exprint - what's new Aug 07, 2023
*Added: The control's tooltip is shown when the cursor hovers it no matter if the window that hosts the control is activated
*Added: The ItemCaption(exSetupPrinter) property changes the caption for the "Printer..." button within the page-setup dialog
*Added: The <solidline> and <dotline> HTML tags support color in RGB format using the <solidline RRGGBB> or <dotline RRGGBB> syntax, which indicates the color to show the solid or dotted line Feb 22, 2023
*Added: Update the samples to support x64 configuration (/COM version)
*Fixed: No control frame is shown in design-mode under MS Excel's spreadsheet
*Fixed: The AttachTemplate method fails if using "handle" keyword on x64 version Dec 01, 2022
*NEW:   Ability to specify the size to show the icons within the control
*Added: ImageSize property specifies the size of the control' icons. By default, the ImageSize property is 16. The control's Images collection is cleared if the ImageSize property is changed, so it is recommended to set the ImageSize property before calling the Images method. 
*Added: ToolBarFont property specifies the font to display the control's toolbar. Jul 11, 2022
*Added: PowerBuilder 21.0 sample
*Fixed: On some machines, the format keyword (within expression properties) provides more than 2 decimals for French(Canada) regional settings (for instance "12.3456 format ``" displays 12.3456 instead of 12.35)
*Fixed: A GPF may occur on closing the form/window/dialog if one or more events are handled by AttachTemplate method Feb 23, 2022
*NEW: Z-Events support (Standard .NET event patterns)
*Added: Every event of the control (/NET assembly) provides a Z-Event alternative, of "void OnEventRaised(object sender, EventArgs args)" type. The .NET convention is for an event (Z-event) signature to have a void return and 2 parameters. The first parameter is of type System.Object and is the sender of the event. The second parameter must be of type System.EventArgs or derived from System.EventArgs and contains data passed between sender and receiver. For instance, the "DblClick(object sender, short Shift, int X, int Y)" event is equivalent to "ZDblClick(object sender, ZDblClickArgs e)", where "ZDblClickArgs" type is derived from System.EventArgs and includes definitions for Shift, X and Y properties
*Fixed: "Warning: The <event-name> event is a .NET event that does not follow the .NET convention for event signatures (OpenEdge, ABL code)". To prevent this warning, under OpenEdge environment you must use the Z-event alternatives Jun 16, 2021
*Added: The expression properties supports `bias` constant that defines the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time. For example, Middle European Time (MET, GMT+01:00) has a time zone bias of "-60" because it is one hour ahead of UTC. Pacific Standard Time (PST, GMT-08:00) has a time zone bias of "+480" because it is eight hours behind UTC. For instance, date(value - bias/24/60) converts the UTC time to local time, or date(date('now') + bias/24/60) converts the current local time to UTC time
*Fixed: Improves the conversion of the string to date, while using Regional settings (Windows System) for date like ddd.dd.mm.yyyy (Su.15.02.2021) Mar 24, 2021
*Added: Sets or gets the control's Font property in design mode, for the /NET version
*Fixed: The PageFrameColor property of the /NET version are not serialized once the user changes in design mode
*Fixed: The PageFrameColor property of the /NET version are not copied in design mode, when the user copies the control in design-mode using CTRL + C (copy) and CTRL + V (paste) combination Feb 17, 2021
*Added: ExPrint.pdf (include the control's documentation in PDF format)
*Added: The Images method supports the Microsoft ImageList ( mscomctl.ocx, MSComctlLib.ImageList type) object directly. Shortly, you can define the control's images by calling Images(ImageList1.Object). The ImageList1.Object returns the object of MSComctlLib.ImageList type. The Microsoft ImageList object is available for /COM on x86 and x64 machines (starting from Access 2016)
*Fixed: Any expression that includes the "in" operator fails. May 13, 2019
*Added: lpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions) , as a lpad b, pads the value of a to the left with b padding pattern. For instance, FormatColumn = "((1 apos ``) lpad `0000`) + `. ` + value" displays the cell's content including the position of the row, padded to left with 4-zero (if required)
*Added: rpad keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a rpad b, pads the value of a to the right with b padding pattern. For instance, 12 lpad "____" generates the string "12__".
