EXCustomPack(build your package)
Build your own package. We offer you the possibility to order any 5 of our /COM components for €549($593). As you would buy the products individually, you are still entitled to get the latest version ( minor or major version ) free of charge, for any component in your package, for 1 Year from the purchase date. The pack includes the 32- or 64-bit edition of every component you choose (1 installer for each component). You can go for /NET package here, or for /WPF package here.

Please click the components you want to order, and click the Continue button, to continue the ordering process.

The list of available products you can choose from is:

Before continue, please take in consideration these:

  • If you select exactly 5 components, the price for your custom package is €549($593).
  • If you select less than 5 components, the price for your custom package will not exceed €549($593).
  • If you prefer more than 5 components, please check the eXSuite/COM package that starts from €1049($1133) and include all /COM components.

These prices are for a single developer, /COM, and contains no source code. In case you require this package for more developers, you can change the Quantity field after you press the Continue button.