explorertree - what's new Jul 01, 2024
*Added: The ShowToolTip method can be used to update the object's tooltip, title or position. For instance, ShowToolTip(`<null>`,`<null>`,,`+8`,`+8`) during MouseMove event, shows the tooltip of the object moved relative to its default position.
*Fixed: The ShowToolTip() method works improperly as it may show the tooltip to a different position
*Fixed: The ScrollPos(False) property may not work properly if the ContinueColumnScroll property is False Jun 06, 2024
*Added: The control's tooltip is shown when the cursor hovers it no matter if the window that hosts the control is activated
*Fixed: The expropertieslist/com fails if the user is trying to spy the control (x64 version only, AllowSpy property, browses the object by drag and drop)
*Fixed: The control's list is not updated with new items once the Requery method of DataSource (ADO) is called Apr 10, 2024
*Added: Update the samples to support x64 configuration (/COM version)
*Fixed: No control frame is shown in design-mode under MS Excel's spreadsheet
*Fixed: The AttachTemplate method fails if using "handle" keyword on x64 version Jan 31, 2024
*Added: The Background(exTreeLinesColor) method defines the color to show the tree-lines (connecting lines from the parent to the children)
*Fixed: Clicking (Custom) property generates "Class Not Registered" error (Windows x64, 'Looking for object with CLSID:{7EBDAAE1-8120-11CF-899F-00AA00688B10}')
*Fixed: The Background (exToolTipForeColor) property does not apply to the tooltip's title Oct 30, 2023
*Added: TemplateDef/TemplatePut property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Fixed: A GPF may occur on closing the form/window/dialog if one or more events are handled by AttachTemplate method
*Fixed: The Column.Def(exCellDrawPartsOrder) property works correctly for ex-html cells only (The cell's caption overwrites the cell's check, icons or picture) Aug 02, 2023
*NEW: Ability to specify the size to show the icons/images/check-boxes/radio-buttons within the control
*Added: ImageSize property specifies the size of control' icons/check-boxes/radio-buttons. By default, the ImageSize property is 16. The control's Images collection is cleared if the ImageSize property is changed, so it is recommended to set the ImageSize property before calling the Images method. The ImageSize property specifies the size to show the icons using the Column.HeaderImage, Items.CellImage or Items.CellImages property, the cell's check-box or radio-button using the Column.Def(exCellHasCheckBox), Column.Def(exCellHasRadioButton), Items.CellHasCheckBox, Items.CellHasRadioButton property, the default-size of <img>number[:width]</img> tags within ex-html captions, unless the width is not specified, the size of expand/collapse glyphs, sorting icon (ascending or descending), drop-down or close filter button. The ImageSize property defines the size (width/height) of the icons within the control's Images collection. For instance, if the ICO file to load includes different types the one closest with the size specified by ImageSize property is loaded by Images method. The ImageSize property does NOT change the height for the control's font(Font), sort-bar (SortBarHeight), header (HeaderHeight), item(DefaultItemHeight) or filter-bar(FilterBarHeight) Mar 20, 2023
*NEW: 	DPI-Aware Support
*Added: New visual appearance for all internal icons to support high DPI resolution (100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200% and 300%)
*Fixed: The internal icons are stretched and look distorted when DPI scaling is not 100%
*Fixed: The Visual Studio 2022 (64-bit IDE) crashes if you try to place the /NET assembly in the form (design mode) Oct 17, 2022
*NEW:   HOT tracking/hover of the rows/items
*Added: HotBackColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking background color.
*Added: HotForeColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the hot-tracking foreground color. Jun 22, 2022
*Added: PowerBuilder 21.0 sample
*Added: GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridlinesGeometric flag. The control's gridlines are drawn using a geometric pen. A geometric pen can have any width and can have any of the attributes of a brush, such as dithers and patterns (a cosmetic pen can only be a single pixel wide and must be a solid color, but cosmetic pen are generally faster than geometric pens.
*Fixed: On some machines, the format keyword (within expression properties) provides more than 2 decimals for French(Canada) regional settings (for instance "12.3456 format ``" displays 12.3456 instead of 12.35) Mar 02, 2022
*NEW: Z-Events support (Standard .NET event patterns)
*Added: Every event of the control (/NET assembly) provides a Z-Event alternative, of "void OnEventRaised(object sender, EventArgs args)" type. The .NET convention is for an event (Z-event) signature to have a void return and 2 parameters. The first parameter is of type System.Object and is the sender of the event. The second parameter must be of type System.EventArgs or derived from System.EventArgs and contains data passed between sender and receiver. For instance, the "DblClick(object sender, short Shift, int X, int Y)" event is equivalent to "ZDblClick(object sender, ZDblClickArgs e)", where "ZDblClickArgs" type is derived from System.EventArgs and includes definitions for Shift, X and Y properties
*Fixed: "Warning: The <event-name> event is a .NET event that does not follow the .NET convention for event signatures (OpenEdge, ABL code)". To prevent this warning, under OpenEdge environment you must use the Z-event alternatives Oct 04, 2021
*Added: Sets or gets the control's Font property in design mode, for the /NET version
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not serialized once the user changes in design mode (the control's background/foreground is set to the default value once the form is started)
*Fixed: The BackColor/ForeColor properties of the /NET version are not copied in design mode, when the user copies the control in design-mode using CTRL + C (copy) and CTRL + V (paste) combination Aug 04, 2021
*Fixed: The Background(exListOLEDropPosition) property specifies the visual-appearance (including EBN files) of the item while the OLE drag and drop cursor hovers it (previously the item's highlight-appearance was always 2-pixels tall)
*Fixed: Sometimes, the column's partial-check feature does not work correctly (Column.PartialCheck, Column.Def(exCellHasCheckBox))
*Fixed: Improves the conversion of the string to date, while using Regional settings (Windows System) for date like ddd.dd.mm.yyyy (Su.15.02.2021) Apr 19, 2021
*Added: ExplorerTree.pdf (include the control's documentation in PDF format)
*Added: The Images method supports the Microsoft ImageList ( mscomctl.ocx, MSComctlLib.ImageList type) object directly. Shortly, you can define the control's images by calling Images(ImageList1.Object). The ImageList1.Object returns the object of MSComctlLib.ImageList type. The Microsoft ImageList object is available for /COM on x86 and x64 machines (starting from Access 2016)
*Fixed: The locked-items are displayed normally only when the cursor hovers them else they are shown bolder (ShowLockedItems property, Items.LockedItemCount property) Dec 16, 2020
*Added: The Items.CellMerge(Item,Column) supports a string value that holds the list of identifiers separated by comma. For instance, Items.CellMerge(Item,0) = "1,2,3", specifies that the cell on column 0, merges with cells of columns 1, 2, 3. The syntax is equivalent with Items.CellMerge(Item,0) = 1; Items.CellMerge(Item,0) = 2; Items.CellMerge(Item,0) = 3;
*Fixed: The "Do you want to save changes to the design of form ''? Yes, No, Cancel" message occurs in MS Access, every time the form is closed in design mode Sep 14, 2020
*Added: The state of the newly inserted child-item is automatically set on 1, if the column-partial check feature is enabled and the parent-item's state is 1 (Items.CellState, Column.PartialCheck) Jun 22, 2020
*Fixed: The Items.ItemHasChildren property returns 1, instead of True(-1) value
*Fixed: FormatAnchor(False) = vbNullString fails (vbNullString is a special VB constant that denotes a null string. The "" literal is an empty string)
*Fixed: The HeaderSingleLine property is ignored if the control's header displays multiple levels of columns (Column.LevelKey property) Apr 21, 2020
*Added: Improves the speed to scroll/display the control on 4K applications.
