips : < dotline > ( draws a dotted line ), < solidline > ( draws a dotted line ), < upline > ( draws up the line ) and < r > ( right aligns the line ) May 16, 2003
*Added: Ability to insert new icon files to images panel by pressing the Insert key when the images panel is focused.
*Fixed: The group's caption cuts the expand button, if the group's Alignment property is exRight.
*Fixed: The thin black border removed, for XP systems.
*Fixed: Misc fixes when scrolling the control using mouse wheel. May 09, 2003
*NEW:   The tooltips support HTML format. April 21, 2003
*Added: ToolTipDelay property. Specifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
*Added: ToolTipPopDelay property. Specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control. April 12, 2003
*Fixed: Tooltip window size.
*Chang: The tooltip's delay before showing up sets to 500 mili seconds. March 21, 2003
*NEW:   WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor March 20, 2003
*Added: Item.Tooltip property. Specifies the item's tooltip
*Added: Group.Tooltip property. Specifies the group's tooltip February 17, 2003
*NEW:   Any item supports built-in HTML format.
*Added: CaptionFormatEnum type. The valid values are exText and exHTML.
*Added: Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems.
*Added: Item.CaptionFormat property. Specifies whether the item's caption uses built-in HTML tags. No HTML tags are applied, if the CaptionFormat is exText. By default, the CaptionFormat is exText.
*Added: Group.CaptionFormat property. Specifies whether the group's caption uses built-in HTML tags. No HTML tags are applied, if the CaptionFormat is exText. By default, the CaptionFormat is exText.
	The following tags are supported:
		< b > tag - draws a text bolded until </b> is reached.
		< i > tag - draws the text using italic font attribute until </i> is reached.
		< s > tag - draws the text using strikeout font attribute until </s> is reached.
		< u > tag - draws the text using underline font attribute until </u> is reached.
		< fgcolor=RRGGBB > tag - draws the text using the RGB(RR,GG,BB) foreground color. until < /fgcolor > is reached. RR, GG and BB should be hexa values
		< bgcolor=RRGGBB > tag - draws the text using the RGB(RR,GG,BB) background color. until < /bgcolor > is reached. RR, GG and BB should be hexa values November 02, 2002
*Fixed: .NET An unhandled exception of type "System.NullReferenceException" occurred in system.windows.forms.dll. Additional info: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. October 29, 2002
*Fixed: If the component is created at runtime, it gains the focus. October 02, 2002
*NEW: .NET Ready / Tested with .NET RCW 
*Added: NET\Comments sample September 15, 2002
*Added: Item.AllowHighLight property. Specifies whether the item can be marked as highligthed.
*Added: Item.SingleLine property. Specifies whether the caption is displayed using one or multiple lines.
*Added: VB\Comments sample. September 14, 2002
* Initial Release