exg2host - what's new Mar 18, 2024
*Added: The Background(exScrollHoverAll/500) property specifies whether the hover-all feature is by default (0), always on (-1) or disabled(1). By default (Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 0), the left/top, right/bottom and thumb parts of the control' scrollbars are displayed in hover state while the cursor hovers any part of the scroll bar (hover-all feature). The hover-all feature is available on Windows 11 or greater, if only left/top, right/bottom, thumb, lower and upper-background parts of the scrollbar are visible, no custom visual-appearance is applied to any visible part. The hover-all feature is always on If Background(exScrollHoverAll) = -1. The Background(exScrollHoverAll) = 1 disables the hover-all feature.
*Added: Show the Left/Top or Right/Bottom buttons of the control's scrollbar on Windows 11 or greater, while the cursor hovers the scrollbar's background.
*Fixed: The scroll button's appearance is restored to normal instead of hover state when the mouse button is released Feb 07, 2024
*Fixed: A GPF may occur if the control is re-created with expandable-columns (Column.ExpandColumns)
*Fixed: Calling the Refresh() method after Items.RemoveItem fails
*Fixed: The Items.CellHasButton property returns 1, instead of -1 (equivalent of True, /COM version) Oct 09, 2023
*Added: The Chart.MarkTodayColor property shows the today marker using a solid color, if the skin identifier is present but the skin object is not found. For instance: .Chart.MarkTodayColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) Or &H7F000000 shows the today color in solid-red.
*Added: The Chart.DrawGridLines on exRowLines, specifies that the Chart.MarkTimeZone function displays the zone on existing items only
*Fixed: Shows the top-horizontal grid-line for the first bottom-locked item, if the control's DrawGridLines property is exRowLines Sep 27, 2023
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's content using two-fingers on a touchpad (swipe up or down with two fingers, scrolls the control's up or down)
*Fixed: The column's position can be changed by drag and drop as soon as the cursor surpasses the control's columns section rather than control's entire client area
*Fixed: The Note.PartText fails for /NET and /WPF versions. Aug 07, 2023
*Added: FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptWords Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptStartWith filters for items that starts with the exactly the word (not partially).
*Added: FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptWords Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptEndWith filters for items that starts with the exactly the word (not partially).
*Added: FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptCaseSensitive Or FilterPromptEnum.exFilterPromptPattern filter items using the giving pattern (case-sensitive). For instance, "a*" filters for all items that starts with lowercase "a" Jun 12, 2023
*NEW:   Multiple improvements for expandable-columns ( Column.ExpandColumns property )
*Added: The HostEvent(-EventID) event (negative event) occurs once the host-control (exg2antt) fires an event and after the control itself handles the event. The HostEvent(EventID) event occurs once the host-control (exg2antt) fires an event and before the control itself to handle the event. For instance, the HostEvent(-exHostCreateBar) event occurs once the user created the new-task by drag and drop. During the HostEvent(-exHostCreateBar) event you can access the newly created bar using the HostEventParam(0) that returns the handle of the item that hosts the item-bar, and HostDef(exNewTaskID) gets the key of the newly created bar. For instance, G2Host2.Host.Items.ItemBar(G2Host2.HostEventParam(0), G2Host1.HostDef(exNewTaskID), 33) = RGB(255, 0, 0) changes the color for the newly created bar.
*Fixed: The Column.Visible property is ignored, if the column is being displayed by another expandable column (Column.ExpandColumns property). For instance, Column.Visible property on False, hides all child-columns Apr 26, 2023
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar property returns long expression for exBarColor, exBarBackColor, exBarForeColor, exSummaryBarBackColor, exBarPercentColor, exBarNonWorkingColor, exBarOverviewColor and exBarFrameColor (previously it returns unsigned-long, which is not supported on VB)
*Fixed: The drop down FontType editor is too small for 4K resolution
*Fixed: The Items.ItemBar(exBarMinStart/exBarMaxStart/exBarMinEnd/exBarMaxEnd) property returns a numeric-value (VT_R8) instead of date value (VT_DATE). Feb 20, 2023
*Added: Prevents resizing an item with Items.ItemAllowSizing property on True, while Items.ItemMinHeight and Items.ItemMaxHeight provides no range ( for instance are both are equal ). In the same manner the resize-cursor does not shows up once the cursor hovers the resize part of the item.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemMaxHeight property on 0, is ignored while the item contains a cell with Items.CellSingleLine property on False.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemMinHeight and Items.ItemMaxHeight properties are ignored if resizing all items, using the ItemsAllowSizing property on exResizeAllItems.