*Added: The 0x200(exGridLinesGeometric) flag draws the grid lines using a geometric pen (geometric pens are generally slower than cosmetic pens)
*Fixed: Scrolling is slower if the control displays grid-lines (DrawGridLines property) Feb 24, 2020
*Added: The option "Roll the mouse wheel to scroll" of Window's mouse & touchpad settings specifies the number of items to vertically scroll. Previously, scrolling vertical with the mouse wheel takes 3 items at a time
*Fixed: The Items.CellHasButton property returns 1, instead of -1 (equivalent of True, /COM version) Nov 04, 2019
*Fixed: Removes double { from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ExplorerTree.Appearance\CLSID\{{F764B9AE-2637-49D8-9971-E571944F4322}}. Oct 23, 2019
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's content using two-fingers on a touchpad (swipe up or down with two fingers, scrolls the control's up or down)
*Fixed: Prevents showing the "This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be initialized using your current workspace settings." warning message while the control is running into MS Office forms or user-forms. Feb 27, 2019
*Fixed: Can't move the column to be the last-visible column, while all columns are visible (ColumnAutoResize property on False)
*Fixed: Move slightly the last partially visible column, changes its position.
*Fixed: Dropping the column after the last visible column, ends up one-column to the right after the dropped position. Jun 25, 2018
*NEW:   Ability to executes x-script code ( including events ), from a string, file or a safe array of bytes. This feature allows you to load the control's visual appearance and behavior, without having to write any line of code. The x-script code can save EBNs, icons, pictures into BASE64 encoded strings, and so everything can be put into a single file, that should be invoked by AttachTemplate method. This feature allows you to run any x-script code for any configuration of the component (/COM, /NET or /WPF). 
*Added: AttachTemplate method executes the giving x-script code, and attach events if found. The x-script code can contain handle keyword that defines a handler for the specified event. For instance, the AttachTemplate("handle Click() { print(Version) }") sends the control's Version property to the debugger for display. All you need is to open the DebugView tool, and click the control.
*Added: The control's Template page supports AttachTemplate so you can assign x-script code ( including events )  in design mode, and so the control's visual appearance and behavior is changed once the control is created at runtime (/COM version only). May 28, 2018
*Added: Expands or collapses the entire selection if the user clicks any +/- glitch, presses Left/Right/+ or- key inside the selection, while the CTRL is pressed. This option is valid, while the control's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The Items.SelectItem property returns 1 instead of -1 / True value.
*Fixed: "The current version, supports ADO and DAO Recordsets. Make sure that the object is an ADO recordset, or a DAO recordset" error may occur if using ADO objects. Apr 16, 2018
*Added: Improves the performance to load data into the control.
*Added: The Version property includes the SpecialBuild number of the assembly so it provides information like Major.Minor.Build.Revison.SpecialBuild.Type...
*Added: The Background(exColumnsPositionSign) specifies the visual appearance for the position sign between columns, when the user changes the position of the column by drag and drop. By default, the Background(exColumnsPositionSign) property is 0, which indicates that the default position sign is shown when the user change the column's position by drag and drop.
*Fixed: Prevents "Do you want to save ..." / "Save changes...' input box, when the user opens the form in design mode, and close it. Jan 05, 2018
*Added: The items in the drop down filter panel, gets sorts as string, numeric, date/time, based on the Column.SortType property.
*Fixed: Prevents a memory leak when loading icons, pictures, from BASE64 encoded strings (Images method, HTMLPicture picture).
*Fixed: A GPF occurs if the application is started from design mode ( demo / evaluation / trial version only ) Oct 09, 2017
*Fixed: Click and wait the locked area of the control starts scrolling up or down the control, while SingleSel property is false
*Fixed: Click and drag or double click the empty area of the control, while SingleSel property is false, select the last item
*Fixed: Sometimes the control displays no items, but still showing the vertical scroll bar, when the user deletes multiple items ( Items.RemoveItem method ) May 22, 2017
*Fixed: Sometimes, the insensitive-case filter does not apply correctly to items that contain accented letters ( French Accents Characters ) like:       , ... ( /COM Ansi version only )
*Fixed: "Visual C++ Runtime Error!" occurs if using the <fgcolor> or <bgcolor> with no indicating the color. Correct is <fgcolor RRGGBB>, instead <fgcolor>
*Fixed: The space after text is not highlighted if incremental search is on, and cell displays built-in HTML decorative text ( sha, out, gra )
*Fixed: The bold/italic parts of the HTML captions may be slightly vertically-misaligned, if the control's default font is large ( 16.5 or greater ) Nov 14, 2106
*Added: </solidline>, </upline>, </dotline> HTML tags ends the solid, up or dotted line
*Added: Prevents showing the ,.;!?'")}] characters at the beginning of a new line, when html text is word-wrapping.
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B >
*Fixed: The last italic character of a HTML caption may be shown as clipped Sep 22, 2016
*NEW:   Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6 hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag. Jun 29, 2016
*NEW:   New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions. Apr 13, 2016
*NEW:   Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW:   The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Similar with < r > HTML tag.
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" ) Feb 03, 2016
*Added: lfind binary-operator for format/expression. The a lfind b searches the first occurrence of the string b within string a, and returns -1 if not found, or the position of the result ( zero-index ). For instance, `ABCABC` lfind `D` returns -1, while  `ABCABC` lfind `C` returns 2.
*Added: rfind binary-operator for format/expression. The a rfind b searches the last occurrence of the string b within string a, and returns -1 if not found, or the position of the result ( zero-index ). For instance, `ABCABC` rfind `D` returns -1, while  `ABCABC` rfind `C` returns 5.
*Added: reverse unary-operator for format/expression. The reverse(a) reverses the order of the characters in the string a, For instance, the reverse("Mihai") returns "iahiM"
*Fixed: Prevents showing the control's view in design mode, while running on FORTH system ( /COM version )
*Fixed: The pictures of a disabled item are not visible or shown at a different position, while the cursor hovers the item. Nov 18, 2015
*Added: Validates the cell's content when the user presses the TAB key while editing.
*Fixed: The control plays a beep when the user presses the TAB key, while editing the cell.
*Fixed: The control fails if the user presses the enter key, on the Filter For field of a drop down filter with an empty content ( Column.FilterType property is exNumeric )
*Fixed: Resets the column's filter if the user empties the Filter For field a drop down numeric filter ( Column.FilterType property is exNumeric )
*Fixed: Can't use Enter key while editing a cell, on ExHelper. Sep 21, 2015
*Added: Allows newly added items to be visible, while control has a filter applied ( Call the ApplyFilter method, during Change, KeyDown, ... event in order to re-apply the filter on the new items ).
*Added: The Version property for /NET or /WPF version returns more information about the component/assembly/file.
*Fixed: In uniPaaS 1.9, can't use the CTRL+F2 key to access a specific program. June 29, 2015
*Fixed: Moving the column by dragging is slow on Windows Vista/7
*Fixed: Use the current cusor position while dragging a column to determine the new position, instead the center of the dragged columm.
*Fixed: The user can scroll the control's header ( if possible ) while dragging the columns outside of the control's area to left or to right Apr 01, 2015
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the EBNs.
*Fixed: Can't scroll the control if touching with fingers the buttons of the scroll bar. Jan 30, 2015
*Added: Support for ActiveX over the /NET Framework ( ActiveX control written in C#, VB/NET, Regasm - Assembly Registration Tool, CSActiveX) 
*Fixed: The controls hangs up for a while if the user clicks contiguously any button on the control's scroll bars.
*Fixed: The control's scroll bar is not updated while clicking contiguously any button on the control's scroll bars. Aug 11, 2014
*Added: Toggles the visible cell's check-box state if the user presses the SPACE key and the item displays a single visible check-box, no matter what column hosts it. ( FullRowSelect is exItemSel, ShowFocusRect is False and MarkSearchColumn is False )
*Fixed: Prevents toggling the cell's check-box if it is not visible, when the user presses the SPACE key ( FullRowSelect is exItemSel, ShowFocusRect is False and MarkSearchColumn is False )
*Fixed: Prevents toggling the cell's check-box, while it has no focus. ( FullRowSelect is exItemSel, ShowFocusRect is True or MarkSearchColumn is True )
*Fixed: Columns.Clear method does not release the column until the control is destroyed ( memory leak if clear and adding columns several times, /NET version only )
*Fixed: The cell's picture ( Items.CellPicture ) is not properly aligned when Items.CellVAlignment is set on exTop/exBottom Mar 24, 2013
*NEW:   Windows 8.1 64-bit compatibility
*Added: The /COM 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft Office Applications: Excel 2013, Access 2013,...
*Added: The /NET(/WPF) 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft NET Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, ...
*Fixed: MS Access plays a beep, when the user presses the Backspace key while the control has the focus.
*Fixed: In MS Access, can't use the CTRL+F4 key to close the current form. May 27, 2013
*NEW:   Support for 'array' or 'split' operators in formatting/computed expressions 
*Added: The 'array' binary operator gets the element from an array giving its index ( 0-based), or empty if not found. For instance the "month(value)-1 array ('J','F','M','A','M','Jun','J','A','S','O','N','D')" returns the initials of the months.
*Added: The 'A split B' binary operator splits the A using the B as separator, and returns the array of values being found. For instance, the "weekday(value) array 'Sun Mon Thu Wed Thu Fri Sat' split ' '" gets the weekday as string.
*Added: Increases performances by optimization the expression. For instance, the -1 + 2/1.3, gets directly the result instead computing at runtime.
*Fixed: Any + or - operation after a 'case' statement into a formatting/computing expression fails. Properties such as Column.FormatColumn, Column.FormatedColumn, and so on.
*Fixed: The 'format' operator is not working properly on Spanish, German, Romanian, ... where the '.' character is using for grouping, instead decimal separator. Feb 11, 2013
*NEW:   Ability to specify ANY color to an EBN object, so you can use one EBN object to display it in any nuance, without embossing the shape and look of the EBN ( including transparent regions, and so on )
*Added: Significant improvements for control's performance while using a large number of EBN objects.
*Added: The EBN can be displayed using ANY color ( not only FF for rgb ). For instance, 0x1A88A5D indicates that EBN with the identifier 1 is displaying in Air Force blue color (#5D8AA8).
*Added: /WPF version Dec 21, 2012
*NEW:   PNG support for picture properties.