*Added: concat keyword (available for properties that support expressions), as a concat b concatenates the a (as string) for b times. For instance, "x" concat 5, generates the string "xxxxx" Sep 27, 2018
*NEW:   Ability to executes x-script code ( including events ), from a string, file or a safe array of bytes. This feature allows you to load the control's visual appearance and behavior, without having to write any line of code. The x-script code can save EBNs, icons, pictures into BASE64 encoded strings, and so everything can be put into a single file, that should be invoked by AttachTemplate method. This feature allows you to run any x-script code for any configuration of the component (/COM, /NET or /WPF). 
*Added: AttachTemplate method executes the giving x-script code, and attach events if found. The x-script code can contain handle keyword that defines a handler for the specified event. For instance, the AttachTemplate("handle Click() { print(Version) }") sends the control's Version property to the debugger for display. All you need is to open the DebugView tool, and click the control. Jul 30, 2018
*Added: FormatABC method formats the A,B,C values based on the giving expression and returns the result. For instance, FormatABC("dpi") returns a numeric value that indicates the display settings ( aspect ratio ).
*Added: PreviewState property returns or sets the visual state of preview mainframe at runtime. For instance, you can call the PreviewState property on exPreviewStateMaximized, and the Print and Print Preview will be shown maximized.
*Fixed: Disables UI changes on the control being printed, while the input box "The number of pages being loaded is: <%count%>. Do you want to continue?" is displayed by the Print and Print Preview control. Apr 11, 2018
*NEW: Ability to display differentiate captions / extra captions on different pages
*Added: The Caption property and the Caption parameter of the ExtraCaption method supports expressions, that can defines the HTML caption of each page based on different fields such as index of the page, total number of pages, the index of the object being printed / previewed, the index of the page relative to the object being printed, and the number of relative pages. If the Caption's expression is not valid, the Caption itself is displayed as HTML, be replacing the <%page%> and <%count%> fields with the current page, and number of pages. The Caption property / parameter supports the following keywords: object (indicates the index of the object being printed), opages ( defines the number of pages the current object is being previewed / printed ), opage ( indicates the relative-index of the page being printed / previewed ), pages ( defines the total number of pages being previewed / printed ) and page ( which specifies the index of the current page, from the total number of pages ). The object, opages and opage fields are useful in case you are printing multiple-objects at the same time, using the PrintExts method. For instance, PrintExts = Array(Grid1, Grid2) specifies that two controls should be sent to the printer, and in this case the object will indicate 0 for the Grid1, and 1 for the Grid2. For instance, Caption = "`<b>` + ( object array (`<s>first-grid`,`<i>second-grid`) )" defines an expression-caption that displays the caption "first-grid" in bold and strikeout, for the first object of the PrintExts, and displays the "second-grid" in bold and italic, for the second object of the PrintExts method. For instance, ExtraCaption("logo","page mod 2 ? `` : `<img>logo</img>`") adds a logo picture on every second-page. Mar 21, 2018
*Fixed: The PagesCount property through "Additional information: Input string was not in a correct format." exception for the /NET version
*Fixed: The UILimitPagesCount property has no effect, if changing to a different value than 100.
*Fixed: Cant' use the PrintExts property to print multiple objects on x64 machine ( /NET or /WPF version )
*Fixed: Calling the PrintExt/PrintExts property multiple times, appends pages to the current print and print-preview document. Feb 28, 2018
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowDragScroll) property specifies whether the user can scroll pages by clicking and dragging the left mouse button. Allow scrolling the workspace by clicking anywhere on the preview and dragging up, down, left or right. By default, the PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowDragScroll) property is True. Set on False to disable this feature. (touch scroll)
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowWheelScroll) property indicates whether the user can scroll pages by rotating the mouse wheel. By default, the PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowWheelScroll) property is True. Set on False to disable this feature. (mouse-wheel support)
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowUnprintPage) property specifies whether the user can select/unselect pages/area using the right mouse button (CTRL key), to prevent them from printing. Using the exPreviewAllowUnprintPage feature you can select a portion of the page to be sent only sent to the printer, or you can select or unselect the entire page, by right clicking the page while the CTRL key is pressed. By default, the PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowUnprintPage) property is True. Set on False to disable this feature. (pages-range support)
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowToggleZoom) property indicates whether the user can toggle the zoom by clicking the focused page. By default, the PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowToggleZoom) property is True. Set on False to disable this feature. (toggle-zoom support) Jan 22, 2018
*NEW: 	Ability to show the page numbers with a fixed-size font.
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewShowPageNumber) property specifies whether the preview mode shows or hides the page numbers. By default, the PreviewSettings(exPreviewShowPageNumber) property is False, so no page numbers are shown. The page numbers are displayed with the same size, no matter of the print and print/preview zooming factor. The PreviewSettings(exPreviewShowPageNumber) and ShowPageNumbers property are different. The ShowPageNumbers property specifies whether the page number is displayed on the print and print preview, while the PreviewSettings(exPreviewShowPageNumber) is shown in preview mode only ( boolean type )
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewPageNumberFormat) property specifies the HTML format to display the page number, when the PreviewSettings(exPreviewShowPageNumber) is True ( string type )
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewPageNumbersAlignment) property specifies the horizontal/vertical alignment to display the page numbers, when the PreviewSettings(exPreviewShowPageNumber) is True ( ContentAlignmentEnum type )
*Added: TemplatePut property defines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call (/COM only) Oct 30, 2017
*NEW:   Ability to zoom the pages by clicking and dragging the middle mouse button
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowMiddleZoom) property specifies whether the user can zoom the pages by clicking and dragging the middle mouse button. By default, the PreviewSettings(exPreviewAllowMiddleZoom) property is True. Set on False to disable this feature. ( zoom-in, zoom-out by dragging support)
*Added: The UILimitPagesCount specifies the limit of pages the control can load before a message box to continue shows up. By default, the UILimitPagesCount property is 100. You can disable it, by setting the UILimitPagesCount property to -1.
*Fixed: The CTRL key changes the focused page. July 31, 2017
*NEW:   Ability to display multiple-pages of the same zoom, side by side. The zoom won't be changed when the user resizes the preview, instead the preview adds or removes the scrolls to let you navigate all pages as they were arranged
*Added: The ToolBarFormat property includes a new identifier exToolBarTwoPageFixed ( of value 106 ), which allows the user to preview multiple-pages side-by-side, of the same zoom. By default, the ToolBarFormat property is "-1,100,101,102,106,-1,103,-1,104,-1,105". Remove the value of 106 from the ToolBarFormat property to disable this feature.
*Added: The ItemCaption(exToolBarTwoPageFixed) property specifies the HTML caption of the exToolBarTwoPageFixed button in the control's toolbar. By default, the ItemCaption(exToolBarTwoPageFixed) property is "<img>3</img> %%", where the %% indicates the current zoom factor ( percent ). 
*Added: The ItemToolTip(exToolBarTwoPageFixed) property specifies the HTML tooltip of the exToolBarTwoPageFixed button in the control's toolbar, that's shown when the cursor hovers it. By default, the ItemToolTip(exToolBarTwoPageFixed) property is "Multiple Pages (Fixed)"
*Added: The UILimitPagesCountMessage property specifies the continue message to show up, when the limit of pages has been reached. By default, the UILimitPagesCountMessage property is "The number of pages being loaded is: <%count%>. Do you want to continue?", where the <%count%> field indicates the number of pages currently loaded. The UILimitPagesCountMessage has no effect if the UILimitPagesCount property is -1 ( negative ), or if the UILimitPagesCountMessage property is empty. May 31, 2017
*NEW: 	Ability to show the preview in compact mode. The compact mode, displays the page's content only, without margins for a better view of the whole document
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewShowCompact) property specifies whether the preview shows the pages in a compact mode.
*Added: The PreviewSettings(exPreviewBackColor) property specifies the preview's mainframe background color.
*Added: The Version property includes the SpecialBuild number of the assembly so it provides information like Major.Minor.Build.Revison.SpecialBuild.Type...
*Fixed: A GPF occurs, if the ToolBarFormat property is empty. Apr 05, 2017
*NEW:   Radical improvements of vertical scrolling of the previewed pages.
*Added: Scrolls the pages row by row, while the user rotates the mouse wheel too fast ( entire page is visible )
*Added: The multiple pages panel in the print and print-preview, shows the coordinates of the pages.
*Fixed: A timer event is fired contiguously for the preview's workframe Dec 12, 2016
*Fixed: Prevents a memory leak when loading icons, pictures, from BASE64 encoded strings (Images method, HTMLPicture picture).
*Fixed: A GPF occurs if the application is started from design mode ( demo / evaluation / trial version only ) Jul 30, 2016
*Added: DPI-Aware Support
*Added: Foreground property supports values such as 0, 1, -1 and -2 to specify the z-order of the Preview window as: top, bottom, always on top, and not on top (behind all topmost windows) Feb 17, 2016
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1003 version.
*Added: EBN 1003 implements Colorable Region Support which defines a portion/region of the EBN object where the color of the EBN is applied. For instance, at runtime the identifier 0x1FF0000 applies blue color to all colorable parts that compose the EBN object. The EBN color is not applied to not-colorable portions of the EBNs. Dec 02, 2015
*Added: The Version property for /NET version returns more information about the component/assembly/file.
*Fixed: An ICO file shows as 18x18 instead of 16x16 pixels if it is loaded using the HTMLPicture method.
*Fixed: The Encode64Icons retrieves empty string for valid ICO files (/NET version) Jun 29, 2015
*Added: Decode64TextA, decodes ( and decompress ) the giving string, from base64 format to ANSI string.
*Added: Encode64TextA, encodes (ANSI) and compress the giving string, to base64 format.
*Added: Decode64TextW, decodes ( and decompress ) the giving string, from base64 format to UNICODE string.
*Added: Encode64TextW, encodes (UNICODE) and compress the giving string, to base64 format. Mar 25, 2015
*Added: </solidline>, </upline>, </dotline> HTML tags ends the solid, up or dotted line
*Added: Prevents showing the ,.;!?'")}] characters at the beginning of a new line, when html text is word-wrapping.
*Fixed: The last italic character of a HTML caption may be shown as clipped Dec 15, 2014
*NEW:   PDF (Portable Document Format) Support, or ability to export the pages to a PDF file
*NEW:   BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF Support (  Ability to save the page's content to BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EMF formats )
*Added: The CopyTo property exports the pages to a PDF document, if the extension of the Path argument indicates a pdf extension. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\pages.pdf") property saves the pages in PDF format to pages.pdf. The Settings(exPaperSize) property specifies the size of the PDF paper. The Settings(exPaperOrientation) indicates orientation of the page, which can be portrait or landscape.
*Added: The CopyTo property exports the pages to BMP, PNG, JPG, TIF or GIF format. Previously, the CopyTo property can export the pages to EMF format only. The extension of the File argument indicates the graphical format to be saved. For instance, the CopyTo("c:\temp\snap%i.png") property exports the pages content in PNG format to snap1.png, snap2.png, ... If File parameter provides an unknown extension, the page's content is saved in EMF format ( Enhanced Metafile Format ). Nov 10, 2014
*NEW:   Encode / Decode To / From BASE64 format ( including compressing ) 
*Added: Decode64Text, decodes the giving string, from base64 format ( compressed ).
*Added: Encode64Text, encodes and compress the giving string, to base64 format.
*Fixed: The show message is shown on the debugger ( dbgview ), when the tooltip is about to be shown. Oct 08, 2014
*NEW:   Windows 8.1 64-bit compatibility
*Added: The /COM 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft Office Applications: Excel 2013, Access 2013,...
*Added: The /NET(/WPF) 64-bit version is compatible with Microsoft NET Framework 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, ...
*Fixed: "Visual C++ Runtime Error!" occurs if using the <fgcolor> or <bgcolor> with no indicating the color. Correct is <fgcolor RRGGBB>, instead <fgcolor> Aug 06, 2014
*Added: Shows a drop down arrow for items of drop down, while the cursor is hovering the Preview's toolbar
*Fixed: Prevents firing the Refresh event recursively, if the Refresh method is called during the Refresh event.
*Added: ToolBar and Scale samples ( shows how to format the Preview's toolbar and handling the Adjust To and Fit To features )
*Fixed: The Print icon is shown on white background on Visual C++ dialogs. June 23, 2014
*NEW:   Support for EBN 1002 version.
*Added: The EBN 1002 allows using skin objects with horizontal, vertical stretch and colorable/not-colorable parts of the EBNs.
*Added: Shadow effect for drop down zooming or multiple-pages panels in preview's toolbar.
*Fixed: The mouse wheel scrolling does not work on Preview framework, after selecting a new zooming factor or showing the control's content on multiple plages.
*Fixed: Prevents showing the Print icon when using the control on Visual C++ windows. Apr 07, 2014
*Added: Ability to resize the multiple-pages drop down panel at runtime. You can resize the multiple-pages drop down panel, by keeping the CTRL key while moving the mouse. Also, while keeping the left mouse button, hover the cursor on the right-bottom size grip, wait for 1 seconds, and starts resizing the pages. If no movement occurs for another second, the resize operation ends.
*Added: Restores the x and y multiple-pages configuration when the Preview method runs again.
*Fixed: Prevents showning the tooltip when the user selects a new command from the preview's toolbar
*Fixed: Prevents selecting a new zooming-factor, if the cursor is outside of the zooming panel. Feb 26, 2014
*NEW:   Exontrol Print Scale Support, Adjust To and Fit to Page Wide by Tall Support
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 75%", adjusts and prints the control's content to 75% of normal size.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by 3 tall.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = 2 x", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 2 pages wide by how many pages tall is required.
*Added: Print.Options = "FitToPage = x 3", indicates that the control's content is print to fit 3 pages tall to how many pages wide is required.
*Note:  The control to be printed, requires implementation of: Exontrol Print Scale Support, Adjust To and Fit to Page Wide by Tall Support. Currently, The "Fit-To-Pages Wide by Tall" feature is supported by: eXList, eXSurface, eXGantt, eXOrgChart, but it will be included to most of the Print/Print-Preview components. Dec 04, 2013
*NEW:   Subscript and Superscript implementation in HTML captions, using the <off> HTML tag
*Added: <off>, </off> built-in HTML tags defines the vertical offset to display the element, relative to the current position. This tag is inheritable. The <off pixels>, where, pixels indicates the vertical offset to be applied ). For instance, the following text displays a text with Subscript and Superscript such as: "Text <off 4>with subscript</off> <off -4>and superscript</off> support"
*Added: The <fgcolor=0000FF> and <fgcolor FF>, or <bgcolor=00FF00> and <bgcolor FF00>, so no = or full 6 hexa-digits are required to define the color to be applied
*Fixed: The <font> HTML tag is not overwritten when using inside another <font> tag
*Fixed: The parts of the line with different fonts in the HTML caption are vertically aligned ( instead aligning to the font's baseline ) if the line displays a picture or an icon using the <img> HTML tag. Oct 02, 2013
*NEW:   New text decorations support for HTML captions, like outlined characters, shadow, ....
*Added: <gra>, </gra> built-in HTML tags define a gradient text ( the <gra> supports color, mode and blending, like <gra rrggbb;mode;blend>, where, rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as gray, mode a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend 0 or 1, 0 if missing )
*Added: <out>, </out> built-in HTML tags define a text to show with outlined characters ( the <out> supports color and width, like <out rrggbb;width>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of outline, 1 if missing.
*Added: <sha>, </sha> built-in HTML tags define a text with a shadow ( the <sha> supports color, width and offset, like <out rrggbb;width;offset>, where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
*Added: Increases the performance of parsing HTML captions. Aug 28, 2013
*NEW:   Inheritance for HTML attributes on multiple line ( for instance, the < b > is inherited on multiple lines, until the < /b > tag is found)
*NEW:   The < font > or < img > can change the height of the HTML line, so HTML captions can display lines with different heights.
*Added: The HTML captions allow using not-nested elements to be used. (for instance the sequence "< b >1< s >23< /b >4< /s>" displays 123 in bold while the 234 are shown in strikeout )
*Added: The < c > HTML tag centers the line. Similar with < r > HTML tag.
*Fixed: Extra characters are inserted in the next line if the breaking element is a picture that does not fit the current line.
*Fixed: Ignores the ending HTML tags, if they are not used previously ( for instance, the < /b > is not displayed in the sequence "ABC< /b >" ) Jul 05, 2013
*NEW:   Template support ( /COM object )
*Added: Template property executes the giving x-script template
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content.
*Added: TemplateDef property allows defining inside variables for the Template feature ( available for /COM only, and useful to assign properties with multiple parameters, which is not supported in dBASE )
*Added: The HTML tags are case insensitive, so the < b > is equivalent with < B > Dec 03, 2012
*NEW:   Ability to Print/Preview multiple components on the same document
*Added: PrintExts property sets/gets a safe array of objects to be sent to the printer.
*Added: The PrintExts property can print directly the component without having to use the Control.Object property ( VB6 ), as you would do with the Set .PrintExt = Control.Object, instead you can have PrintExts = Control Feb 27, 2012
*Added: Ability to scroll the page by dragging the cursor up, down left or right, while it is zoomed in the Print Preview ( By default, if the user clicks the page with no moving the mouse, the page get change its zooming factor ).
*Added: CopyTo(Path) method copies the pages to EMF files to specified path, for viewing or editing later using applications such as MS Office Picture Manager, MS Paint, and so on. The CopyTo can be called after PrintExt property, and calling the Preview is not required.
*Added: AutoRelease property specifies whether the object itself is auto-released when the object to be printed, or when the user closes the Preview's frame. This property has effect only if calling BEFORE the Preview method. This property is currently available for /COM version. Jun 08, 2011
*NEW:   Ability to preview or print the control's data to a single page ( FitToPage )
*Added: Options("FitToPage = On") indicates that the control to be printed is using one page to show its content. Currently, the  FitToPage option is available for eXList Only
*Added: Double click the margin in the print-preview opens the Setup dialog.
*Added: CTRL + Double click the margin in the print-preview, makes the margin to be the same with the opposite margin.
*Fixed: The Encode64Icons retrieves empty string for valid ICO files. July 30, 2010
*Added: Displays the version of the exprint on the preview workspace.
*Fixed: Prevents refreshing the control's preview, if the user clicks once the margin of the paper in the preview.
*Fixed: The user is not able to resize the margins if "Switch primary and secondary buttons", in control panel ( Mouse ) is checked. July 06, 2010
*Added: The eXPrint/NET assembly can be used to print our /WPF components.
*Added: The PrintExt property of the eXPrint/NET assembly supports System.IntPtr values directly.
*Added: The CTRL + C in the print-preview frame copies the focused page to the clipboard, so it can be pasted to any Office application, or any application that supports OLE Clipboard Mechanism ( excel, word, mspaint, and so on ). May 10, 2010
*Added: PageFrameStyle property specifies the style of the frame to be shown on all printed pages.
*Added: PageFrameColor property specifies the color of the frame to be shown on all printed pages.
*Added: Changing the way the colors are being applied to EBN objects. Sep 17, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to set properties of the object to be printed during the Refreshing event, and restore back when Refresh event occurs.
*Added: Refreshing event notifies your application once the pages are about to be prepared for previewing or printing.
*Added: Changing the way the colors are being applied to EBN objects. ( Valid for eXPrint's framework )
*Fixed: The /NET Assembly does not update at runtime the properties saved in design-mode. Aug 03, 2009
*NEW:   PNG support for HTMLPicture, and so for ItemCaption property
*Added: PNG, TIFF, EXIF or WMF image format support.
*Added: RuntimeKey property. Specifies a runtime license key for registered users only.
*Fixed: The eXPrint/COM fails on Isolated Application ( as Isolated COM ). July 20, 2009
*Added: StartPageNumber property specifies the number to start page numbering
*Added: Foreground property brings the Preview window on the foreground and activates it (Clarion enviroment)
*Added: Updates the visual aspect of the toolbar's tooltip based on the current theme, if active.
*Fixed: The /NET assembly shows a black frame when the parent form changes its parent using the MDIParent property. June 05, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to specify the format to display the page numbers
*Added: PageNumberFormat property specifies the format to print the page number, including HTML format. The predefined values are <%page%> for current page, <%count%> for count of pages.
*Added: The Caption and ExtraCaption properties supports predefined values as <%page%> for current page, <%count%> for count of pages. April 28, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to adjust the margins of the page at runtime.
*Added: ShowMargins property retrieves or sets a value that specifies whether the page displays its margins so the user can resize the margins of the page at runtime.
*Added: ItemToolTip(exAdjustMargin) property specifies the tooltip to be displayed when cursor hovers the margins of the page.
*Fixed: The ESC key cancels previewing the current object. March 27, 2009
*Added: 64-bit support March 25, 2009
*Added: The page may be magnified to 100% when clicking the focused page, or to last selected magnify factor.
*Fixed: Magnifies the portion of the page being clicked, relative to the focused page.
*Fixed: Changed the "Print..." button caption with "Print" in the preview's toolbar. March 02, 2009
*Added: You can exclude or include a page to be printed by clicking the page while the CTRL key is pressed.
*Added: You can include a single page to be printed by clicking the page while the CTRL+SHIFT is pressed.
*Added: Scrolls multiple pages, when vertical scroll bar is clicked, and the pages are more on 
*Fixed: The "Before you can perform print-related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer.  Do you want to install a printer" message shows up when accessing the control in design mode, if there are no installed printers on the system. Feb 12, 2009
*NEW:   Ability to specify a page range to be printed
*Added: PageRange property specifies the pages being sent to the printer. It supports page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For instance: 1,5-7,9-
*Added: PagesCount property returns the number of pages.
*Fixed: The preview's Zoom factor is set to 100% if there is no printer installed. Jan 19, 2009
*Added: Signing the /NET Assembly with a strong name ( AssemblyName.FullName: exontrol.exprint, PublicKeyToken=ea2091c75b049f07 ).
*Added: AnchorClick event notifies your application when the user clicks a hyperlink.
*Added: ItemToolTip property specifies a tooltip for a button on the preview's toolbar.
*Fixed: "Failed to import the ActiveX control.  Please ensure it is properly registered." error occurs, if trying to insert the eXPrint/COM component to an empty project Dec 15, 2008
*Added: Images method sets at runtime the list of icons being displayed by eXPrints's mainframe.
*Added: ReplaceIcon method adds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the eXPrint's mainframe image list
*Added: HTMLPicture property specifies a HTML picture being used by HTML captions inside the eXPrint's mainframe
*Added: ToolTip property specifies the button's tooltip in the print's preview toolbar.
*Added: Refresh method refreshes the print preview. Dec 1, 2008
*NEW:   Ability to customize the preview's toolbar, ie adding new buttons, rearranging buttons, icons, pictures and so on
*Added: ToolbarFormat property specifies the CRD format to arrange the buttons inside the eXPrint's toolbar.
*Added: ToolBarClick event notifies whether the user clicks a button on the print's toolbar to perform your custom operations.
*Added: Ability to select an area to be printed instead printing the whole document, by right clicking the preview.
*Fixed: The caption of the eXPrint's preview mainframe displays HTML characters. Nov 19, 2008
*Fixed: On Windows Vista, the Settings(exPrinterName) does not change the printer, so the default printer is changed. Starting from version if changing, the Settings(exPrinterName) must be called before any other settings!
*Fixed: The printer button is missing in the printer page setup dialog, on Windows Vista
*Fixed: The Setting(exDisplayInch) on 1 does not change the measurements to millimeters Sep 09, 2008
*Added: AsDisplay property specifies whether the print and print preview is closer with what you see on the screen device.
*Added: ClientWidth property retrieves the width in pixels, of the drawing area of the printer page. You can use the ClientWidth/ClienHeight property to determine the size of the paper ( the client area only ), so you can implement print-to-page feature for your application.
*Added: ClientHeight property retrieves the height in pixels, of the drawing area of the printer page.
*Fixed: Calling the Refresh method after setting the exPaperSize property, so exPageWidth, or exPageHeight settings are updated properly. Aug 05, 2008
*Fixed: The exprint hangs while trying to print/preview the control's content to a shared/network printer July 02, 2008
*Added: Compatible with the Data Execution Prevention (DEP). (SpecialBuild:1000)
*Fixed: The Preview/DoPrint method is not updating the pages while there are no printers installed.
*Fixed: The IDE Visual Studio 2008 on Windows Vista crashes when accessing the properties of exprint/net component.
*Fixed: The excel vba fires "Run-time error '28', Out of Stack space", when running an user-form. ( IQuickActivate ) May 19, 2008
*Added: The Printers property gets the name of the printers installed on the machine.
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: & ( & ), < ( < ), > ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the € displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Fixed: The Settings(exPrinterName) property changes the printer to print or print preview the data.
*Fixed: Changing the Settings(exPageOrientation) or PageOrientation property does not refresh the preview window.

2.1	eXPrint/NET April 23, 2007
*NEW:   Using eXPrint library you can programmatically generate BASE64 encoded strings from your pictures, icons or files.
*Added: Encode64 property encodes a picture/file to a BASE64 encoded string.
*Added: Encode64Icons property encodes a list of icons to a BASE64 encoded string. March 08, 2007
*NEW:   Caption and ExtraCaption properties support built-in HTML, so your header/footer may display multiple-lines captions, parts with different colors, fonts or font attributes, and so on
*Added: Font property. Specifies the font to draw the Caption, PageNumbers and ExtraCaption properties
*Fixed: PageOrientation property is updated when the Settings(exPageOrientation) property is changed. July 21, 2006
*NEW:   Ability to save and restore the printer settings.
*Added: The Settings( FieldsEnum.exAllFields ) property saves and restores the printer settings.
*Added: The Settings( FieldsEnum.exPaperWidth ) property specifies the width of the paper.
*Added: The Settings( FieldsEnum.exPaperHeight ) property specifies the height of the paper.
*Added: VC\Sample
*Chang: VB\Sample February 18, 2006
*Added: ExtraCaption( Key, Caption, Position, Alignment ) method adds or removes an extra caption on the page.
*Added: Resizes the drop down zoom window, based on the ItemCaption property
*Fixed: Can't insert the component to a c# or vb.net form, on .net 2005 November 18, 2005
*Added: ItemCaptionEnum.exPrintPreview. Changes the 'Print Preview' caption in the preview's workspace window. November 11, 2005
*Added: FieldsEnum.exDisplayInch. Specifies whether the print dialog prints inches or millimeters. November 10, 2005
*Added: ItemCaptionEnum.exReady. Changes the 'Ready' caption.
*Added: ItemCaptionEnum.exPage. Changes the 'Page' string. 
*Added: ItemCaptionEnum.exPrinting. Changes the 'Printing' string
*Added: ItemCaptionEnum.exCancel. Changes the message that's displayed when control printing the object. By default, the exCancel is ", press ESC to cancel the current printing job." September 11, 2005
*Added: Displays the 'Wait' cursor while the control prints the object's content. May 26, 2004
*Added: ItemCaption property. Specifies a value that indicates the caption for specified item. May 03, 2004
*Added: UNICODE support March 11, 2004
*Fixed: Calling the DoPrint method with ShowUI on False waits indefinitely to print the current object. March 02, 2004
*NEW:   Ability to change the printer settings like PaperSize, Orientation, Margins, and so on.
*Added: Settings(Field) property. Sets or sets a value for the specified field. 
*Added: FieldsEnum eneration contains the list of names for printer fiels that can be initialized July 29, 2003
*Added: PageOrientation property. Specifies the default page's orientation. May 16, 2003
*Help:  Updated February 05, 2003
* Initial Release