*Fixed: The abc font name displays three-dots if Editor.EditType property is FontType Nov 28, 2022
*Fixed: The exFilterExclude flag is not serialized by control's Layout property. The exFilterExclude flag indicates whether the column's filter is reversed.
*Fixed: The Layout property of the control does not update/clear the control's filter, if Column's FilterType is specified.
*Fixed: The tooltip for an item of the drop down list editor is not shown, when the cursor hovers the item (Editor.ItemToolTip property).
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Items.RemoveItem method fails, while the control is running in group-view mode ( AllowGroupBy property is True, Columns.SortBarColumnsCount property is not-zero ). Aug 4, 2022
*NEW:   Data Binding support for /WPF assembly
*Added: DataSource property gets or sets the data source that the control is displaying data for. The DataContext/DataSource support of the control allows you to use the data-binding feature of the /WPF environment for our /WPF ex-controls. The DataSource property specifies the sub-set of DataContext the control should get data from. The DataSource property can be: DataTable, DataView, DataSet, DataViewManager, any component that implements the IListSource interface, or any component that implements the IList interface. The DataContext is the source of all entities mapped over a database connection. Once the DataSource property is set, the control automatically gets data based on the DataContext property.
*Added: DataTaskBegin property gets or sets the specific field in the data source to indicate the starting point of each added task. If missing or empty, no tasks are loaded during binding.
*Added: DataTaskEnd property gets or sets the specific field in the data source to indicate the ending point of each added task. If missing or empty, no tasks are loaded during binding. If the DataTaskEnd points to a DateTime object, it indicates the ending date of the newly bar, else, it indicates the duration of the task to be added. If the DataTaskEnd is equal with DataTaskBegin, a one-day task is added for each record found, during binding.
*Fixed: The Note ignores the Chart's MonthNames/WeekDays property to display the note's caption. Apr 06, 2022
*NEW:   Redefine the way the control shows round-links, for a better look
*Added: The Level.Alignment supports the flag 0x100 (256, exHNoClip) which indicates that the labels within the level are not clipped to the time-units. For instance, you can use this option in addition to FormatLevel method to show the label over multiple time-units.
*Fixed: A straight-horizontal or vertical link may be shown as solid, even the link's type is dashed or dotted, while the link is displayed as round (Items.Link(, exLinkShowRound) property is -1)
*Fixed: The links of the dragging-bar are not properly updated, once the user moves the bar from an item to another item ( ItemBar(,,exBarCanMoveToAnother) property )
*Fixed: Prevents showing the "This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be initialized using your current workspace settings." warning message while the control is running into MS Office forms or user-forms. Mar 16, 2022
*Fixed: Can't scroll to the top by rotating the mouse wheel, if the first visible item is higher that control's default item height ( ScrollBySingleLine property )
*Fixed An extra dot-line may be shown while the user vertically scrolls the control while Chart.DrawGridLines property is not-zero and the control's DrawGridLines property is zero.
*Fixed: Items.CellEditorVisible property on exEditorVisible(1), fails for a CheckValueType editor
*Fixed: The control's ForeColorHeader property is not applied on the control's columns-float bar (the columns into the columns-float bar are always displayed in black)
*Fixed: The control shows the dragging column in black, even the control's header shows the columns in white (ForeColorHeader property) Feb 02, 2022
*Added: Prevents showing the thumb of the vertical scroll bar, if the ScrollBySingleLine property is True, and the control displays a single item (higher than the control's height)
*Fixed: Can't move the column to be the last-visible column, while all columns are visible (ColumnAutoResize property on False)
*Fixed: Move slightly the last partially visible column, changes its position.