*NEW:   Ability to draw right-to-left for Hebrew, Arabic and other RTL languages ( flips the order of the columns, alignments, vertical scroll bar, ... )
*NEW:   Ability to reorder the drawing parts ( checkbox, radio buttons, icons, ... ) in the cell. By default, the cell shows the parts in the following order: checkbox/radio button, icon, icons, picture, caption.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellDrawPartsOrder) property specifies the order of the drawing parts. Use this property to specify the order of the drawing parts within the column
*Added: Group.RightToLeft property indicates whether the group should draw right-to-left for RTL languages such as scrollbars on the left side, alignments, and so on
*Fixed: DelayScroll property can be between 0 and 1000. Oct 01, 2012
*Added: Group.FilterBarPrompt property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptColumns property specifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt. By default, the filter prompt uses all columns.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern for the filter prompt. Jun 11, 2012
*Added: Group.FilterBarPrompt property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed when the filter pattern is missing.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptColumns property specifies the list of columns to be used when filtering using the prompt. By default, the filter prompt uses all columns.
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptPattern property specifies the pattern for the filter prompt. May 14, 2012
*NEW:   Filter Prompt support ( The filter prompt feature allows you to filter the items as you type while the filter bar is visible on the bottom part of the list area )
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptVisible property shows or hides the filter prompt
*Added: Group.FilterBarPromptType property specifies the type of the filter prompt
*Fixed: Keeps the focused item on the previously selected if it is still visible, after applying the filter. Mar 13, 2012
*Added: Improves the performances when parsing the HTML formats.
*Added: mod operator divides two numbers and returns only the remainder. This is valid for computed, conditional expressions.
*Fixed: If the Column.FilterOnType property is True, the filter is applied twice so the time is doubled.
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the Column.FilterType property always retrieves exAll. Jan 15, 2012
*NEW:   Ability to specify unsortable items.
*Added: Group.Items.SortableItem property specifies whether the item may change its position while sorting. An unsortable item does not change its position while sort is performed.
*Added: The filter on type operation is called after a half of a second once the last character is typed, to avoid calling filterting too many times
*Added: The FilterChaning event is called before applying the filter, so you can count the time to filter the items.
*Added: Increases significantly the speed to filter items using the * (any character) pattern ( FilterOnType ) Dec 19, 2011
*Added: The Group.SelBackMode property on exTransparent shows the selection using a semi-transparent color.
*Added: The selected rows loses the colors for cells ( CellBackColor, ItemBackColor ) when selecting ( SelBackMode = exTransparent )
*Fixed: The cells with CellBackColor set, shows no solid colors, if the SetBackMode property is exGrid.
*Fixed: The colors for cells or items being selected are ignored in the print and print preview
*Fixed: Only two items get selected when user selects multiple items by dragging an empty rectangle. Nov 11, 2011
*Added: DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerBoth indicates that item shows top and bottom divider lines.
*Fixed: The DividerAlignmentEnum.DividerCenter prevents painting the divider over the cell's content
*Fixed: Adjusts the hierarchy lines between rows when they contain divider items (Group.Items.ItemDivider). 
*Fixed: The content of a divider item can not be centered if the cell being displayed belongs to the hierarchy column Oct 10, 2011
*NEW:   Ability to format individual cells using predefined functions as currency, short date, long date and other several options, including HTML formatting.
*Added: Group.Items.FormatCell property specifies the custom format to display the cell's content, by ignoring the column's format ( Column.FormatColumn property )
*Added: Group.Items.ExpandItem(0) property expands or collapses all items. Sep 12, 2011
*NEW:   Ability to format cells using predefined functions as currency, short date, long date and other several options, including HTML formatting
*Added: Column.FormatColumn property formats the cell's value based on the specified formula and displays the result on the cell. For instance the "len(value) ? currency(value) else ``" displays the column using the current format for currencies, for all cells that actually contains any data
*Added: The FilterBarCaption property supports HTML format. Aug 03, 2011
*NEW:   Ability to format numbers
*Added: The 'format' binary operator gets the value as formatted number. For instance "value format '2|.|3|," displays the value with 2 digits, the decimal separator being the . character, and the integer part is grouping by 3 digits, while the separator for grouping is , character. The Column.FormatColumn, Column.ComputedField , Group.Items.FormatCell, ConditionalFormat.Expression can use the 'format' operator.
*Added: Immediate if conditional statement for Column.ComputedField or ConditionalFormat.Expression properties ie len %0 = 0 ? "empty" else %0 displays empty string for empty cells!
*Added: Support for variables for reducing computations during Column.ComputedField or ConditionalFormat.Expression properties, ie 0:=value, means value stored to the variable 0, and =:0 means gets the value of the variable 0 June 15, 2011
*NEW:   Computed fields supports operations strings and dates, not only numbers.
*Added: Computed fields supports new functions for numbers as: int, round, floor, abs
*Added: Computed fields supports new functions for strings as: startwith, endwith, contains, len, lower, upper, proper. The + operator concaternates two strings.
*Added: Computed fields supports new functions for dates as: year, month, day, yearday, weekday, hour, min, sec, shortdate, longdate, time
*Added: Computed fields supports other conversion functions such as str, dbl, date Mar 16, 2011
*NEW:   ConditionalFormat objects support operations with strings and dates, not only numbers
*Added: ConditionalFormat.Expression property supports new functions for numbers as: int, round, floor, abs
*Added: ConditionalFormat.Expression property supports new functions for strings as: startwith, endwith, contains, len, lower, upper, proper. The + operator concaternates two strings.
*Added: ConditionalFormat.Expression property supports new functions for dates as: year, month, day, yearday, weekday, hour, min, sec, shortdate, longdate, time
*Added: ConditionalFormat.Expression property supports other conversion functions such as str, dbl, date
*Fixed: The control fails when no match is found, if the ExpandOnSearch property is True and custom filtering is performed during keys events ( call ApplyFilter during the KeyPress event ). Feb 02, 2011
*NEW: The 'in' function in computing formulas increases significantly the time to evaluate it. For instance, if you have the formula such us 'value = 1 or value = 2 or value = 22 or value = 45 or value = 12', ... you can have the 'value in (1, 2, 22, 45, 12)'. In other words, if the set contains about 1000 elements for instance, the evaluator takes max 8 checking to determine if the specified value fits the set, else requires 1000 checking is required to verify each or condition in the sequence.
*NEW: The 'case()' function includes any number of case instances. A 'case' instance may contains a statement that is executed once the value is found in the 'case' collection. The 'case' unary operator gets the value being specified by respective statement or the value itself. For instance, the 'int(value) case (1 : value + 1 ; 2 : value * 2)' specifies that if the value is 1 the statement returns 2, while if the value is 2, the statement returns 4, and for any other value it returns the value itself. Also the 'case()' can be used with 'switch' as for instance "%0 switch ('not found',11,22,33,44,55) case (11 : %0 + %1 ; 22 : %1 * 1.19; 33 : len(str(%0)))" indicates that if the value in the column 0 is 11, the result will be the sum between first column and second column, else if the value is 22 the result is the second column value multiplied by 1.19, else if the value is 33 the return is the length of the value in the first cell, if the value is 44 or 55, the result is 44 or 55, while for any other value the result will be 'not found'. The 'in', 'switch' and 'case()' increases significantly the speed to evaluate constant values instead using 'and', 'or' operators to build complicated formulas that could be time consuming.
*NEW: The 'switch' function similar with 'in' function retrieves the value being found in the collection, or a default value if the element is not found. The first element in the collection is the result being returned by 'switch' function when the value is not found in the collection, else the 'switch' returns the value itself. All elements in the collection MUST be constant values. For instance, the "value switch ('not found', 11, 23, 45, 129, 123,99)" means that if the value is 33, the 'not found' string is returned, while if the value is 45, the switch returns 45.
*Added: The 'in', 'switch' and 'case()' functions available for properties such us: Column.ComputedField, Column.FormatColumn, ConditionalFormat.Expression Dec 09, 2010
*NEW:   VisualAppearance.Add reads EBN files from byte[] or safe arrays of VT_I1 or VT_UI1. In other words, you can add EBN files directly to resources and use them as .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.My.Resources.EBN) for vb/net or .VisualAppearance.Add(ID, Namespace.Properties.Resources.EBN) for c#, where the ID is the new identifier to be added, and the EBN is the identifier in the resource for the EBN file.
*Added: Changing the way the colors are being applied to EBN objects.
*Fixed: The mouse or key events could be fired while user scrolls the control's content.
*Fixed: The Group.Items.RemoveAllItems method is safe to be called during an event. Oct 27, 2010
*NEW:   Ability to specify the style of the control's gridlines horizontal or vertical
*Added: Group.GridLineStyle property specifies the style for the gridlines being shown in the group.
*Fixed: Rarely, right clicking while dragging the thumb ( left button is still pressed ) of the scroll bar fires an access violation.
*Fixed: The user is not able to resize the columns if "Switch primary and secondary buttons" is checked. Sep 27, 2010
*Added: The Click or RClick event is fired only if clicking the group's items area.
*Fixed: The FocusItem property retrieves the previously focused item during the Click event, if the group's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The Click event is fired before SelectionChanged event, if the group's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the SelectionChanged event is fired twice, if the group's SingleSel property is False.
*Fixed: The <br> HTML tag does not break group's caption. Aug 16, 2010
*Fixed: The <br> tag is ignored in the Column.HTMLCaption, while the HeaderSingleLine property is False ( by default ).
*Fixed: In MS Access, accessing a column using the Item property of the Columns by passing a variable fails, if not using the CStr function.
*Fixed: The focused item is changed to the item being expanded, if the ExpandItem is called during the DragDrop event.
*Fixed: The SelectionChanged event is fired every time the user clicks outside items area, if the SingleSel property is False. June 25, 2010
*Fixed: Prevents flickering the image being dragged over the first visible item and the current vertical position is 0.
*Fixed: Sometimes, removing an item that hosts an inside control fails.
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the Column.FilterType property always retrieves exAll.
*Fixed: The application fails, when cursor hovers a column that was added with empty caption, but with the Column.HTMLCaption property set on non-empty content. May 24, 2010
*Added: The Background(exDragDropAlign) specifies the alignment of the drag and drop image relative to the cursor.
*Added: The Background(exDragDropList...) may be called during the OLEDragOver event to specify the image on the item from the cursor while drag and drop operation is performed.
*Fixed: The computed field result can not be get using the Items.CellCaption property.
*Fixed: Displays the first line of the HTML text, if it does not fit entirely the field Apr 09, 2010
*Added: Updates the first day of the week as your regional settings, when selecting a range of dates in the control's filter bar. ( Column.DisplayFilterDate )
*Fixed: Avoids clearing the filter pattern in the Filter For field, if the user presses the Up or Down keys ( Column.FilterOnType )
*Fixed: Closes the filter when the user presses the Up, Down or Enter key ( Column.FilterOnType )
*Fixed: Ignores the <br> or carriage return sequences in HTML text, if the SingleLine property is True Feb 02, 2010
*Added: (globbing) The filter allows using [] for group of characters. The "[CB]at" matches Cat or Bat but not cat or mat.
*Fixed: The control looks for the first match instead looking for all possibilities, if the pattern contains more than one * character (any)
*Fixed: The filter is not showing any object, if it contains more than one pattern.
*Fixed: The Group.Columns.Item property retrieves nothing, if the column is not found, instead firing an error. Dec 19, 2009
*Added: Updates the default visual aspect of the left, right, top, and bottom arrows to navigate the months/years in a drop down type editor
*Added: The Group.Columns.Item(Caption) or Columns(Caption) is case insensitive.
*Fixed: The MDI form requires an extra click to activate it, once a modeless dialog is closed. The dialog contains a VB6 UserControl that hosts the control. ATL3.0 BUG
*Fixed: Removes the Scroll event definition from the /NET assembly. Oct 23, 2009
*Added: Shows the images of the items being dragged using semi-transparent colors.
