Graph availability for the eXPivot/JS version:

The eXPivot divides its area into four sections: one for applying aggregate functions to the pivot's cells, sections for pivot rows and columns that define the table structure, and a table section that can display either tabular data or graphical charts. The custom-view feature allows integration with any custom controls. In this example, eXGraph is used to enhance eXPivot with graphical capabilities. eXGraph visualizes the summarized information as columns, displaying aggregated data from eXPivot rather than raw values, which makes it easier to interpret trends and comparisons graphically. Click here to try or more sample here

The following video demonstrates how eXGraph adds graphical functionality to eXPivot:

The movie demonstrates how to display various types of charts based on the summarized data within the pivot control. The control can divide its area into four sections: one for applying aggregate functions to the pivot's cells, the pivot rows and columns that define the table structure, and the table section that can display either tabular data or graphical charts. The custom-view feature supports any type of custom controls. In this sample, the eXGraph is used to provide graphical features for eXPivot. The feature will be supported in the /COM, /NET, /WPF, and /JS versions as well.

The following video highlights an innovative feature designed to improve link visualization:

The following video demonstrates a new feature that enhances link visualization. It intelligently avoids obstacles such as elements, objects, and bars, ensuring a clear and unobstructed display. Additionally, overlapping links are distinguished by alternating colors and variable widths, improving clarity and making it easier to differentiate them visually. This feature will be available across all configurations (/JS, /COM, /NET, and /WPF) for the following components: eXSurface, eXSwimlane, eXG2antt, and eXG2Host.

The following movie illustrates how to insert, code and use any component using Delphi 12:

The video demonstrates how to insert, code, and utilize the exg2antt control within the RAD Studio 12 IDE. The process is similar for any other Exontrol components. If you are running the RAD Studio 12 IDE on a 64-bit Windows machine, please ensure you install the x64 version of the control. Otherwise, you will need to use the x86 (32-bit) version of the component.

The movie illustrates how the ExGantt/JS can manage and adjust resource usage:

For instance, when a task necessitates the allocation of particular resources, the target control can be configured to display detailed information about how these resources are being utilized. To ensure that the resource data remains consistent across different parts of the system, you can employ the PutRes method to synchronize the source control with the target control. This synchronization mechanism ensures that any modifications made in the source control--such as updates to resource data, allocation adjustments, or changes in status--are automatically reflected in the target control. Conversely, any alterations made in the target control will also be communicated back to the source control, maintaining an up-to-date and accurate representation of resource usage in both controls.

changes and additions for 2005

12-27-2005 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the cell's caption.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the cell's caption. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the cell's caption.
*Fixed: While virtual mode is on, if the last item is displayed and the user recalls the UnboundHandler property, the list displays nothing.
12-23-2005 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Draw lines between bars support.
*Added: Items.AddLink method. Links two bars.
*Added: Items.RemoveLink method. Removes a link between two bars.
*Added: Items.ClearLinks method. Removes all the links in the control.
*Added: Items.Link property. Accesses options of the specified link.
12-22-2005 ExGrid,
*NEW: Custom Row Designer (exCRD tool)
*Added: Ability to define the layout of the cell, item or column, using the exCRD tool
*Added: Column.FormatLevel property. Specifies the column's layout on the control's header bar.
*Added: Items.CellFormatLevel property. Specifies the arrangement of the fields inside the cell.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellFormatLevel) property specifies the layout for all cells in the same column.
*Added: VB\exCRD, VC\exCRD, VFP\exCRD, NET\exCRD samples
*Fixed: Centers the editor's caption when the font is larger.
12-22-2005 ExTree,
*Added: Printing multiple-levels header
*Added: Background(exSelBackColorFilter) property specifies the visual appearance for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Keeps the foreground color of the button when the cell is clicked and the cell's CellHasButton property is True.
*Fixed: The Column.Filter property stores only the first value in the filter list.
12-20-2005 ExCalc,
*Added: Improvements to the Template editor.
12-20-2005 ExGantt,
*NEW: Print and Print Preview support
*Added: ColumnsAllowSizing property. Ability to resize the columns at run-time, even if the control's headerbar is not visible.
*Fixed: Sometime, the filter drop down window is not closed, if the user clicks an outside window
12-19-2005 ExPopupMenu,
*Added: UNICODE support
12-18-2005 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to resize an item at runtime
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
*Added: Items.ItemAllowSizing property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether a user can resize the item at run-time.
*Fixed: Release the default shape icons, when the control library is freed.
12-17-2005 ExTab,
*NEW: Ability to scroll the pages.
*Added: AllowSroll property. Specifies whether the control displays or hides the scroll buttons.
*Added: Improvements to Template editor
12-16-2005 ExComboBox,
*Added: Background(exSelBackColorFilter) property specifies the visual appearance for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: ColumnsAllowSizing property. Ability to resize the columns at run-time, even if the control's headerbar is not visible.
*Fixed: The Column.Filter property stores only the first value in the filter list.
12-16-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Printing multiple-levels header
*Added: ColumnsAllowSizing property. Ability to resize the columns at run-time, even if the control's headerbar is not visible.
*Added: Limits the items area to the columns area if control draws the grid lines ( Has effect only if the ColumnsAutoResize property is False )
*Fixed: The Column.Filter property stores only the first value in the filter list.
*Fixed: Unicode version displays additional characters, in a MemoType editor.
12-15-2005 ExploreBar,
*Added: Improvements to Template editor.
12-13-2005 ExSkin,
*Fixed: On Windows XP, black corners shows up, if a transparent skin is loaded at runtime using the Load method.
12-13-2005 ExTree,
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands an item.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Removes the extra-line between items when the DrawGridLines property is exVLines.
*Added: HitTestInfo.exHTCellPicture value indicates the picture within the cell.
*Fixed: Sometime, the filter drop down window is not closed, if the user clicks an outside window
12-10-2005 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Ability to display a spin in the data entry.
*Added: CalendarCombo.AllowSpin property. Specifies whether the calendar's label displays a spin to change the date.
*Added: Moves the drop down calendar window to the right or to the left, so it is fully visible in the screen.
*Fixed: Removes flickering when the user shows the drop down portion of the control.
12-09-2005 ExplorerTree,
*Added: Background(exSelBackColorFilter) property specifies the visual appearance for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: If the Column.ToolTip property is "..." (default) the column displays a tooltip when mouse hovers the column's header and its caption doesn't fit the column's header.
