EXEditors(editors package)
The Exontrol's ExEditors Library, contains 16 data
edit controls. Each editor can have a three-state
check box associated and an unlimited number of buttons on the left or right side.
Each button can display an icon or a picture and can have its own tool tip.
Most of the editors are mask based.
Features of eXEditors include:
- Edit: Provides a standard text edit control
- DropDown: Provides an intuitive way for users to select values from a list presented in a drop down window. Each item can display an icon and a caption. The DropDown allows custom strings as well.
- DropDownList: Provides an intuitive interface for your users to select values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window. Each item can have an icon associated. The DropDownList editor has no edit control associated.
- Spin: Allows your users to view and change numeric values using a up/down button.
- Memo: Provides a multiline edit control.
- CheckList: Provides an intuitive way to view and combine one or more values from a pre-defined list presented in a drop down window. Each item has a check box attached, and can display an icon and a caption.
- Date: Provides an efficient way for selecting dates for a drop down calendar.
- Mask: You can use the Mask editor to enter any data that includes literals and requires a mask to filter characters during data input.
- Color,ColorList: Provides an elegant way for selecting colors from a dropdown window. The Color drop down window contains two tabs the pallette tab shows a grid of colors, while the system tab shows the current windows color constants.
- Font: Presents the list of fonts into a drop down window. Each item into the drop down window has a preview image for the font selected.
- Picture: Provides an elegant way for displaying fields of Picture type. The Picture data editor can display embedded images stored in OLE Object fields.
- Button: Associates single button to a mask edit control.
- ProgressBar: Displays your value using a progress bar style.
- PickEdit: Provides an intuitive interface for your users to select values from pre-defined lists presented in a drop-down window. Each item can have an icon associated.
- LinkEdit: Allows your application to edit and display hyperlink addresses.
Full context sensitive on-line help. Samples code
General information about eXEditors product:
Exontrol.Editor, exontrol.EXEDITORSLib.exeditors
exeditors.dll, exeditors.ocx, exontrol.exeditors.dll, exeditors.net
Available As:
Available since:
Compatible with:
Access, AutoIt, C#, C++, Clarion, Delphi, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, FORTH, HTML, LabVIEW, Lotus Notes, Power++, PowerBuilder, Progress, Smalltalk, twinBASIC, VB, VB.NET, VB6, VBA, Visual Objects, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), xBasic, X++, Xbase++, uniPaas (eDeveloper)
Lines of code:
31,826 (26,642 excluding comments and empty lines)
Objects 1, Functions 82, Events 11, Definitions 5
See Also:
Shortcut links: