The movie illustrates how the ExGantt/JS can manage and adjust resource usage:

For instance, when a task necessitates the allocation of particular resources, the target control can be configured to display detailed information about how these resources are being utilized. To ensure that the resource data remains consistent across different parts of the system, you can employ the PutRes method to synchronize the source control with the target control. This synchronization mechanism ensures that any modifications made in the source control--such as updates to resource data, allocation adjustments, or changes in status--are automatically reflected in the target control. Conversely, any alterations made in the target control will also be communicated back to the source control, maintaining an up-to-date and accurate representation of resource usage in both controls.

The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/COM component

The Exontrol's ExGraph component is a versatile tool designed to meet the diverse needs of data visualization. With support for numerous chart types, it empowers users to represent their data in various formats, from simple line charts to complex radar charts, all within the same view. In addition to its extensive charting capabilities, our graph control offers seamless printing and print preview functionality, ensuring that users can easily generate hard copies of their charts with precision and clarity. The exGraph library lets the user changes its visual appearance using skins, each one providing an additional visual experience that enhances viewing pleasure.

The following movie shows the first look of the newly eXGraph/JS component

ExGraph/JS is a component that offers excellent graphical data visualization. It has many different types and styles of charts. Easy to use, zoom, resize, scroll, overview, legend, cursor view, owner-draw, numerous chart types to different axes in the same view, multiple views, and much more are features of the ExGraph/JS package. The ExGraph/JS is a HTML standalone-component, written in JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries. The version of eXGraph for /COM, /NET and /WPF will be available in the near future.

The following movie shows the Predecessor/Successor feature

Tasks may have multiple predecessors or multiple successors. Before you begin establishing dependencies, it's important to understand that there are four types: Finish to Start (FS), the predecessor ends before the successor can begin, Start to Start (SS), the predecessor begins before the successor can begin, Finish to Finish (FF), the predecessor ends before the successor can end, Start to Finish (SF), the predecessor begins before the successor can end. The Predecessor/Successor columns show the bar's predecessor/successor based on its incoming/outgoing links. The control allows you to highlight the selected link, to add or remove the links based on the dependencies you type.

The following movie shows the expandable HTML caption feature

The expandable-captions allow you to expand(show)/collapse(hide) different information using "<a ;exp=>" or "<a ;e64=>" anchor ex-HTML tag. The exp/e64 field of the anchor stores the information to show once the user collapses/expands the caption. Any ex-HTML caption can be transformed to an expandable-caption, by inserting the anchor ex-HTML tag. For instance, "<solidline><b>Header</b></solidline><br>Line1<r><a ;exp=show lines>+</a><br>Line2<br>Line3" shows the Header in underlined and bold on the first line and Line1, Line2, Line3 on the rest. The "show lines" is shown instead of Line1, Line2, Line3 once the user clicks the + sign. The feature will be available for almost all components that provide the AnchorClick event, such as eXSwimlane, eXSurface, eXHTML, eXG2antt, and so on (/COM, /NET, /WPF and Javascript as well)

changes and additions for 2007, so far

12-18-2007 EXOTool, ( initial release )
The EXOTool application allows quickly create Organigrams and much more. An organigram generally provides a clear picture of the hierarchical position of the various actors. The EXO tool shows a hierarchical display of nodes, each one having an HTML caption, pictures and icons aligned to any side of the node
12-17-2007 ExTree,
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Fixed: Items.IsItemVisible property retrieves 1 instead -1 which means True
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++.
12-13-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Added: Expands automatically the item from the cursor while performing OLE Drag and Drop operations and the cursor hovers the expand/collapse button
*Added: The HasButtonsCustom property may draw the +/- ( expand/collapse ) buttons using EBN files.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemItalic, Items.ItemStrikeOut and Items.ItemUnderline properties overrides the variables Italic, Strikeout and Underline of the Items.ItemFont property.
12-10-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: IncrementalSearch property specifies whether the incremental search feature looks for starting of the property or if it contains the typed characters.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom property supports EBN files, so you can define the +/- expanding buttons using EBN files.
*Fixed: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
12-05-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to define bars that are shown together in the same area ( percent bars )
*Added: Chart.Bars.Add("A%B") method adds a new bar that's a combination of two existing bars A and B so the first bar A is displayed on the full area of the bar, since the second bar B uses the Items.ItemBar(,,exBarPercent) value to determine the percent of the area from the full bar to be painted. For instance, the Chart.Bars.Add("Task%Progress") adds a combination of Task and Progress bars, so the Task shape is displayed on the full bar, and the Progress shape is displayed only in the portion determined by the Items.ItemBar(,,exBarPercent) value. This option helps you to display proportionally the second shape when the user resizes or moves the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarPercent value specifies the percent to display the progress on the bar. This value should be between -1 an 1. If the the value is negative, the percent is displayed as text in the bar
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarPercentCaptionFormat specifies the HTML format to be displayed as percent. 
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarShowPercentCaption specifies whether the percent is displayed as caption on the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarAlignPercentCaption specifies the alignment of the percent caption on the bar. 
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarCanResizePercent specifies whether the user can resize the percent at runtime.
*Added: Bar.Shortcut property specifies a value that indicates a shortcut for the current bar.
*Fixed: The MouseUp/RClick event ( instead MouseDown event ) is fired when the user presses the right mouse button, while the control is in edit mode.
12-01-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to define bars that are shown together in the same area ( percent bars )
*Added: Chart.Bars.Add("A%B") method adds a new bar that's a combination of two existing bars A and B so the first bar A is displayed on the full area of the bar, since the second bar B uses the Items.ItemBar(,,exBarPercent) value to determine the percent of the area from the full bar to be painted. For instance, the Chart.Bars.Add("Task%Progress") adds a combination of Task and Progress bars, so the Task shape is displayed on the full bar, and the Progress shape is displayed only in the portion determined by the Items.ItemBar(,,exBarPercent) value. This option helps you to display proportionally the second shape when the user resizes or moves the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarPercent value specifies the percent to display the progress on the bar. This value should be between -1 an 1. If the the value is negative, the percent is displayed as text in the bar
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarPercentCaptionFormat specifies the HTML format to be displayed as percent. 
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarShowPercentCaption specifies whether the percent is displayed as caption on the bar.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarAlignPercentCaption specifies the alignment of the percent caption on the bar. 