12-08-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: The Column.HeaderBold, HeaderItalic, HeaderStrikeOut, HeaderUnderline property affects the Column.HTMLCaption property
*Added: If the Column.ToolTip property is "..." (default) the column displays a tooltip when mouse hovers the column's header and its caption doesn't fit the column's header.
*Added: Background(exSelBackColorFilter) property specifies the visual appearance for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Fixed: The performance of the control is significant reduced if the user adds thousands of DropDownListType editors in each cell ( Editor.CellEditor property )
12-07-2005 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the cell's caption
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the cell's caption. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the cell's caption.
*Added: Keeps opened a text box field editor while pressing an arrow key.
*Added: Ability to use the arrow keys inside a MemoType editor, while the text is not fully selected.
12-06-2005 ExList,
*Added: Ability to resize items at run-time, using mouse movements.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property. Retrieves or set a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
*Added: Items.ItemAllowSizing property. Specifies a value that indicates whether a user can resize an item at run-time.
*Added: The Column.HeaderBold, HeaderItalic, HeaderStrikeOut, HeaderUnderline property affetcs the Column.HTMLCaption property
*Added: If the Column.ToolTip property is "..." (default) the column displays a tooltip when mouse hovers the column's header and its caption doesn't fit the column's header.
12-05-2005 ExGantt,
*Added: Background(exSelBackColorFilter) property specifies the visual appearance for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Background(exSelForeColorFilter) property specifies the foreground color for the selection in the drop down filter window.
*Fixed: The control doesn't draw the Milestone if the DateStart and DateEnd fields are identical.
*Fixed: The Chart,Level property gives "object not found", after changing the Chart.LevelCount property.
12-02-2005 ExFileView,
*NEW: Ability to specify whether the child files or folders should be included, when the explorer is filtered.
*Added: FilterInclude property. Specifies the files or folders being included after the user applies the filter.
*Added: ColumnsAllowSizing property. Ability to resize the columns at run-time, even if the control's headerbar is not visible.
*Added: Ability to resize at run-time the drop down filter window using the mouse.
12-01-2005 ExploreBar,
*Added: <img>number[:width]</img> inserts an icon inside the cell's caption. The number indicates the index of the icon being inserted. The width is optional and indicates the width of the icon being inserted. Using the width option you can overwrite multiple icons getting a nice effect. By default, if the width field is missing, the width is 18 pixels. 
*Fixed: The group's tooltip displays _ if the group's caption includes a & character.
11-30-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Keeps the foreground color of the button when the cell is clicked and the cell's CellHasButton property is True.
*Added: HitTestInfo.exHTCellPicture value indicates the picture within the cell.
*Added: Ability to resize items at run-time, using mouse movements.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property. Retrieves or set a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
*Added: Items.ItemAllowSizing property. Specifies a value that indicates whether a user can resize an item at run-time.
11-28-2005 ExMenu,
*NEW: Ability to load properties of the control in web pages, without using BLOB data
*Added: Menu.ToString property. Saves or loads the menu from a formatted string.
*Added: Ability to copy and paste items in the WYSWYG exmenu designer.
11-25-2005 ExEdit,
*Added: Changes the cursor while dragging the cursor over a read-only control.
*Added: Advances to the next line, if the user presses ENTER in a read-only control.
*Fixed: The value for the CaretPos property is limited to the length of the caret line.
*Fixed: The value for the CaretLine property is limited to the number of lines in the text.
11-22-2005 ExRolList,
*Added: <img>number[:width]</img> inserts an icon inside the cell's caption. The number indicates the index of the icon being inserted. The width is optional and indicates the width of the icon being inserted. Using the width option you can overwrite multiple icons getting a nice effect. By default, if the width field is missing, the width is 18 pixels. 
11-19-2005 ExG2antt,
*Added: Column.Selected property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the cell in the column is selected.
*Added: Removes the print preview chart, when Chart.PaneWidth property is 0.
*Added: Limits the items area to the columns area if control draws the grid lines.
*Fixed: The control waits indetititely when DataSource property is used for two internal ActiveX controls.
11-17-2005 ExMenu,
*Added: Cursor property. Specifies the shape of the cursor when the mouse hovers the menu bar.
*Added: Item.Cursor property. Specifies the shape of the cursor when the mouse hovers the item.
*Added: Menu.Cursor property. Specifies the shape of the cursor when the mouse hovers the sub menu.
*Added: Item.EditBorder property. Specifies the border around the edit control inside the item.
*Added: EditChange event is fired when user alters the text and a new items is highlighted.
11-15-2005 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: ColumnsAllowSizing property. Ability to resize the columns at run-time, even if the control's headerbar is not visible.
*Added: Property.DropDownItems property. Specifies the maximum number of visible items in a drop down list editor.
*Added: Property.SortItems property. Sorts the list of predefined items, in a drop down list editor.
11-11-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands an item.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Removes the extra-line between items when the DrawGridLines property is exVLines.
*Added: Limits the number of characters inside the cell's tooltip to 1024 characters.
*Added: The Editor.Option(exEditLockedBackColor) property specifies the locked edit's background color.
*Added: The Editor.Option(exEditLockedForeColor) property specifies the locked edit's foreground color.
*Fixed: Scrolls the control's content while OLE drag and drop, only when required.
*Fixed: The editor is closed when the user expands a partially visible item, in a drop down type editor.
11-11-2005 ExTree,
*Added: Ability to resize items at run-time, using mouse movements.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property. Retrieves or set a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
*Added: Items.ItemAllowSizing property. Specifies a value that indicates whether a user can resize an item at run-time.
*Added: The Column.HeaderBold, HeaderItalic, HeaderStrikeOut, HeaderUnderline property affetcs the Column.HTMLCaption property
*Added: If the Column.ToolTip property is "..." (default) the column displays a tooltip when mouse hovers the column's header and its caption doesn't fit the column's header.
11-10-2005 ExComboBox,
*Added: Ability to resize items at run-time, using mouse movements.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property. Retrieves or set a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
*Added: Items.ItemAllowSizing property. Specifies a value that indicates whether a user can resize an item at run-time.
*Added: The Column.HeaderBold, HeaderItalic, HeaderStrikeOut, HeaderUnderline property affetcs the Column.HTMLCaption property
*Added: If the Column.ToolTip property is "..." (default) the column displays a tooltip when mouse hovers the column's header and its caption doesn't fit the column's header.
11-05-2005 ExGantt,
*Added: Ability to resize items at run-time, using mouse movements.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property. Retrieves or set a value that indicates whether a user can resize items at run-time.
*Added: Items.ItemAllowSizing property. Specifies a value that indicates whether a user can resize an item at run-time.
*Added: HitTestInfo.exHTCellPicture value indicates the picture within the cell.
10-31-2005 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to filter items by check state
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.Check specifies that only checked or unchecked items are displayed.
*Added: HitTestInfo.exHTCellPicture value indicates the picture within the cell.
*Fixed: The properties set at design mode are not saved, on Visual Studio 2005, C#, VB.NET, on Windows XP edititon.
*Fixed: The SelectionChanged is fired when the user expands an item that's partially visible.
10-24-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Ability to specify the starting position and the lenght of the selection when an edit control starts.
*Added: Editor.Option(exEditSelStart) property sets the starting point of text selected, when an EditType editor is opened.
*Added: Editor.Option(exEditSelLength) property sets the number of characters selected, when an EditType editor is opened.
*Added: Advances to the next column, when the TAB key is pressed in an opened drop down editor.
*Added: Items.SelectPos property. Selects an item by position.
*Added: The MemoType editor looks identichal with the EditType editor, when it contains a single line
*Fixed: The Validate event causes firing the Change event, if the field is not changed, when the CauseValidateValue property is True.
*Fixed: The properties set at design mode are not saved, on Visual Studio 2005, C#, VB.NET, on Windows XP edititon.
10-19-2005 ExG2antt,
* Initial Release
10-19-2005 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to filter items by check state
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.Check specifies that only checked or unchecked items are displayed.
*Added: Ability to hide the (All), (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) items in the drop down filter window, by setting the Description property to empty string.
*Added: Column.FilterBarDropDownWidth property specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the column.
10-17-2005 ExRecord,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the field's label, using the < img > HTML tag.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the field's label. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the field's label.
10-11-2005 ExGantt,
*Added: The control's chart area gets scrolled while the user keeps the CTRL key down and rolls the mouse wheel.
*Added: If the Column.ToolTip property is "..." (default) the column displays a tooltip when mouse hovers the column's header and its caption doesn't fit the column's header.
*Added: The Column.HeaderBold, HeaderItalic, HeaderStrikeOut, HeaderUnderline property affetcs the Column.HTMLCaption property
*Fixed: The scrollbars always reset the scroll position.
10-09-2005 ExCalc,
*Fixed: The TAB key advances to the next visible control in the form.
*Fixed: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. VS2005
10-07-2005 ExFileView,
*Added: Scrolls the files as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands a folder.
10-05-2005 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: "Undo". Pressing ESC key while editing doesn't change the property's value.
*Added: The full caption of the column is displayed when the cursor hovers the column's header, and it displayes ... ( three dots )
*Added: Avoids entering new characters to EditEnum field, while the drop down portion is hidden.
10-04-2005 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to filter items by check state
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.Check specifies that only checked or unchecked items are displayed.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Removes the extra-line between items when the DrawGridLines property is exVLines.
*Added: HitTestInfo.exHTCellPicture value indicates the picture within the cell.
*Fixed: Removes the flickering during the Refresh method, while control is running in virtual mode.
10-04-2005 ExSkin,
*Fixed: The form is hidden when the user clicks the close button.
*Fixed: The form is hidden when the user calls the Load method.
10-02-2005 ExEdit,
*NEW: Locked/Unlocked lines support
*Added: LockedLine property. Specifies whether a line is locked or unlocked. User can't edit a locked line. Acts like a readonly line.
*Added: BackColorLockedLine property. Specifies the background color for locked lines. The BackColorLockedLine property has effect only if it is not zero.
*Added: ForeColorLockedLine property. Specifies the foreground color for locked lines. The BackColorLockedLine property has effect only if it is not zero.
*Added: If the Locked property is True, the BackColorLocked line indicates the control's background color, if it is not zero. 
*Added: If the Locked property is True, the ForeColorLocked line indicates the control's foreground color, if it is not zero. 
09-29-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: If the Editor.Option(exLeftArrow,exRightArrow,exUpArrow or exDownArrow) is exHandleEditSel ( 1 ), the next cell is focused, if the user presses one of the arrow keys, and the text is fully selected. If the text is not fully selected, the left, right, down or up arrows moves the cursor inside the editor. The exHandleEditSel value has effect only for editors that displays a text box inside.
*Added: Allows starting drag and drop operation when the user clicks an opened editor.
*Added: SelectByDrag property. Specifies whether the user can select multiple items using the dragging.
*Fixed: Clicking a long text takes time to prepare the tooltip.
*Fixed: Avoids starting the editing operation, if the user selects multiple items using the mouse, or the drag and drop operation starts.
*Fixed: Avoids opening the drop portion of the editor when the owner cell's not visible ( collapsed ).
*Fixed: Sometime, the cell's caption is truncated when printing the control's content.
09-29-2005 ExHTTP,
* Initial Release
09-27-2005 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to move a node from a parent to another
*Added: Node.Parent property specifies the parent node. The get_Parent property retrieves the parent node. The put_Parent property changes the parent of the node.
09-26-2005 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the cell's caption.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the cell's caption. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the cell's caption.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTCellCaptionIcon specifies the hit test code when the cursor hovers the icons inside the cell's caption.
*Added: Limits the number of characters inside the cell's tooltip to 1024 characters.
*Added: VB\HTML\Multiple.Icons sample
09-25-2005 ExplorerTree,
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands an item.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Removes the extra-line between items when the DrawGridLines property is exVLines.
*Added: Keeps the foreground color of the button when the cell is clicked and the cell's CellHasButton property is True.
09-19-2005 ExEditors,
*Added: Option property. Specifies options for the editor.
*Fixed: Add Type suffix to all EditTypeEnum values
*Fixed: The control loses the focus when the BackColor property is called.
09-18-2005 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Partial Check ( Three Check States ) Support. Built-in checkbox relection to reflect that state of children, parents 
*Added: Column.PartialCheck property. Specifies whether the column supports the partial check feature.
*Added: Ability to specify not resizable columns when the user resizes the control, using the Column.AllowSizing property
*Added: Displays the resizing cursor between two columns, only if the column can be resized. The cursor is displayed if the Column.AllowSizing property is True, and in the right side of the column, there is at least one visible column with the Column.AllowSizing property on True.
*Added: ItemFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the item from the cursor position.
09-18-2005 ExMenu,
*Added: Item.EditWidth property. Specifies the width of the inside edit control. The property has effect if the AllowEdit property is True.
*Added: Full height line separator in the menu bar.
09-10-2005 ExCalendar,
*NEW: WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor
*Added: Template property. Specifies the control's template content. It holds a collection of properties and their values, methods and objects, into a TEXT file. The template file combines XML style with something close to VBScript.
09-08-2005 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to filter items by check state
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.Check specifies that only checked or unchecked items are displayed.
*Added: Keeps opened a text box field editor while pressing an arrow key. For instance, if you are at the end of the text and you keep pressing the up arrow key to reach the first line in the text, the editor is not closed, but if you release the key and press up arrow key again the editor is closed, and the control moves the focus to previous cell. This way you can ensure that you won't leave the field while keep the arrow key down, so you can reach starting or ending parts of the text without moving the focus to a new cell in the control.
*Fixed: The ItemDividerLine cuts the first or the last line in a multiple lines item.
*Fixed: The Up or Down arrow keys closes the multiple lines editor if breaking words are displayed. 
*Fixed: The caret is hidden in a MemoType editor, if the caption is empty, and the exMemoAutoSize is True
09-05-2005 ExRolList,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the item's caption.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the item's caption. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the item's caption. 
09-02-2005 ExButton,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the button's caption.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the button's caption. For instance, the < img >2</ img > displays the second icon in the button's caption.
09-01-2005 ExListBar,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the cell's caption.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the item's caption. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the item's caption.
09-01-2005 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the cell's caption.
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the item's caption. For instance, the < img >2< /img > displays the second icon in the item's caption.
08-30-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Resets the editor's icon when the user selects an item from a drop down list editor.
*Added: ItemFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the item from the cursor position.
*Added: ColumnFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the index of the column from the cursor position.
*Added: The buttons in a multiline grows together with the multiline
*Fixed: Aligns the caption of the editor when entering in edit mode.
*Fixed: Items.FindItemData gets 0, if the StartIndex parameter is missing.
08-29-2005 ExEdit,
*NEW: Overtype/Overstrike,Insert capability
*Added: Overtype property. Specifies whether the control is running in overtype/overstrike mode. The INSERT key toggles between overtype/overstrike and insert mode. overtype/overstrike replaces existing characters, insert adds new text where you start typing
*Added: Deletes all the lines when the Text property is set to empty string.
*Added: When no text is present initially, pressing ENTER key doesn’t create a newline 
08-29-2005 ExFileView,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: DefaultItemHeight property. Specifies the default height for files and folders ( items ).
08-29-2005 EXMLGrid,
*Added: Alt+Enter inserts a new line (only Shift+Enter) in a multi line edit field.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the Enter key advances to the next field, when a multiple line editor has the focus.
*Fixed: Pressing ESC doesn't undo changes made in a multi line edit fields.
08-29-2005 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to insert icons anywhere in the node's caption.
*Added: <img>...</img> HTML tag indicates the index of icon being inserted in the node's caption. For instance, the <img>2</img> displays the second icon in the node's caption.
08-29-2005 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands an item.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Keeps the cell's background and foreground colors, when an edit control starts.
08-28-2005 ExComboBox,
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands an item.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Removes the extra-line between items when the DrawGridLines property is exVLines.
*Added: Keeps the foreground color of the button when the cell is clicked and the cell's CellHasButton property is True.
08-28-2005 ExList,
*Added: Ability to specify not resizable columns when the user resizes the control, using the Column.AllowSizing property
*Added: Displays the resizing cursor between two columns, only if the column can be resized. The cursor is displayed if the Column.AllowSizing property is True, and in the right side of the column, there is at least one visible column with the Column.AllowSizing property on True.
*Added: ColumnFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the index of the column from the cursor position.
*Added: Restores the selected items in the column's drop down filter window.
*Added: Ignores HTML colors when an item is selected.
*Added: Keeps the foreground color of the button when the cell is clicked and the cell's CellHasButton property is True.
08-28-2005 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to filter items by check state
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.Check specifies that only checked or unchecked items are displayed.
*Added: Scrolls the child items as much as they fit the control's client area when the user expands an item.
*Added: Extends the BackColorAlternate automatically to the rest of the list, where unfilled items are displayed.
*Added: Removes the extra-line between items when the DrawGridLines property is exVLines.
*Added: Keeps the foreground color of the button when the cell is clicked and the cell's CellHasButton property is True.
08-28-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: DefaultEditorOption property. Specifies the default value for the editor's option.
*Added: Ability to specify not resizable columns when the user resizes the control, using the Column.AllowSizing property
*Added: Displays the resizing cursor between two columns, only if the column can be resized. The cursor is displayed if the Column.AllowSizing property is True, and in the right side of the column, there is at least one visible column with the Column.AllowSizing property on True.
*Added: Avoids calling the EnsureVisibleItem method during the SetParent method.
*Added: Resizes the memo editor when the exMemoHScrollBar option is set.
08-28-2005 ExplorerTree,
*Added: GroupFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the group from the cursor position.
*Added: GroupListFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the group's list from the cursor position.
*Added: ItemFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the item from the cursor position.
*Added: ColumnFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the index of the column from the cursor position.
08-28-2005 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to filter items by check state
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.Check specifies that only checked or unchecked items are displayed.
*Added: CancelCellEdit event. Occurs if the user presses ESC key or clicks outside the edit field. In previous versions, the AfterCellEdit event is fired when the user clicks outside the edit field
*Added: Resizes the drop down filter window so there is no empty area.
*Fixed: Sometime, the cell's caption is truncated when printing the control's content.
08-09-2005 ExTree,
*Added: Ability to specify not resizable columns when the user resizes the control, using the Column.AllowSizing property
*Added: Displays the resizing cursor between two columns, only if the column can be resized. The cursor is displayed if the Column.AllowSizing property is True, and in the right side of the column, there is at least one visible column with the Column.AllowSizing property on True.
*Added: ItemFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the item from the cursor position.
*Added: ColumnFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the index of the column from the cursor position.
*Fixed: The ItemDividerLine cuts the first or the last line in a multiple lines item.
08-01-2005 ExGrid,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
07-30-2005 ExGantt,
*Added: Ability to specify not resizable columns when the user resizes the control, using the Column.AllowSizing property
*Added: Displays the resizing cursor between two columns, only if the column can be resized. The cursor is displayed if the Column.AllowSizing property is True, and in the right side of the column, there is at least one visible column with the Column.AllowSizing property on True.
*Added: ItemFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the item from the cursor position.
*Added: ColumnFromPoint( -1, -1) property gets the index of the column from the cursor position.
*Added: Ignores HTML colors when an item is selected.
07-28-2005 ExList,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: ItemFromPoint( -1, -1, c, HitTestInfo) property gets the item from the cursor position.
07-19-2005 ExplorerTree,
*Added: Ignores HTML colors when an item is selected.
*Added: Restores the selected items in the column's drop down filter window.
*Added: Ability to specify not resizable columns when the user resizes the control, using the Column.AllowSizing property
*Added: Displays the resizing cursor between two columns, only if the column can be resized. The cursor is displayed if the Column.AllowSizing property is True, and in the right side of the column, there is at least one visible column with the Column.AllowSizing property on True.
07-13-2005 ExTree,
*Added: Restores the selected items in the column's drop down filter window.
*Added: Ignores HTML colors when an item is selected.
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exDateHeader, exDateTodayUp, exDateTodayDown, exDateScrollThumb, exDateScrollRange, exDateSeparatorBar, exDateSelect to change the visual appearance for the drop down calendar window.
*Added: Avoids calling the EnsureVisibleItem method during the SetParent method.
07-09-2005 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Calendar.Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: Calendar.VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Calendar.Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: CalendarCombo.Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: CalendarCombo.VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: CalendarCombo.Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: Calendar.ShowNonMonthDays property. Specifies whether the control displays the dates that are not part of the month.
*Added: CalendarCombo.ShowNonMonthDays property. Specifies whether the control displays the dates that are not part of the month.
07-07-2005 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: Ignores HTML colors when an item is selected.
*Added: Avoids calling the EnsureVisibleItem method during the SetParent method.
07-22-2005 ExButton,
*Added: The control works on eDeveloper container.
*Fixed: The control's shape is not shown in VFP container, on design mode, on design mode.
*Fixed: Reduces the number of GDI objects being used.
07-22-2005 ExCalc,
*Added: The control works on eDeveloper container.
07-01-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Restores the selected items in the column's drop down filter window.
*Added: Ignores HTML colors when an item is selected.
*Added: Avoids refreshing the entire control when the MarkSearchColumn property is False.
*Added: Alt+Enter inserts a new line (only Shift+Enter) in a multi line edit field.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the Enter key advances to the next field, when a multiple line editor has the focus.
*Fixed: Pressing ESC doesn't undo changes made in a multi line edit fields.
*Fixed: The hot spot for hand cursor moved from 0,0 to 6,0
06-29-2005 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor
*Added: Template property. Specifies the control's template content. It holds a collection of properties and their values, methods and objects, into a TEXT file. The template file combines XML style with something close to VBScript.
*Added: EditTypeEnum.EditFile property. The EditFile field provides a button to select a file using the common open file dialog.
*Added: EditTypeEnum.EditFolder property. The EditFolder field provides a button to select a folder.
*Added: Draws the font appearance for the EditFont properties, like for EditFontName properties.
06-28-2005 ExFileView,
*NEW: WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor
*Added: Template property. Specifies the control's template content. It holds a collection of properties and their values, methods and objects, into a TEXT file. The template file combines XML style with something close to VBScript.
*Added: StopSearch method invokes the Search( EndSearching ) event.
*Added: Get(VisibleItems) property gets the list of items as they are displayed.
*Added: Appearance property. Specifies the control's appearance.
*Added: IncludeFolderFilter property. Retrieves or sets a wild character expression that indicates the folders being included.
*Added: ExcludeFolderFilter property. Retrieves or sets a wild character expression that indicates the folders being excluded.
*Fixed: Files.Get method specifies multiple patterns separated by ' ' ( space ) character.
06-28-2005 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: Double click an EditFontName property selects the next available font. If the CTRL key is pressed while clicking the property the previous available font is selected.
*Added: Double click an EditDate property selects the next date ( next day ). If the CTRL key is pressed while clicking the property the previous date is selected.
*Added: Double click a drop down property selects the next predefined value. If the CTRL key is pressed while clicking the property the previous predfined value is selected.
*Added: Remove method removes recursively the properties.
*Fixed: The application throws an exception if the application links two or more sink objects to the control's events interface.
*Fixed: Unable to select a color on the ColorType editor when the mouse is set for a left-handed.
06-27-2005 ExRecord,
*Added: Alt+Enter inserts a new line (only Shift+Enter) in a multi line edit field.
*Fixed: In MS Access, the Enter key advances to the next field, when a multiple line editor has the focus.
*Fixed: Pressing ESC doesn't undo changes made in a multi line edit fields.
*Fixed: Unable to select a color on the ColorType editor when the mouse is set for a left-handed.
06-23-2005 ExGantt,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added Selectable bars. When a bar is selected it also selects the current list item that the bar is associated with
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarHAlignCaption Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the caption inside the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarVAlignCaption Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment of the caption inside the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarToolTip Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment of the caption inside the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarBackColor Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment of the caption inside the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarForeColor Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the vertical alignment of the caption inside the bar.
06-21-2005 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to specify not selectable items
*Added: Items.SelectableItem( hItem ) as Boolean. Specifies whether the user can select the item.
*Added: Column.FilterBarDropDownWidth property specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the column.
*Fixed: The scrolled column line shows at the back of the locked column, if the CountLockedColumns property is not 0.
06-21-2005 ExMenu,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Fixed: The control gains the focus when the cursor hovers the menu bar.
06-20-2005 ExComboBox,
*Added: Column.FilterBarDropDownWidth property specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the column.
*Added: "Exontrol.ComboBox" prefix to all internal window classes.
*Added: Ability to hide the (All), (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) items in the drop down filter window, by setting the Description property to empty string.
*Fixed: The scrolled column line shows at the back of the locked column, if the CountLockedColumns property is not 0.
06-20-2005 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: Fires the BeforeExpandItem event when the user searches for an item by typing characters, if the ExpandOnSearch property is True, Items.ItemHasChildren property is True.
*Fixed: The scrolled column line shows at the back of the locked column, if the Group.CountLockedColumns property is not 0.
06-19-2005 ExRolList,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on. 
06-18-2005 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Fixed: Avoids scrolling the control's content when the user selects the node by code.
06-17-2005 ExListBar,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies the visual appearance for some parts in the control.
06-17-2005 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
06-14-2005 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Fixed: Unable to select a color on the ColorType editor when the mouse is set for a left-handed.
*Added: VC\DragDrop sample
06-12-2005 ExTree,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part ) ( Check the VB\VC\...Template samples )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
06-11-2005 ExTree,
*Added: Column.FilterBarDropDownWidth property specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the column.
*Added: Ability to hide the (All), (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) items in the drop down filter window, by setting the Description property to empty string.
06-10-2005 ExGrid,
*NEW: Multi-Column Sort support. 
*Added: SingleSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports sorting by single or multiple columns.
*Added: SortBarVisible property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether control's sort bar is visible or hidden.
*Added: SortBarHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the height of the control's sort bar.
*Added: SortBarCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the control's sort bar when no columns are sorted.
*Added: SortBarColumnWidth property. Specifies the maximum width a column can be in the control's sort bar.
*Added: BackColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's background color.
*Added: BackColorSortBarCaption property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the caption's background color in the control's sort bar.
*Added: ForeColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's foreground color.
*Added: Column.AllowSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the user can sort the column by clicking the column's header.
*Added: Column.SortPosition property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the position of the column in the sorting columns collection.
*Added: Columns.ItemBySortPosition property. Returns a Column object giving its sorting position.
*Added: Sort event. Fired when the control sorts a column.
*Added: Editor.DropDown method invokes the Edit method first, else the editor will not show its drop down portion.
*Fixed: Unable to select a color on the ColorType editor when the mouse is set for a left-handed.
06-07-2005 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Ability to highlight the non-working days.
*Added: Calendar.NonworkingDays property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working days, for each week day a bit.
*Added: Calendar.NonworkingDaysPattern property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the pattern being used to fill non-working days.
*Added: Calendar.NonworkingDaysColor property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to fill the non-working days.
*Added: CalendarCombo.NonworkingDays property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working days, for each week day a bit.
*Added: CalendarCombo.NonworkingDaysPattern property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the pattern being used to fill non-working days.
*Added: CalendarCombo.NonworkingDaysColor property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to fill the non-working days.
06-07-2005 ExFileView,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: NET\VB\ExpandFolders sample
*Added: VFP\ExPropertiesList sample
*Added: VB\ExPropertiesList sample
*Added: VC\ExPropertiesList sample
06-06-2005 ExGantt,
* Initial Release
05-30-2005 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Ability to specify not selectable dates.
*Added: Event.Disabled property. Specifies whether the event is disabled or enabled.
*Added: FocusChanged event. Notifies whether the user focus a new date.
*Added: Calendar.FocusDate property. Retrieves or sets the focused date.
*Added: Expands the space for the name of the month in the header, if the year and the month selectors are missing.
05-26-2005 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Multi-Column Sort support. 
*Added: SingleSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports sorting by single or multiple columns.
*Added: SortBarVisible property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether control's sort bar is visible or hidden.
*Added: SortBarHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the height of the control's sort bar.
*Added: SortBarCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the control's sort bar when no columns are sorted.
*Added: SortBarColumnWidth property. Specifies the maximum width a column can be in the control's sort bar.
*Added: BackColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's background color.
*Added: BackColorSortBarCaption property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the caption's background color in the control's sort bar.
*Added: ForeColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's foreground color.
*Added: Column.AllowSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the user can sort the column by clicking the column's header.
*Added: Column.SortPosition property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the position of the column in the sorting columns collection.
*Added: Columns.ItemBySortPosition property. Returns a Column object giving its sorting position.
*Added: Sort event. Fired when the control sorts a column.
05-25-2005 ExList,
*Added: Column.Def(exCellBackColor) property. Specifies the background color for cells in the column.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellForeColor) property. Specifies the foreground color for cells in the column.
*Added: SelStart property. Returns or sets the starting point of text selected; indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected.
*Added: SelLength property. Returns or sets the number of characters selected.
*Added: Ability to hide the (All), (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) items in the drop down filter window, by setting the Description property to empty string.
05-23-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Ability to hide the (All), (Blanks) and (NonBlanks) items in the drop down filter window, by setting the Description property to empty string.
*Added: Column.FilterBarDropDownWidth property specifies the width of the drop down filter window proportionally with the width of the column.
*Added: Resizes the MemoType editor so it covers always the cell.
*Added: Sets the column's editor to CheckValueType when binding ( DataSource ) to a boolean ( Yes/No ) column. 
*Fixed: Changes the cell's value to a boolean value when the user clicks the cell's CheckValueType editor.
*Fixed: Restores the selected items, when the user cancels selecting multiple items.
*Fixed: The scrolled column line shows at the back of the locked column, if the CountLockedColumns property is not 0.
05-20-2005 ExEdit,
*Added: Searches down the text from the beginning of the selection.
*Added: Searches up the text from the end of the selection.
*Fixed: Can't delete typed <, or > character when the EditType property is exHTML.
*Fixed: An extra line is inserted if pasting a text that begins with CRLF sequence at the beginning of the line.
*Fixed: The last CRLF sequence is ignored when using the Text property.
05-13-2005 ExTree,
*Added: SortTypeEnum.SortUserDataString type. Ability to sort the Items.CellData values as strings.
*Added: Allows specifying the SelStart and SelLenght properties anywhere in the code.
*Fixed: The scrolled column line shows at the back of the locked column, if the CountLockedColumns property is not 0.
05-04-2005 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to specify not selectable items
*Added: Items.SelectableItem property. Specifies whether the user can select the item.
*Added: Displays the custom expand buttons in drop down editors.
*Added: SortTypeEnum.SortCellDataString type. Ability to sort the Items.CellSortData values as strings.
*Rebuild all configurations.
05-04-2005 ExTab,
*Help: Updated
*Added: Ability to host the exTab inside the VB UserControl, by implementing the ICLeft property
05-03-2005 ExplorerBar,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Item.Visible property. Specifies whether an item is visible within a group.
04-28-2005 ExMaskEdit,
*Fixed: Calling the Unload Me during the KeyDown event is not safe.
04-27-2005 ExComboBox,
*Added: Column.Def(exCellBackColor) property. Specifies the background color for cells in the column.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellForeColor) property. Specifies the foreground color for cells in the column.
*Added: SortTypeEnum.SortUserData type. Ability to sort the Items.CellData values as numbers.
*Added: SortTypeEnum.SortUserDataString type. Ability to sort the Items.CellData values as strings.
*Fixed: Shares the common resources for all instances in the same process.
04-26-2005 ExList,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Specifies the Items.Caption property during the AddItem event.
*Added: ItemFromPoint property retrieves the hit test code too.
*Added: NET\Template sample.
04-15-2005 ExFileView,
*Added: Option(exHideFileExtensionsForKnownFileTypes) property. Hides the three-letter file-name extensions for certain files, reducing clutter in folder windows.
*Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
04-14-2005 ExEdit,
*NEW: Breaks the line when printing the control using the exPrint component.
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: ExPrint.Option("break: |#") specifies that ' ', '|' or '#' character breaks the line when it doesn't fit in the page.
*Added: ID_EDIT_INCREMENTALSEARCH command shows the "Incremental Search" bar.
04-13-2005 ExMenu,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Debug property. Displays the identifier for the items.
04-12-2005 ExInbox,
*Added: vb\AntiSpam sample
04-11-2005 ExComboBox,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Fires the BeforeExpandItem event when the user searches for an item by typing characters, if the ExpandOnSearch property is True, Items.ItemHasChildren property is True.
*Added: Avoids closing the drop down portion of the control when the user resizes it.
*Fixed: Invalidates the control's label area when the user removes the selected item.
04-08-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: Column.Def(exCellBackColor) property. Specifies the background color for cells in the column.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellForeColor) property. Specifies the foreground color for cells in the column.
*Added: The control's Font property specifies the font for items in a drop down type editors like DropDownType, DropDownListType, CheckListType, PickEditType, ColorListType
*Added: Adjusts the height of the item into a drop down editor, based on the DefaultItemHeight property.
*Fixed: Double clicking a drop down editor with DropDownVisible property on False, opens the drop down portion of the editor.
04-08-2005 ExOrgChart,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
04-07-2005 ExListBar,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Item.Visible property. Specifies whether an item is visible within a group.
04-05-2005 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to specify not selectable items
*Added: Items.SelectableItem property. Specifies whether the user can select the item.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellBackColor) property. Specifies the background color for cells in the column.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellForeColor) property. Specifies the foreground color for cells in the column.
*Added: Fires the BeforeExpandItem event when the user searches for an item by typing characters, if the ExpandOnSearch property is True, Items.ItemHasChildren property is True.
04-04-2005 EXMLGrid,
*Added: The control's Font property specifies the font for items in a drop down type editors like DropDownType, DropDownListType, CheckListType, PickEditType, ColorListType
*Added: Adjusts the height of the item into a drop down editor, based on the NodeHeight property.
*Added: Shows the drop dowp picture editor when user presses the ENTER key.
*Fixed: Aligns the values for the cells, when the edit operation starts,
03-31-2005 ExplorerBar,
*Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
*Added: VC|VB|NET|VFP\Template samples
03-25-2005 ExList,
*NEW: Multi-Column Sort support. 
*Added: SingleSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports sorting by single or multiple columns.
*Added: SortBarVisible property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether control's sort bar is visible or hidden.
*Added: SortBarHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the height of the control's sort bar.
*Added: SortBarCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the control's sort bar when no columns are sorted.
*Added: SortBarColumnWidth property. Specifies the maximum width a column can be in the control's sort bar.
*Added: BackColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's background color.
*Added: BackColorSortBarCaption property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the caption's background color in the control's sort bar.
*Added: ForeColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's foreground color.
*Added: Column.AllowSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the user can sort the column by clicking the column's header.
*Added: Column.SortPosition property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the position of the column in the sorting columns collection.
*Added: Columns.ItemBySortPosition property. Returns a Column object giving its sorting position.
*Added: Sort event. Fired when the control sorts a column.
03-24-2005 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to specify non selectable items
*Added: Items.SelectableItem( hItem ) as Boolean. Specifies whether the user can select the item.
*Added: Changes the label's background color to COLOR_3DFACE if the control's Locked property is True and Style property is Simple or DropDownList.
*Added: Specifies the Items.CellCaption property during the InsertItem event.
*Added: Hides the incremental searching text once that a new item is selected or when the drop down portion of the control is hidden.
*Added: Firing the KeyDown, KeyUp events when an ALT combination keys is pressed.
*Added: Draws the connection between the parent item and its first child item if the height of the item is larger than the height of the cell's caption. Check the Items.CellVAlignment propery.
*Added: Extends the +/- signs hit test area to let the users expand items easier.
03-21-2005 ExEMail,
*Added: Removing duplicate recipients when sending the message to multiple recipients
*Fixed: Removing the BCC field when sending the message to multiple recipients.
03-17-2005 ExEdit,
*Added: IME support ( Input Method Editor ) ( available for the ANSI version, too )
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Added: Adds the CF_UNICODETEXT format when copying the selected text to the clipboard, for the UNICODE version.
*Added: The TAB key navigates to the next visible control in the form, if the control is read-only, no matter what's the value for the UseTabKey property.
*Added: NET\C#.Sample
*Added: NET\Template
*Added: VFP\Template
*Added: VFP\Sample
*Fixed: In VC++ dialog, the control doesn't show the caret, if the control is focused when the dialog starts.
03-17-2005 ExGrid,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Fires the BeforeExpandItem event when the user searches for an item by typing characters, if the ExpandOnSearch property is True, Items.ItemHasChildren property is True.
*Added: NET\Template sample. Running the default template, in c#
*Added: VC\Split.Cells sample. Spliting cells in VC++
*Added: VFP\VirtualItems sample. Running the virtual mode on VFP 9.0.
*Added: Delphi\VirtualItems sample. Running the virtual mode on Delphi.
*Fixed: If the SingleSel property is False, the SelectionChanged event is fired before unselecting an item using the CTRL key, so the Items.SelectCount property gives a previous value.
03-09-2005 ExInbox,
*Added: Execute method fails to delete a message using the DELE command
03-09-2005 ExTree,
*Help: Updated
*Help: Adding VB, VC++, VB.NET, C# and VFP syntax in the help file.
*Added: Specifies the Items.CellCaption property during the AddItem event.
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Added: Scrolls the control's content item by item when rotating the wheel, if the ScrollBySingleLine property is True.
*Added: Draws the connection between the parent item and its first child item if the height of the item is larger than the height of the cell's caption. Check the Items.CellVAlignment propery.
*Added: NET\Sort sample
*Added: NET\Template sample
*Added: VFP\Sort sample
03-02-2005 ExplorerTree,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Added: Draws the connection between the parent item and its first child item if the height of the item is larger than the height of the cell's caption.
*Added: Specifies the Items.CellValue property during the AddItem event.
*Added: VC\ADO sample
02-24-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: ReadOnly property of ReadOnlyEnum type. Includes the exLocked property that allows buttons being visible while control is read only.
*Added: Draws the connection between the parent item and its first child item if the height of the item is larger than the height of the cell's caption. Check the Items.CellVAlignment propery.
*Added: Removes flickering when the user starts selecting multiple items using the mouse.
*Added: Moves the focus to the next/previous visible cell, if the user presses the TAB/SHIFT + TAB key while editing.
*Added: Specifies the Items.CellValue property during the AddItem event.
*Added: VFP\VirtualMode sample.
*Fixed: ValidateValue event is called twice if the user presses an arrow key.
*Updat: Help file.
02-21-2005 ExList,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Added: Reduces the GDI resources when multiple instances are in the same form, by sharing common resources
02-18-2005 ExButton,
*Added: Image property can take IPictureDisp objects.
02-18-2005 ExCalendar,
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of Calendar.KeyDown, Calendar.KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of Calendar.KeyPress event passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of CalendarCombo.KeyDown, CalendarCombo.KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of CalendarCombo.KeyPress event passed by reference.
02-18-2005 ExMenu,
*Added: The OpenPopup event allows dynamically show or hide, enable or disable menu items based on conditions,
*Added: Updates the identifiers ten by ten in the design mode.
02-18-2005 ExPopupMenu,
*Fixed: VFP sample
02-16-2005 ExOrgChart,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Fixed: The Copy method copies the icons larger than the normal size ( EMF format ).
02-15-2005 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: KeyDown event. Occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.
*Added: KeyUp event. Occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
*Fixed: The properties of an EditObject item is shown twice when expanding the parent item.
02-12-2005 ExComboBox,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
02-12-2005 ExEditors,
*Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
02-12-2005 ExEMail,
*Added: Version property. Specifies the control's version.
*Added: Gets the list of local DNS servers using the IPHLPAPI.DLL file, if it's installed.
*Added: VB\Express sample saves the information to a file.
02-12-2005 ExLookupNS,
*Added: Gets the list of local DNS servers using the IPHLPAPI.DLL file, if it's installed.
02-12-2005 EXMLGrid,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*UpD: VC samples
02-11-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Added: Allows specifying an empty date using the Editor.CellValue property.
*Added: Calling the ValidateValue event when user presses CTRL + ESC key.
*Added: Ensures that the selected predefined item is visible, when the drop down portion of the editor is shown.
*Fixed: The UNICODE version of the control doesn't change the order of the items when sorting by string.
*Fixed: Calling the Items.UnsplitCell method during the Change event is not safe, if the focused cell contains an own editor ( Items.CellEditor property )
*Fixed: Refreshes the control's content when the user expands an item, and the BackColorAlternate property is not zero.
02-11-2005 ExRecord,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Fixed: Calling the Unload Me statement is not safe during the ButtonClick event.
02-09-2005 ExFileView,
*Added: If the CTRL key is pressed while rotating the mouse wheel, the control scrolls horizontally its content.
*Fixed: Leak memory.
02-08-2005 ExList,
*Added: Highlights the selected items only if the SelBackColor and BackColor properties are different and SelForeColor and ForeColor properties are different.
*Added: Selects the items from the first item to the item from the cursor, when user clicks a list with no selected items and SingleSel property is False.
02-07-2005 ExTree,
*NEW: Multi-Column Sort support. 
*Added: SingleSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the control supports sorting by single or multiple columns.
*Added: SortBarVisible property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether control's sort bar is visible or hidden.
*Added: SortBarHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the height of the control's sort bar.
*Added: SortBarCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the control's sort bar when no columns are sorted.
*Added: SortBarColumnWidth property. Specifies the maximum width a column can be in the control's sort bar.
*Added: BackColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's background color.
*Added: BackColorSortBarCaption property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the caption's background color in the control's sort bar.
*Added: ForeColorSortBar property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the sort bar's foreground color.
*Added: Column.AllowSort property. Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the user can sort the column by clicking the column's header.
*Added: Column.SortPosition property. Returns or sets a value that indicates the position of the column in the sorting columns collection.
*Added: Columns.ItemBySortPosition property. Returns a Column object giving its sorting position.
*Added: Sort event. Fired when the control sorts a column.
02-03-2005 ExTree,
*Added: A locked item may host an ActiveX control using the InsertControlItem method.
*Added: Highlights the selected items only if the SelBackColor and BackColor properties are different and SelForeColor and ForeColor properties are different.
*Added: Selects the items from the first item to the item from the cursor, when user clicks a list with no selected items and SingleSel property is False.
02-02-2005 ExEdit,
*Added: IME support ( Input Method Editor ) ( available only for the UNICODE version )
*Added: GetSelection method. Retrieves the coordinates of the selection.
*Added: SetSelection method. Selects the text giving the start and end coordinates.
*Fixed: The text is not inserted when drag and drop, if the control's content is empty.
02-02-2005 ExMaskEdit,
*Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
*Fixed: If the MaskFloat property is True, the Text doesn't replace the editors text whith the given string but appends it
02-02-2005 ExTab,
*Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
*Fixed: Small adjustment for the XP style, when TabAutoResize property is True.
01-28-2005 ExRecord,
* Initial Release
01-11-2005 ExGrid,
*Added: CauseValidateValue property. Returns or sets a value that determines whether the ValidateValue event occurs before the user changes the cell's value.
*Added: ValidateValue( Item, ColIndex, NewValue, Cancel ) event. Occurs before user changes the cell's value.
*Added: FullRowSelect property of CellSelectEnum type. Enables rectangle selection in the control.
*Added: Column.Selected property. Specifies whether the cell in the column is selected.
*Added: Ability to initiate selecting a range of cells by clicking in the right side of the cell, if its caption exceeds the cell's client area.
*Added: Highlights the selected items only if the SelBackColor and BackColor properties are different and SelForeColor and ForeColor properties are different.
*Fixed: The Items.CellHAlignment property can't center a divided cell if the TreeColumnIndex property is -1.
01-18-2005 ExComboBox,
*Added: LabelHeight property can be changed at runtime.
*Added: AdjustSearchColumn property. Returns or sets a property that indicates whether the SearchColumnIndex could point to a hidden column. 
*Added: Highlights the selected items only if the SelBackColor and BackColor properties are different and SelForeColor and ForeColor properties are different.