*Fixed: Dropping the column after the last visible column, ends up one-column to the right after the dropped position. Dec 20, 2021
*Fixed: A GPF (Stack overflow) occurs if using ADO DataSource for provider of vfpoledb.
*Fixed: Ensures that the cell being edited/focused fits the control's client area when it is used in a higher item (CRD, ScrollBySingleLine, Column.Def(exCellFormatLevel))
*Fixed: Typing characters into the cell's editor may be slower while CauseValidateValue property is True and (CRD, ScrollBySingleLine, Column.Def(exCellFormatLevel))
*Fixed: The control fails if calling Items.AddItem/InsertItem method without BeginUpdate/EndUpdate, and the chart displays overlay bars ( Bar.OverlaidType property is not exOverlaidBarsNone ) Nov 24, 2021
*Added: <%h12%> sequence into the Chart.Label property indicates the hour in 12-hour time format, in one or two digits - [0(12),11]
*Added: <%hh12%> sequence into the Chart.Label property indicates the hour in 12-hour time format, in two digits - [00(12),11]
*Fixed: The <%ww%> (week number) may display wrong week number, in case the chart's unit scale is exSecond (Chart.WeekNumberAs property on exISO8601WeekNumber).
*Fixed: Sometimes, the user can't scroll to the last visible date, when using any of Chart.ScrollRange, Chart.ShowNonworkingUnits, Chart.NonworkingHours, Level.Count ( != 1) properties Oct 11, 2021
*Added: lpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions) , as a lpad b, pads the value of a to the left with b padding pattern. For instance, FormatColumn = "((1 apos ``) lpad `0000`) + `. ` + value" displays the cell's content including the position of the row, padded to left with 4-zero (if required)
*Added: rpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a rpad b, pads the value of a to the right with b padding pattern. For instance, 12 lpad "____" generates the string "12__".
*Added: concat keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a concat b concatenates the a (as string) for b times. For instance, "x" concat 5, generates the string "xxxxx"
*Fixed: Sometimes, the user can't scroll to the last item, if the last scrollable item is partially visible. Sep 13, 2021
*Added: The property exBarShowPercentCaption is not applied on target control, when PutRes(exPutResLoad) method is called. For instance, before PutRes call you can set Chart.Bars(“Task”).Def(exBarShowPercentCaption) on True, and so all bars will show their percent.
*Added: The Items.CellValue(-1,ColIndex)/Items.CellCaption(-1,ColIndex) property returns the modified value / caption of the cell during the ValidateValue event ( CauseValidateValue property ).
*Fixed: The bars are not visible on the clipboard, if the Copy method is performed.
*Fixed: Can't resize the bar to one day, if the Chart.ShowEmptyBars property is 1, and Chart.ShowEmptyBarsUnit is exDay Aug 16, 2021
*Fixed: Prevents showing the column being dropped to the Columns floating-bar with a different background color ( ColumnsFloatBarVisible, Background(exCursorHoverColumn) )
*Fixed: "Not a valid bookmark.", "Record is deleted." error may be fired, when the control's DataSource property points to an ADODB.Recrodset, whose Requery method has been invoked. When the control is notified that a Requery, Filter has been performed on the control's DataSource, all items are cleared, and new one are inserted by re-iterating the recordset source.
*Fixed: The FindItem(vbNullString) method ( Editor object ) fails.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the user can't select overlaid-bars by single-click. ( Bar.OverlaidType property ) Jun 30, 2021
*NEW:   Ability to show / hide columns by check/un-check the column in the Columns floating-bar (ColumnsFloatBarVisible property)
*Added: The ColumnsFloatBarVisible property of ColumnsFloatBarVisibleEnum type, retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the the columns float bar is visible or hidden. The ColumnsFloatBarVisibleEnum.exColumnsFloatBarVisibleIncludeCheckColumns associates a check-box for each column. The Columns floating bar displays all columns with AllowDragging property on True, and the check's box state indicates whether the column is visible or hidden. As previously, the user can drag or drop any column in the Columns floating bar and the associated check-box is updated based on the column's Visible property.
*Added: Toggles the Visible property for listed columns within the Columns floating bar, when it is active and the user presses the SPACE key. This option is valid, while the ColumnsFloatBarVisible property is exColumnsFloatBarVisibleIncludeCheckColumns. For instance, you can click the Columns floating bar, start typing the column you are looking for, the Columns floating bar displays the matching columns only, and after that you can press the SPACE key to show or hides the selected columns.
*Added: The control's SearchColumnIndex property specifies the column being dropped or excluded from the Columns floating-bar, during the LayoutChanged event. If the column is being hidden, the SearchColumnIndex property indicates a negative value, else a positive value. For instance, you can use the MarkSearchColumn property on True, to highlight the column being shown by the Columns floating-bar (ColumnsFloatBarVisible property) Apr 14, 2021
*NEW:   Ability to executes x-script code ( including events ), from a string, file or a safe array of bytes. This feature allows you to load the control's visual appearance and behavior, without having to write any line of code. The x-script code can save EBNs, icons, pictures into BASE64 encoded strings, and so everything can be put into a single file, that should be invoked by AttachTemplate method. This feature allows you to run any x-script code for any configuration of the component (/COM, /NET or /WPF). 
*Added: AttachTemplate method executes the giving x-script code, and attach events if found. The x-script code can contain handle keyword that defines a handler for the specified event. For instance, the AttachTemplate("handle Click() { print(Version) }") sends the control's Version property to the debugger for display. All you need is to open the DebugView tool, and click the control.
*Added: The control's Template page supports AttachTemplate so you can assign x-script code ( including events )  in design mode, and so the control's visual appearance and behavior is changed once the control is created at runtime (/COM version only). 
*Fixed: "The current version, supports ADO and DAO Recordsets. Make sure that the object is an ADO recordset, or a DAO recordset" error may occur if using ADO objects. Jan 04, 2021
*NEW:   Ability to wraps the cell's caption on line break only
*Added: The Items.CellSingleLine property specifies whether the cell's caption is displayed on single-line, or wraps around the words or line breaks. Previously, the Items.CellSingleLine property was of Boolean type, while currently it is of CellSingleLineEnum type. For instance, Items.CellSingleLine() = exCaptionBreakWrap indicates that the cell's caption is displayed on new lines when line break is found ( <br> for HTML captions or \r\n sequence ). Also, the option is valid if you specify the Column.Def(exCellSingleLine) property.
*Fixed: The EnsureVisibleItem method does not vertically scroll the control's content, if previously the control's list has been sorted ( Column.SortOrder property, Layout property, ... )
*Fixed: The Items.SelectableItem property returns 1 instead of -1 / True value. Oct 22, 2020
*Fixed: Can't click the cell's button, if it is displayed on the chart portion of the control ( Chart.ColumnsFormatLevel property, Column.Def(exCellHasButton) property, Items.CellHasButton property, ButtonClick event )
*Fixed: The predefined icon-bars such as "Summary", "Project Summary", "Milestone" or "Deadline" shows distorted on  DPI applications.
*Fixed: The user can't resize the last locked-column that fit's the control's client area, if it wider (CountLockedColumns property)
*Fixed: The control scrolls more columns, if locked columns are visible and the user do horizontal page scrolling by clicking the horizontal scroll bar's background. ( CountLockedColumns property )
*Fixed: The Items.SelectItem property returns 1 instead of -1 / True value. Sep 07, 2020
*NEW:   Ability to export the control's data to HTML format ( including CSS ), or CSV format
*Added: The Destination parameter of the Export method could be "htm" or "html" or a file with the extension "htm" or "html" indicates that the control's content is exported in HTML format. If the Destination parameter points to a valid file name, it will be created.
*Added: The Export method exports the control's content as ANSI, no matter of the control's configuration, unless the forth field of the Options parameter is not unicode. Shortly, you can export the control's content as UNICODE by calling a code like  Export Destination, "|||unicode"
*Fixed: The Export method includes the visible items only, if any filter is applied to the control ( excludes the chk and sel options ).
*Fixed: Prevents re-grouping the items when a column does not change it's position in the control's SortBar/GroupBy bar. Prevents changing the column's sorting position when the user drags the column's header in a few pixels. ( SortBarVisible property ) Jul 13, 2020
*Added: Prevents changing the start/middle/end parts of the bar if the Bar's StartColor, Color or EndColor property is -1 ( 0xFFFFFFFF )
*Added: Bar.StartColor32 and Bar.EndColor32 properties for /NET and /WPF versions.
*Added: Expands or collapses the entire selection if the user clicks any +/- glitch, presses Left/Right/+ or- key inside the selection, while the CTRL is pressed. This option is valid, while the control's SingleSel property is False. Jun 03, 2020
*Added: Shows the hand cursor when the cursor hovers the open-filter button of the column's header or close button of the control's filter bar
*Fixed: The drop down filter panel is closed as soon as it shows up, if it is displayed over the current cursor location
*Fixed: Corrects the shadow effect for drop down panels like filters, editors, tooltips,... on systems with DPI setting not-100%
*Fixed: The user can't use the column's filter button being shown in the control's columns floating bar ( ColumnsFloatBarVisible property ) May 06, 2020
*Added: Shows the hand cursor when the cursor hovers the open-filter button of the column's header or close button of the control's filter bar
*Fixed: The drop down filter panel is closed as soon as it shows up, if it is displayed over the current cursor location
*Fixed: Corrects the shadow effect for drop down panels like filters, editors, tooltips,... on systems with DPI setting not-100%
*Fixed: The user can't use the column's filter button being shown in the control's columns floating bar ( ColumnsFloatBarVisible property ) Mar 18, 2020
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorHide) / Background(exSelBackColorHide) property specifies the selection's foreground and background colors when the control has no focus. This has effect while the control's HideSelection property is False
*Added: AllowSelectNothing property specifies whether the current selection is erased, once the user clicks outside of the items section. For instance, if the control's SingeSel property is True, and AllowSelectNothing property is True, you can un-select the single-selected item if pressing the CTRL + Space, or by CTRL + click.
*Added: SelectOnRelease property indicates whether the selection occurs when the user releases the mouse button. By default, the selection occurs, as soon as the user clicks an object. The SelectOnRelease property has no effect if the SingleSel property is False, and SelectByDrag property is True.
*Fixed: Prevents entering in edit mode, when the user clicks the empty part of the control ( no item ). Jan 06, 2020
*Added: Ability to scroll the control's content using two-fingers on a touchpad (swipe up or down with two fingers, scrolls the control's up or down)
*Fixed: The column's position can be changed by drag and drop as soon as the cursor surpasses the control's columns section rather than control's entire client area
*Fixed: Any expression that includes the "in" operator fails. Oct 21, 2019
*Fixed: The column's position can be changed by drag and drop as soon as the cursor surpasses the control's columns section rather than control's entire client area
*Fixed: Hides the hot-tracking item as soon as control's content is scrolled ( rotating the mouse wheel for instance ), selection is changed ( any of arrow key is pressed for instance ).
*Fixed: The CloneType flag of Editor.EditType can produces a GPF, if the Columns.Clear or Items.RemoveAllItems is called.
*Fixed: Can't select the focus-item with the arrow keys, if it selectable while the view displays a single item and the SingleSel property is False. Jul 17, 2019
*NEW:   Redefine the way the control shows round-links, for a better look
*Fixed: A straight-horizontal or vertical link may be shown as solid, even the link's type is dashed or dotted, while the link is displayed as round (Items.Link(, exLinkShowRound) property is -1)
*Fixed: The control's ForeColorHeader property is not applied on the control's columns-float bar (the columns into the columns-float bar are always displayed in black)
*Fixed: Prevents showing the "This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select OK and the controls will be initialized using your current workspace settings." warning message while the control is running into MS Office forms or user-forms. Jun 12, 2019
*Fixed: Can't move the column to be the last-visible column, while all columns are visible (ColumnAutoResize property on False)
*Fixed: Move slightly the last partially visible column, changes its position.
*Fixed: Dropping the column after the last visible column, ends up one-column to the right after the dropped position.
*Fixed: The control shows the dragging column in black, even the control's header shows the columns in white (ForeColorHeader property) Feb 25, 2019
*Fixed An extra dot-line may be shown while the user vertically scrolls the control while Chart.DrawGridLines property is not-zero and the control's DrawGridLines property is zero.
*Fixed: Improves the speed to display the control's grid lines.
*Fixed: The task / grid-lines of the chart overrides the chart's header-bar, while the Chart.GridLineStyle property includes the exGridLinesBehind flag and ScrollBySingleLine property is True
*Fixed: Can't scroll to the top by rotating the mouse wheel, if the first visible item is higher that control's default item height ( ScrollBySingleLine property ) Dec 19, 2018
*Fixed: Sometimes, the user can't scroll to the last item, if the last scrollable item is partially visible. May 30, 2018
*NEW:   Ability to executes x-script code ( including events ), from a string, file or a safe array of bytes. This feature allows you to load the control's visual appearance and behavior, without having to write any line of code. The x-script code can save EBNs, icons, pictures into BASE64 encoded strings, and so everything can be put into a single file, that should be invoked by AttachTemplate method. This feature allows you to run any x-script code for any configuration of the component (/COM, /NET or /WPF). 
*Added: AttachTemplate method executes the giving x-script code, and attach events if found. The x-script code can contain handle keyword that defines a handler for the specified event. For instance, the AttachTemplate("handle Click() { print(Version) }") sends the control's Version property to the debugger for display. All you need is to open the DebugView tool, and click the control.
*Added: The control's Template page supports AttachTemplate so you can assign x-script code ( including events )  in design mode, and so the control's visual appearance and behavior is changed once the control is created at runtime (/COM version only). 
*Fixed: "The current version, supports ADO and DAO Recordsets. Make sure that the object is an ADO recordset, or a DAO recordset" error may occur if using ADO objects. Jan 04, 2018
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exTasksCanResize specifies the name of the field from the tasks data source, that indicates whether the task can be resized.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exTasksCanMove specifies the name of the field from the tasks data source, that indicates whether the task can be moved.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exTasksCanMoveToAnother specifies the name of the field from the tasks data source, that indicates whether the task can be moved to another item.
*Fixed: Prevents "Do you want to save ..." / "Save changes...' input box, when the user opens the form in design mode, and close it. Nov 06, 2017
*Added: The Version property includes the SpecialBuild number of the assembly so it provides information like Major.Minor.Build.Revison.SpecialBuild.Type...
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exTasksPercent specifies the name of the field from the tasks data source, that specifies the percent of the task.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exTasksShowPercentCaption specifies the name of the field from the tasks data source, that specifies whether the percent is shown on the task.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exTasksPercentCaptionFormat specifies the name of the field from the tasks data source, that specifies trhe format to displays the percent on the task.
*Fixed: The "800AFAE0 Invalid argument." error occurs if the table contains a field of Attachment type. Oct 04, 2017
*NEW:   Ability to load/save the host's Notes collection
*Added: The DefHostPropertyEnum.exNewNoteID specifies the new identifier that can be used to create new notes ( prefixed by a "N" keyword )
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesDataSource specifies the Name of the data source to load/save the notes of the host.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesID specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that specifies the identifier of the note within the host.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesItemID specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that specifies the index/identifier of the row/item associated with the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesKey specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that specifies the object related to the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesStartCaption specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that specifies the text/caption of the start part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesEndCaption specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that specifies the text/caption of the end part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesShowLink specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that defines the link between parts of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesStartCanMove specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates whether the start part of the note can move.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesEndCanMove specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates whether the end part of the note can move.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesRelativePosition specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that defines the position of the note relative to associated object.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesStartHOffset specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates the horizontal offset to display the start part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesEndHOffset specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates the horizontal offset to display the end part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesStartVOffset specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates the vertical offset to display the start part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesEndVOffset specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates the vertical offset to display the end part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesStartBackColor specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that defines the background color of the start part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesEndBackColor specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that defines the background color of the end part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesStartForeColor specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that defines the foreground color of the start part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesEndForeColor specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that defines the foreground color of the end part of the note.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesStartShadow specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates whether the start part of the note displays its shadow.
*Added: The HostObjectFieldEnum.exNotesEndShadow specifies the name of the field from the notes data source, that indicates whether the end part of the note displays its shadow. Aug 07, 2017
* Initial Release