*Added: Bar.Shortcut property specifies a value that indicates a shortcut for the current bar.
11-30-2007 ExplorerTree,
*Added: The BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListTop and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBottom visual effects are applied on the target control ( not only on the source control ), when performing OLE drag and drop operation.
*Added: The ExpandShortcut event is fired when the user resizes the shortcut bar.
*Added: ShortcutFromPoint property retrieves the shortcut from the cursor.
*Added: AutoScrollBar property specifies whether the control adds the vertical scroll bar if required. 
*Fixed: Mouse events are not fired while the cursor hovers the control's shortcut bar
11-29-2007 ExScrollBar,
*Added: CaptionIndentX property. Indents the caption of the part on X axis.
*Added: CaptionIndentY property. Indents the caption of the part on Y axis.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
11-29-2007 ExCalendar,
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/32/2007# indicates the December 31, 2007
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
11-23-2007 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to arrange the child nodes as a tree.
*Added: ArrangeSiblingEnum.exTree value specifies whether the child nodes are arranged as a tree/hierarchy. Each child node is indented relative to its parent
*Added: IndentChild property retrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child nodes are indented relative to their parent nodes.
*Added: IndentSiblingX property specifies the horizontal distance, in pixels between two siblings node.
*Added: IndentSiblingY property specifies the vertical distance, in pixels between two siblings node.
*Added: Increases the node's space to let the +/- buttons being displayed without interupting the caption of the node.
11-22-2007 ExThumbnail, ( initial release)
The Exontrol's exThumbnail component provides thumbnail views for your files. Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures, used to make it easier to scan and recognize them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words.
11-21-2007 ExGrid,
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListOver and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBetween values specifies the visual effect while performing OLE drag and drop operations when the cursor is over or between items.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBetween value indicates whether the cursor is between two items.
*Added: The BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListTop and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBottom visual effects are applied on the target control ( not only on the source control ), when performing OLE drag and drop operation.
*Added: Scrolls faster the control while performing OLE drag and drop operations, while cursor is keeping in the same place for longer time. 
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
11-19-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to draw right-to-left for RTL languages
*Added: RightToLeft property indicates whether the component should draw right-to-left for RTL languages.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two 
sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
11-15-2007 ExList,
*Added: ScrollPartCaptionAlignment property specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: The ConditionalFormat.Font property doesn't change the specified font for items or cells where it should apply
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++.
11-13-2007 ExG2antt,
*Added: Allows displaying the original icon ( added using the Chart.Bars.AddShapeCorner method ), if the Bar.StartColor/Bar.EndColor is -1
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: Saves/Loads the Chart.Label, Chart.LabelToolTip values and COlumn.SortType to/from XML, using the SaveXML/LoadXML methods.
*Fixed: If the Chart.FirstWeekDay is exMonday, t The week number (%ww%) is calculated based on the ISO8601 date/time format, else the week number is calculated as January 1st indicates the first week of the year.
11-12-2007 ExButton,
*NEW: The Windows Explorer displays EBN files when Thumbnails is selected.
*Added: The Exontrol's eXButton is a shell extension that can displays the EBN files in your windows explorer view as thumbnails or icons too.
*Added: 291 EBN files.
11-06-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to define bars that split when non-working areas are shown ( split bars )
*Added: Chart.Bars.Add("A:B") method adds a new bar that's a combination of two existing bars A and B so the first bar A is displayed on the working area, and the second bar B is displayed for non-working areas. For instance, the Chart.Bars.Add("Task:Split") adds a combination of Task and Split bars, so the Task is displayed in working area, and the Split bar is displayed in the non-working area. If the : character is found in the Name parameter of the Add method, the pair (A:B) indicates that the A is the name of the bar being painted in working area, and B is the name of the bar being displayed in the non-working area. 
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
11-05-2007 ExStatusBar,
*NEW: Ability to insert ActiveX controls to any panel
*Added: OleEvent event notifies your application whether an inside control fires an event.
*Added: Panel.ControlID specifies the identifier of the component being shown in the panel.
*Added: Panel.License specifies the runtime license of the control being shown in the panel.
*Added: Panel.Object retrieves the inside ActiveX control
11-05-2007 ExMenu,
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during OleEvent event can not be changed.
11-05-2007 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to use anchor elements in HTML cells.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
11-01-2007 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's vertical scroll bar
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
*Fixed: The vertical scroll bar is functional but not visible, if the Appearance property points to an EBN file.
10-31-2007 ExStatusBar, ( initial release)
The Exontrol's ExStatusBar component provides statusbar panels to your forms. The statusbar is a component (widget) often found at the bottom of windows in a graphical user interface. It is very frequently divided into sections, each of which shows different information.
10-30-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Added: The HasButtonsCustom property may draw the +/- ( expand/collapse ) buttons using EBN files.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
*Fixed: The Items.ItemItalic, Items.ItemStrikeOut and Items.ItemUnderline properties overrides the variables Italic, Strikeout and Underline of the Items.ItemFont property.
10-24-2007 ExLabel,
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
*Added: The x-script supports dates as #12/31/2007 10:00# indicates the December 31, 2007, 10:00
10-24-2007 ExToolTip,
*Added: The HTML captions handles the glyph characters as follows: &amp ( & ), &lt ( < ), &gt ( > ), &qout ( " ), &#number. For instance, the &#8364 displays the EUR character, in UNICODE configuration. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a known letter or a `#' and a digit.
10-23-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*Chang: Clicking the Today button, in EditDate built-in editor, selects the date, instead browsing the current month.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the selected and previously selected date in the drop down window appears on the screen, when the user ends editing a DateType editor
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
*Fixed: The color properties get displayed as truncated
10-22-2007 ExOrgChart,
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Fixed: On Delphi, the "Floating point division by zero." exception occurs when the cursor hovers the node, if the chart is magnified, using the Zoom properties.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
10-20-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to magnify/zoom the chart at run-time.
*Added: Chart.AllowOverviewZoom property specifies whether the user can resize the chart at run-time.
*Added: Chart.OverviewZoomCaption property specifies the captions for each zooming areas.
*Added: Chart.OverviewZoomUnit property indicates the width in pixels of the zooming area in the overview.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the arrows ( of the links ) are not hidden when performing quick scroll.
10-18-2007 ExGrid,
*Added: Items.FindItem property searches case sensitive only if the ASCIIUppert property is empty.