*Fixed: Centers the image of the items to be dragged during the drag and drop operation
*Fixed: Shows the selected cells only when drag and drop if the control's FullRowSelect property is exRectSel
*Fixed: Shows inner cells as disabled if the owner column is disabled. Sep 15, 2009
*Fixed: The partial check feature works for visible items only.
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly shows no information in design mode, such as version of the control.
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly does not update at runtime the properties saved in design-mode. Aug 03, 2009
*Added: The Template feature supports hexa values being specified using format 0x prefix.
*Fixed: The /NET assembly shows a black frame when the parent form changes its parent using the MDIParent property.
*Fixed: The associated ContextMenuStrip component is not shown when right clicking the /NET Assembly component.
*Fixed: the 64-bit version of the control fires "System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt" when user tries to resizes a column by clicking the group's header. July 16, 2009
*Added: 64-bit support
*Added: Updates the visual aspect of the control's tooltip based on the current theme, if active, and not using EBN object for its appearance.
*Fixed: The IDE flickers when the component is placed on a form, due ShowImageList property that creates a hidden top-most window, to store the icons.
*Fixed: The Items.RemoveAllItems method releases the occupied memory too. June 05, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to change the parameters passed by reference of the control's events for environments that does not support events with parameters by reference, such as uniPaas 1.5 (formerly known as eDeveloper), DBase, and so on
*Added: EventParam() property accesses a specified parameter of the current event. This property has effect only during an event, and can be used to change or retrieve a specified parameter of the current event
*Added: EventParam(-1) retrieves the number of parameters that can be accessed.
*Fixed: Can't access the /NET Assembly in design mode. April 17, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to display the group's caption, icon or picture at your position.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderLeft property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the left part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderRight property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the right part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderTop property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the top part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance.
*Added: Group.IndentHeaderBottom property specifies the number of pixels to indent the group's header from the bottom part. It affects displaying the group's caption and images, not the group's background appearance. March 07, 2009
*Added: Signing the /NET Assembly with a strong name ( AssemblyName: exontrol.explorertree, PublicKeyToken=6a8e3b20ee725922 )
*Added: Items.VisibleItemCount property specifies the number of visible items.
*Added: Column.Def(exHeaderBackColor) property defines the column's header background color.
*Added: Column.Def(exHeaderForeColor) property defines the column's header foreground color. January 09, 2009
*Added: Items.FindItemData property looks for objects too, not only for strings, integers, floating points (VarCmp).
*Fixed: In the /NET Assembly, the accelerator key on the dialog/form may be called without pressing the ALT key.
*Fixed: Sometime, the control fails when destroying, when using threads in VS C++ for filling or removing items in the control
*Fixed: Avoids calling the ShowFilter method while the filter drop down window is still visible. October 20. 2008
*NEW:   Ability to display semi-transparent skins using different colors ie 0x1FF0000 displays the skin with more blue color, or 0x10000FF displays the skin using more blue color.
*Added: Group.PutItems method inserts an array of objects into the control. ( /NET Assembly )
*Added: Group.GetItems method retrieves the control's items into an array. ( /NET Assembly )
*Fixed: The ShortcutPicture property may loads files with the path no longer than 127 characters. September 22, 2008
*NEW:   Ability to load or save hierarchies (not just flat tables) using the PutItems/GetItems methods
*Added: The Parent parameter of the PutItems method indicates the handle where the array is being inserted.
*Added: The Group.PutItems method takes arrays that may hold child items too ie Array("Parent",Array("Child 1","Child 2")) adds a parent item and two child items.
*Added: The Group.GetItems method retrieves the collection of items as they are displayed, including the child items as new arrays inside, Options parameter is not 0 Aug 11, 2008
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:8500)
*Added: MouseWheel support as the object from the point gets scrolled once the user rolls the mouse's wheel.
*Fixed: On Vista, the excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate )

4.2	eXPlorerTree/NET July 07, 2008
*NEW:	Ability to display known UI parts as in the current visual theme.
*Added: UseVisualTheme property specifies whether the UI parts of the control are displayed using the current visual theme.
*Added: The column's drop down filter window is shown up, if the column's FilterOnType property is True, so it does not cover the list.
*Added: The BeginUpdate method of the control calls automatically the Group.BeginUpdate for each group in the control.
*Added: The EndUpdate method of the control calls automatically the Group.EndUpdate for each group in the control. June 20, 2008
*NEW:   Ability to expand the group's header when user resizes the column.
*Added: Group.HeaderSingleLine property specifies whether the control resizes the columns header and wraps the captions in single or multiple lines.
*Added: The Group.SelBackColor property keeps the item/cell's visual appearance, background colors, if it is the same as Group.BackColorList, or it displays an EBN object.
*Added: The Group.SelForeColor property is ignored, if it has the same value as Group.ForeColorList property.
*Fixed: Prevents painting the hierarchy lines for hidden items ( Items.ItemHeight property is 0 ) May 26, 2008
*NEW:   Ability to sort the items and include inner cells in the drop down filter window
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exIncludeInnerCells) includes the values of the inner cells in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsDesc) sorts descending the values in the drop down filter list.
*Added: Column.FilterList(FilterListEnum.exSortItemsAsc) sorts ascending the values in the drop down filter list. April 29, 2008
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OEL event being fired. March 20, 2008
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++. January 16, 2008
*NEW:   Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during ItemOleEvent event can not be changed.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemItalic, Items.ItemStrikeOut and Items.ItemUnderline properties overrides the variables Italic, Strikeout and Underline of the Items.ItemFont property. November 30, 2007
*Added: The BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListTop and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBottom visual effects are applied on the target control ( not only on the source control ), when performing OLE drag and drop operation.
*Added: The ExpandShortcut event is fired when the user resizes the shortcut bar.
*Added: ShortcutFromPoint property retrieves the shortcut from the cursor.
*Added: AutoScrollBar property specifies whether the control adds the vertical scroll bar if required. 
*Fixed: Mouse events are not fired while the cursor hovers the control's shortcut bar October 11, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0. September 18, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to insert <`a`> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <'`a id;options'> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates August 06, 2007
*Added: <`font face;size`> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until <`/font`> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
*Fixed: Items.IsItemVisible property retrieves 1 instead -1 which means True July 09, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*NEW:   Ability to display the column's filter programmatically
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Column.ShowFilter method shows the drop down filter window at specified position with giving size
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel May 29, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to define custom filters
*Added: Column.CustomFilters property defines custom filters.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data. March 26, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar. February 19, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to specify the graphic feedback for the dragging items while OLE drag and drop operation is performed.
*Added: Background(exDragDropBefore) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor before showing the items. This option can be used to apply a background appearance to the items that are dragged, before any item is painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropAfter) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor after showing the items. This option can be used to apply a semi-transparent/opaque background appearance to the items that are dragged, after they are painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListTop) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the top half of the row.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListBottom) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBottomHalf type specifies whether the cursor is in the bottom half of the row. February 06, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
*Added: Background(exCursorHoverColumn) property. Specifies the visual appearance of the column when the cursor hovers the header. January 16, 2007
*NEW:   Ability to display skins for any part that paints one or multiple icons. For instance, RadioImage(0) = &H23000000, specifies that the radio buttons that are unchecked ( state 0 ) to display the skin with the identifier &H23 ( 35 decimal ), that was previously added using the VisualAppearance.Add property.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Added: Group.HasButtonsCustom, Group.RadioImage, Group.CheckImage, Items.CellImage, Items.CellImages, Column.HeaderImage, any HTML caption that includes <img> tags, supports skins. December 19, 2006
*NEW:   OLE Drag and Drop support.
*Added: FocusGroup property. Retrieves the group that has the focus.
*Added: The \*, \?, \#, \| in Column.Filter masks the *, ?, # or | character in the filter, when the Column.FilterType = exPattern. For instance, if the * character is not preceded by a \ character, the * character matches zero or multiple characters.
*Added: A computed field displays the days between two dates, if subtraction operator is used in the formula for cells of DATE type. November 24, 2006
*NEW:   Computed Fields support
*Added: Column.ComputedField property. Specifies the formula to compute the column.
*Added: CaptionFormatEnum.exComputedField indicates a computed cell. In this case, the Group.Items.CellCaption property specifies the formula to compute the cell, based on other cells. November 11, 2006
*NEW:   Customizable Windows XP Theme support
*NEW:   The Template supports CreateObject method to create new objects. For instance, in the Template string you can call an rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset").Open("Table",...) to create and open a table that can be used later by DataSource property of the Group object. This feature can be used by programming environments ( such as eDeveloper ) that do not accept working with particular objects.
*Added: Appearance.Add method adds a predefined XP skin defined by class, part and state, from the current XP theme, if the Skin parameter starts with "XP:". For instance, the Add( 1, "XP:Header 1 1" ), adds an XP predefined skin from the current theme, to draw the component's part as the header of the system's listview control in Windows XP
*Added: Appearance.Add("CP:") methods adds a copy of an existing skin with different coordinates. November 03, 2006
*Added: Group.Items.SelectableItem property. Specifies whether the user can select the item.
*Added: Group.Items.SelectAll method. Select all items.
*Added: Group.Items.UnselectAll method. Unselects all items.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellBackColor) property. Specifies the background color for cells in the column.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellForeColor) property. Specifies the foreground color for cells in the column. September 15, 2006
*NEW:   Conditional Format support (The conditional formatting feature allows you to apply formats to a cell or range of cells, and have that formatting change depending on the value of the cell or the value of a formula)
*Added: ConditionalFormat object. Specifies the formula and the format to be applied
*Added: ConditionalFormats collection. Holds a collection of ConditionalFormat objects.
*Added: Group.ConditionalFormats property. Retrieves the group's ConditionalFormats collection August 12, 2006
*NEW:   Ability to filter items using AND, OR, or NOT operators between columns
*Added: Group.FilterCriteria property specifies the filter criteria.
*Added: Group.Description(exFilterBarOr) specifies the caption for the 'or' operator
*Added: Group.Description(exFilterBarNot) specifies the caption for the 'not' operator June 26, 2006
*NEW:   Ability to filter items based on the cell's icon
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.exImage type. Specifies if the column filters cells based on the icons in the column ( Group.Items.CellImage property ).
*Added: Group.Items.CellPictureWidth property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the width of the cell's picture.
*Added: Group.Items.CellPictureHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the height of the cell's picture. May 20, 2005
*NEW:   The Template supports calling multiple properties in the same line using the . (dot) separator.
*Added: Group.ColumnFromPoint method gets the index of the column being resized, if the returned value is less or equal than -256.
*Fixed: The Group.Filter property gets the list of values being filtered separated by ',' instead '|', when Column.FilterType is exPattern. April 24, 2006
*NEW:   Ability to insert icons anywhere in the cell's caption
*Added: Items.ItemWidth property may specify the width of the inside ActiveX or the cell/column that shows the inside ActiveX control.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property. Retrieves or set a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
*Added: Items.ItemAllowSizing property. Specifies a value that indicates whether a user can resize an item at run-time.
*Added: ColumnsAllowSizing property. Ability to resize the columns at run-time, even if the control's headerbar is not visible. February 21, 2006
*NEW:   Ability to specify whether the child items should be included, when the list is filtered.
*Added: FilterInclude property. Specifies the items being included after the user applies the filter.
*Added: Ability to resize at run-time the drop down filter window using the mouse.
*Fixed: Sometime, the filter drop down window is not closed, if the user clicks an outside window
*Fixed: ToolTipDelay, ToolTipPopDelay and ToolTipWidth properties do not affect the tootip in the filter window. December 09, 2005
*Added: Background(exSelBackColorFilter) property specifies the visual appearance for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: If the Column.ToolTip property is "..." (default) the column displays a tooltip when mouse hovers the column's header and its caption doesn't fit the column's header. October 19, 2005
*NEW:   Ability to filter items by check state
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.Check specifies that only checked or unchecked items are displayed.
*Added: Ability to hide the (All), (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) items in the drop down filter window, by setting the Description property to empty string.
*Added: Column.FilterBarDropDownWidth property specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the column. September 25, 2005
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands an item.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Removes the extra-line between items when the DrawGridLines property is exVLines.
*Added: Keeps the foreground color of the button when the cell is clicked and the cell's CellHasButton property is True. August 28, 2005
*Added: GroupFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the group from the cursor position.
*Added: GroupListFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the group's list from the cursor position.
*Added: ItemFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the item from the cursor position.
*Added: ColumnFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the index of the column from the cursor position. July 19, 2005
*Added: Ignores HTML colors when an item is selected.
*Added: Restores the selected items in the column's drop down filter window.
*Added: Ability to specify not resizable columns when the user resizes the control, using the Column.AllowSizing property
*Added: Displays the resizing cursor between two columns, only if the column can be resized. The cursor is displayed if the Column.AllowSizing property is True, and in the right side of the column, there is at least one visible column with the Column.AllowSizing property on True. June 20, 2005
*NEW:   Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: Fires the BeforeExpandItem event when the user searches for an item by typing characters, if the ExpandOnSearch property is True, Items.ItemHasChildren property is True.
*Fixed: The scrolled column line shows at the back of the locked column, if the Group.CountLockedColumns property is not 0. March 02, 2005
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Added: Draws the connection between the parent item and its first child item if the height of the item is larger than the height of the cell's caption.
*Added: Specifies the Items.CellValue property during the AddItem event.
*Added: VC\ADO sample December 08, 2004
*NEW:   "Split cells" support
*Added: Items.SplitCell property. Splits a cell, and returns the inner created cell.
*Added: Items.UnsplitCell property. Unsplits a cell.
*Added: Items.CellWidth property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the width of the inner cell.
*Added: Items.CellParent property. Retrieves the parent of an inner cell.
*Added: Items.InnerCell property. Retrieves the inner cell.
*Added: Group.SelectColumnInner property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the inner cell that's selected.
*Added: Items.SelectPos property. Selects an item by position.
*Added: Ability to select cells when the FullRowSelect property is False, when using the tab, left or right arrow keys. November 22, 2004
*NEW:   Merging cells support ( "Merge cells" support )
*Added: Items.CellMerge property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the cell that's merged to.
*Added: Items.MergeCells method. Merges a list of cells.
*Added: Items.UnmergeCells method. Unmerges a list of cells. November 18, 2004
*NEW:   Locked/fixed rows/items support.
*NEW:   Divider items support
*Added: Items.ItemDivider property. Specifies whether the item acts like a divider item. The value indicates the index of column used to define the divider's title.
*Added: Items.ItemDividerLine property. Defines the type of line in the divider item.
*Added: Items.ItemDividerLineAlignment. Specifies the alignment of the line in the divider item.
*Added: ShowLockedItems property. Shows or hides the locked items.
*Added: Items.LockedItemCount property. Specifies the number of items fixed on the top or bottom side of the control.
*Added: Items.LockedItem property. Retrieves the handle of the locked item.
*Added: Items.IsItemLocked property. Returns a value that indicates whether the item is locked or unlocked.
*Added: Scroll's the control's content if the focused group can't be scrolled. November 01, 2004
*NEW:   Multiple Levels Header support.
*Added: Column.Def property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.
*Added: Column.LevelKey property. Specifies the key that identifies the column's level.
*Added: Group.BackColorLevelHeader property. Specifies the multiple levels header's background color.
*Added: Group.PictureLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's header when multiple levels is on.
*Added: Group.PictureDisplayLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's header background.
*Added: Closing the drop down filter window editor when user releases the ENTER or ESCAPE key. October 18, 2004
*NEW:   Ability to filter items giving numerical rules like >, < =, and so on.
*Added: FilterType.exNumeric type. Specifies that the filter may include numerical operations to filter items between an interval.
*Added: Group.ExpandOnKeys property. Specifies a value that indicates whether the control expands or collapses a node when user presses arrow keys. October 11, 2004
*Added: Column.FilterList as FilterListEnum property. Specifies whether the drop down filter list includes visible or all items.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference. September 03, 2004
*NEW:   Ability to use custom size pictures to groups or items.
*Added: Group.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object. August 20, 2004
*Added: Items.ItemMaxHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.
*Fixed: Changes the focus item when the control's filter is applied. June 03, 2004
*Added: Reducing the number of GDI objects when using multiple instances in the same process.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateToday. Specifies the caption for 'Today' button inside the date filter window.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateMonths. Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of months should be delimited by space characters.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateWeekDays. Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be delimited by space characters. May 13, 2004
*Added: HitTestEnum parameter of HitTestInfoEnum type to Group.ItemFromPoint property. The HitTestEnum expression specifies the hit test code within the cell. March 25, 2004
*NEW:   Ability to use incremental searching for collapsed items too.
*NEW:   Ability to use custom icons for +/- signs for the parent items.
*Added: Group.ExpandOnSearch property. Expands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific item.
*Added: ExpandButtonEnum.exCustom. Specifies whether the control displays custom +/- signs for parent items.
*Added: Group.HasButtonsCustom( Expanded ) property. Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom. March 17, 2004
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Fixed: The Group.Items.RemoveAllItems doesn't fire the RemoveItem event for each item removed. February 24, 2004
*Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Fixed: Validates the group's client area when the group loses the focus. February 10, 2004
*NEW:   Ability to filter items between two dates, using an easy to use interface.
*Added: Column.DisplayFilterDate property specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the interval dates to filter for.
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.exDate type. The Column.Filter specifies the interval of dates to filter items.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDate. Describes the caption of the 'Date' label in the drop down filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTo. Customizes the "to" caption used to separate dates in a date  interval. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTooltip. Specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTitle. Specifies the tooltip's title that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval field. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarAnd type. Customizes the ' and ' text dispalyed by filter bar when multiple columns are used in fltering. January 15, 2004
*NEW:   Ability to load the Images using base64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Group.Items.CellPicture property supports base64 encoded strings that holds a picture
*Added: The Images method supports base64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. January 14, 2004
* Initial Release