*Fixed: When the FullRowSelect property is exRectSel the Items.ItemBackColor or BackColorAlternate is not applied to the selected item.
*Fixed: Selects the cell being clicked when the FullRowSelect property is exRectSel or exColumnSel and SingleSel property is False
*Fixed: Avoids scrolling the window while the BackColorAlternate is applying
*Fixed: The control can's scroll up during OLE drag and drop operations.
10-16-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to zoom the chart by right clicking the overview area.
*Added: Chart.AllowOverviewZoom property specifies whether the user can resize the chart by right clicking the overview area.
*Added: Chart.OverviewZoomUnit property indicates the width in pixels of the zooming area in the overview.
*Added: Chart.OverviewZoomCaption property specifies the captions for each zooming areas.
*Added: Saves/Loads the Chart.Bars collection, Chart.Label and Chart.LabelToolTip values to/from XML, using the SaveXML/LoadXML methods.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
10-15-2007 ExList,
*NEW: Filter-On-Type feature allows filtering a column while you type characters in the drop down filter window.
*Added: Column.FilterOnType property filters the column as the user types characters in the drop down filter window. The property filters for items that starts with, or contains the typed characters based on the Column.AutoSearch property.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: ItemsAllowSizing property specifies a value that indicates whether the user can resize a specified item or all items.
10-11-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
10-10-2007 ExRolList,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.or from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tool
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier of the anchor from the specified coordinates
10-08-2007 EXMLGrid,
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Added: ToolTipWidth property specifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels.
10-05-2007 ExRecord,
*Added: OleEvent.ToString property retrieves information about the OLE event, including the name, parameters and values.
*Added: OleEvent.ID property retrieves a long expression that indicates the identifier of the OEL event being fired.
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
*Fixed: A VARIANT parameter passed by reference during UserEditorOleEvent event can not be changed.
10-04-2007 ExG2antt,
*Added: Saves the date and time formats as in the Control Panel in the XML file ( SaveXML method ).
*Added: Draws a fake bar, if the Items.AddBar adds an unknown bar
*Added: Saves/Loads the Column.EditType property, Chart.Bars collection to/from XML, by using the SaveXML/LoadXML methods.
*Fixed: Draws the link over the item's backcolor, so using the Items.ItemBackColor does not cover the links.
*Fixed: The Column.Remove method does not shift the cells to the left, if a column in the middle is removed.
10-02-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to display the column's filter programmatically
*Added: Column.ShowFilter method shows the drop down filter window at cursor position.
*Added: Draws a fake bar, if the Items.AddBar adds an unknown bar
*Added: Saves the date and time formats as in the Control Panel in the XML file ( SaveXML method ).
*Fixed: Draws the link over the item's backcolor, so using the Items.ItemBackColor does not cover the links.
10-01-2007 ExTree,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
*Fixed: Small drawing bug when the user performs OLE drag and drop over items with different heights, and the Background(exDragDropListBottom) and/or .Background(exDragDropListTop) properties are set
09-27-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: DropDownBorder of AppearanceEnum type, may specify a skinable border for the drop down portion of the control, if the last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++.
09-25-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to mark the selected date ( a date being clicked in the chart's header )
*Added: Chart.MarkSelectDateColor property specifies a value that indicates the color being used to highlight the selected date.
*Added: Chart.SelectDate property selects or unselects a date in the chart.
*Added: Chart.UnselectDates method unselects all dates in the chart.
*Added: Chart.SelectLevel property indicates the index of the level that highlights the selected dates.
09-25-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to mark the selected date ( a date being clicked in the chart's header )
*Added: Chart.MarkSelectDateColor property specifies a value that indicates the color being used to highlight the selected date.
*Added: Chart.SelectDate property selects or unselects a date in the chart.
*Added: Chart.UnselectDates method unselects all dates in the chart.
*Added: Chart.SelectLevel property indicates the index of the level that highlights the selected dates.
*Fixed: The RClick and Click events are not fired if the cursor hovers the chart area.
09-24-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++.
09-19-2007 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
09-18-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to insert <`a`> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <'`a id;options'> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
09-17-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Chart.LevelFromPoint property retrieves the index of the level from the cursor.
*Added: Emphasizes the today marker ( MarkTodayColor property )
*Fixed: Removes the optional flag for Options parameter of the GetItems method so #import directive doesn't fire the error C2668: 'GetItems' : ambiguous call to overloaded function, when the Items property is called in C++.
09-14-2007 ExListBar,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
09-13-2007 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
09-12-2007 ExButton,
*Added: Multiple improvements to selecting picture panel, in EBN builder, including zooming.
*Added: The Designer's 64 button loads from the clipboard a BASE64 string that encodes an EBN object.
*Added: The Designer's 64 button generates the BASE64 string that encodes the current EBN object, and copies it in the clipboard as text.
09-10-2007 ExGantt
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Chart.LevelFromPoint property retrieves the index of the level from the cursor.
*Added: Emphasizes the today marker ( MarkTodayColor properry )
09-08-2007 ExList,
*Added: The BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListTop and BackgroundPartEnum.exDragDropListBottom visual effects are applied on the target control ( not only on the source control ), when performing OLE drag and drop operation.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Fixed: The control cant's scroll up during OLE drag and drop operations.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
09-07-2007 ExScrollBar,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
09-06-2007 ExEdit,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
09-05-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: BorderStyle property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
08-30-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to highlight the non-working hours
*Added: Chart.NonworkingHours property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working hours, for each hour in a day a bit.
*Added: Chart.NonworkingHoursPattern property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the pattern being used to fill non-working hours.
*Added: Chart.NonworkingHoursColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to fill the non-working hours.
08-28-2007 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to display the column's filter programmatically
*Added: Column.ShowFilter method shows the drop down filter window at specified position with giving size
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data.
08-27-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to highlight the non-working hours
*Added: Chart.NonworkingHours property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working hours, for each hour in a day a bit.
*Added: Chart.NonworkingHoursPattern property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the pattern being used to fill non-working hours.
*Added: Chart.NonworkingHoursColor property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to fill the non-working hours.
08-27-2007 ExComboBox,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Fixed: Hides the tooltip, if the user presses the ALT + TAB key to activate anothe window, when Style property is Simple,
08-23-2007 eXHelper (updated)
The eXHelper tool includes a translator/convertor of x-script language to programming languages like VB6, VFP, VB.NET, C# and C++. This way you will be able to select on the fly the programming language you want to have the presented sample. As possible, based on your requests, multiple programming languages will be added. The x-script language is mostly used to initialize any of our UI component in design mode. For instance the script 'Chart.Bars.Copy("Task","T2").Pattern = 5' for any of our gantt controls means 'coping the "Task" bar to a new bar named "T2" with a new specified pattern'.
08-22-2007 ExTab,
*Added: Multiple improvements in selecting picture panel, in builder, including zooming.
*Fixed: Accessing the Template page fails in design mode, for .COM environments
08-21-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <'a id;options'> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
08-20-2007 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to use anchor elements in HTML text.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
08-20-2007 ExSkin,
*Added: Multiple improvements to selecting picture panel, in builder, including zooming.
08-10-2007 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indi
08-09-2007 ExButton,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ToolTipWidth property specifies the width of the tooltip's window
08-08-2007 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
08-08-2007 ExTab,
*Fixed: Accessing the Template page fails in design mode, for .COM environments
08-07-2007 EBN Gallery
The EBN file provides skin capabilities for almost all of our UI components. Check the gallery for few samples that we have built.
08-06-2007 ExplorerTree,
*Added: <`font face;size`> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until <`/font`> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
*Fixed: Items.IsItemVisible property retrieves 1 instead -1 which means True
08-03-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Conditional Format support (The conditional formatting feature allows you to apply formats to a cell or range of cells, and have that formatting change depending on the value of the cell or the value of a formula)
*Added: ConditionalFormat object. Specifies the formula and the format to be applied
*Added: ConditionalFormats collection. Holds a collection of ConditionalFormat objects.
*Added: ConditionalFormats property. Retrieves the control's ConditionalFormats collection
*Update: ExPrint.dll
08-02-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to define custom filters
*Added: Column.CustomFilter property defines custom filters.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Fixed: If the Chart.FirstWeekDay is exMonday, t The week number (%ww%) is calculated based on the ISO8601 date/time format, else the week number is calculated as January 1st indicates the first week of the year.
08-01-2007 ExCalendar,
*Added: [CalendarCombo.]CommentBackColor property specifies the color to highlight the commented events, also support EBN files
*Added: [CalendarCombo.]FirstVisibleDate property retrieves the first visible date
*Added: [CalendarCombo.]LastVisibleDate property retrieves the last visible date
*Added: If the CommentBackColor is the same as control's BackColor property, the commented events are not highlighted
07-31-2007 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Fixed: Ensures that the drop down filter window fits the screen client area.
07-30-2007 ExEdit,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports icons. For instance, the <img>1</img> displays the first icon in the control's images list
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
07-26-2007 ExGrid,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content.
07-24-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to define custom filters
*NEW: Ability to display the column's filter programmatically
*Added: Column.CustomFilters property defines custom filters.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Added: Bar.Height property specifies the height of the bar.
*Added: Column.ShowFilter method shows the drop down filter window at specified position with giving size.
07-24-2007 ExComboBox,
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too.
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
07-23-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
07-20-2007 ExplorerBar,
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ItemFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the item from the cursor.
*Added: GroupFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the group from the cursor.
07-20-2007 ExListBar,
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ItemFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the item from the cursor.
*Added: GroupFromPoint(-1,-1) retrieves the group from the cursor.
07-19-2007 ExList,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: AnchorFromPoint(X,Y) retrieves the identifier anchor from the cursor
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
07-17-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to save/load the control's data to/from XML documents.
*Added: LoadXML method loads the control's data from XML documents that was previously saved using the SaveXML method.
*Added: SaveXML method saves the control's data to XML documents. Later, you can use the LoadXML method to load such of documents.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the arrows ( of the links ) are not hidden when performing quick scroll.
07-13-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
07-11-2007 ExOrgChart,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
07-10-2007 ExTab,
*NEW: Ability to use the control in .NET forms.
*Added: CContainer property specifies the container that hosts the controls being displayed in the pages of the control.
*Added: Page.Controls property. Specifies the list of controls in the page when the environment doesn't support ISimpleFrameSite interface.
*Added: LeftPictureRoot property specifies the indent of the picture on the root object.
*Added: TopPictureRoot property specifies the indent of the picture on the root object.
07-09-2007 EXMLGrid,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
07-09-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*NEW: Ability to display the column's filter programmatically
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Column.ShowFilter method shows the drop down filter window at specified position with giving size
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
06-28-2007 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to use anchor elements in HTML cells.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
06-26-2007 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to display skins for any part that paints one or multiple icons. For instance, RadioImage(0) = &H23000000, specifies that the radio buttons that are unchecked ( state 0 ) to display the skin with the identifier &H23 ( 35 decimal ), that was previously added using the VisualAppearance.Add property.
*NEW: Ability to save the control's content to EMF format, and so to BMP, JPG, PNG formats.
*Added: Copy method. Copies the control's content to the clipboard, in Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom, RadioImage, CheckImage, Items.CellImage, Items.CellImages, Column.HeaderImage, any HTML caption that includes <img> tags, supports skins.
06-25-2007 ExRolList,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
06-21-2007 ExG2antt,
*Added: ScrollBarsEnum.DisableNoHorizontal type. The horizontal scroll bar is always shown, it is disabled if it is unnecessary.
*Added: ScrollBarsEnum.DisableNoVertical type. The vertical scroll bar is always shown, it is disabled if it is unnecessary.
*Added: ScrollBarsEnum.DisableBoth type. Both horizontal and vertical scroll bars are always shown, disabled if they are unnecessary.
*Fixed: Items.ItemFiltered property retrieves the True, only if all parent items are expanded.
*Fixed: The Editor.Option(exCalcButtons) property uses the ';' character to separate buttons, instead ',' character, so if the decimal symbol is ',' the buttons are separated ok.
06-21-2007 ExMenu,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Fixed: Some inside ActiveX controls requires activation before accessing it through the Control.Object property
06-20-2007 ExEdit,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
06-18-2007 ExGrid,
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: Column.Def(exCellOwnerDraw) property assigns an owner draw object for the entire column.
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
06-15-2007 ExCalendar,
*Added: CalendarCombo.CheckBox property specifies whether the label displays a checkbox to the left of the date. When unchecked, no date is selected.
*Added: CalendarCombo.CheckImage property specifies the image being displayed as checkbox.
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
06-14-2007 ExFileView,
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns when the user presses the SHIFT key and double clicks the line between two sizable columns.
*Added: Resizes the columns for best fit, of all sizable columns from the right of double clicked column, when the user presses the CTRL key.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
06-13-2007 ExButton,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;tooltip> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
06-11-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to display the column's filter programmatically
*Added: Column.ShowFilter method shows the drop down filter window at specified position with giving size
*Added: Column.Def(exCellOwnerDraw) property assigns an owner draw object for the entire column.
*Added: Ensures the the drop down window is not displayed off the screen.
06-07-2007 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel 
06-05-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to specify the graphic feedback for the dragging items while OLE drag and drop operation is performed.
*Added: Background(exDragDropBefore) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor before showing the items. This option can be used to apply a background appearance to the items that are dragged, before any item is painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropAfter) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor after showing the items. This option can be used to apply a semi-transparent/opaque background appearance to the items that are dragged, after they are painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListTop) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the top half of the row.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListBottom) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBottomHalf type specifies whether the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
06-04-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
05-31-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found.
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
05-29-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to define custom filters
*Added: Column.CustomFilters property defines custom filters.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data.
05-28-2007 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color for parts of the control.
05-25-2007 ExListBar,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in HTML captions.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
05-25-2007 ExEditors,
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML editor.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
*Added: ToolTipDelay property specifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears.
*Added: ToolTipPopDelay property specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control.
05-23-2007 ExHelper,
We are happy to announce a new tool, eXHelper, that's your guide to learn and find things faster in our UI components. The tool provides a list of questions and the code required to answer the question. The eXHelper allows you to find the answer to your questions as easy as typing the question. The tool will be available for any of our UI components, that supports WYSWYG Template editor. 
05-23-2007 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to specify the graphic feedback for the dragging items while OLE drag and drop operation is performed.
*Added: Background(exDragDropBefore) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor before showing the items. This option can be used to apply a background appearance to the items that are dragged, before any item is painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropAfter) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor after showing the items. This option can be used to apply a semi-transparent/opaque background appearance to the items that are dragged, after they are painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListTop) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the top half of the row.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListBottom) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBottomHalf type specifies whether the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
*Chang: VB\DragDrop sample
05-17-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: CardView support. Ability to display control's data as cards
*Added: ViewMode property. Specifies how the data is displayed on the control's view.
*Added: ViewModeOption property. Specifies options for the control's view mode.
*Added: Items.ExpandCard property. Expands or collapses the card.
*Added: Items.ExpandAllCards property. Expands all cards.
*Added: Items.CollapseAllCards property. Collapses all cards.
*Fixed: On Windows 98/Me systems the user can't scroll the control's data.
05-17-2007 ExG2antt,
*Added: Draws the nonworking dates ( Chart.AddNonworkingDate method ) , whenever if possible, even if the base unit is not exDay.
*Added: ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarCanMove type specifies whether a specific bar can be moved.
*Fixed: The focus is not being transferred to a child window over the gantt chart area, if Chart.DrawDateTicker property is True.
*Fixed: Adjusts the drawing-link between two bars, when they belongs to the same item.
*Fixed: Sometimes the Column.Remove method produces GPF when calling during the MouseUp event.
*Fixed: The scrollbar is not functional if your mouse buttons configuration in the Control Panel is for Left-Handed.
05-16-2007 ExCalendar,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: CalendarCombo.Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the label of the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as label's borders.
*Added: CalendarCombo.Background(exDropDownAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the drop down portion of the control.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
05-14-2007 ExMenu,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Border property specifies a predefined border for the menu, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as menu's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the menu's border.
*Added: MenuBarBorder property specifies a predefined border for the menu bar, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as menubar's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the menubar's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
05-11-2007 ExSlider, ( initial release)
The Exontrol's eXSlider component allows you adding skinable sliders to your forms or dialogs. A "slider control" (also known as a trackbar) is a window containing a slider and optional tick marks. When the user moves the slider, using either the mouse or the direction keys, the control sends events to indicate the change. The volume controls in the Windows operating system are slider controls. 
05-11-2007 ExList,
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the eXPrint.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
*Fixed: Calling Items.ItemPosition property several times slows displaying the control's data.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
*Fixed: Small drawing bug when the user performs OLE drag and drop over items with different heights, and the Background(exDragDropListBottom) and/or .Background(exDragDropListTop) properties are set
05-09-2007 ExScrollBar,
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ToolTipWidth property specifies the tooltip's width in pixels.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Fixed: Initializes the TooltipText property in design mode.
05-07-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: FormatColumn event allows cells to format thier captions.
*Added: Column.FireFormatColumn property specifies whether the column fires the FormatColumn event to format the captions in the column.
05-03-2007 ExLabel, ( initial release)
The Exontrol's eXLabel component allows you adding HTML labels to your forms or dialogs. As usual features include: built-in HTML format, multiple lines, tooltip support, ability to use anchor/link elements,  WYSWYG Template editor, word wrapping, auto size, icons, pictures support, skinning, ANSI and UNICODE, and more.
05-02-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify the graphic feedback for the dragging items while OLE drag and drop operation is performed.
*Added: Background(exDragDropBefore) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor before showing the items. This option can be used to apply a background appearance to the items that are dragged, before any item is painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropAfter) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor after showing the items. This option can be used to apply a semi-transparent/opaque background appearance to the items that are dragged, after they are painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListTop) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the top half of the row.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListBottom) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBottomHalf type specifies whether the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
04-30-2007 ExRolList,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
04-27-2007 ExFileView,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. For instance, you can use the EXPRINT.PrintExt = CONTROL.ExecuteTemplate("me") to print the control's content
04-25-2007 ExSkinBox,
*NEW: Ability to insert <a> anchor elements in Out or Input message boxes.
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found.
04-23-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to define custom filters
*Added: Column.CustomFilters property defines custom filters.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskkType editor.
*Fixed: Fits the drop down filter window to the screen
04-23-2007 ExPrint,
*NEW: Using eXPrint library you can programmatically generate BASE64 encoded strings from your pictures, icons or files.
*Added: Encode64 property encodes a picture/file to a BASE64 encoded string.
*Added: Encode64Icons property encodes a list of icons to a BASE64 encoded string.
04-20-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to define the visual appearance for the editor's spin control.
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exSpinUpButtonUp, specifies the visual appearance for the up spin button when it is not pressed.
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exSpinUpButtonDown, specifies the visual appearance for the up spin button when it is pressed.
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exSpinDownButtonUp, specifies the visual appearance for the down spin button when it is not pressed.
*Added: BackgroundPartEnum.exSpinDownButtonUp, specifies the visual appearance for the down spin button when it is pressed.
*Added: The SpinType editor increases or decreases the date if the cell displays a date.
04-20-2007 ExTab,
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too.
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ToolTipWidth property specifies the width of the tooltip, in pixels.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters.
04-18-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Option(exFontCharSet) property specifies a list character sets being included in the font editor.
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskkType editor.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
04-18-2007 ExEditors,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: < img >...< /img > HTML element indicates the index of icon being inserted in the editor's caption
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
04-16-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to draw pictures or HTML text on any link.
*Added: LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkText specifies the HTML text being displayed on the link
*Added: Chart.LinkFromPoint property retrieves the key of the link from the point.
*Added: Bar.Height property specifies the height of the bar.
04-13-2007 ExRolList,
*NEW: Ability to change the visual appearance of the control's borders using skins, including transparent areas or round borders too.
*Added: Appearance property specifies a predefined border for the control, or a color expression whose last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the value indicates the index of the skin in the Appearance collection, being displayed as control's borders. For instance, if the Appearance = 0x1000000, indicates that the first skin object in the Appearance collection defines the control's border.
*Added: Background(exToolTipAppearance) property specifies the visual appearance of the tooltip's borders. For instance, if the Background(exToolTipAppearance) = 0x2000000, indicates that the second skin object in the Appearance collection defines the tooltip's border. 
*Added: Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's background, while the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property is 0.
*Added: Background(exToolTipForeColor) property specifies the tooltip's foreground color, if this is not 0. By default, the system indicates the tooltip's foreground color, while the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property is 0.
04-12-2007 ExplorerBar,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
04-11-2007 ExListBar,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too. 
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
04-05-2007 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
04-03-2007 ExButton,
*NEW: Creating EBN files quick and easy
*Added: Zoom\Settings\Load Picture loads a picture from a file, and apply each corresponding parts from the picture to the skin.
*Added: Zoom\Settings\Load Picture From Clipboard loads a picture from the clipboard, let the user select a portion of the picture from the clipboard, and apply each corresponding parts to the current skin. Use this options to create EBN files from portions of your screenshot.
*Added: You can specify the margins of the skin, by click and drag the margins in the Zoom window, and the skin is changed accordingly.
*Added: You can specify the transparent colors for parts of the skin, by click the point to be transparent in any part of the picture.
04-02-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to display the column's filter programmatically
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Column.ShowFilter method shows the drop down filter window at specified position with giving size
03-29-2007 ExRecord,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ShowToolTip( ToolTip, Title, X, Y ) shows the tooltip at specified coordinates
*Added: ToolTipFont property specifies the tooltip's font.
*Added: ToolTipWidth property specifies the width of the tooltip's window.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskType editor.
03-28-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
*Fixed: Updates properly the Chart.FirstVisibleDate property based on the Lavel.Unit and Level.Count properties when moving the bar in the overview area ( in prior versions the FirstVisibleDate property is changed based on Level.Unit property only ).
03-27-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to draw pictures or HTML text on any link.
*Added: LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkText specifies the HTML text being displayed on the link
*Added: Chart.LinkFromPoint property retrieves the key of the link from the point.
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exShowPictureType specifies whether a PictureType editor displays the type of the picture.
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskkType editor.
03-26-2007 ExToolTip, ( initial release)
The Exontrol's ExToolTip provides featured tooltips for your application. The tooltip is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor, usually a mouse pointer. The user hovers the cursor over an item, without clicking it, and a small box appears with supplementary information regarding the item being hovered over.
03-26-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: [Group.]ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
03-26-2007 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to highlight the column when the cursor hovers the header
*Added: Background(exCursorHoverColumn) property. Specifies the visual appearance of the column when the cursor hovers the header.
*Added: The EnsureVisibleColumn calls DoEvents ( or equivalent of ) before, so the layout of the columns is processed first.
*Fixed: Serializes the Items.CellData and Items.ItemData in ToTemplate format.
03-21-2007 ExEdit,
*Added: The control supports the CF_UNICODETEXT clipboard format when the user drags and drops text or when UNICODE text is copied and pasted.
*Fixed: In the UNICODE version, square characters are inserted when the user drags text to the control.
*Fixed: System "hangs" when searching 1 character using the option "Match whole word only" in the find dialog
03-19-2007 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Fixed: The KeyUp event is not fired for arrow keys.
03-16-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to insert hyperlinks anywhere in the cell's caption
*Added: <a id;options> (anchor) built-in HTML element is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.
*Added: The AnchorClick( AnchorID, Options ) event notifies whether the user clicks an anchor HTML element.
*Added: FormatAnchor property specifies the visual effect for anchor elements.
03-14-2007 ExOrgChart,
*Added: NodeFromPoint( -1, -1 ) property gets the node from the cursor position.
*Added: LinkTo property links assistant nodes too.
*Added: Node.ShowLink property. Shows or hides the links between node and its child nodes or its parent, if is it an assistant node.
*Fixed: In some cases, the assistant nodes may intersect the neighbor nodes.
*Fixed: Node.Position can't be changed for an assistant node.
03-13-2007 ExCalendar,
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too.
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Fixed: The day is set on the first day of the month, when the user changes the month using the arrow keys.
03-13-2007 ExPopupMenu,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
03-12-2007 ExButton,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too.
*Fixed: Tab characters display square characters
03-09-2007 ExMenu,
*Added: <font face;size> built-in HTML tag that specifies the font and the size to draw a portion of text until </font> is found. 
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property retrieves a Variant value, instead of a String, so it can returns Objects too.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
03-08-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
*Fixed: The user can't resize some bars if the bars are grouped to a recursive group.
03-08-2007 ExPrint,
*NEW: Caption and ExtraCaption properties support built-in HTML, so your header/footer may display multiple-lines captions, parts with different colors, fonts or font attributes, and so on
*Added: Font property. Specifies the font to draw the Caption, PageNumbers and ExtraCaption properties
*Fixed: PageOrientation property is updated when the Settings(exPageOrientation) property is changed.
03-05-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar..
03-01-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to display skins for any part that paints one or multiple icons. For instance, RadioImage(0) = &H23000000, specifies that the radio buttons that are unchecked ( state 0 ) to display the skin with the identifier &H23 ( 35 decimal ), that was previously added using the VisualAppearance.Add property.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom, RadioImage, CheckImage, Items.CellImage, Items.CellImages, Column.HeaderImage, any HTML caption that includes <img> tags, supports skins.
*Added: A computed field displays the days between two dates, if subtraction operator is used in the formula for cells of DATE type.
*Added: Draws the nonworking dates ( Chart.AddNonworkingDate method ) , whenever if possible, even if the base unit is not exDay.
02-28-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*NEW: Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
*Added: Appearance object. Defines a collection of skins.
*Added: VisualAppearance property. Specifies an object that defines the control's visual appearance.
*Added: Background property. Specifies a background color or a skin for different parts like drop down filter button, closing filter bar button and so on.
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
02-26-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to define custom filters
*Added: Column.CustomFilters property defines custom filters.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Added: By default, the control's frame (borders) and the drop down button have the appearance of the standard XP combobox, when running on Windows XP.
02-26-2007 ExEditors,
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted, in a MaskkType editor.
*Fixed: The GotFocus and LoseFocus events on VB are not fired when clicking the control.
02-23-2007 ExFileView,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the buttons in the scrollbar
*Added: ScrollOrderParts(ScrollBar) property. Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar.
*Fixed: The FileType.IconIndex property hides the file's icon if a custom icon is used.
02-21-2007 ExTree,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
*Added: A computed field displays the days between two dates, if subtraction operator is used in the formula for cells of DATE type.
02-19-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to specify the graphic feedback for the dragging items while OLE drag and drop operation is performed.
*Added: Background(exDragDropBefore) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor before showing the items. This option can be used to apply a background appearance to the items that are dragged, before any item is painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropAfter) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor after showing the items. This option can be used to apply a semi-transparent/opaque background appearance to the items that are dragged, after they are painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListTop) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the top half of the row.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListBottom) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBottomHalf type specifies whether the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
02-16-2007 ExListBar,
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Added: Adds more accurate icons when you drag files to the control's images panel
02-14-2007 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to define custom filters
*Added: Column.CustomFilters property defines custom filters.
*Added: Column.Def(exCellVAlignment) defines the vertical alignment for the entire column
*Fixed: Updates the column's width once the user changes the Caption property during the AfterCellEdit event.
02-13-2007 ExRollist,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
02-12-2007 ExGrid,
*NEW: Ability to save the control's content to EMF format, and so to BMP, JPG, PNG formats.
*Added: Copy method. Copies the control's content to the clipboard, in Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format.
*Added: A computed field displays the days between two dates, if subtraction operator is used in the formula for cells of DATE type.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves the result.
*Fixed: The Editor.Option(exCalcButtons) property uses the ';' character to separate buttons, instead ',' character, so if the decimal symbol is ',' the buttons are separated ok.
*Fixed: Retrieves the original client area for the editing cell, when the CRD cell displays the owner cell.
*Fixed: The AllowCopyTemplate property copies only a single character to the clipboard, in UNICODE version.
02-08-2007 ExplorerBar,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
02-08-2007 ExMaskEdit,
*Added: Locates the closest position where the typed character can be inserted.
02-06-2007 ExGantt,
*Added: The AllowedEffects parameter is set on 1 (exOLEDropEffectCopy) , if the AllowedEffects parameter is 0 and the user calls the SetData property of the ExDataObject object during the OLEStartDrag event. The Q253282 (Changes to ByRef Parameters in Script Event Handlers Are Not Passed to Controls) expalins why on VBScript, the new value of the AllowedEffects parameter is not passed to the control.
*Added: The \*, \?, \#, \| in Column.Filter masks the *, ?, # or | character in the filter, when the Column.FilterType = exPattern. For instance, if the * character is not preceded by a \ character, the * character matches zero or multiple characters.
*Fixed: The focus is not being transferred to a child window over the gantt chart area, if Chart.DrawDateTicker property is True.
02-06-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Customizable Windows XP Theme support
*Added: Appearance.Add method adds a predefined XP skin defined by class, part and state, from the current XP theme, if the Skin parameter starts with "XP:". For instance, the Add( 1, "XP:Header 1 1" ), adds an XP predefined skin from the current theme, to draw the component's part as the header of the system's listview control in Windows XP
*Added: Appearance.Add("CP:") methods adds a copy of an existing skin with different coordinates.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves the result.
*Fixed: The UserEditorOleEvent event is fired only if there is a focused cell
02-06-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
*Added: Background(exCursorHoverColumn) property. Specifies the visual appearance of the column when the cursor hovers the header.
02-02-2007 EXMLGrid,
*NEW: Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.
01-31-2007 ExPropertiesList,
*Added: HasGridLines property of GridLinesEnum type. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the grid lines are visible or hidden.
*Added: HasButtons property. Adds a button to the left side of each parent item
*Added: HasButtonsCustom property. Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
01-30-2007 ExComboBox,
*NEW: Ability to display skins for any part that paints one or multiple icons. For instance, RadioImage(0) = &H23000000, specifies that the radio buttons that are unchecked ( state 0 ) to display the skin with the identifier &H23 ( 35 decimal ), that was previously added using the VisualAppearance.Add property.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom, RadioImage, CheckImage, Items.CellImage, Items.CellImages, Column.HeaderImage, any HTML caption that includes <img> tags, supports skins.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Fixed: ItemFromPoint property retrieves the previous item, if the list displays locked items.
01-29-2007 ExTree,
*Added: The AllowedEffects parameter is set on 1 (exOLEDropEffectCopy) , if the AllowedEffects parameter is 0 and the user calls the SetData property of the ExDataObject object during the OLEStartDrag event. The Q253282 (Changes to ByRef Parameters in Script Event Handlers Are Not Passed to Controls) expalins why on VBScript, the new value of the AllowedEffects parameter is not passed to the control.
*Added: The \*, \?, \#, \| in Column.Filter masks the *, ?, # or | character in the filter, when the Column.FilterType = exPattern. For instance, if the * character is not preceded by a \ character, the * character matches zero or multiple characters.
*Fixed: The Unicode version truncates the exCFText data, when the control performs the OLE drag and drop operations.
*Fixed: The Column.DefaultSortOrder property is ignored, if the user clicks the column's header, while the SingleSort property is False.
01-25-2007 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to specify the graphic feedback for the dragging items while OLE drag and drop operation is performed.
*Added: Background(exDragDropBefore) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor before showing the items. This option can be used to apply a background appearance to the items that are dragged, before any item is painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropAfter) property. Specifies the visual appearance for the drag and drop cursor after showing the items. This option can be used to apply a semi-transparent/opaque background appearance to the items that are dragged, after they are painted.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListTop) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the top half of the row.
*Added: Background(exDragDropListBottom) property. Specifies the graphic feedback of the item from the drag and drop cursor if the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
*Added: HitTestInfoEnum.exHTBottomHalf type specifies whether the cursor is in the bottom half of the row.
11-25-2007 ExRecord,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
01-24-2007 ExScrollBar,
*NEW: Ability to re-arrange the parts in the control.
*Added: OrderParts property. Specifies the order of the parts in the scroll bar.
01-23-2007 ExEditors,
*NEW: Overtype Mode support, for EditType and MemoType editors.
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exEditAllowOverType, specifies whether the EditType or MemoType editors supports overtype mode.
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exEditOverType, Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the EditType or MemoType editor is running in insert or overtype mode.
*Fixed: On Windows XP, the comctl32 library is improperly released, if the application runs with a manifest file.
01-22-2007 ExEMail,
*Fixed: The Date header field uses installed language to generate the date, instead US-English format.
01-22-2007 ExResizer,
*Added: Enabled property on False, stops hooking the main form.
01-19-2007 ExSkinBox,
*NEW: Ability to load and display custom size pictures to HTML captions.
*Added: HTMLPicture property. Adds or replaces a picture being used in the HTML captions.
*Added: <img> built-in tag supports pictures. For instance, the <img>pic1</img> displays the pic1 picture being loaded using the HTMLPicture("pic1")
*Fixed: On Windows XP, the comctl32 library is improperly released, if the application runs with a manifest file.
01-18-2007 ExCalc,
*Fixed: Calc.Buttons property uses the ';' character to separate buttons, instead ',' character, so if the decimal symbol is ',' the buttons are separated ok.
*Fixed: CalcCombo.Buttons property uses the ';' character to separate buttons, instead ',' character, so if the decimal symbol is ',' the buttons are separated ok.
01-18-2007 ExMenu,
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Added: The UNICODE version can read projects saved using the ANSI version, and reverse.
01-17-2007 ExGantt,
*NEW: Ability to specify nonworking dates one by one.
*Added: ShowNonworkingDates property. Specifies whether the control's chart displays the nonworking dates.
*Added: AddNonworkingDate method. Adds a nonworking date.
*Added: RemoveNonworkingDate method. Removes a nonworking date.
*Added: ClearNonworkingDates method. Clears the nonworking dates.
01-16-2007 ExplorerTree,
*NEW: Ability to display skins for any part that paints one or multiple icons. For instance, RadioImage(0) = &H23000000, specifies that the radio buttons that are unchecked ( state 0 ) to display the skin with the identifier &H23 ( 35 decimal ), that was previously added using the VisualAppearance.Add property.
*Added: ExecuteTemplate property, runs a template and retrieves a value of the variable in the template.
*Added: Group.HasButtonsCustom, Group.RadioImage, Group.CheckImage, Items.CellImage, Items.CellImages, Column.HeaderImage, any HTML caption that includes <img> tags, supports skins.
01-16-2007 ExList,
*NEW: Ability to save the control's content to EMF format, and so to BMP, JPG, PNG formats.
*NEW: Ability to highlight the column when the cursor hovers the header
*Added: Copy method. Copies the control's content to the clipboard, in Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format.
*Added: Background(exCursorHoverColumn) property. Specifies the visual appearance of the column when the cursor hovers the header.
01-10-2007 ExFolderView,
*Added: ExShellFolder.InvokeCommand method invokes a command from the object's context menu.
*Added: Focuses the control before calling the the ExShellFolder.InvokeRename method, so the user doesn't need to focus the control before calling the ExShellFolder.InvokeRename method.
*Fixed: The Rename operation is not performed when the user selects it from the object's context menu, for non-English operating systems.
01-10-2007 ExShellView,
*Added: ExShellObject.InvokeCommand method invokes a specified command from the object's context menu.
*Added: ExShellObject.InvokeRename method renames the shell object.
01-09-2007 ExG2antt,
*NEW: Ability to save/load the control's data to/from XML documents.
*Added: LoadXML method loads the control's data from XML documents that was previously saved using the SaveXML method.
*Added: SaveXML method saves the control's data to XML documents. Later, you can use the LoadXML method to load such of documents.
01-06-2007 ExGrid,
*Added: The \*, \?, \#, \| in Column.Filter masks the *, ?, # or | character in the filter, when the Column.FilterType = exPattern. For instance, if the * character is not preceded by a \ character, the * character matches zero or multiple characters.
*Added: The AllowedEffects parameter is set on 1 (exOLEDropEffectCopy) , if the AllowedEffects parameter is 0 and the user calls the SetData property of the ExDataObject object during the OLEStartDrag event. The Q253282 (Changes to ByRef Parameters in Script Event Handlers Are Not Passed to Controls) explains why on VBScript, the new value of the AllowedEffects parameter is not passed to the control.
*Added: Items.ItemToIndex property retrieves -1, if the handle doesn't not exist.
01-05-2006 ExOrgChart,
*NEW: Ability to save/load the control's data to/from XML documents.
*Added: LoadXML method loads the control's data from XML documents that was previously saved using the SaveXML method.
*Added: SaveXML method saves the control's data to XML documents. Later, you can use the LoadXML method to load such of documents.
01-03-2007 ExEdit,
*NEW: Ability to apply skins on the control's scrollbars
*Added: ScrollButtonClick event. Occurs when the user clicks a button in the scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollPartVisible property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden.
*Added: ScrollPartEnable property. Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled.
*Added: ScrollPartCaption property. Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part.
*Added: ScrollToolTip property. Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.
*Added: ScrollFont property. Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font.
*Added: ScrollButtonWidth property. Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollButtonHeight property. Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollWidth property. Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollHeight property. Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar.
*Added: ScrollThumbSize property. Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar.